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Saturday, 29 September 2018
What's going on with this? Is someone stress testing BTC/BCH?
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Wendy McElroy: Crypto’s Means Are Its End – as Crypto-Statists Well Know This article was originally posted on Bitcoin News - delivering news related to the Bitcoin network from multiple locations around the world. For more follow [...]
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India: Crypto Ban Sees First Casualties as ZebPay Closes Doors This article was originally posted on Bitcoinist - one of the leading sources for information about Bitcoin, digital currency and blockchain technology. With one of [...]
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गेमिंग कंपनियों को प्रोत्साहन देती ब्लॉकचेन टेक्नोलॉजी

गेमिंग की दुनिया में यूँ तो नए गेम और स्टाइल बाजार में उतारे जा रहे है लेकिन फिर भी गेमिंग कंपनियां अपने अस्तित्व को मज़बूती देने के लिए अब ब्लॉकचेन टेक्नोलॉजी पर पूरी तरह से निर्भर होना चाहती है। इसकी झलक फ़्रांस में आयोजित सम्मलेन में दिखाई दी, जहाँ प्रमुख गेमिंग कंपनियों ने एक समूह बनाया। जिसमें मुख्य रूप से ब्लॉकचैन आधारित तकनीक और विकास की योजनाओं पर काम होगा। समूह को ब्लॉकचेन गेम एलायंस का नाम दिया गया है।
इन-गेम आइटमों को ट्रैक करने के लिए ब्लॉकचेन
फ़्रांस में ब्लॉकचेन सम्मलेन के दौरान गठित हुए एलायंस में अल्टो, गिम्ली, फिग, यूबिसोफ्ट, अल्ट्रा, बी 2 एक्सपैंड, कंसेन्सिस, एवरड्रीम सॉफ्ट और एनजिन जैसी प्रमुख कंपनियां शामिल है। सभी कंपनियां अपने अपने स्तर पर जानकारी जुटाने से लेकर शोध कार्य करेंगी और इसके परिणामों को संयुक्त रूप से साझा किया जायेगा। ताकि अन्य कंपनियां इसका फायदा ले सकें। साथ ही एलायंस ब्लॉकचैन प्रौद्योगिकी के लिए कुछ रोमांचक उपयोग मामलों में इंटरलिंक्ड वातावरण के साथ कई गेम में वर्णों का उपयोग करेगा । इन-गेम आइटमों को ट्रैक करने के लिए ब्लॉकचेन का उपयोग करके उन वस्तुओं के मूल्य को बढ़ाने और गेम के बाहर उपयोग करने के नए तरीके प्रदान करना भी इसका अहम् काम होगा।
बिटकॉइन मैगजीन के मुताबिक ब्लॉकचेन टेक्नोलाजी के पूर्णत प्रयोग के बाद व्यापारियों और यूज़र्स को इन-गेम पेमेंट गेटवे और सब्सक्रिप्शन फीस के लिए भुगतान करने की सुरक्षित और तेज़ गति प्रकिया मुहैया कराना सरल हो जायेगा। नैस्डैक के अनुसार एलायंस के प्रयासों के बाद ऑनलाइन गेमिंग के दौरान क्रिप्टो टोकन करने वाले यूज़र्स को काफी सुविधा होगी। साथ ही गेमिंग कंपनियां इंटरचेंज के ज़रिये ग्राहक की रूचि के हिसाब से गेम प्रदान कर सकेंगी। एक तरफ जहाँ खेल प्रेमियों को इसके लिए अतिरिक्त शुल्क अदा नहीं करना होगा, वहीँ कंपनियों को सीधे ट्रेडिंग प्लेटफार्म से जुड़ने का मौका भी मिलेगा।
The post गेमिंग कंपनियों को प्रोत्साहन देती ब्लॉकचेन टेक्नोलॉजी appeared first on OWLT Market.
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TechCrunch Founder Shuns US, Congressmen Demand Clarification From SEC, Battlegrounds Laid For the Fight at Capitol Hill This article was originally posted on Trustnodes - a trusted site covering numerous topics related to cryptocurrency and a great selection of news and editorial [...]
from Crypto News Monitor | The #1 Cryptocurrency News Source
Braiins OS Publishes Open Source Firmware for Mining Rigs This article was originally posted on Bitcoin News - delivering news related to the Bitcoin network from multiple locations around the world. For more follow [...]
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SEC Charges 1Broker With Securities Fraud as FBI Seizes Domain This article was originally posted on The Merkel - with a dedicated cryptocurrency news section and also a variety of educational articles relating to Bitcoin, [...]
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Tron’s TVM To Be Activated By October 8th and other TRX Updates This article was originally posted on Ethereum World News - an independent news provider covereing Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin dApps, start-off ICO’s and the whole Blockchain [...]
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Ripple for Good Focuses on Education and Financial Inclusion This article was originally posted on The Merkel - with a dedicated cryptocurrency news section and also a variety of educational articles relating to Bitcoin, [...]
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ब्लॉकचेन कम्पनी प्रोत्साहन के लिए स्विट्ज़रलैंड करेगा नियमों में बदलाव

