Hey, what is the cheapest dex/ or platform without registration to swap BTC to some stable coins?
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/sq9iko/cheapest_dex_to_swap_from_btc_to_some_usd/
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Hey, what is the cheapest dex/ or platform without registration to swap BTC to some stable coins?
During my time at university it seemed all my economics lectures were heavily against bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general - purely due to not spending time to actually understand it in my opinion.
It’s so good to have one of my final modules being taught by a younger economist that understands the floors behind fiat currency. Things are changing and it’s just the beginning!
I was searching for a solution on how to run an electrum server on top of my BCH node and someone here on this subreddit suggested me to use Fulcrum. I downloaded the prebuilt release for windows. I know that there’s a sample config there but I still need help. I would be grateful to this community if you guys could help me in making a public electrum server running along with other services on my windows server! :)
Why isn’t Bitcoin still vulnerable to fractional reserve issues?
I get that no new Bitcoin can exist outside of the 21 million. I know a lot of us advocate for getting crypto off exchanges for re-hypothecation reasons. But how does Bitcoin actually solve this?
I’m talking post a hypothetical mass adaption phase. If it does play out this way then great. People who got on board before have generational wealth. But we look at this thing and extrapolate based on current exploitations of Keynesian monetary theory and current central banking machinations.
Let me try and explain my thoughts on this:
Year is 2xxx. Hyperbitcoinization is over and done with. It is the world reserve currency. Barring for authoritarian nation states who have outlawed its use, the world transacts in BTC. Modern Exchanges have become defunct as no one needs to purchase via fiat conversion.
Everyone has and earns varying amounts of it. By this point, many have heard stories or experienced first-hand the risks of self-custody. Some are responsible enough for this; many are not. People want to act in their perceived self interest, so they store their Bitcoin with custodians who are protected via the modern equivalent of FDIC insurance,etc. Banks have replaced their fiat with BTC and operate under this new paradigm.
Humans born prior to the adoption have accumulated. Humans born after have not. They must earn and accumulate their own stack. But they also must purchase the other assets they need to live (cars, houses, etc.) that are perpetually more expensive than their modest wage can afford to buy outright. They need to borrow BTC now to afford the things they need now.
So they borrow from one of these aforementioned institutions. The institution then covers the funds for the purchase. Great. But now the consumer is paying a fixed loan that is increasingly expensive in relative BTC until maturity. During this timeframe their paychecks decrease in nominal BTC in response to BTC deflation. Okay, maybe negative interest rates or reverse balloon style payments solve this. But…
These institutions have limited supply of hard BTC to do this. They need to lend now in order to receive future BTC to satisfy demand for credit. Eventually they run out and begin causing credit/liquidity issues in the broader market since there is no other trusted reserve asset. So these institutions get “creative”. They start lending out BTC they don’t have anticipating that their future BTC reserves while progressively smaller, will have a market value sufficient to keep them solvent. They are allowed based on their protected status/trustworthiness to do this to some satisfactory ratio set by the market/central bank (whatever that looks like in the future). Things are running “smoothly”.
But then some calamity befalls the world. War, famine, pandemic, climate issue etc. strikes and now someone needs to raise funds in the now to pay for current needs. Current reserve ratios don’t allow for this, so the local/regional/world authorities lower these requirements until they are 0 or even negative, issue anti-bonds, adjust taxes, etc. to raise the funding/liquidity needed to get through this crisis. Short term this works, but contributes to faster deflation.
Wages shrink in relation to this. I’m sure you can figure out how the rest of this game goes from here.
The ramifications of the legacy fiat system are still there, but in a deflationary sense instead of inflationary. It is just done with a harder more democratic medium. You end up just trading a system of savings that become worth less overtime for a system of savings that becomes worth more over time but functionally harder to stack.
