So are folks going to run the BCHnode for the next hard fork or are we still going with the IFP ABC.
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This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
So are folks going to run the BCHnode for the next hard fork or are we still going with the IFP ABC.
Who are some notable crypto millionaires that have possibly left behind millions in now unclaimed currency?
Weird question, i know but its always seemed funny to me that a persons crypto is usually carried with them to the grave.
I think it's just mind blowing to know that this is a transaction that:
only requires 2 participants: a sender and a receiver. There are no middleman involved.
is impossible to censor. Nobody can stop this transaction from happening.
does not require anybody's permission.
requires no identity on both ends. Actually, it doesn't not even require a human being.
is unalterably written into history and this is even more so as time passes and hashes get stacked on top of them.
can cross borders just as easy as it can cross the internet. As a matter a fact, this transaction might just as well have been sent from mars.
Here is the link to his twitter announcement:
Somebody, or multiple people, should ask him if he has read the open letter to him written by Robert Breedlove regarding his position on Bitcoin. The open letter (CC'd to "Everybody") is available here:
I know there is a big push to get retailers to accept bitcoin, but as we all know, it doesn’t work. Generally, retailers who accept bitcoin tell us no one uses it. I know I don’t. The only way I would pay with bitcoin, is if I was paid in bitcoin. Until then, hodl on. In my opinion it’s more important to get employers on board that retailers. What do you think?
To this day, my country registers approximately 150 infected by Covid-19, of which 6 people have lost their lives due to this virus, my country is in a total quarantine in which only the establishments of sale of food and medicines with working hours between 8:00 am until 12:00 pm, people cannot be on the streets or avenues, they must be kept in confinement and only one person can leave for each family to carry out the buy food or medicine.
This has caused many people to lose their job or it just happens to them like my family who do not receive payment of wages because they cannot go to work, the situation becomes more complicated as the days of quarantine increase, according to the Venezuelan government The quarantine is expected to end at the beginning of June, this being terrible news for my family since we do not have the resources to maintain the necessary food for my family.
Many times I have been involved in and participated in projects in favor of the use and adoption of Bitcoin Cash as a payment method, I am also the creator of the Token SLP ARQUIDAMIA and in the same way I have been part of multiple projects, but this time I must go through the sorrow and sadness of losing your support and collaboration for the feeding of my family, who have been brutally affected by the confinement of the quarantine, our economic resources have been hit and our food supplies are scarce today.
I ave you evidence in images of how the fridges and shelves of my home are found with scarce food, they are images with posters that have my name and my accounts with the accounts and users of reddit and, they are the images of our fridges with scarce food and shelves with almost no food. We have always considered ourselves to be a united family that struggled in the face of adversity but we were not prepared to live through this pandemic. So today I must go through the pain and pain of asking for your collaboration. We need to buy food and medicine to continue this quarantine, please help us.
Bitcoin: 1FbmHa9HwFoBSKN7ZfdgEtiesv18fMuRLA
Disclaimer: I've been trying desperately hard to figure out a usecase for trustless. Am a new researcher to this area.
My main reasoning for basing on government is
If the above 2 arguments is true, then all major applications for blockchain need to be done in countries where citizens don't trust their government and something the government would naturally want to censor.
Perhaps reason why cryptos like Cardano are looking to Africa for their future. People want a secure future and they don't trust their government.
Any ideas or thoughts on this?
The web has become increasingly walled off in the last couple years.
Googling almost anything leads to websites that beg you for your identity and/or subscription. News sites are especially guilty of this model, and you can't really blame them. Journalism needs to be funded by users.
Web content providers have to resort to ugly tactics to fund their work (blocking content, intrusive data mining)
Bitcoin micropayments settled on the lightning network.
Most of us read news articles all day long. I wouldn't mind paying a couple cents to fund someone's independent research they do and share with others. I might spend 50 cents a day to read great content anywhere I click.
