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submitted by /u/gattosardo [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/gt9oj2/sometimes_the_spreading_of_a_coin_starts_after_a/
This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
The recent announcement that Goldman Sachs would be holding an investor conference call event to further discuss inflation, gold and Bitcoin had captured the attention of the entire cryptocurrency industry. The investment bank called investors to discuss the “US Economic Outlook & Implications of Current Policies for Inflation, Gold, And Bitcoin”.
The meeting took place yesterday, on May 27, and while there were no specific details concerning the exact content and agenda prior to the conference, most believed the news of the call to be a positive sign for Bitcoin, and that Goldman Sach’s would officially declare the cryptocurrency to be a safe hedge asset against monetary inflation.
However, according to a leaked PowerPoint slide from the May 27 call, it is clear that Goldman Sach’s does not have a positive view of Bitcoin and the slide even seemed overly discouraging.
The recent announcement that Goldman Sachs would be holding an investor conference call event to further discuss inflation, gold and Bitcoin had captured the attention of the entire cryptocurrency industry. The investment bank called investors to discuss the “US Economic Outlook & Implications of Current Policies for Inflation, Gold, And Bitcoin”.
The meeting took place yesterday, on May 27, and while there were no specific details concerning the exact content and agenda prior to the conference, most believed the news of the call to be a positive sign for Bitcoin, and that Goldman Sach’s would officially declare the cryptocurrency to be a safe hedge asset against monetary inflation.
However, according to a leaked PowerPoint slide from the May 27 call, it is clear that Goldman Sach’s does not have a positive view of Bitcoin and the slide even seemed overly discouraging.
I'm not too tech savvy, but i think i got it figured out.
I have a very safe place and method of storing my recovery seed.
Just wanted to share my success story with you guys. It's crazy to look at the wallet the transactions came from. you think you own your crypto on an exchange, but really its just pooled together with $19,000,000 worth of other peoples coins, and the exchange owns that wallet. Pretty crazy! But now my crypto is mine, all mine!! muahaha
I got into crypto in late 2017 when it was ATH. I bought few BTC and started trading Altcoins to increase my BTC stash by following new found so called crypto gurus from twitter. I bougnt bunch of altcoins 50+ and lost all my btc in less than 2 months.
Fast forward to March, 2020 i got back into crypto when it crashed to 4k and bought quite few btc again and i kept in mind not to make that mistake again but this time leverage trading caught me and due to impulse trading, weak hands and being inpatient cost me losing 80% of my portfolio.
I've made lots of mistakes and i know new comers to crypto will make these mistakes too which is not good for crytpo community, so i want to help you all in whichever way possible, please leave your questions below.
The whole point of the Tether infusion is for the central bankers to control all coins by pumping up Bitcoin when other coins pump so people wait to see what bitcoin will do. Bitcoin is their controlled opposition.
When Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash or any coin in the top ten start pumping enough, they start buying bitcoin with Tether to control that. They will not let another coin easily take the number one spot.
You can make a lot of money knowing this.
Hello everyone.
The Federal Reserve is in the process of the biggest financial heist in modern history. They are getting away with screwing the everyday average American, but are bailing out the rich and wealthy. The Federal Reserve is currently burdening future generations with mountains of debt, they are in the process of a massive transfer of wealth from the bottom 90% to the richest of the rich, and are bailing out Wall Street while leaving Main Street to die. We must bring a stop to this.
We will be hosting a protest outside the Federal Reserve Building in Washington DC. The original plan is to protest Saturday, May 30th at 8pm EST. However, we are strongly considering moving it to sometime Monday during market hours. This is not just a DC thing! You can help out by sharing the movement below!
Here is the original protest tweet with over 300 retweets (Please like and retweet): https://twitter.com/MoneyMnuchins/status/1266398326167080960?s=20
Also, join our official discord to discuss the protest and get announcements: https://discord.gg/vdRc3eY
Feel free to share and join the movement!
https://ezpostage.io/ - THE BEST BITCOIN POSTAGE SERVICE
EZPostage.io is a new service that sells mailing postage for Bitcoin
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BTC supporter here since 2014.