क्रिप्टोकरेंसी और ब्लॉकचेन कम्पनी को बढ़ावा देने के लिए स्विट्ज़रलैंड सरकार बैंकिंग नियमों में बदलाव करने की योजना पर काम कर रही है, ताकि वर्तमान में चल रही कंपनियां वित्तीय सेवाओं में सहज महसूस कर सकें। वहीँ स्टार्टअप्स को भी प्रोत्साहन मिल सके। स्विस बैंक एसोसिएशन (एसबीए) ने हाल ही में स्विस बैंकों को दिशानिर्देशों की नयी निति जारी की है,जो की कंपनियों और ट्रेडिंग प्लेटफार्म को व्यापर के लिए असीमित क्षेत्र मुहैया कराने में कारगर साबित होंगी।
ब्लॉकचेन और क्रिप्टो आधारित 500 कंपनियां
गौरतलब है की फिलहाल स्विट्ज़रलैंड में 500 से अधिक ब्लॉकचेन और क्रिप्टो आधारित कंपनियां काम कर रही है जबकि करीब 200 स्टार्टअप्स योजनाएं पाइपलाइन में है। ऐसे में राज्य सरकार क्रिप्टो वैली के साथ साथ सम्पूर्ण देश में बैंकिंग सेवाओं को आसान और तेज़ बनाने का प्रयास कर रही है। ताकि निवेशकों और ट्रेडिंग प्लेटफार्म स्टार्टअप्स को काम करने के आज़ादी मुहैया कराई जा सके। एसबीए ने आईसीओ आयोजित करने वाले क्रिप्टो स्टार्टअप के लिए कई सिफारिशें जारी की हैं। जिसमें केवाईसी के अलग-अलग सेट शामिल हैं , फर्मों के लिए एएमएल प्रक्रियाएं जो आईसीओ के माध्यम से वित्तीय मुद्राओं और आईसीओ के रूप में क्रिप्टोकरेंसी के रूप में फंड उत्पन्न करने के रूप में धन जुटाने का काम कर रही कम्पनी को आसान लोन प्रकिया और पंजीकरण शामिल हैं।
क्रिप्टो न्यूज़ इंडिया के मुताबिक ब्लॉकचेन कम्पनी की तादाद बढ़ाने को लेकर राज्य सरकार गंभीर रुख बनाये हुए है। यही वजह है की बैंकिंग नियमों में बदलाव के लिए राज्य सरकार हर संभव प्रयास कर रही है, ताकि व्यापार के साथ साथ नियामक एजेंसियां भी नरमी बरत सकें। बतौर कॉइन टेलीग्राफ स्विट्ज़रलैंड माल्टा और चीन के क्रिप्टो और ब्लॉकचेन कंपनियों के लिए कड़ी प्रतिस्पर्धा कायम कर रहा है। एशिया के अलावा बड़ी संख्या में यूरोप से भी निवेशक यहाँ आगमन कर रहे है, इससे सरकार काफी उत्साहित है। नियमों में बदलाव के बाद यहाँ कंपनियों की संख्या बढ़ने की उम्मीद लगाई जा रही है।
The post ब्लॉकचेन कम्पनी प्रोत्साहन के लिए स्विट्ज़रलैंड करेगा नियमों में बदलाव appeared first on OWLT Market.
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SVPER Gears Up For New ICO Presale With Full Confidence

An instant and a social video-only app called SVPER is gearing up for its new ICO presale. The app is about to get the support of a couple of key investors.
DAEX Blockchain Group and LBank, a specialized and superior digital exchange have joined the worldwide network of partners of SVPER in the Blockchain space. Plus, SVPER is said to be in the midst of advanced negotiations with several other major investors. It has already got term sheets/pledges for the token sale of the company.
DAEX Blockchain Group’s Director Catherine Zhou spoke about the strategic association between SVPER and DAEX. She said that the company will assist in bridging the gaps pertaining to the underlying identification technologies of DAEX. Zhou added that the team of SVPER will also help in enhancing the ecosystem of DAEX as a whole. Thus, it can lead to the foundation for more co-operation between the two in the coming days.
Plus, the co-founder of Alphabit Fund, Saeed Al Darmaki, who is also an advisor and investor to SVPER mentioned that SVPER is a unique proposition and has the ability to disrupt the social networking market in a big way because of utilizing the merits of Blockchain for addressing the major problems in social networking, according to Entrepreneur.
More About SVPER’s New ICO
The SVPER app included the tokenized economy to inspire users to become more active in real life, as well as, in the app and to develop an app economy, which is highly scalable. SVP or the SVPER token is available on an ERC20 ETH based platform.
The new ICO starts from November 1 and will last until November 30, 2018. On the other hand, the token sale event for the pre-ICO is from September 17 to October 21. SVPs are needed in all the transactions within the mobile apps. Users will have the choice to earn the SVPs, can repurchase, or spend them in that app, the SVPER light paper noted.
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Former UBS Bankers Raise Funds for Innovative Bank in Zug This article was originally posted on Bitcoinist - one of the leading sources for information about Bitcoin, digital currency and blockchain technology. With one of [...]
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What do you guys think of DEX's? Do you think they will be a game changer and ultimately replace services like Shapeshift?
Last night, I did my first DEX exchange on CryptoBridge. I traded some BTC for BCH and BCO. I am so thoroughly impressed with the experience and it really has me excited about the future of Crytpo exchange. It reminded me of Bittorrent, but instead of sharing files you trade currencies. It's just an app that you install on your computer and connects you to a p2p network. Like Bittorrent, It is effectively immune to Government regulation in a way that centralized exchanges can not ever be.
I sent some btc to the exchange, traded it for BCH and then withdrew it all in a matter of a few minutes. I didn't have to identify myself in any way. No name, no email address, nothing like that at all. I didn't have to wait for someone at an exchange to "approve" my withdrawal. I couldn't believe how seamlessly anonymous and easy the whole process was, and the GUI is also beautiful and very user-friendly.
I'm not trying to shill for CryptoBridge, but the whole experience really gives me a lot of hope that no matter what Regulators do to the centralized exchanges and services like Shapeshift, they'll never truly be able to control the crypto market. I think DEX's are going to become the norm in due time, but I'm curious to hear what you guys think of them. Perhaps there's some flaws that I have not considered.
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Nifty Index Report: SBI, Axis Bank, Kotak Bank Put Nifty In Green Zone

