Sunday 9 January 2022


How i can convert my btc from my electrum wallet into eth to buy nfts ?

submitted by /u/Historical_Extent657
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Have we finished flushing out the traders and weak hands, yet?

Wouldn’t it be great if they would all dump everything so we could see where the BTC floor really is, and start building up from there with actual investors and hodlers? It would be worth the hit in my opinion to build on a known price that couldn’t be manipulated lower or get rattled.

submitted by /u/Hopeium_Littlefish
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Get in the NFT Domain space Now!! before its too late

Get in the NFT Domain space Now!! before its too late submitted by /u/cryptozaib
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How will strippers be tipped, in a hyperbitcoinized world?

Serious question! One of the enjoyable features of physical cash, is that you can gently place it in the stripper's thong, to tip her. The stripper enjoys it (or at least acts like she does), and you get to feel benevolent and loving. It's just, a great feature. But, it's a whole lot less sexy, to ask her for a wallet address while she's pole dancing, you know?

How will that industry be affected by the adoption of Bitcoin? How will we tip strippers???

submitted by /u/RonPaulWasR1ght
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Hey folks, nothing exactly to Do with bitcoin but can somebody explain why has such a Bad feeling from many people? Many of my friends joined there, also for their own token and Credit card and i thought of reading into it and saw a lot of negative comments obout it but not with a special reason. Just like but dont go to crypto com, is trash/ scam, be carefull etc . Anyone here Haß any information about it ? Thx and have a nice day :)

submitted by /u/Massakahorscht
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They said a store of value, and all I got is a 43% price drop. The BTC community should be honest with the public and stop deceiving them.

They said a store of value, and all I got is a 43% price drop. The BTC community should be honest with the public and stop deceiving them. submitted by /u/Egon_1
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Is this how Market Manipulation looks like?

Is this how Market Manipulation looks like? submitted by /u/Expensive-Feed-8231
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Saturday 8 January 2022

Bitcoin-Core has reached a point where buyers risk losing 40k-70k per coin with very limited upside. Its other coins that havent risen too much, that can 10x-100x in price, so at least the risk reward is there. This is an advantage to having a low current price.

submitted by /u/Oscuridad_mi_amigo
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Are people even interested in p2p cash and using the blockchain?

We keep mentioning this as the main talking point for bch. But what about that will make the masses start using it as a medium of exchange when the other options such as fiat via zelle/venmo etc are no longer as slow?

Part of the original formula that made bitcoin successful in the beginning was the ease, speed, and low fees but banks themselves have improved in regards to this so this is no longer something that differentiates their experience, the only thing is the actual utility of the blockchain itself.

Will people actually make that change when sending fiat has become just as fast and nearly as convenient compared to 2011 ? Today people are able to buy goods and services and send money to friends and family with ease. Will the masses use the blockchain for all their purchases or just stick to the convenience of buying goods & sending money today via centralized systems ?

Perhaps we just have to wait for bch to overtake in actual crypto use and flip btc core instead of relying on people to become educated about the reality of fiat and the blockchain.

submitted by /u/Choice-Business44
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Tim doesn't give a shit because there are more important things in life :)

Tim doesn't give a shit because there are more important things in life :) submitted by /u/MrFatio
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