When my son was 1 year old back in late 2016, I used up all his birthday money to buy bitcoin for him. Put it on a ledger and kept it away since. My wife told me to sell at $5000, at $10000 and $18000, but i hold it ever since, now she already know I will keep my promise to just give it to him when it is time (probably not at 18, because most youngsters are still retarded at that age)
Anyway, I am so anxious to see his reaction when I tell him he has a certain amount of btc :D and that his 'old fashioned' dad was good for something :P
I hope it will make him instantly financially stable/independent. Or maybe I will get to hear why I didn't sold at $18000 back in 2017! You should have listened to mum!
We wouldn't need Bitcoin:
But we can't, and that's why we need Plan ₿
My now deleted post detailed a purchase I made from Fold for 2 $100 Amazon gift cards that got my account locked. Within a few hours of submitting a report, the Fold team started the refund process for these cards. I will continue using the service for other brands and I can personally vouch for the speed of their customer support team.
hello all
help required,
i need to run bitcoin.com wallet for Windows . how to do that ?
OOTL for a long time. Liquid, SLP, Wrapped Bitcoin, oh my!
Where do I start reading for the basics of pegged side chains?
What's looking like the most interesting projects and progress in the space?
Thank you!
This is a logical fallacy when applied to BCH since it assumes that a state is some how forced to use a crypto that is hostile to it's financing of covert illegal actions.
It also has never been the case historically since state corruption predates the existence of bitcoin and does not require it. Look up the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) as an example.
So anonymity in a crypto currency provides possibly the only option for remittance to individuals without the resources a state or criminal organization have.
So anyone attempting to make this argument is naive or just outright attempting to deceive you into abandoning privacy features for crypto systems.
My friend has had this drone shop for a while and with the covid thing and all, I have used my coin to bail him out of his lease and I'm taking over! Hes still very much involved, but I'm going to give the place a makeover and rebrand the place to make it my own. I still want a Lambo though...
The mounting tensions between the US and China as a result of the ongoing pandemic have contributed to global instability and could ultimately provide a major boost to Bitcoin.
The United States House of Representatives is now spearheading an effort to delist Chinese stocks from the US markets, claiming that they have long been able to benefit from US listings without the companies having to abide by the same rules as domestic companies.
If the government is successful in their move to delist these companies, it could provide a major boost to Bitcoin as more Chinese citizens turn to crypto to escape the mounting economic turbulence.
Ironically, this effort is being driven by Representative Brad Sherman – an outspoken critic of Bitcoin and other digital assets.
Tensions Between US and China Mount as Government Moves to Delist Chinese Stocks
The ongoing global pandemic has largely been blamed on China by officials within the US government, who now appear to be taking actions to increase the country’s accountability.
In a recent interview with MarketWatch, Representative Sherman noted that “it’s time for China to blink first” while speaking about his newly introduced “Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act.”
Rep. Sherman, who has long been an adversary of Bitcoin and crypto in general, explained that this newly introduced act isn’t being floated with the goal of desilting Chinese companies from the US markets, but rather to force them to adhere to the US capital-market standards.
If this act is passed, it could create even greater tension between the two countries, potentially having grave impacts on the recently passed trade deal.
Rep. Sherman believes that the bill will be successfully passed before the end of summer.
Here’s How This Could Give Bitcoin a Boost
Because the delisting of Chinese companies from the US markets could have dire impacts on the country’s economy, citizens residing there may continue turning to alternative investments like Bitcoin to hedge their portfolios.
This growth has been fueled by investors in China and other countries moving to add USD exposure to their portfolios.
The imminent inflation that the US dollar will soon see, however, may also lead some of these investors to convert their USDT into Bitcoin in order to avoid the impacts of the United States’ immense money printing, thus giving BTC a major boost.
The one thing people don't realize Bitcoin is for. You can take out loans on it. So in 10 years when you want a house, or duplex, or triplex, or apartment, or business; you can take out low interest rate loans for them with your Bitcoin, and buy that house, or rental property, or business you want. Something you could never do before any other way. This is what Bitcoin does for you. It grants you the net-worth and financial access so you can have the ability to get loans you could never get approval for before. Something as small as 20$ a month for 1 year or more, 10 years from now, can get you a loan for that house, or business you want but could never afford, or get an approved loan for.
This is also better than selling your bitcoin for a property too. Because chances are, the Bitcoin will be a better investment value wise in the long run, so collateralizing it let's you keep your coin, and get your property, or business. Preferably a rental property, or solid proven business so it pays itself off.