Most bank stocks in the Nifty index were trading up on September 27, 2018, session. Gains in shares of State Bank of India (SBI) (up 2.54 percent), HDFC Bank (up 1.79 percent), Kotak Mahindra Bank (up 1.19 percent) and Axis Bank (up 1.06 percent) were keeping the Nifty Bank list in the green zone on September 28, 2018, trade.
The Nifty Bank record was exchanging 0.77 percent up at 25,236 around 01:45 pm.
Be that as it may, losses in shares of RBL Bank (down 1.39 percent), Axis Bank (down 0.92 percent), HDFC Bank (down 0.10 percent) and ICICI Bank (down 0.05 percent) confined the increases in the bank list.
In nifty index shares of Kotak Mahindra Bank (up 1.40 percent), Punjab National Bank (PNB) (up 1.32 percent), Bank of Baroda (up 1 percent) and State Bank of India (SBI) (up 0.73 percent) were exchanging as the best gainers in the bank list.
Punjab National Bank (down 3.92 percent), RBL Bank (down 1.85 percent), IDFC Bank (down 1.50 percent), Bank of Baroda (down 0.34 percent) and ICICI Bank (down 0.13 percent) likewise declined.
IndusInd Bank (up 0.72 percent), Federal Bank (up 0.26 percent), YES Bank (up 0.16 percent) and IDFC Bank (up 0.11 percent) too were in the green.
Equity market was in the positive domain on gains in control, metal, bank, auto, and FMCG counters.
Among the 50 stocks in the Nifty index, 24 were exchanging the green, while 26 were in the red.
According to the recent report of Economic Times, State Bank of India, HDFC, HDFC Bank, Wipro, and Asian Paints, Power Grid Corporation, Ultratech Cement, Tata Steel, Lupin and Kotak Mahindra Bank were among the gainers in the Nifty file.
In live nifty index YES Bank, Indiabulls Housing Finance, Hero MotoCorp, Tata Steel, Zee Entertainment Enterprises, Hindalco Industries, ONGC, Tech Mahindra, Bharti Infratel and Hindalco Industries were among the failures in the Nifty pack of stocks reported by Economic Times.
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खाद्य तेल व्यवसाय के लिए उपयोगी ब्लॉकचेन सॉल्यूशन

वाणिज्यिक व्यापार के साथ साथ ब्लॉकचेन प्रौद्योगिकी कमोडिटी क्षेत्र को भी प्रभावित कर रही है। खाद्य तेलों के निर्माता और विक्रेताओं के अलावा पॉम तेल इंडस्ट्री भी ब्लॉकचेन सॉल्यूशन की उपयोगिता कर रही है। इस सम्बन्ध में सस्टेनेबिलिटी एश्योरेंस एंड इनोवेशन एलायंस नामक समूह इसके व्यापक प्रयोग पर योजना बना रहा है ताकि उत्पाद की गुणवत्ता और मार्केटिंग को काम समय में ट्रैस किया जा सके।
बाजार में तेल की मांग बढ़ी
पॉम तेल का उत्पादन क्षेत्र क़ाफी बड़ा है लेकिन समुचित व्यापारिक प्रणाली और व्यवस्था की कमी के चलते मात्र 17 फीसदी के आंकड़ें को ही संग्रहित किया जा सका है। यही वजह है की एक ऐसी परियोजना को अमल में लाने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है जो की इस इंडस्ट्री को बढ़ावा देने के साथ मज़बूती प्रदान कर सके।
व्यापारी वर्ग आईओटी सेंसर के साथ ब्लॉकचैन को शिपिंग और परिवहन के अलावा पॉम तेल के उत्पादक के पंजीकरण से लेकर मार्केटिंग सभी को ब्लॉकचेन सॉल्यूशन के अंतर्गत शामिल करने की योजना पर काम कर रहा है। जिस तरह से वैश्विक बाजार में तेल की मांग बढ़ी है उसे देखकर उत्पादक उत्साहित है लेकिन व्यापर की समुचित व्यवस्था नहीं होने की वजह से अक्सर उम्मीद के अनुरूप परिणाम लेने में उसे हताशा ही मिलती है।
बिटकॉइनिस्ट डाट काम के अनुसार ब्लॉकचेन सॉल्यूशन के सहारे उन तमाम लोगों को मदद मिलेगी, जोकि प्रोसेसर, और संबंधित उपभोक्ता सामान निर्माता स्थिरता को बढ़ावा देने के दौरान समस्याओं को हल करने के तरीके से जूझ रहे हैं। ब्लॉकचेन प्रणाली के प्रयोग के बाद एक तरफ जहाँ पॉम तेल के उत्पादम की सही मात्रा का पता लगाया जा सकेगा। वहीँ दूसरी तरफ ट्रेसिंग भी आसान हो जायेगी टेकवॉयर एशिया डॉट काम के मुताबिक ब्लॉकचेन प्रणाली पर आधारित व्यवस्था के ज़रिये मिलावट करने वाले लोगों और पारदर्शिता को नुक्सान पहुंचाने वाले व्यापारियों के लिए नियामक को सही ढंग से लागू करना आसान हो जाएगा।
The post खाद्य तेल व्यवसाय के लिए उपयोगी ब्लॉकचेन सॉल्यूशन appeared first on OWLT Market.
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Web Browser Opera To Include Ethereum-Based Browser With Cryptocurrency Wallet Service

Opera, the web browser for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems, has included built-in Ethereum-based wallet to allow the holders to handle their funds. It is being added to its desktop app by enabling Web 3.0 to ensure that the users can interact with decentralized applications and peer-to-peer systems on the blockchain.
The new feature is currently under beta testing. Once the testing process is successfully accomplished, it will be rolled out to all the versions of the browser. This will be made available for Linux, MacBook and the Windows and the users will receive a full Ethereum support.
Over Google Chrome, majority of the Ethereum and decentralized applications (aka dApps) users depend on the MetaMask, a non-custodial Ethereum wallet handled by ConsenSys. Once the Ethereum-based dApps is ready, the users will be needed to have non-custodial wallets such as MetaMask to securely perform transactions on the mainnet.
The users who would like to access MetaMask will have to download and install the plugin on Google’s browser store. The users will further be asked to follow some additional steps for making the wallet’s installation successful. Since the wallet is already integrated on the Opera browser, the users can enjoy its built-in infrastructure to accessing dApps, as reported by CCN.
According to the Product Lead of Opera Crypto, Charles Hamel, paying with the cryptocurrency wallet is simply like sending digital cash straight from the user’s phone and the concept of introducing this wallet in the browser brings forth the cash experience to the world of online payments. Hence, this is a sort of venturing into new possibilities or the merchants and content creators alike, AMB Crypto noted.
“We believe the web of today will be the interface to the decentralized web of tomorrow. By becoming the first major browser to open up to Web 3.0, we would like to contribute to making the internet of the future more accessible,” Hamel further opined.
However, Opera’s new Ethereum wallet still requires significant improvement. Although the digital currency sector has moved ahead in accumulating mainstream recognition by the top main browser, still the highly-anticipated cryptocurrency wallet is said to be lacking the sophistication and execution of popular apps such as MetaMask in terms of testnet support and fee estimation.
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Healthy Recovery Momentum In Stock Market Open: Rupee Gains 11 Paise High Of 72.48 Against US Dollar

