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submitted by /u/Rainmakerman [link] [comments] |
This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
Saturday, 26 June 2021
“Lightning Network serves its actual purpose: to be an excuse for bitcoin's miserable failure to scale. and now, in El Salvador, as a handwave for the private central system the electronic bitcoin system will *actually* run on.”
Frances 'Sisyphus' Coppola: “ LN is a heap of junk. It has fundamental design flaws that mean it can never work properly. Should never have been developed, let alone released into production.”
My barber and my weed dealer now both accept Bitcoin Cash :)
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/o7y6bc/adoption/
Wu Blockchain "On June 25, the Financial Services Agency of Japan issued a warning to Binance, saying that it was engaged in business in the cryptocurrency field without registration. Prior to this, FSA issued a warning to Bybit."
Solo Mining
I have several Bitcoin ASICs sitting around that I would like to setup mining Bitcoin solo. I understand how joining an Antminer to a pool works, but not sure how it would work mininng solo. Can anybody help me out?
Thank you (Yes I realize the odds are against me but it is something I want to try for fun)
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/o7w4lv/solo_mining/
Citizens in El Salvador will get $30 in Bitcoin as the country works out the logistics of making cryptocurrency legal currency.
According to a local media report published on June 24, El Salvador has announced the launch of an official digital wallet for BTC and other currencies. The attempt comes after the country's acceptance of bitcoin as legal money, which drew a lot of attention to the Central American country.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/o7vnwz/citizens_in_el_salvador_will_get_30_in_bitcoin_as/
"Cryptocurrency is the golden key to unlock your cage of financial slavery and you’re using it to scratch your asses by exchanging it on financial exchanges. It’s not a market, it’s a reality.” -John McAfee
Noob need help
Hi, a couple years ago I try to invest on btc for no reason i forgot about it. Today I was reading about btc and I remember my invest. I'm trying to sell all my criptos at coinmamma but I need to transfer it and I can't remember where I bought it. The question is: how can I find the origin of my wallet?
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/o7r1o3/noob_need_help/
Friday, 25 June 2021
Turismo e blockchain
Turismo e blockchain A Travala tem parceria com a Expedia para aumentar adoção de criptografia na indústria de viagens, permitindo clientes fazer reservas através de mais de 30 criptomoedas, incluindo Bitcoin, Binance Coin (BNB) e seu próprio token AVA nativo. Leia em Notas de AZ: https://notasdeaz.blogspot.com
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/o7dn5n/turismo_e_blockchain/
US State Department started releasing these "reports" immediately after Bukele's Bitcoin move. The plot to demonize and oust him, despite even the US govt recognizing that he was democratically elected, just became an exigency to protect petrodollar interests
Subtipper has just tipped the top posts for this community! [23:23 GMT June 24, 2021]
Thanks to all posters for providing great content!
The top posts since the last payout (~1 week) have been tipped 1 US cent per vote, or 2067 sats per vote.
For an explanation of Subtipper and how it works, please see this article.
Winning posts:
[tip] - 957021 sats = 0.00957021 BCH = ~4.63 USD
Me watching everyone panic sell their crypto during the dip after suffering through the last crash in 2017-2018 by u/cryo153
[tip] - 950820 sats = 0.00950820 BCH = ~4.60 USD
Btc be like 🎢 by u/Glizzyator3000
[tip] - 781326 sats = 0.00781326 BCH = ~3.78 USD
John McAffee commits suicide in a Spanish jail [ES] by u/hegjon
[tip] - 613899 sats = 0.00613899 BCH = ~2.97 USD
BTC is down?? by u/Environmental-Pea157
[tip] - 506415 sats = 0.00506415 BCH = ~2.45 USD
Growth in the everyday utility of Bitcoin Cash is the key to winning by u/BitcoinCashCity
[tip] - 438204 sats = 0.00438204 BCH = ~2.12 USD
BCH Jiu Jitsu fighter wins second fastest submission of WNO history. Watch! by u/wakgill
[tip] - 425802 sats = 0.00425802 BCH = ~2.06 USD
New Merchant 🚀 Book Store Accepting BItcoinCash by u/Mr-Zwets
[tip] - 357591 sats = 0.00357591 BCH = ~1.73 USD
Kim Dotcom: "Imagine you can open a bank with the click of a button, more secure than any traditional bank, on your device, in your hands, under your control, with instant transactions almost free of charge. You are the ruler of your empire and nobody else. Try it." by u/Egon_1
[tip] - 330720 sats = 0.00330720 BCH = ~1.60 USD
There is a simple explanation of Monero embezzlement scandal .... by u/kostas_ck
[tip] - 328653 sats = 0.00328653 BCH = ~1.59 USD
Tips not claimed within 7 days will be returned to the Subtipper fund and tipped out to future posts.
To support this bot, help spread Bitcoin Cash, and encourage great content in the r/btc community, tip this post using Chaintip by including u/chaintip in your comment!
