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submitted by /u/8w2e5s6h8r6a5n9e0a3s [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/dx1wg0/why_binance_withdrawal_fees_on_bch_is_100000_sats/
This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
Does anyone know a wallet that can send SLP coins to multiple recipients/addresses at once???
Hi guys,
Firstly, thank you everyone who answered all my questions in the previous post! Much appreciated!
I just have one more question, like I said before, I started doing trades involving BTC/BCH so the question is what happens if I accidentally send to the wrong address?
Is there any customer support number we can contact for help in case something goes wrong for a refund?
Or at least, in general who can I go to for help regarding my transactions?
What if I made a transaction with a online merchant using btc and I need a refund because the item delivered was incorrect or I had any issues with the product. How exactly will I get the cash back?
Thanks in advance for the response!
Then why not just do it? The community and especially the businesses (SatoshiDice, Memo.cash, Member etc) seem to want it.
I assume there are some serious disadvantages at play? Could an ABC developer shed some light on the topic?
I've been looking into reddit alternatives, and most of them are not truly censorship resistant, since they usually take a federated approach. The two projects I know of that want to tackle censorship resistance first and foremost are /r/raddi and Member, and it would be great if the devs could get together and discuss both platforms. Anyone from Memo/Member interested can talk to /u/RaddiNet. Cheers!
I’m so happy! I finally navigated through the legalities of buying bitcoin with my retirement funds! I’ve been on this path for a couple months once I figured out that bitcoinIRAs fee was way too high for my investment goals and other companies charged $1500+ for setups plus reoccurring payments. I learned a lot through this process and found a way for me to hold my own Keys. I want to bring this service to like minded investors for a fair price! I’ll be starting up my own business specializing in Bitcoin IRAs and can’t wait to get started.
If anyone is interested I’d love to talk about my experience and the advantages of a bitcoin it’s. I could use the help which would inform my FAQ section.
A little about me: Econ undergrad major and IT/supply chain MBA. Project manager at a top 3 winery by revenue. Side projects include small business consulting focusing on LLC creation.
Assuming the ubiquitousness of Bitcoin in the far future and supposing that people lose confidence in the USD, could there ever be a point where the price of Bitcoin would become much less volatile and more stable as the whole world uses it and develops a natural sense of what things should cost if priced on Bitcoin? Curious to hear peoples’ opinions on this.
Kik, the former messaging app now shifting its focus to cryptocurrency, has been involved in a court case with the SEC, which alleges that a 2017 ICO breached the commission’s regulations due to the fact that its coin, Kin, is actually a security.
Kik Legal Team Struggle for Plausible ExplanationThe legal team for Kik has argued in the court of the Southern District of New York that the case against it is null and void based on the premise that the legal definition of an “investment contract” is unclear. However, the presiding judge has dismissed ...
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Some miners will hold all their rewards in anticipation of a rise in price, some will sell all as their business model. And some will sell a percentage to pay the costs an maybe other bills, while accumulating the rest of their rewards.
Are there statistics/ estimates of what percentage miners sell of their daily/ weekly/ monthly rewards on average?
If you mine yourself, what percentage you usually sell?
Normally, I'd would say that anyone who is willing to put 100% of their assets in any one thing is absolutely nuts. However, my situation is quite unique. I am 22 years old and going to graduate with a degree in engineering this coming May. I have no student loans, no debt, and no gf.
As soon as I graduate, I am moving to rural Africa for 2.5 years with a guaranteed living wage and heath insurance. I will receive ~11K USD when I return in fall 2022. I am only able to bring 100 lbs of my things.
I have been steadily accumulating BTC and a few shitcoins since late 2016. I remember the euphoria of the 2017 bull run vividly. I firmly believe that Bitcoin specifically is going to be the solution to the global debt problem and is bound to displace gold and a large portion of most fiat currencies. I can't imagine that there will not be another outrageous run-up between now and when I return.
Over the course of the next 6 months, I plan to slowly sell everything that I own (a car and a few other nice things) and be 100% invested in crypto by the time I step on the plane to leave the country. I won't be too hurt if I lose everything because I can always stay with my parents for a few months when I return, if necessary. I don't particularly need the money and my risk tolerance is very high.
Best case scenario I get enough money to fund my dream of living in a van and being a ski bum on the west coast for a few years. Worst case scenario I end up staying at my parents until I get a big boy job. Fuck it, we ball.
Thanks for reading, what are your thoughts?
1) Meme must be an image or gif submitted under the Dank Bitcoin Memes topic using Memo.cash posting guidelines (Those can be found at Memo.cash/guides)
2) The meme must be cryptocurrency related
3) Your submissions must be created by you
4) There is no limit to how many submissions you can enter into the contest
5) Contest ends on November 30th at midnight EST. Awards are distributed on December 1st
6) Have fun! There's real money to be won here but ultimately the goal is to make people laugh while interacting with each other on the BCH blockchain. If you're taking this contest super seriously you are doing it wrong.
Other details:
Every appropriate submission will be given a Dank Bitcoin Meme Dividend token. On December 1st the token holders will be awarded a dividend of 15,000 Spice for participating in the contest.
One submission will be selected to win 100,000 Spice
I will be submitting a bunch of memes in the Dank Bitcoin Memes topic for fun. I am not elegible to win the prize.
Any Spice tipped to me will be added to the prize pool. BCH and other tokens will NOT be added to the pool unless otherwise specified.
Questions? Ask me here or on Memo.
I was late to get into bitcoin, first time i bought was earlier this year but in a very short amount of time my whole view on what bitcoin is to me has radically changed.
Bitcoin has got me interested in Finance, history, politics, news (i try and stay away from mainstream) but what is becoming very clear to me is that the world is changing RIGHT NOW. And what is to say that my country in a few years wont be in the same situation as Hong Kong, venezuela, chile, argentina.. Probably not, but we cant know for sure.
I dont want to be stuck in a cashless society with extremely limited possibilities of free trade. In my personal view this is one of the biggest reasons that i hold bitcoin right now. I want to have the oppertunity in the future to not be stuck to the laws of a government wich is no better than me and sure as hell has no say over what i do with my money as long as my actions dont do anyone no harm.
I follow the daily price of bitcoin of course but it dont affect me too much , becuse i see this as our human right to be free in this digital mass surveilance society we are gradually becoming (and already are)
There hopefully will come a day when more and more people realize what central bank digital currencies will do . I fear we can become totally stuck within the constraints of government. When you can control all your citizens money, i dont even dare to think what insanity that will happen after around the world.