Proceeding with its healthy recovery momentum in a stock market open for the third straight day, the rupee on September 28, 2018, picked up 11 paise to end at a one-week high of 72.48 against the US dollar on the sustained offering of the American money by exporters.
In any case, the household cash for the week completed lower by 28 paise, posting its fifth straight week after week loss.
Prior the rupee continued marginally brings down at 72.18 against last weekend level of 71.73 a dollar at the Interbank Foreign Exchange here.
India’s present record deficiency (CAD) extended to USD 15.8 billion in April-June in value terms this year as against USD 15 billion in a similar quarter of 2017-18, primarily because of a higher exchange deficit shortfall, as per RBI information released September 28, 2018.
Progressing global trade war concerns in the stock market open and flooding worldwide crude costs caused some inconvenience for the rupee and restricted the gains.
In addition, alert won in front of RBI policy meeting one week from now. The Indian unit exchanged the scope of 72.39-72.67 against the greenback most piece of the day.
Domestic macro situation and dollar’s quality in the midst of dread of currency crisis kept on spooking the rupee, a merchant said.
Meanwhile, worldwide rough costs steadied close USD 82 a barrel check as the US authorizes on Tehran pressed Iranian unrefined fares, fixing supply even as other key exporters expanded generation.
In the cross cash exchange, the rupee climbed advance against the British Pound to end at 94.57 for every pound from 95.27 and solidified against the euro to close at 83.94 from 84.95 prior. Financial Benchmarks India Private restricted (FBIL), meanwhile, settled the reference rate for the dollar at 72.5474 and for the euro at 84.4428, according to the report of News18.
Somewhere else, the euro dove to an 11-day low – its most exceedingly bad one-day decrease in seven weeks – after Rome consented to set a higher than anticipated spending budget deficit on that could put it on an impact course with Brussels.
According to the report of Economic Times, meanwhile, in the stock market open, the 30-share BSE Sensex is trading lower by 238.01 points or 0.62 percent, at 38,151.81 at 10:55 hrs.
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ब्लॉकचेन पेमेंट प्रोजेक्ट से विकसित हुआ दुबई वित्त विभाग

स्मार्ट सिटी दुबई के सरकारी महकमे भी ब्लॉकचेन टेक्नोलॉजी से अपग्रेड हो रहे है। हाल ही में ऑनलाइन भुगतान सेवा दुबई पे को ब्लॉकचेन पेमेंट प्रोजेक्ट के साथ जोड़ा गया इस कदम से सरकार को लेनदेन के मामलों के निपटारे और भुगतान में अधिक समय नष्ट नहीं करना होगा। जबकि धोखाधड़ी के मामलों से भी बचा जा सकेगा। माना जा रहा है की दुबई दुनिया का पहला ऐसा शहर बनने जा रहा है, जहाँ सरकारी तंत्र से लेकर निजी विभाग सभी ब्लॉकचेन से लैस होंगे। आंकड़ों की माने तो वर्तमान में दुबई के करीब 22 विभागों में कार्य ब्लॉकचेन आधारित प्रणाली पर संचालित हो रहा है।
लेनदेन की प्रणाली को मज़बूती
गौरतलब है की दुबई डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ फाइनेंस (डीओएफ) दुबईपे पर लेनदेन को सक्षम करने और किसी भी मुद्दे और विवादों को संबोधित करने के लिए दृश्यों के पीछे काम करता है। दुबईपे पोर्टल 27 सरकारी संस्थाओं और 14 अन्य गैर-सरकारी संस्थाओं से लेनदेन संभालता है। व्यापक कार्यक्षेत्र की वजह से ही राज्य सरकार ने इसे ब्लॉकचेन टेक्नोलॉजी से अपग्रेड करने का निर्णय लिया है। स्मार्ट दुबई और इसकी सरकारी शाखा स्मार्ट दुबई सरकार प्रतिष्ठान (एसडीजी) का उद्देश्य स्मार्ट प्रौद्योगिकी के माध्यम से शहर में लेनदेन की प्रणाली को मज़बूती प्रदान देना है। वहीँ दूसरी ओर आईबीएम और कंसेंसिस जैसी बड़ी आईटी कंपनियां दुबई सरकार के लिए विशेष ब्लॉकचेन प्रोजेक्ट तैयार कर रही है।
न्यूज़ डॉग शेयर के मुताबिक ब्लॉकचेन प्रोजेक्ट के माध्यम से सड़क परिवहन, टूरिज़्म, रियल एस्टेट और मेडिकल क्षेत्र को विकसित किया जा चुका है। जबकि हाल ही में दुबई पे के पहले चरण में, दुबई के दो सरकारी विभागों ने ब्लॉकचेन-आधारित सुलह प्रणाली का उपयोग किया है और पांच लाख लेनदेन की प्रक्रिया की है। बतौर तोशी टाइम्स ब्लॉकचेन टेक्नोलॉजी के क्षेत्र में दुबई वर्ष 2020 तक विश्व का पहला स्मार्ट शहर बन जाएगा जहाँ सबसे अधिक विभागों में इस प्रणाली के ज़रिये कामकाज संभव होगा।
The post ब्लॉकचेन पेमेंट प्रोजेक्ट से विकसित हुआ दुबई वित्त विभाग appeared first on OWLT Market.
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Ethtrader Hitting Resistance at 200,000 This article was originally posted on Trustnodes - a trusted site covering numerous topics related to cryptocurrency and a great selection of news and editorial [...]
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Russia’s ‘Disappointing’ Cryptocurrency Legislation: Why Experts Consider the Bill a Failure This article was originally posted on Cointelegraph - an independent publication covering cryptocurrency, the blockchain, decentralized applications, the internet of finance and the next gen [...]
from Crypto News Monitor | The #1 Cryptocurrency News Source
Coinbase Rolls Out New Update For Simplifying Crypto Trading