Modern central banking and governmental manipulations of monetary policy arose from an inflationary capital system. To think this won’t happen in a deflationary system seems naive. It remains to be seen how a deflationary currency will truly affect supply and demand on a global scale, but I don’t think buying assets that are currently out of reach over time (credit) will become a thing of the past. I believe in BTC as much as the next guy. So stack now for the inevitable future. But It’s analogous to the industrial revolution and modern capitalism causing “unforeseen” issues in the future as the free market devolved into the Byzantine system we have today. If we want this system to be the solution we know it can be, we have to start thinking about this now. The old system was good until it was abused. Protect the Satoshi in the long run; let’s start figuring out what this thing needs to be to protect it from future threats. The time is now, not when panic sets in. That’s how we got here in the first place. I just want, like most of us who “get-it”, to try our best to really “get-it” before it’s too late.
BTC has the potential to fail if the need for credit in a modern society operates the way it does today. Does BTC really fix this, or do we need to start figuring out how to protect it from these threats in a BTC denominated world?
Cryptocurrency exchange FTX saw its valuation soar to $32 billion in a new funding round announced on January 31, underscoring continued appetite for the sector. The Bahamas-based company raised $400 million in a Series C funding round – its third round in the past nine months for a total of $2 billion in venture capital to date. Of course, this is just one of many financing rounds sending serious cash into the crypto sector. In 2021, funding for blockchain startups increased 8-fold at $25.2 billion and isn’t expected to slow in 2022, creating a positive outlook for companies ...
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I think being open about BCH's energy usage (particularly when compared to transaction throughput) would be a positive signal to establish. It would also shine a light on miners with a negative carbon footprint and motivate a more sustainable operation.
Here's an example of what the dashboard might look like: https://filecoin.energy/
Here's an example of what someone might do with that data: https://filrep.io/?columns=energy&order=desc&sortBy=energy
Here's more context: https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2021/12/02/filecoin-might-have-a-way-for-bitcoin-to-fight-its-energy-critics-if-miners-use-it/
Hello, I came across this website the other day and was curious. Here is the website: https://cheapbitcoin.com.ru/buy-wallet-dat-files/. I've heard people successfully crack wallets that they bought from there, but I've also heard of people who say it's a scam. Can someone tell me if its legit or not?
So recently I learned that some KYC exchanges such as CoinBase do not accept Bitcoin from some wallets because they say that Bitcoin from these addresses is tainted (associated with illicit transactions)
My question is: If I sent some tainted BTC to a whale address, would all his Bitcoin become worthless?
and if this is the case, then how to prevent it from happening to me?
"There’s no stopping them now, they’re late to the NFT market but they’re hungry for you wallets. Even the most technologically oblivious celebs like Reese Witherspoon are chasing down the NFT market, this is pretty strange.
Not that I’m against that or withhold anything to or for it. But there’s a time and a place for everything and this isn’t it chief. All of them are a better off on a separate platform where they would be respected and admired, and their NFTs sought after.
I heard there were a couple attempts to start something like these and categorize celeb NFTs on a separate platform. Yunometa for one has already started this and has a separate platform for said celebrities to do whatever they want on it.
I think there should be some kind of separation between celebrities and the rest of the people, not only because I don’t want to see their cringe spilling all over Twitter, but also because their target audience would be there waiting and not some random people who following them for a different kind of content. "
I see a lot of people believing that BTC is inferior to other projects like Ethereum or whatever new blockchain tech was released this week. At some point, I also believed this, so I can’t blame you.
But here are the facts, folks. BTC is not some foundation or business that can get shut down tomorrow. Nobody knows who its creator is, nobody owns the blockchain, nobody can shut it down (not even China lol). It’s permissionless, autonomous money kept alive throughout the world by miners and users.
Not by business deals, not by new projects, but simply by people like you and me looking to make a change. The tech behind it as a replacement for gold is still rock solid, and the blockchain can be upgraded by consensus and aided by second-layer solutions like Lightning.
Right now, BTC is unique on the market, and the only crypto delivering on the promise of independent money, not bound by any single third party. Since 2009 it grew by itself, with no marketing, no publicity, and no wealthy people shilling it. And until another crypto manages to do better on these conditions, BTC will remain the one true crypto to change the world.
From here on out, there’s still a long way to go. Pick your bags carefully people.
EDIT: thanks for the award!