This isn't possible with VISA/MC currently, swipe fees are too high. LN micropayments can provide a solution here, this could be the first widely adopted use case for Bitcoin.
Solution already exists has been around for a while, I'm sure there are other similar payment models.
I'm shocked that this isn't more widely adopted by major news sites. Nytimes, wsj, cnn ect.
Make money
I am not a good web developer, 95% of web developers are better than me.
Any web developer out there who wants a great business idea, hook up with a major news organization and implement a simple, quick and easy QR-to-unlock-article payment system. We could point our phones at a website and give them a penny for their thoughts (or a couple pennies)
I'm sure the Bitcoin community would show their love to any content provider that implements.
I'm from the UK, I've just seen on the Daily Corona Virus Update that they'll be removing the debt to our social health care system.
And while I should be happy about this since it's all for saving people's lives. I know that this is a cheque the economy can't cash.
I see that in the states the Federal Reserve says they have unlimited cash and that all loan collectors will be able to use the debt of the people who haven't paid them as leverage for their debts. And so on and so on.
I'm seeing a complete failure of the western banking system. And while I know there is that magical cryptocurrency. I know next to nothing about it. Where to start, how to begin.
I don't want to risk losing any more money than what could already be lost in the quarantine. I still want to work for my money. I know that mining using graphics cards and there is only a chance it can happen, is a thing but I don't know where to go.
Do I need a new browser? How strong a graphics card do I need?
If there was an easy guide to bitcoin everyone would be rich or its value would be massive.
This is not an ask for a hard out.
I want to be taught how to fish so I can keep my family from growing hungry.
Finally ordered my ledger. I was waiting until I passed the .01 mark. Now I'm scared to lose my investment. So Ledger incoming. My keys my coins. Thanks to everyone from this community who supplied encouragement to get this far. Bitcoin forever. All the way to the moon. Cheers.
Though the world is shaken by COVId-19, the technology give us some hope. Just imagine, the global investment in blockchain is reported to reach $34.7 billion by 2025.
Meanwhile, you can invest in yourself right now with NOWPayments: receive money and make payments in a click to have enough time for the things that upgrade you!
A few words for an introduction. I've been going around the world in advertising bitcoin and veneering ATMs. This is not my first project like this, but this time I try do document it. You can find out more on:
I have planned 204 countries. If someone wanna help me I will be pleased
Switzerland: - Zurych - Lucerna - Zug - Brienz - Grindelwald - Lauterbrunnen - Visp - Brig - Stalden - Berno - Tash - Verbier - Zermatt Done!
What you thing about this project? Yes I know is crazy
I'm looking through the block chain timestamps for BTC and here are the big transactions that I came across (which would be comparable to the size of transactions Roger Very might be making with BTC)
~2044.00 BTC transaction:
Transaction value:~ $13M
Fee: ~$3.00
~5000.00 BTC transaction:
Transaction value: ~$34M
Fee: ~$14.00
~1172 BTC transaction:
Transaction value: ~$8M
Fee: ~$2.00
~1700 BTC transaction:
Transaction value: $11.4M
Fee: ~$5.70
There are quite a few more examples if you look at bigger transactions on the block chain, but none of them seem to have extremely unreasonable fees. I just want a clarification as to how BTC is expensive. The highest fee I've seen for a transaction greater than $10M currently is only $15 which is negligible compared to the value of the transaction. Can someone please explain? I can find plenty more examples where fees are only around 70 cents for a $10M+ transaction when Roger Vee has said that fees are usually in hundreds of dollars for just a transaction...
I want to discuss a problem, and I expect to fail and for this to be buried.
I say fail because it looks like the community here strongly supports the development goal (I also do) and in this support they are willing to overlook the implications of a logical flaw that will insure long term failure.
In order to economize and generate value one must use input costs. Under free markets, failing to calculate correctly means you will lose money and once you are broke you will have no resources to continue wasting. Natural resources in our world are scarce, so losing when you make errors is a way to protect those valuable resources. Bitcoin Cash is a valuable resource too.