With the objective of simplifying crypto trading, the Coinbase cryptocurrency exchange has rolled out a new update known as ‘Coinbase Bundles’. This new update was shared by the Coinbase exchange in a blog published on its site on September 27.
This new update, Coinbase Bundles is a basket of five cryptocurrencies that are supported on the exchange platform and purchased in proportion to their market capitalization in U.S. dollars. The Coinbase Bundles comprises of Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Ethereum Classic (ETC). The price of the smallest Bundle is $25, €25 or £25.
While the exchange has not specified a maximum purchase size for a Bundle for crypto trading, the exchange has limited the daily purchase amounts on a per-customer basis. After a customer purchases a Bundle, each type of virtual currency will be stored in their Coinbase wallet. It can be sold, bought, sent or received as an individual asset.
In the coming weeks, Coinbase expects to introduce this new product in the E.U., U.S. and the U.K. The exchange has recently announced a new asset listing process that allows listing more digital assets faster. This process refers to virtual coins that are compliant with the local law. This means that certain assets listed on the Coinbase platform will only be available to customers residing in particular jurisdictions.
The Coinbase exchange along with the Coinbase Bundle will now also host Informational Asset pages and a Coinbase Learn section that is aimed at educating newcomers to crypto trading, as stated in the Cointelegraph report.
The Information Asset pages will provide crypto trading customers with all the relevant information pertaining to the top 50 cryptocurrencies based on market cap. This page also provides users with information pertaining to the current market cap, historical trading data and referral links to project websites. The Coinbase Learn section is meant exclusively to enlighten newcomers on cryptocurrency, as stated in the Coinbase blog.
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Edinburgh Napier University Launches Research And Laboratory Blockchain Technology Protecting Personal Information Online

The Edinburgh Napier University has launched the first advanced blockchain identity research laboratory in the Merchiston Campus. The university is located in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. The laboratory has been formed in partnership with Blockpass IDN, an identity application firm from Hong Kong-based on blockchain and the Scottish University. The partnership involves an investment of £600,000 contributed by both the partners.
Also known as the Blockpass Identity Lab, this laboratory will be first of its kind facility based on blockchain research and will explore options to improve the data security ways online with the help of blockchain technology. The announcement about the partnership was made by Blockpass recently on its Twitter handle.
Through the funding, the partnership will support 5 Ph.D. students, research staff and built a virtualized blockchain-based environment. The facility will have the job to prioritize the key challenges that mostly focus on building new infrastructures for identification while respecting the rights, privacy, and consent of online users.
According to Kate Forbes, the Digital Economy Minister of Scotland, the research laboratory work is exciting and will explore the possibilities how blockchain solutions can protect the individual data from the reach of online hackers and scammers. The work will take forward the tradition of excellence and innovation as depicted by John Napier, said Bitcoin Exchange Guide. Napier is the Scottish mathematician on whose name the University at Edinburgh is known.
The University first announced the launch of this research laboratory in April this year. The decision was made owing to the numerous data breaches as well as similar scandals that have pointed out the risks a centralized platform pose to storing data, said News BTC.
The new facility will help to reduce such risks after a thorough research on blockchain and its capabilities. Even though most of the breaches and scams have affected the US, even the European companies are struggling to keep their data safe from the hackers. Reports indicate that around 17 percent population in the continent has been framed in these identity theft operations.
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Initial Coin Offering List Goes Long Way To Create Good ICO Rating

ICO rating is not an easy ask task unlike rating a film or a restaurant. An ICO list can be a great tool to rate an Initial Coin Offering.
It is particularly true for ICOs as it is tough to advertise it for restrictions imposed on a majority of platforms. So, if a list does not exist in the first place, it can be difficult to access new offerings to invest in.
There are many ingredients required to maintain a list of ICOs. These include a well-designed website, a reliable web hosting as well as some technique to keep updating the list.
There should be a list of Initial Coin Offerings awaiting ratings to rate them. In fact, an ICO list is an excellent tool for the digital currency community as it keeps collecting upcoming and ongoing ICOs in a single place. As such, potential crypto investors know that there is a great place for beginning their search.
The technique used can be either through inviting the Initial Coin Offering to submit their details to the list, utilizing a web crawler, or searching and including the ICOs manually. In case bot-generated or user-generated contents are used, a human team member should monitor the list to avoid embarrassing mistakes, which can be committed without checking the facts, according to Cointelegraph.
Websites For Rating Initial Coin Offerings
Every month, new projects are announced and ICOs are launched. However, at times, some of these ICOs are unable to deliver the promises made to their clients.
A majority of the investors take time to do some kind of a research and try to find the background of the offerings. At the same time, they are not sure what criteria to check on certain occasions.
It is precisely for that reason these investors rely upon renowned ICO rating websites. The advent of various new technologies has also ensured the inclusion of advanced techniques to check the rating, Coin Idol reported.
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Huobi’s Presence In Top 10 Cryptocurrency Mining Pools With Substantial Profits In BTC Share

A subsidiary of Huobi Group, Huobi Pool is being declared one of the top 10 cryptocurrency mining pools on September 25. In the recent weeks, the company has encountered substantial profits in the share of the global Bitcoin mining operation and the entity’s share has augmented significantly.
Launched on March 30, 2018, Huobi Pool had gone down at the 13th position during the time of writing. Presently, it holds 1.47 percent share of the total pool. The news surrounding the entry into the top 10 ranking came after Huobi Pool Token was released, which is considered the first sub-token in the Huobi Token eco-system.
Since the launch of Huobi Pool Token, the renowned cryptocurrency mining pool has witnessed a huge growth of around 50 percent in computing power. On September 26 this year, the firm noted its computing power surpassing 1,000P hashpower.
One notable advantage for the Huobi users is that it can earn Huobi Pool Token by contributing hash power to the Huobi Pool while mining for Bitcoin Cash or Bitcoin, although 10 billion Huobi Pool Token was initially issued to the holders of Huobi Token. The Huobi users will be allowed to participate in the future development (of Huobi Pool) and can also get the share in the value growth of the firm, as reported in the press release aired by Cision PR Newswire.
The company recently commenced applications for Global Elites program that would offer the users with 2 Bitcoin for every successful referral. The members of the Global Elites program can not only participate in the marketing and promotional activities, but they will also receive first-hand research for the company and get the opportunity to take part in multiple ventures in the world, Blokt noted. The founder of Huobi, Leon Li met the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s advisor Sergey Glazyev in the capital city of China.
The purpose of making such cryptocurrency mining pool from the house of Huobi is to meet the requirements of the large community of miners in the digital assets. Since the pool is linked to the trading platform, the miners can make the trading on the Huobi Exchange.
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HDFC Mutual Funds Charity Fund For Cancer Cure – Arbitrage Plan Declares Dividend

