Wednesday 5 January 2022

Apple rejects Bitcoin EC curve: Please help writing - on Github - CONSTRUCTIVE and POLITE contra-arguments and maybe we can convince them to change their mind (requires Github account)

Apple rejects Bitcoin EC curve: Please help writing - on Github - CONSTRUCTIVE and POLITE contra-arguments and maybe we can convince them to change their mind (requires Github account) submitted by /u/Sajjon
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How to Invest in the Metaverse

How to Invest in the Metaverse submitted by /u/NoReputation14
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Bitcoin Genesis block - Banking sector now and then - How can DeFi can save us from rampant Inflation

Bitcoin Genesis block - Banking sector now and then - How can DeFi can save us from rampant Inflation submitted by /u/CartographerWorth649
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AI GPT-3 trained with all texts written by Satoshi Nakamoto

376 kb of plain text, with date and context metadata. Includes the whitepaper, web, Bitcointalk, public and private emails.

AI GPT-3 davinci v3. Documentation source, thanks to @wakgill.

> What is your name?
GPT-3> Satoshi Nakamoto.

> What is Bitcoin?
GPT-3> Bitcoin is a new electronic cash system that uses a peer-to-peer network to prevent double-spending. It's completely decentralized with no server or trusted parties.

> Why was Bitcoin created?
GPT-3> Bitcoin was created as a way to escape "arbitrary inflation."

> What is the problem with the Byzantine Generals?
GPT-3> The problem is that they need to agree on a plan, and they need to do it quickly, without trusting one another.

> What role is equivalent to the Byzantine Generals in the Bitcoin project?
GPT-3> The role of the Byzantine Generals is equivalent to the role of miners in the Bitcoin project.

> What is the scale purpose of Bitcoin?
GPT-3> Bitcoin is designed to be a low-trust, low-cost, global, digital currency and payment system.

> What does Satoshi want?
GPT-3> Satoshi wants people to use Bitcoin to escape arbitrary inflation and to help libertarians.

> How should disputes over the Bitcoin protocol be resolved?
GPT-3> Satoshi Nakamoto has not commented on this question.

> Bitcoin challenges according to Satoshi?
GPT-3> Bitcoin challenges according to Satoshi include double-spending and merchant payment processing.

> What is the impact of Bitcoin in the future according to Satoshi?
GPT-3> Bitcoin has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about money and to provide a way for people to escape arbitrary inflation.

To celebrate the anniversary I will cost and paste GPT-3 answers to the top rated questions in this thread for fun. Questions should be concise and limited to the content posted by Satoshi. It is not perfect, sometimes it fails.

submitted by /u/Ozn0g
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Tuesday 4 January 2022

3 Major Signs We're Kicking Off 2022 With a BULLISH Outlook On Bitcoin...

3 Major Signs We're Kicking Off 2022 With a BULLISH Outlook On Bitcoin... submitted by /u/Capulous7217
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We are at least 20 years away from Hyperbitcoinization. The vast majority of people simply don't care about Bitcoin. They don't give a shit.

I spent most of the second half of 2021 trying to orange pill my social circle and I only managed to succeed with my very closest friends.

I noticed that most people either don't care or cannot wrap their heads around it. It's almost like you need to have certain genes or personality type to be a Bitcoiner.

I even visited El Salvador to see it for myself. Most businesses preferred to be paid in dollars than bitcoin. I talked with taxi drivers, small business owners, etc, and they didn't understand Bitcoin. They were all afraid of the "volatility".

I also noticed that some people would get a little interested, ask me a couple of questions here and there, and then said something along the lines of "That sounds really great, I will definitely get into it" and then go on with their lives without getting into it lol.

For mass adoption to happen, I believe the dollar needs to actually collapse so that people look for Bitcoin as the exit. Similar to Argentinans and Venezuelans. They understand the value because they have seen their own governments destroy their currencies.

The US government will try to delay the collapse of the dollar as long as they can with all sorts of shenanigans. I think it will take at least 20 years before people in general lose complete faith in the US dollar.

In the meantime, Bitcoin will continue to behave as a very strong store of value, with a few small countries adopting it as legal tender.

That's how I see it.

submitted by /u/Iguana_The_Wise
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Only 10% of Bitcoin Supply Left to Be Mined

Only 10% of Bitcoin Supply Left to Be Mined submitted by /u/murkyMandrill8235
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Satoshi's choice for the Genesis Block will always remind us about the inflationary nature of fiat: 12 years later, it's basically impossible to eat out for £5 in UK. Good choice, Satoshi!

Satoshi's choice for the Genesis Block will always remind us about the inflationary nature of fiat: 12 years later, it's basically impossible to eat out for £5 in UK. Good choice, Satoshi! submitted by /u/Bitcoin_is_plan_A
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r/bitcoin Censorship Daily: "What happened to all the institutional buying today??"

r/bitcoin Censorship Daily: "What happened to all the institutional buying today??" submitted by /u/Egon_1
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Mentor Monday, January 03, 2022: Ask all your bitcoin questions!

Ask (and answer!) away! Here are the general rules:

  • If you'd like to learn something, ask.
  • If you'd like to share knowledge, answer.
  • Any question about Bitcoin is fair game.

And don't forget to check out /r/BitcoinBeginners

You can sort by new to see the latest questions that may not be answered yet.

submitted by /u/rBitcoinMod
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tired of trolls, shills, moles and bots? join the VIP club! :)

tired of trolls, shills, moles and bots? join the VIP club! :) submitted by /u/tulasacra
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Crypto Mining Stocks: What's Going on With SOS, MARA and RIOT Today?

Crypto Mining Stocks: What's Going on With SOS, MARA and RIOT Today? submitted by /u/Aggravating_One8942
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