Today I'm putting 1m sats into a wallet for my 5yr old and not giving him the keys until he's 21. 😈
TLDR; Bitcoin v22.0 moves to Guix so that we can "trust the compiler" even less
With any software that handles finance or private keys, the question of trust is important. Most have a general concept of this stuff, and that is usually fine for most anyone's needs. But there is always the rare case where trust policies are too laxed and users get burned, like the Electrum v3.3.3 phishing attack. Here I'll try to go through the minimal level of trust all the way down to the theoretical limit of what can be done. At the heart of the matter is the concept of extended trust. In most trust-tests, we start with something that has more trust and see if we can connect it to something with less trust. I'll walk through a few examples from the top down. In general we will go through the following levels:
When downloading software such as bitcoin-core, at a minimum it is important to ensure you download from bitcoin.org
and not some site like download.com
. If you grab software from a sketchy site, it may come packaged with code to steal your keys (See "Electrum phishing" above).
In the realm of "trusting the site" there are those who trust the browser to get you to bitcoin.org
and others who are more paranoid and will ensure that SSL is enforced. Unfortunately, unless the site uses something like DNSSEC, DANE, or other cryptographic domain verification, you can just never be sure. Attacks like bitsquatting and dns-poisoning can get past even the best intentions of DNS security. So... sites can't be trusted.
In most cases, trusting the builders is the what most recommend. This process completely ignores WHERE the binaries were taken from (even download.com
) and instead rely on a builder's cryptographic signature delivered with, or embedded in, the file. These are usually either GPG signatures or CodeSigning certificates like Authenticode. Main issues here is that many user's don't know WHO the builders are. In many cases, most simply assume that a trusted product, must have a trusted package owner / builder. A recent example of where this went horribly wrong was when ownership of a popular JavaScript library was left to a randome contributor. The new owner went about crafting back-doors to steal bitcoin. Since JavaScript is interpretive, it was quickly spotted, but it shows the danger of entrusting new package builders or maintainers. Clever projects (like bitcoin) get around this problem by having reproducible builds.
Reproducible builds are a way to design software so that many community developers can each build the software and ensure that the final installer built is identical to what other developers produce. With a very public, reproducible project like bitcoin, no single developer needs to be completely trusted. Many developers can all perform the build and attest that they produced the same file as the one the original builder digitally signed.
In most situations, those who are not developers are fine to stop here. Just insist that the software you use is open-source, well audited, reproducible, with multiple maintainers who all attest to the same verified compiled binaries. Bitcoin meets this test on all counts
For those who may fear an evil cabal of developers, or feel their project is not audited enough, the next level down is to trust nothing but the compiler. These users will build the project from source code removing the need to trust the project builders. Many may imagine that this is the furthest down the "rabbit hole" this topic can go, but in actuality it isn't. In a 1984 award speech, the recipient, Ken Thompson, posited the question "Should you trust your compiler?". He goes on to outline a method called the "Trusting Trust Attack". Since even the most paranoid users usually trust the compiler, Ken suggested the compiler is the perfect place to put your Trojan.
The basics of this attack are due to the fact that to make a new compiler binary, you generally use the last compiler binary. But what if compiler binary had malicious code to infect new binaries. This is particularly problematic since compilers building compliers goes back pretty far. Android was made with Linux that was made from Minix. Apple was made with BSD and BSD was made from Unix. These build genealogies go back decades. So what if the original Unix back in the 60's had a trojan in the compiler that has been carried forward for the last 60 years?
As involved as this sounds, there have been many proof of concepts done to prove the attack's viability. And with distrust of state security agencies getting worse year after year, it's not hard to imagine that some agency would want to pull off such attack. The main attack "surface" here are what builders call the "seed binaries". These are the previous versions of compiler and tools needed to build the next compiler. If you can "seed" your build with a smaller set of binaries then, in theory, you may get the set so small that examination, byte for byte, could look for "bad code".