HDFC Mutual Funds Charity Fund For Cancer Cure – Arbitrage Plan has declared dividend under the dividend option of its Regular and Direct Plans. The fund house has announced October 03, 2018, as the record date for the dividend declaration of the scheme.
Accordingly, the amount of dividend on the HDFC Charity Fund For Cancer Cure – Arbitrage Plan on the face value of 10 Rupees per unit will be 50 percent Dividend Donation @ Dividend Option (Regular and Direct Plans) and 100 percent Dividend Donation @ Dividend Option with Payout facility. The total dividend amount is limited to distributable surplus, as reduced by the applicable statutory levy.
The Closed-end Arbitrage Hybrid scheme aims to produce income via arbitrage opportunities between cash and derivative market and via investments in debt and money market securities.
The HDFC Mutual Funds Charity Fund For Cancer Cure – Arbitrage Plan was launched in March 2017. The face value of the Arbitrage scheme is 10.00 Rupees per unit and the fund size is 133.35 Crore Rupees.
The fund house has assigned Krishan Kumar Daga and Rakesh Vyas as the fund managers of the HDFC Charity Fund For Cancer Cure – Arbitrage Plan since March 2017.
Mr. Daga, a B.Com (H) graduate, has worked with Reliance Mutual Fund, Reliance Capital Ltd, Deutsche Securities, B&K Securities, Brics Securities, JP Morgan Securities and HSBC Securities before joining HDFC Mutual Fund. Mr. Vyas has worked with Lehman Brothers and Nomura, before joining HDFC AMC. He has completed B.E (Electrical) and PGDM (Business Management).
The NAV of the HDFC Charity Fund for Cancer Cure – Arbitrage Plan as on September 28, 2018, is 10.3440 Rupees, and the AUM of the scheme is 135.76 Crore Rupees. The scheme is benchmarked against NIFTY 50 Arbitrage Total Return Index, according to The Economic Times.
The fund house has announced the dividend declaration for the HDFC Mutual Funds Charity Fund For Cancer Cure – Arbitrage Plan on September 28, 2018, according to KJMC.
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Stock Exchange Live: IDBI Board To Meet On Oct 4 To Allot 51 Percent Stake To LIC

For stock exchange state-claimed IDBI Bank said on September 28, 2018, its board will meet one week from now to consider particular allotment of up to 51 percent shares to insurance behemoth LIC to secure the obligation ridden bank.
In a regulatory filing, IDBI Bank said it has gotten a letter from LIC passing on approval of their Board of Directors for buying into the value capital of the bank, through a special issue/open share, up to 51 percent, as a securing of controlling stake as the promoter in the bank.
IDBI Bank said, “IDBI Bank’s board will meet on 4 October to consider the preferential allotment of equity shares to LIC aggregating up to 51 percent of post-issue paid-up capital of the bank and for conducting postal ballot for obtaining shareholder’s approval for preferential issue of capital to LIC, under section 62(1) (c) of the Companies Act, 2013 and other consequential matters.”
On 17 July 2018, the bank’s board had approved a proposal for stock exchange looking for the government’s gesture to order LIC as a promoter once the existence safety net provider procures a dominant part stake in IDBI.
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India in June had allowed LIC to expand its stake from 10.82 percent to 51 percent in the IDBI Bank. According to current controls, an insurance agency can’t claim more than 15 percent in any recorded financial firm.
Prior this month, the LIC load up had taken a choice on the modalities and course of events for expanding stake in IDBI Bank to 51 percent.
According to the report of Livemint, on 29 June 2018, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India had given LIC a regulatory exemption to get over 15 percent stakes in the bank. Be that as it may, it needs to pare its stake to 15 percent more than five to seven years.
LIC has been hoping to enter the banking space by getting a majority of stake in IDBI Bank as the deal is required to give business cooperative energies in spite of the loan specialist’s focused on balance sheet.
With the culmination of the deal in stock exchange, LIC will get around 2,000 branches through which it can share its items, while the bank would get gigantic assets of LIC. IDBI Bank’s scrip shut at Rs 50 on BSE, up 0.40 percent, according to the report of Economic Times.
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Italy Enters Into Partnership With European Blockchain Business

The Government of Italy recently announced that it is planning to have a partnership in business with European Blockchain Partnership group. The primary intention behind the formation of this member group is to promote blockchain technology. Italy will be signing the agreement to become one of the member states and will be the 28th member to do so. The agreement related to the deal was officially drawn in April this year.
The European Blockchain Partnership group started first with 22 member nations all of which belong to the European continent. Prior to conceiving this agreement the European Union first came out with an EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum. From the formation of this forum came up the investment of around EUR 80 million in the blockchain-based projects all over Europe. As per a report, the EU is now planning to add EUR 300 million in a span of four years to this amount and invest it in different blockchain projects.
The partnership in blockchain business between the European countries has been formed with the goal to promote the adoption of blockchain’s cutting-edge technology by the nations in Europe. According to the European Blockchain Partnership, “In the future, all public services will use blockchain technology. The blockchain is a great opportunity for Europe and member states to rethink their information systems, to promote user trust and the protection of personal data, to help create new business opportunities and to establish new areas of leadership, benefiting citizens, public services and companies.”
EU is waiting for the signing of this agreement by Italy as after the country signs it up, it will ensure that all the European nations have become the contributors to the Partnership, said The CCPress. Incidentally, the decision by the Italian Government has been applauded by the top officials of the government and virtual currency communities in the country.
According to Blocklr, EU has taken an initiative to form this blockchain partnership in business with different countries for creating “Digital Single Market.” The step will eventually simplify regulations to make it possible for all the 28 members to operate as a single economy.
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Coinex will pay out long term dividends in BCH
Long-term dividend
Qualification: Min. holding of 10,000 CET.
Allocation Rules: If your CET holdings are on CoinEx, we'll calculate the dividends into BCH and allocate directly to your accounts. Otherwise, the dividends will be calculated into CET and allocated to your CET wallet addresses elsewhere.
Dividend amount: 80% of CoinEx's total monthly revenue.
Qualified for Dividend: Released CET ONLY (Unissued or unreleased CET from Mining excluded)
Dividend ratio: Your CET asset / Total circulating CET asset at the time of snapshot.
Snapshot time: 24:00 (HKT) of the last day every month.
Dividend time: Your dividends will be allocated in 7 business days at the beginning of every month. The final date may vary or be delayed depending on the financial settlement.
8. CoinEx reserves the final rights of explanation for this dividend allocation plan.
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ई वोटिंग में ब्लॉकचेन एप्लिकेशन को लेकर को एनएसई की पहल

