Friday 3 December 2021

Jurors in Billion-Dollar Bitcoin Trial Deadlocked for Days — Hung Jury Could Lead to Mistrial

Jurors in Billion-Dollar Bitcoin Trial Deadlocked for Days — Hung Jury Could Lead to Mistrial submitted by /u/jamieBitcoinDotCom
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Most Likely Medium-Term Future for Bitcoin?

I'm trying to gather as many opinions on this topic as possible for my work so any help would be greatly appreciated. Based on research I've narrowed down the most widely discussed potential futures for cryptocurrencies into the following categories.

As these aren't necessarily mutually exclusive events, please comment multiple options below if you feel two or three could coexist.

View Poll

submitted by /u/CryptoChainBlockCoin
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This sub has changed

I joined this sub in July 2020. The same time I bought my first bitcoin, I came here for knowledge and sometimes guidance in strategies. Since then I have dedicated my free time to researching everything to do with bitcoin and I haven’t really been active here since probably January 2021. I made a few comments on a couple of posts over the past week and every interaction I had blew my mind. This sub is full of hopium and dogmatic views. Why isn’t anyone open to discussions anymore?

Example 1 - I read a comment where someone said that bitcoin will never see a bear market again. This to be is absolutely ludicrous, I believe there is a case for arguing that this could happen but I don’t believe it, so I replied arguing it would see a bear market. Then I had multiple downvotes and most people replying were not even open to accepting the possibility.

Example 2 - was actually from a guy who I looked to for guidance when I first joined , r/mark_bear . He made a comment stating that HODL is the best strategy and don’t even consider selling to take profits then buy lower in the bear market. This again sounds ridiculous, surely since mark has been through two cycles already I believe that he would’ve learnt that bitcoin sky rockets at the top of the market and comes down with a crash, if you want to stack sats then surely taking profits and reducing risks towards the top of the market enabling you to buy more in the bear market?

Anyway sorry for the rant but it just feels like the whole sentiment here has changed, I feel sorry for the people who see their bitcoin value drop 80% next year and wish they sold some

submitted by /u/Daleedge
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Jerome Powell Finally Admits That Inflation Is Not Transitory — Bitcoin Is Here To Protect You. You need to make the right decisions to deal with this persistent inflation.

Jerome Powell Finally Admits That Inflation Is Not Transitory — Bitcoin Is Here To Protect You. You need to make the right decisions to deal with this persistent inflation. submitted by /u/sylsau
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When I use Baconreader I can see the upvote to downvote ratio. 69% upvoted. SmartBCH has such positive news it's making it hard for people to suppress but we still have a long way to go.

When I use Baconreader I can see the upvote to downvote ratio. 69% upvoted. SmartBCH has such positive news it's making it hard for people to suppress but we still have a long way to go. submitted by /u/SoulMechanic
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What are the benefits of using a long term secured trust to HODL bitcoin?

submitted by /u/ThiCrayton
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Why Merchants Prefer Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Over Bitcoin (BTC)?

This is truly a great article I happened to run across. Highly suggest you all take a couple of minutes to read it. Then, let me know your thoughts!

submitted by /u/videowarfare
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SmartBCH spotlights: Konra and the tokenomics of the future

SmartBCH spotlights: Konra and the tokenomics of the future submitted by /u/s618o
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Civil forfeiture - Bitcoin fixes this

Civil forfeiture - Bitcoin fixes this submitted by /u/HDmac
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Arguably is bitcoin mining giving extreme value to renewable energy innovations? Making it more profitable to innovate on current renewable sources taking us further away from Coal, Oil and Gas?

submitted by /u/Same-Professional792
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All Private Cryptocurrency Will Be Regulated, Not Banned: Sources in India. India FUD is ending

All Private Cryptocurrency Will Be Regulated, Not Banned: Sources in India. India FUD is ending submitted by /u/tpp6me
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Is there other Bitcoin retires here with a story?

[First let me say that this is throw away account and so Nigerian princes or others scammers be not bothered.]

I’m retired since December 2017 and living of my bitcoins. I moved from a European country to Philippines early 2018. I live in 4 bedrooms house with my lovely wife and 2 children aged 1 and 2. We have a house 20 minutes from a medium sized city. We also have a fulltime nanny/housekeeper living with us and helping with the children and the house.

Seven years ago, I was in my mid-30s. Working in a call center and hated it every day. I did not have any luck with the ladies and the salary was just minimum waged. My biggest fun was 4 weeks’ vacation in other countries at the summer and spending what I saved the other 48 weeks of the year. Doing that for many years and realizing that I was getting lightyears behind others in my age group, no family, no career, no savings, no real plans for the future. Everyday life felt depressing as at least...

Around 2015 I did read hours and hours about Bitcoin and did get my self drunk by hopium what Bitcoin could be. I decided to start buying it. From every salary I bought what I could. I skipped the 4 weeks’ vacation overseas for 2 summers and just kept buying. In 2017 the price for one Bitcoin reached over $1000 again and I stopped buying it because I feared it would crash. Instead it kept rising to new ATHs.

On the late 2017 I had enough of my shitty job and I resigned without having a new workplace. I decided to get several bitcoin debit cards and start selling as soon 10k would be reached and then I would have a long vacation. I managed to sell about 80% of my Bitcoins while the price was over 10.000 and got around 200K+.

200.000 USD does not sound like something you can retire but as we know there is halving happening every 4 years. My expenses are about $30.000/year here and that is with a very good living. I do not own my house, instead I’m renting it as the Bitcoin value goes up faster than the value of houses.

When the price did hit 50k early this year I sold half of my remaining coins and I have savings now for wait out 2 halving’s before I need to sell again. For me its enough if the price just triples after every fourth year to never run out of money. Everything above it is just a bonus.

Sure, I could be still working and saving to one day live in a mansion in Manhattan and have Lambos but why bother? I am in my early 40s and I have the opportunity to be free and spend time with my children while they crow up.

Short Version: It took about 18 months of investing and 1 year waiting to retire.

I know that there are more Bitcoin retires/expats here, would be interesting to hear others stories of your path or of persons you know who are retired thanks to Bitcoin.

submitted by /u/RetireB
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Vietnam's premier Bitcoin Exchange VBTC supporting Taproot withdrawals

Vietnam's premier Bitcoin Exchange VBTC supporting Taproot withdrawals submitted by /u/BitcoinVN_News2020
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