Thursday 9 December 2021

Why I think Bitcoin offers a better monetary standard for the planet than fiat money.

The Austrian School of Economics defends that money should always arise on the free market.

Our current acquired view of money is set on it always being controlled by some sort of central entity (top-down via government). That central authority is in charge of managing both inflation and monetary policy.

Bitcoin, however, offers opposite paradigms. It has no central authority and its supply is limited, auditable, and known in advance.
Economies as a whole are complex and adaptive systems that flow from a different degree of top-down decisions (centralized) and bottom-up decisions (decentralized). It has been proved again and again that economies with an excessive top-down approach (centralisation) don’t allocate resources efficiently.

Problems with a Fiat standard


All price dynamics in an economy are moved by an infinitely complex mesh of individual knowledge that a centralized entity cannot gather. The biggest problem of constantly manipulating the money supply is that it obscures and distorts price signals. It is impossible to find out whether the aggregate demand is growing naturally or because of the additional money injected into the economy.

When the money supply is constantly manipulated, the pure mathematical objectivity of its measurement cability is distorted.

Price signals, however, should always be just a pure mathematical coordinative force for free-market agents. If you measure a door with a measuring instrument constantly inflating its scale, then you don't know whether you measure the door or the instrument, you cannot distinguish the signal (the height) from the nouse (the changes in the unit of measurement).

With productivity gains, prices should fall naturally -we produce more with the same resources-. Price dynamics should only reflect real free-market dynamics. -economic preferences and real demand and supply dynamics-. However, constantly inflating the money distorts the mathematical purity of price signals. As a result, the precision of economic agents to make rational economic calculations is compromised, deriving inexorably in a less efficient economy.


Trying to plan monetary policy in a centralized top-down fashion also leads to the distortion of the time preferences of individuals. In the free market, a natural interest rate forms with the equilibrium between low and high time preferences, but in the fiat standard, borrowed money doesn’t come from someone else’s savings, it is just debt that gets created.

These dynamics make economic calculations less precise and cause the system to overborrow and misallocate capital. Today, interest rates are artificially lower without a lower time preferences. This according to the Austrian school causes the business cycles of boom and busts.

How does Bitcoin solve all these problems?

With a known, auditable, open-source and absolutely scarce limited monetary supply (mathematically objective), Bitcoin allows for pure pristine price signals, preventing inefficiency costs associated with monetary distortion. All price dynamics just reflect real free-market realities (productivity gains, scarcity, abundance,....) that come in aggregate from each economic agent’s decisions. Prices just reflect economic truth.

Interest rates also fluctuate according to real market demand and time preferences in the economy, smoothing the business cycle as a result.

In conclusion, Bitcoin not only allows for a more efficient economy to flourish as money just represents pure mathematical objectivity, it also takes the monetary power away from politicians, dictators, and bureaucrats back to the individual economic agents.

Autocrats like Erdogan in Turkey can corrupt the monetary policy of the central Bank of Turkey, but they will never be able to influence or alter Bitcoin’s monetary policy.

In this last regard, Bitcoin truly unleashes monetary empowerment for all economic agents.

submitted by /u/btc_has_no_king
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What could happen if majority of hashrate 51%+ would drop SegWit support and switch back to non SegWit old BTC nodes?

Could this create a problem? Do old node miners still exist on BTC chain?

submitted by /u/walerikus
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I created a social media website where you can talk about Crypto, and NFTs in one place. I worked really hard on this and would love to hear your feedback!!

I created a social media website where you can talk about Crypto, and NFTs in one place. I worked really hard on this and would love to hear your feedback!! submitted by /u/danktim
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Wednesday 8 December 2021

The Developers Who Wrote Bitcoin’s Taproot Upgrade

The Developers Who Wrote Bitcoin’s Taproot Upgrade submitted by /u/Bitcoin_is_plan_A
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I created a really quick “Bitcoin 101” for beginners. Feel free to tear it apart!

I created a really quick “Bitcoin 101” for beginners. Feel free to tear it apart! submitted by /u/Stock_Whisperer06
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Hi I have an account on I got my free coin, can u send them to my wallet on Coinbase? How? Thank u for answering

submitted by /u/cana420
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This halvening cycle is exactly like every other. DON’T SELL!

I’ve been into Bitcoin since 2016 and I rode that halvening then the following bear market like a boss. What we’re seeing right this second is no different than 4 years ago almost to the day. Halvening happened at the end of 2016 (2020).

Bitcoin touched a new ATH shortly after, then starts middling a little bit right before and through part of December of the next year 2017 (2021).

Finally, it surges to a whole new level that had only ever been speculated upon and most of the crypto market follows.

I’m not a Bitcoin maximalist, but I believed in BTC first and I always will believe in it as a store of value and the original founder of the financial revolution.

Keep HODLing and don’t you dare fucking sell!

submitted by /u/RecoveringFuckup
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These are some easy and good tips for a successful trading

These are some easy and good tips for a successful trading submitted by /u/mangoNya
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El Salvador Update : Local small businesses say Bitcoin is easier to use, it has improved sales, connects more people to business, there's no need to go to ATM and it can't be stolen

El Salvador Update : Local small businesses say Bitcoin is easier to use, it has improved sales, connects more people to business, there's no need to go to ATM and it can't be stolen submitted by /u/KAX1107
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WonderFi and Animal Capital to Launch “Money Goals” – A Financial Literacy Initiative Leveraging Voices of Major Influencers

Vancouver, British Columbia - December 7, 2021 - WonderFi Technologies Inc. (NEO: WNDR)(OTC:WONDF)(the "Company" or "WonderFi") today announced the launch of "Money Goals", a financial literacy initiative in partnership with Animal Capital and Josh Richards, focused on Gen Z.

Money Goals was created after Animal Capital founders Josh Richards and Marshall Sandman identified a lack of relevant resources for Gen Z that support knowledge of both traditional finance and new forms of finance like cryptocurrency.

"Kids today are less inclined to go to a textbook to learn about money - instead they want to learn from ...

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