Saturday, 18 January 2020

Predicting Stock to Flow Sellers

Predicting Stock to Flow Sellers submitted by /u/glissant
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Why does suck so bad, and is there an alternative?

Trying to spedn some BCH online and although Purse has been around for years it seems it’s never improved, the interface still really sucks, right? It’s practically unusable...

Is there an alternative to buy from Amazon and hopefully with a discount too?

submitted by /u/megability
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How is Liquid not an altcoin?

Regardless of the mechanism used to peg one Liquid token to one BTC, how is Liquid not a slight of hand to convince people that a completely separate token on a federated sidechain is actually bitcoin?

submitted by /u/Sugarbird676
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How to make an international bank transfer. Bitcoin Cash OTOH is instant, basically free and cannot be censored. No wonder they hate us.

How to make an international bank transfer. Bitcoin Cash OTOH is instant, basically free and cannot be censored. No wonder they hate us. submitted by /u/SwedishSalsa
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Love how you can find Bitcoin conversation anywhere.

I follow a psychedelic YouTube channel called True Life Storys. It's more of a get together between friends and there is always groups of people chatting and talking real life experiences and whats going on. It's kind of like an eye opening channel and I love the topics they talk about which is mostly psychedelics but always diverts into other topics. Today he had a 5 hour show what True calls a marathon.

At first it started off a little slow so I fast forwarded it a bit and I literally landed on the exact part where they were talking about Bitcoin. I am a huge Bitcoin enthusiast and had no idea anyone on the show was also into Bitcoin and surprisingly enough there was a few guys who are really into Bitcoins and seems like they know what they are talking about.

If anyone wants to follow the show I can tell you guys a good channel and besides that if you want to hear what they were talking about Bitcoin check it out. I feel any and all talk about Bitcoin is great because the more people aware about Bitcoin the more our community grows.

Take a look at the video and I hope you like the channel. If you want to fast forward to the Bitcoin part it starts roughly at 2 hours and 24 minutes and goes for about ten minutes.

submitted by /u/Thinking_Overtime
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Audio Collection of the Unchained Capital Blog (listen to the best bitcoin articles)

Audio Collection of the Unchained Capital Blog (listen to the best bitcoin articles) submitted by /u/Cryptoconomy
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A message about the BTC maximalists and their censorship and propaganda.

submitted by /u/MemoryDealers
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