नेशनल स्टॉक एक्सचेंज ई वोटिंग को लेकर जल्दी ही ब्लॉकचेन आधारित परियोजना को लागू कर सकता है। इसके लिए पहले चरण में परीक्षण का दौर पूरा किया जा चुका है। एनएसई ने पहल करते हुए आईटी कम्पनी एलिमेंटियल लैब्स के साथ मिलकर योजना पर काम किया है। जिसके परिणामस्वरूप इस व्यवस्था को ई वोटिंग प्रक्रिया में स्थापित किया जायेगा। जहाँ एक्सचेंज के साथ साथ वित्तीय विभाग से जुडी एजेंसियां सीधे तौर पर कंपनियों में हो रहे परिवर्तन और जानकारी को आसानी से एकत्र करने में सक्षम हो सकेंगी।
सेबी, कंपनियों और आरटीए को मज़बूती
एनएसई वर्तमान में अपनी सूचीबद्ध कंपनियों के लिए ई-वोटिंग प्रक्रिया में सुधार के लिए एलिमेंटियल लैब्स द्वारा विकसित ब्लॉकचेन आधारित ई-वोटिंग सिस्टम का परीक्षण कर रहा है। जिसके अंतर्गत सम्पूर्ण व्यवस्था में एक ब्लॉकचेन प्रणाली को स्थापित करना ताकि एक साझा नेटवर्क के माध्यम से बाजार नियामक सेबी, कंपनियों और आरटीए को मज़बूती के साथ जोड़ा जा सके। ब्लॉकचेन एप्लिकेशन के आधार पर एनएसई में सूचीबद्ध कंपनी द्वारा किसी भी चीज के बारे में अपने शेयरधारकों की जानकारी एकत्र करने के लिए पूरी तरह से पारदर्शी और सुरक्षित ई-वोटिंग प्रक्रिया संचालित की जा सकती है।
क्रिप्टो न्यूज़ इंडिया के मुताबिक वर्तमान में जिस ब्लॉकचेन एप्लिकेशन पर परिक्षण किये जा रहे हैं। उसे मुख्य रूप से हाइपरलेजर फ्रेमवर्क के आधार पर बनाया गया है। आईटी कम्पनी एलिमेंटियल लैब्स ने बैकेंड के प्लेटफार्म को मज़बूती देने के लिए इस तकनीक का इस्तेमाल किया है, जबकि फ्रंटलाइन का काम एनएसई के द्वारा ही नियंत्रित किया जायेगा। बतौर कॉइनटेलीग्राफ स्टॉक एक्सचेंज में ब्लॉकचेन एप को लेकर कम्पनी और एनएसई दोनों की तरफ से सकारात्मक रुझान देखे जा रहे है। मुख्य रूप से ई वोटिंग में प्रयोग करने के पीछे जांच एजेंसियों और अन्य वित्तीय क्षेत्रों से जुड़े विभागों को कंपनियों पर नज़र रखने के लिए मदद देना है। ताकि कम्पनी के सही उतार चढ़ाव और जानकारी जल्दी और स्पष्ट रूप से सभी के बीच एक ही मंच से साझा की जा सके।
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Modi Government News: 70,000 Crore To Meet Fiscal Deficit Target

In the recent Modi government news, the government has cut its gross borrowing for the year by Rs 70,000 crore and adhered to the net borrowings arranged in the financial backing, sending a strong signal about its plan to meet the fiscal deficit target for the year. The decrease in net borrowings, which will be met incompletely from little reserve funds and lower littler purchase back program, ought to diminish weight on the bond market and cool bond yields.
Garg said that the financial mathematics of the government is firm and the government is certain that in this monetary year, the objective of keeping the financial deficiency from 3.3 percent of GDP will be satisfied. He said, “The status of receipts and payments is absolutely correct and we do not have any hesitation in the fiscal deficit targets. We have enough resources to raise money. We do not have to change the goal of our fiscal deficit. So it is still 3.3%.”
In Modi government news, “we chose to lessen add up to market borrowing prerequisite by Rs 70,000 crore,” Garg told correspondents after a meeting with the Reserve Bank of India authorities to finish the obtaining timetable for the second half. The market was expecting a decrease in net obtaining following upward correction in little investment funds rate that is relied upon to expand streams that government can use for meeting its fiscal deficit.
Garg said that the government’s swelling file for the second half of the monetary year will dispatch. He said that the Treasury charge program will, in any case, stay at Rs 17,000 crore and there won’t be any adjustment in Treasury Bill Outstanding Amount, according to the report of Navbharat Times. Garg said that consistently from November, consistently will gather 12 thousand crores through Gilts. He said that the government assesses that the sum rose from little reserve funds plans will be more than the budget estimates.
Thus, Garg stated in Modi government news, the government will acquire Rs 11,000 crore for every week until the start of November and after that, it would raise Rs 12,000 crore like in the principal half. He included that the government does not as a rule obtains in March. On treasury charges, he stated, the board chose to hold it at Rs 17,000 crore, according to the report of Economic Times.
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Bytecoin (BCN) Now Live For Trading On Chinese Cryptocurrency Exchange

Cryptocurrency Bytecoin (BCN) is now live for investors on the Chinese cryptocurrency exchange, for trading. BCN is the first cryptocurrency that implemented the CryptoNote technology. After successful listings on both OKEx and Binance exchanges earlier this year, BCN continues its expansion in the Asian crypto market.
With the listing of BCN on, it reflects the adoption rate of this first, privacy-oriented cryptocurrency amongst the Chinese users. Apart from this, Bytecoin has also adapted their ecosystem for Japanese and Korean users. They have done this by translating the web wallet into the native languages of Japan and Korea. This wallet also allows the users to purchase BCN with Ethereum and Bitcoin, which makes owning the coin much easier.
The ability to use over-the-counter (OTC) cryptocurrency exchange for Chinese users is another factor which supports the necessity of the Bytecoin listing on the exchange. It simplifies access to Bytecoin for some traders. The exchange also has mobile apps for both Android and iOS which makes trading easier and smoother, as the only thing that the trader needs is a cell phone with an internet connection.
Bytecoin was originally launched in 2012. It was the first privacy-focused cryptocurrency that was based on the CryptoNote technology. It had features such as untraceable payments, unlinkable transactions and scalable blockchain, as stated in the Cointelegraph report. After its listing on, Bytecoin has shown stable growth and its rate increased by 15 percent on September 28. Presently, it is ranking at 24, according to CoinMarketCap.
In a mass surveillance world, CryptoNote uses innovative ideas and advanced mathematical analysis to empower cryptocurrency exchange users with true privacy, both personal and financial. It develops and promotes new approaches to further emancipate and decentralize cryptocurrencies. The firm intends to shift the present global paradigm through egalitarianism and cryptography, as stated on its website.
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Blockchain Startup Veem Receives $25 M Strategic Funding From Goldman Sachs