Note: this payout event was triggered by block 693569, which was mined more than 3 days since the last event and has the last three hex digits of its hash (joined as a number) strictly smaller than 7. The BCH price at the time of activation was $482.99
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/o7bhf9/subtipper_has_just_tipped_the_top_posts_for_this/
One bitcoin address bought 3000 BTC today bringing their total to 115200 BTC which means we are on our way up according to great analysis by one random user
Forget about TA/QA and other analyses, this guy wrote 9 days ago how you can know in which direction we're heading https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/o0camo/so_one_of_the_biggest_btc_holders_sold_today_now/. We're going to 40k-50k moonbois cause this address just bought 3000 bitcoin today.
Get ready for lift-off this week.
Quote from the link above: " If you go deep into their purchase and sell history, they regularly sell when there's a pump and regularly buy when there's a dump. Only once have they been "hurt" by the decision to sell (that was in Jan and Feb '21 when BTC was going wild breaking through 30k and 40k in 10 days). Apart from that, they predict dumps and weekly ATHs spot on. sells in increments of 1500 BTC (3k or 6k if he predicts a larger dump). "
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China's exit from Bitcoin opens the door for the Western societies to re-establish their position once more at the top of the next 21st century financial market.
I think this move by China can only be a positive for the Western Nations that want to negate or challenge China's Rising economic power.
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Breaking News
BREAKING: Paraguay announces a bill to make Bitcoin legal tender
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Highest holding of my btc first time !
Back in Feb-March, i did manage to reach nearly 0.01 but prices crash and halve my usd value.
Now prices are reasonable and i have 0.01485 my highest btc yet.
Hope i can get to 0.1 this year.
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🥖 "Tatos" Bakery Accepts #Bitcincash in Argentina! 🥖
📌ubicada Located in: Mariano Acosta 1635 🍞🥨🥯🥐🥧🍰 Now you can buy in this bakery, using #BCH as a payment method. Business number 4️⃣4️⃣ https://i.imgur.com/WTaQjhT.jpg
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/o74cny/tatos_bakery_accepts_bitcincash_in_argentina/
Paraguay 🇵🇾: “The [BTC] bill was proposed by a party that holds only 2 seats in the government. There's no chance it's approved. These maximalists are desperately spreading fake and misleading news to lure in, and trap retail. Don't Trust, Verify!”
Thursday, 24 June 2021
El Salvador President has a better grasp of Bitcoin than 99% of Bitcoiners
Excerpts from Nayib Bukele's Interview with McCormack
(When he first came across Bitcoin) I thought it was very smart. But a lot of good ideas just vanish. Bitcoin just keeps growing and growing, not only in price.
Measuring Bitcoin against dollars kind of defeats the point of Bitcoin. (1 BTC = 1 BTC)
At the beginning, I thought Bitcoin was beautiful and now I'm even more convinced about it since it has withstood the pressure of time and changes in global political landscapes, social media exploding... you have all these changes but Bitcoin has not only persisted but its impact keeps growing.
It is not just a very good idea anymore. At the beginning it was interesting. Now it's a reality.
Of course, classical economists don't like it. It's not that they don't understand but they don't want to understand it. It would mean all of their preconceptions, their theses, their works, their books would be meaningless because they were wrong.
Imagine someone who has been attacking Bitcoin for over a decade and now to see it succeed would be very hard for them.
(About World Bank not helping) We don't need them. Way before we announced our plan to make Bitcoin legal tender, we have had amazing talent from overseas working tirelessly to make this happen. They are not here for money, but idealists who want to make a difference, to make the lives of the people better who need it most.
(About IMF concern) We adopted the dollar in 2001. This is no different. The only difference is we adopted the dollar for the benefit of our banks. This is for the benefit of our people.
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The future is looking bright for BITCOIN👍
Chinas deconstruction of BTC mining, is IMO hugely bullish for the future of BTC. Why? Accusations of centralising mining, 65% of hash rate produced in China, are removed, and also FUD associated with the possibility of BTC been at risk from state attacks are removed as hash rate production will be distributed through several geographic locations👍
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This may be uncomfortable for even BCH supporters to admit but Bitcoin wasn't made to counter fiat currency or challenge gold....
"What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party" - Satoshi Whitepaper
BTC is explicitly introducing trust back into the system, with watchtowers for LN, trusted sidechains like Liquid, or custodial 'solutions' like Strike.
All of these reintroduce what Bitcoin was made to destroy - trusted middlemen that can reverse transactions and increase costs - disallowing "small casual transactions" over the internet.
Bitcoin was made to remove trust - while BTC is destroying the very reason why it was created in the first place.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/o6hmoo/this_may_be_uncomfortable_for_even_bch_supporters/
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Crypto is pretty much the only reason I used Reddit anymore, and I'd like to stop using this website. submitted by /u/TheTruthHas...
submitted by /u/FearlessEggplant3036 [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/12gt49l/supposedly_insiders_in_t...
submitted by /u/KillerHurdz [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/a6bm9y/discussing_bitcoin_power_dyn...