Paying for development work with a tax removes input costs from the calculation. Developers, no matter how capable or well intentioned, will not have the necessary inputs to economize if their work is funded using taxes. Rather, under a tax there are incentives to perform work that is higher cost, lower quality, and to instead divert resources towards justifying more tax to continue working.
This economic calculation problem was first described 100 years ago. In 1920 Ludwig von Mises wrote "Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth" as a criticism of central planning. It was true then, predicted the downfall of nations, and it is still true in the same way that 2+2=4. A tax removes input costs from the calculation making it impossible to economize.
I accept Bitcoin Cash to create custom cryptocurrency related hiphop songs. Https://
Cheers and limitless Peace
I can't seem to find the WIF of my wallet, and then I also have some unverified tokens there anyway...
The mainstream economist is against cryptocurrency (bch, btc...) for that it has no national credit endorsement, however the credit currency system has only existed for less than 80 years, compared to the ancient monetary system in China it was just like a tip of the iceberg. If you consider credit currency as the eternal form of currency, then the horizon is too short...
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I am very happy to have built my first online store ( and as a cryptocurrency enthusiast I decided that the first product should be something related and so, I decided to have these pins made. If you are interested you can use the code: LESS10, to get 10% discount. If you pay with cryptocurrencies you have another 10% discount. FREE shipping worldwide and in 24 hours. [link] [comments] |
I’ve been seeing it everywhere, how can I make tips in BTC to other redditors and how can you receive them?
...of Ben Bernanke in Congress, where the speaker afterwards thanked him like a serf for using his extraordinary intelligence in the service of the people.
Hi, I am setting up an slp token but when I go to create the token, it says "server not answering". I have already tried a bunch of different servers by clicking on the green dot on the bottom right hand corner, but to no avail.
Please advise
I am thinking about taking one of my favourite songs, and using it to generate the seed for a private key. Then, leaving the song with a cryptic message to some heirs with a legend that the song contains the seed for a bitcoin or ethereum wallet.
Something along the lines of "whosoever be able to decrypt this music shall receive my crypto" type of thing. I want the journey for them to be as technical and magical as possible. I am obsessed with the idea of creating objects of power so to speak.
Does anyone here have any suggestions for software that can turn music into a seed? Obviously going with the lyrics is a start, but that isn't technical. I want to turn the actual music into a key.
With central banks around the world debasing their currencies by printing money out of thin air, I have been giving increasingly more thought on converting my assets into hard money. The debate that rages on in my head is which is the superior hard money. Gold, the standard for hard money that has withstood the test of time over millennia, or Bitcoin, the world’s first decentralized cryptocurrency. Here are my thoughts.
Intrinsic Value
Gold is often toted as being superior to Bitcoin because gold, unlike Bitcoin, has intrinsic value as a commodity. That is, there is gold demand for purposes outside the functions of money. Gold is used in a variety of industries such as dentistry, electronic hardware, aerospace, jewelry, glass-making and more. This means that gold will have value whether or not gold is being used as money. Bitcoin, on the other hand, has no intrinsic value. If people do not accept Bitcoin’s monetary functions then it has no value.
However, if we accept Bitcoin as money, then the fact that it has no intrinsic value is a significant positive. A money founded on something of intrinsic value will always be subject to supply shocks. For example, imagine that demand for gold has been increasing steadily as the aerospace industry expands and gobbles up more gold. Then one day, our brilliant scientists come up with an alloy that renders the functions of gold in aerospace obsolete. The value of gold begins to drop rapidly as we no longer buy gold for aerospace and begin to melt down the existing gold components. The value of gold will always fluctuate based on the demand for its monetary and intrinsic properties. Bitcoin has the luxury of not being subject to intrinsic volatility.