In version 22.0, bitcoin moved to the Guix build system for their official builds. This reduced the "weight" of those seed binaries from 550 MB down to 120 MB. The Guix team is prototyping a new compiler build with a reduced seed weight of 357 bytes. That's a reduction of 99.999935% from the binary seed weight of Bitcoin v0.21.2
This claim is a bit hyperbolic, but less than you might think. The complier build requires a proto-complier (mes) and a shell (guile). This reduction is only for mes
not guile
. Though there is work to do the same reduction on guile
that was done on mes
, but that may still be a few years out.
Implicit in the trust of the compiler is the trust of the kernel and OS that the compiler is running on. So if a trusting-trust trojan decided to propagate and infect in both a compiler and kernel, then reducing your binary seed may not be enough. This is a harder attack to pull off since a 357 byte seed build will likely be hand audited for the first few iterations. The trojan would need to know to infect the process far enough along to where it wasn't visible any more.
The solution to this is to bootstrap your compiler build, without a kernel. This can be done up until a point. The hex assembler and macro assembler can be loaded directly out of a legacy bootloader (think 0x7C00) and work is ongoing in in the stage0
project that helped in the mes
bootstrap. But realistically, I'm not sure how far they can take this.
Imagining if you could bootstrap without the kernel, there is still the trust of the hardware. A builder is trusting that the processor and instruction pipeline is not doing something malicious if it detects a compiler bootstrap is in place. Although this is pretty deep paranoia, people are still thinking about this stuff. The reduced mes
bootstrap is working to have a x86
and arm
bootstrap independent of each other. Although one can be cross-compiled on the other, it was thought to be better if arm
software didn't have to trust x86
hardware for a bootstrap, and vice-versa.
© hash: 68a4dd4bc6d2c0cc9
My friend recommended me a project called Aggregated Finance and I want to hear this sub’s opinion on it before investing since this would be my first DeFi investment I’m new. I did my own research but I want to make sure I’m not missing anything. It offers a DAO that lets you vote on a project for the community to invest in. Here’s how it works: you buy their token $AGFI from a website called Uniswap ( I saw it’s a legit website, right?). This allows you to use have access to their community powered investing. You get to vote on DeFi 3.0 projects and yield earning ones too, and it gets bought from the treasury. And you get paid a percentage of profits from the investment. The token is deflationary and I think that’s supposed to make price stable or go up? Please check it out and tell me what you think about it as I found it interesting.
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Any customer in the crypto industry naturally strives to have a convenient and safe wallet. New users find this aspect especially important. No threats – maximum benefits for a better crypto experience. BitMarket Network Client meets the primary expectation of all customers making it one’s goal and formula of operation. It is a wallet of the new generation that has passed a lasting evolutionary path. It will never stop by default with addressing potential threats and expectations of customers who have chosen it. At this point in time, all interested users can meet BitMarket Network – a new stable website version with many new updates and advanced features. What has changed? Before 2022, while being in its first alpha version, it was a Bitcoin wallet only. The goal of making a convenient multicurrency wallet has been realized gradually. Now, it is possible to buy Bitcoin. But, it is also possible to add Litecoin to your pocket already. The list of available cryptos will be expanded further till making this wallet suitable for cryptocurrencies of any kind. What else makes a project distinct among other available options now? This wallet is a winning combination of a multicurrency feature and open-source code. It is hard to find any multicurrency wallet project with an open-source code now. But, this innovation is surely not the last point, BitMarket Network Client is ready to impress current and future users. What is special about the new stable website version of BitMarket Network Client? These options have been added:
What features characterize this Blockchain wallet?
What benefits this wallet may bring to customers?
The project is open to external audits. The open-source nature allows doing this. This feature adds security to all users and makes the platform transparent. What is the last special point about the project? It has been created with the goal of upgrading permanently and addressing all market tendencies. Threats evolve and the project evolves also to address those. What is the base for developing updates for this project? These are anticipations of customers who provide their feedback. Are you an interested user who wishes to get a new crypto experience? Are you a skilled developer who is ready to contribute to reaching the goal of making the project more advanced? The platform is open to you with all available features and opportunities. Close more deals effectively! Save time and money! Contribute to the project by making it customized to your needs more! BitMarket Network Client welcomes new users to go an extra mile for them! [link] [comments] |
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