Blockchain startup company Veem received around $25 million in the form of strategic funding in the first round from Goldman Sachs. Other new as well as existing investors who participated in the funding were Silicon Valley Bank, GV (formerly Google Ventures), Trend Forward Capital, Extol Capital, Pantera Capital, and Kleiner Perkins. All these companies in their own way contributed to the expansion and growth of the dream of Veem to break a transformation in the space of global payments with its blockchain technology.
All over the world, small business owners with very little capital have no other option but to carry on their working with an outdated, slow yet highly costly wire transfer system for sending and receiving cross-border payments. Small businesses always have to pay a heavy price for using SWIFT, a technology that is 40 years old. The technology consistently makes the businesses make a big payment under the disguise of loses payments, fees, and thus do not provide the transparency required to make the overall dealing secured and reliable.
Founded in 2014, the blockchain startup company Veem runs a multi-rail payments platform that offers speed, security and lowest fees that can be possible and also provides the perfect route for a particular transfer, said Veem. The startup has constantly worked towards transforming the way payments are made globally. Veem offers accurate tracking and accounting thereby ensuring the level of transparency even the large financial institutions are unable to offer.
The customer base of Veem has grown over 80,000 small businesses in 96 different countries and the startup has just started. According to the Founder and CEO of Veem, Marwan Forzley, “We’re thrilled to have Goldman Sachs lead our investment round. This funding will help us expand our footprint, increase our distribution and form new strategic partnerships.”
The blockchain startup is based in San Francisco and makes use of digital ledger technology for increasing the efficiency of small businesses for making payment, said XBT. Goldman Sachs made the investment in Veem through Rana Yared, its Principal Strategic Investment Group. Incidentally, the platform will include the managing director of Goldman Sachs as a non-voting member.
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Leafbuyer Shares Explode By 40 Percent Post Declaring Association With Blockchain Future Technology

The shares of Leafbuyer Technologies exploded by 40 percent after the company revealed its association with blockchain-the future technology. The company announced recently that it is now entering the final development phases of its first large-scale industrial blockchain-enabled platform. As per reports, Leafbuyer will complete the final development by next month and will launch it in December 2018.
Leafbuyer is an online marijuana deals database that is sort of a cross-platform for cannabis users, growers as well as sellers providing services in between Yelp and Groupon. However, the company failed to get the right momentum similar to other pot stocks at the start of the year. But the moment, the company came out with the news that it is rolling out blockchain technology soon, the shares exploded.
Incidentally, the Greenwood Village, the Colorado-based company did not enter the explosive frenzy related to pot during the summer. During the frenzy, the wild trading helped Tilray Inc to make billions for the investors which eventually it lost. Just a week ago Tilray’s shares were up by 624 percent whereas those of Alternative Harvest, the leading marijuana ETF were ahead by 26 percent. However, the shares of Leafbuyer went 63 percent down.
But when the company declared its association with the technology of future, blockchain the shares rose by 40 percent, said, Bloomberg. More business houses and industries are slowly recognizing the potential of blockchain technology and with the help of this anti-fraud and innovative technology Leafbuyer will be able to provide transparency in its every dealing with the customers.
Blockchain provides a decentralized, digitalized and secure environment for conducting transactions in which information can be stored and verified in a permanent way, said Business Wire.
The CEO and Chairman of Leafbuyer, Kurt Rossner is positive about this future technology’s contribution to his company. According to Rossner, “This first-of-its-kind blockchain solution offers complete transparency between cannabis businesses and the end consumer, which, we expect, will add significant value to Leafbuyer’s platform. This, in turn, should open more revenue possibilities as we broaden the platform. The possible applications with blockchain technology are extraordinary, and we look forward to implementing this initiative to drive the growth of our company.”
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Social Media Bounty Campaigns For ICO Marketing Gets Popular

These days many developers use social media bounty campaigns for their ICO marketing. They are beneficial for the projects as well as the community.
In the world of cryptocurrency, Blockchain projects are commonly using bounty programs as part of their marketing strategy. These projects launch Initial Coin Offerings for raising their funds.
These bounty programs are used to reward those users who recommend improvements to be made in the network and also in lieu of reporting bugs. They are commonly used as marketing campaigns for ICOs to encourage the community of a project to promote them on social networking platforms. In return, the community gets payment in form of new digital tokens of the project.
Thus, there is a win-win situation for the cryptocurrency users and the startup businesses. The new projects get the much-needed publicity through the right kind of social media channels and cryptocurrency users get rewards in digital tokens for promotion.
Blockchain projects can be highly benefited through these social media bounty campaigns. The projects can facilitate the members of its community to act as their “cheerleaders” in exchange of the ICO’s newly issued tokens.
When an Initial Coin Offering gets more exposure in the media, there is a greater likelihood of meeting its funding target. Thus, when it can recruit more users to publicize the project’s benefits on social media, the reach of the projects becomes wider.
It is precisely for this reason that professionally managed token sales frequently have a very powerful focus on these social media bounty campaigns. They have emerged as an integral component of a highly successful and popular ICO marketing strategy, Cryptonews wrote.
Marketing Post-ICO Is Important
It is crucial to keep communicating about a project to keep the engagement level of users and investors high. When a project is made to look interesting, it can allure a new set of investors and thus increase the value of the token.
It is crucial to do post ICO marketing to keep the project in news. Projects should also maintain the price of the token post the ICO period, according to CryptoCoin News.
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