In summary, I have some fear of people abandoning Bitcoin as money and as it has no intrinsic value, I could end up with nothing. However, the fact that it has no intrinsic value means that Bitcoin is resistant to supply shocks, making it a superior money with little chance of the demand dropping to zero.
To me, the threat of confiscation is a real one. The United States, Great Britain and Australia have all passed legislation in the past forbidding the ownership of gold. Citizens were required to exchange their gold for government paper. In the United States, failure to comply could have netted you a 10 year prison sentence.
Today private ownership of gold is allowed, but I am not positive this will remain the case. The political climate is becoming dangerous. The wealthy (and wealth creation itself) are increasingly demonized and cries for socialism and wealth distribution are growing ever louder. This coupled with an imminent economic collapse make ripe conditions to destroy wealth, through both inflation and confiscation.
Already I have concerns. If I convert my savings into gold and try to fly from China to the United States, will the government harass me or potentially even confiscate my gold holdings in the future? Even now, the US Customs and Border Protection state that I have to declare currency and monetary instruments in excess of $10,000, failure to do so may result in seizure. With Bitcoin I have no concern. No government can go through my bags and find Bitcoin to confiscate. As far as my understanding of Bitcoin goes, there is no, or very very little, risk of confiscation. Please correct me here if I am wrong.
Divisibility & Distribution
In terms of divisibility and ease of transfer, there is no debate that Bitcoin is infinitely superior. I am looking into making my first purchase of gold and damn is it a pain in the ass. If I wish to purchase it online at a place such as Schiff Gold, I would need a couple of months, at least, before I could hold my tiny gold bar. They suggest that I store any gold I purchase in their Singapore vault, but then I don’t feel like it is truly my gold and would have to pay storage fees. If I wish to purchase it here in China, I need to set up an appointment at a bank, and as much as I love China, I hate the idea of handing over my info to state run banks to make a gold purchase. Also I’m confined to purchasing units of 10g, 20g, 50g, 100g, 1kg. There is no easy way for me to purchase a value amount that is perfectly suitable for me.
All this being said, to me gold has one large advantage and that is its history and global distribution. Central banks around the world have massive gold reserves and it is common for everyday citizens to hold a little gold in wedding bands and other jewelry. Everybody knows and understands gold has value. It may be quite sometime before Bitcoin can achieve the same status. Already countries such as Russia and China have been increasing their gold reserves, undoubtedly preparing for an event where fiat money collapses and the world goes back to a hard money standard. Clearly the bet of these governments is a gold standard. And why not? It is what the world used for thousands of years and governments around the world already have large gold reserves.
At the end of the day, I still choose Bitcoin. I choose Bitcoin because I believe the power of the people will always be greater than the power of the government. Governments can try to maintain power by going back to a gold standard and confiscating the gold of citizens, but if people choose Bitcoin over gold, then it will not matter. Money and power will have become truly decentralized.
If you want to help people suffering from Coronavirus (COVID-19) through cryptocurrency or want to help poor people, then you can donate to our organization on these wallets. If you want to keep your identity a secret, then we will keep your identity a secret.
BTC Address- 3KNSJtRwvcmDLceYCEbGBgkXYn4EGuwsg6
Litecoin Address- MJ2S3N9p9srBQHDtN5TQypwYrfaQjscAQT
Ethereum address- 0x3B1BA3d21378DC15A00CACC40d44D08340d88D00
Thank you
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I'm a long-time supporter of ALGO V9 for their day-trading data / price-levels for stocks, but I think this level of accuracy/predictability from their AI for Bitcoin now too is absolutely wild... Bitcoin chart they had for 3/31 (UTC date just rolled a few hours ago): Bitcoin chart they generated for 4/1: The date rolled, and *literally* sold off right into one of their price levels, over $150 away... Anybody else know of other services that provide this kind of data (either for stocks or crypto), short of going directly to a hedge fund/bitcoin market maker? [link] [comments] |