Tuesday 11 January 2022

Referral systems for BCH?

What businesses offer referral systems in BCH specifically?

We should try to get a mass of people to bring people to BCH in this way.

Lot's of companies used to do this with BTC, or still offer small amounts of BTC that aren't even usable due to network fees. Two examples that come to mind are Purse.io and Coinbase.

Are there any that payout in BCH that we can promote today?

submitted by /u/MemoryDealers
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/s0s9qf/referral_systems_for_bch/

Binance CEO's $96B Fortune Is Worth Double Satoshi's Bitcoin Stash: Report Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao has become one of the richest people in the world—even without his crypto holdings.

Binance CEO's $96B Fortune Is Worth Double Satoshi's Bitcoin Stash: Report Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao has become one of the richest people in the world—even without his crypto holdings. submitted by /u/shaktiprasad28
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/s0v8rv/binance_ceos_96b_fortune_is_worth_double_satoshis/

Wen #Lambo

Wen #Lambo submitted by /u/SnakeDoc25
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/s0u8m7/wen_lambo/

Buying More Bitcoin When Fear is Extreme?

Buying More Bitcoin When Fear is Extreme? submitted by /u/asso
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Tether to the.... Black hole. on Twitter

Tether to the.... Black hole. on Twitter submitted by /u/StablecoinsFraud
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/s0rv8c/tether_to_the_black_hole_on_twitter/

Bitcoin Billionaire Bill Miller is 50% in Bitcoin, Recommends 1% Allocation - Jan 7 2022

Bitcoin Billionaire Bill Miller is 50% in Bitcoin, Recommends 1% Allocation - Jan 7 2022 submitted by /u/Fiach_Dubh
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If Bitcoin returns to $8,000, would that mean the crypto market is dead?

submitted by /u/Defy-Trends
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/s0se3z/if_bitcoin_returns_to_8000_would_that_mean_the/

Books like The Bitcoin Standard

I’m halfway through the Bitcoin Standard and It’s amazing.

Any recommendations for books like this?

submitted by /u/EnceladusJones239
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Yeah it's time to move on (BCH)

You can fight as much as you can, BCH don't has it's place in the top 10 anymore and to be honest it don't deserve it anymore. There are faster and more useful blockchains that can also handle micro payments. I am not trying to be negative or anything and I will still hold a few BCH for the next few years as a memory of the good ol times.

submitted by /u/BCHTOMOON
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/s0qx3t/yeah_its_time_to_move_on_bch/

Prediction on track

In December this post predicted BCH would fall below 0.006 in 2022.

A steady glide path to 0.006 by year end would have BCH below 0.0087 at some point in January. Today, January 10th, BCH stands at 0.00865 - on course for 0.006 by year end.

The glide path to 0.006 has BCH falling below 0.00841 in February.

submitted by /u/foamingmouth6
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/s0r3ia/prediction_on_track/

Monday 10 January 2022

So we have an upcoming eventual mega market crash - stocks/sp500/nasdaq composite index which will simply obliterate BTC and on the other hand we have Jeff Booth, Greg Foss, Michael Saylor and the rest of the mega bulls saying it's pure math and a matter of time before BTC 200-300k+! Let's discuss!

So US Government decides to increase yield on bonds , reduce reckless money printing and a bunch of other decisions that will eventually make stock investors move a lot of their money from stocks to bonds. Basically stocks become kind of a risky and uncertain assets while bonds become the opposite, safe haven, almost zero risk and guaranteed yield. That will eventually crash stocks/sp500 and so on. Understandably this means all huge institutional investors will take their money out of BTC. At best we are expecting another 2-3 to 4 year bear market before markets start to recover. BTC may as well go 10k under easily and stay other for a long time.

On the other hand Jeff Booth and Greg Floss may say that government can reduce money printing and improve bonds yields but that's just a temporary and eventually they will have to start printing lots of money again to avoid stock markets to crash because nobody wants that. Also they may say inflation is going to get worse and worse due to the money printing and the best bet against inflation is Bitcoin.

But my opinion is that Bitcoin is not dependant on reddit uses/bitcoin forums/youtube gurus etc. It's dependant on the big money! And big money is controlled mostly by people who consider BTC a very risky asset!

So I'm thinking who exactly is going to put a lot of money in Bitcoin in a market crisis where stock are going down by 50% and more in a couple of weeks/months. Who is going to risk it? Also is US Government really able to prevent another mega stock market crash? Nasdaq Composite Index is currently at all time highs up currently up around 600% from 2010!

Let's discuss this topic until we figure out every possible scenario!

submitted by /u/gen66
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Can someone here fix this link?

submitted by /u/MemoryDealers
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/rzzdyc/can_someone_here_fix_this_link/

Why is keeping your coin on exchanges dumb?

I see folks say this here and on the sub CC…. Is it just because they’re younger companies? Because of shady shit they’ve done? Because of weaker security? Help me understand.. because if crypto is going to go mainstream it’s going to need to get to the point where leaving my crypto on the exchange is not any more dumb than me leaving my fiat with my bank, or stocks with Charles Schwab (or the like). What am I missing? Thanks!

EDIT: thanks all for the insight, but do you think I’m wrong that at some point if crypto is to really be mainstream these exchanges will need to be similarly safe as stocks left in the custody of your brokerage house? Thanks again!

submitted by /u/aPinkFloyd
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