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I follow a psychedelic YouTube channel called True Life Storys. It's more of a get together between friends and there is always groups of people chatting and talking real life experiences and whats going on. It's kind of like an eye opening channel and I love the topics they talk about which is mostly psychedelics but always diverts into other topics. Today he had a 5 hour show what True calls a marathon.
At first it started off a little slow so I fast forwarded it a bit and I literally landed on the exact part where they were talking about Bitcoin. I am a huge Bitcoin enthusiast and had no idea anyone on the show was also into Bitcoin and surprisingly enough there was a few guys who are really into Bitcoins and seems like they know what they are talking about.
If anyone wants to follow the show I can tell you guys a good channel and besides that if you want to hear what they were talking about Bitcoin check it out. I feel any and all talk about Bitcoin is great because the more people aware about Bitcoin the more our community grows.
Take a look at the video and I hope you like the channel. If you want to fast forward to the Bitcoin part it starts roughly at 2 hours and 24 minutes and goes for about ten minutes.