>Edit: A little example of how I realized this lesson the hard way. I lost a bit over 100 million dollars worth of Bitcoins in today's value by selling off almost 1.5 times the value of my first rental property that I'll most likely never recoup. The rental property was 3.87 million at the time, and I had to sell over 5 million dollars worth in Bitcoins at an average of 500$ a coin price in 2015 to acquire it. That was a little over 11 thousand Bitcoins I had to sell for the property. I had to sell off that much because I had to pay off the capital gains tax for selling the Bitcoins in the first place, and still have enough left over to pay for the rental property after capital gains taxes were paid. Since then, I learned my lesson seeing what my coins would've been worth today, and am never making that same mistake again. On my second rental property, I used some of my remaining Bitcoins as collateral to take out a low interest rate loan for it, and sold a smaller amount of Bitcoins so I could make a down-payment on the property. I've already recouped the small amount I sold off in Bitcoins for my down-payment on the second property too with the rental income from both properties.
>The rental income on the second property is 4 times the cost of the mortgage payment every month, so I keep 75% of the rent as profit, and the other 25% that pays off the mortgage. That 25% that pays off the mortgage is a write off too, a perpetual write off at that. It's a write off I get to use on every years taxes that I have to pay on the first property's, and second property's rental income since they're owned under the same entity. And best of all, I still own all my Bitcoins used for the second property, and more now. Unlike the huge loss in Bitcoins I have for the first property's flat out purchase that I'll probably regret for the rest of my life. Learn from me.
Edit 2: A great resource explaining this thanks too u/statoshi's comment: "Check out Chamath Palihapitiya's spin on this from 2014": https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=NV5ubkGQUes#t=81
I was looking into an interesting possibility. Couldn't someone include copyrighted material on the block chain? Wouldn't this technically mean that miners are infringing on copyright laws when they send blocks to others? Although, I might be missing something here. I saw an example of someone putting a copyrighted book on the blockchain. How would this be viewed from a legal standpoint? Any info on this topic would be nice to hear. Thanks.
Bitcoin Cash has been spread pretty well in Australia, but the way I see it, there's a lot of opportunity to spread it to Canada too. Crypto still hasn't caught on much here, so there's a very good opportunity for telling people about Bitcoin Cash.
One thing I've noticed again and again, is the lack of fundamental how to's on all there is, that's new on BCH. This is true, all the way from cash scripts, to the different op codes and their use cases. For anyone that's new to this space with basic or little understanding on what's what, how can they even start. This simple 1 2 step of how to start with "examples", can really be a game changer.. I for one will definitely find them useful.
Calling the ex-girlfriend "crazy" is designed to remove her agency. It encourages people who encounter her to not believe what she says.
This is done to maintain control over the relationship. It makes it harder for the ex-girlfriend to leave the failed relationship behind.
By using that analogy, BTC maximalists are taking away our agency in the same manner.
So I was thinking about Cash Fusion. I was wondering, since Bitcoin Cash ends up at a whole bunch of different addresses, you must need the keys to every one of those addresses to spend them. Where are these keys stored? Can you still recover mixed Bitcoin Cash with only your original private key? Or are they separate from the original private key?
Would like to preface this with: I did this for absolutely no reason other than personal enjoyment out of the numbers & comparisons to things such as the DotCom period & FB. This is by no means a price prediction of mine. Just pure fun with numbers and time. With that said, enjoy.
World Population (W.P henceforth) = 7.8B people
59% of W.P is online (using internet) = 4.6B people
1% of W.P = 78M people
.33% of W.P Use BTC (semi-actively) = 25M people
Price currently @ $9,000 for .33%
BTC Price @ $27,000 for 1% W.P users of BTC
($9K price at .33% * 3 - NOTE: this is 75-78M people using BTC)
If 1/4th of the people who use the internet, used BTC, price estimate becomes: $405,000 per coin(based on the W.P percentage & price, multiplied by the above factors again).
BTC Price @ $405,000 for 25% of internet users using BTC (which totals 1.15B people).
Facebook currently has 2.6B active monthly users (as of first quarter 2020).
25% of internet users using BTC is less than half of Facebook's active monthly user count.
Recap: the $405k price point is based on 14.75% of the W.P semi-actively using bitcoin.
That is 1/4th of the amount of current people using the internet, which sits at 59% of world population.
From current price to projected price would be a +4,500% increase
BTC historically has seen the following:
Last 5 years - +3,757% increase
Last 9 Years - +141,911% increase
It took 10 Years from 0.4% of W.P to 15% to adopt internet.
Tech now moves at a much faster pace, the following is also true:
It then took only 6 Years from 15% of W.P to 30% to adopt internet.
Infrastructure is now already in place for BTC to operate in - unlike when the internet was established.
Now just for fun: What if 100% of W.P online used BTC?
(Considering zero growth in this number over whatever time period this occupies)
= $1,620,000 per BTC(based on the same metrics outlined above)
Simply put, buying and holding bitcoins is like buying domain names in the early 1990s or registering Twitter handles in 2006.
If you got any of the three character domains in the 90s and held onto them you would have the option to sell them for 7 figures today. Likewise if you registered on Twitter as ATT or IBM or some other relevant brand you could sell that account today for a similar amount.
Where Bitcoin beats these, however, is insofar as these accounts are more or less valuable depending on existing organizations, while all satoshis are equal in value.
We are in a land rush, and dollar cost averaging is the best way to stake your claim. This is just one more reason to stack those sats.
OK Gabriel, you convinced me. My money isn't my money. Governments are taking advantage of their citizens. I want to dip my toes into the financial revolution, but I’m not sure how. Can you help me buy some Bitcoin?
I am happy to hear that you are ready to take the plunge!
There are many platforms that allow you to buy and sell Bitcoin, but the best one for new users is Cash App. Cash App is a product developed by Square, that allows you to efficiently transfer money to other users on their platform.
Reasons I like Cash App:
Transparent Fees
Cash App has a flat fee of 1.7%, which is relatively low compared to other platforms. Some platforms, like Crypto.com, offer a 0% fee on purchasing Bitcoin, which make it seem cheaper, but will charge more for the asset itself. The Crypto.com fee structure is more suited for large purchases while Cash Apps structure is suited for small consistent purchases.
Simple interface
Cash App offers a clean and simple interface for processing transactions. Other platforms, like Binance.com, may have more features but this can overwhelm new customers.
Cash App also allows you to buy Bitcoin on a set basis (i.e, $10 every day or $500 a month). Buying small amounts of Bitcoin frequently is a good way to build your bitcoin portfolio with less risk. This is called Dollar Cost Averaging.
External wallet
There is a famous saying in the Bitcoin community:
“Not your keys, not your Bitcoin”
When you buy Bitcoin through an exchange like Cash App, they are in possession of your Bitcoin until you transfer it to a wallet. If you leave it in their position, your Bitcoin is at risk of being lost or stolen.
To secure you possessions, you need a wallet which is like your bank account.
I found Atomic Wallet to be a good option, however as you get more comfortable I recommend branching out. It takes only a few minutes to create a wallet. Just download the app and follow the step. Make sure to write down the 12 word pass code that they provide you with. This can be used in case of emergency to restore your wallet.
When you open the app you will see a list of many different cryptocurrencies that can be stored in your wallet. For the moment, scroll down until you find BTC aka Bitcoin. Click on it and you will have an option to send or receive. When you click receive you will be presented with a QR code and your Bitcoin address. This is your account number. Copy and paste this info into Cash App and in about 30 mins your balance will be reflected in you wallet.
Congrats! You are now the proud owner of your first Bitcoin and part of the finance revolution.
Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency world can be overwhelming for new users. When you’re just getting started, it is important to keep things simple. There is so much information out there, tons of platforms, and a lot to learn. I hope this article helps you as you begin on your Bitcoin journey.
Tried sending few thousand dollars overseas to a family member. Unfortunately, they’re not very computer savvy and doesn’t know a bout bitcoin. Bank wouldn’t allow over $1,000 and an online service I found has a limit of $770, gonna try western union tomorrow but i hear their fees are high and slow... This is why Bitcoin.
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Uber drivers and delivery couriers can use MoneyGram to transfer digital money to friends all around the world in the future. The first countries will be the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom after the partnership between MoneyGram and Uber. [link] [comments] |