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submitted by /u/where-is-satoshi [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/e7al75/bitcoin_cash_killing_it_in_australian_retail_does/
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Hello world,
I need your advice and ideas on how I can earn bitcoin from Iran?
Currently, I have around $30 in BCH earned by doing mini tasks for a web developer, but people say this amount of money is nothing even for changing it to BTC, and I won't earn so much by doing those mini tasks.
To give you a background, I'm a poor guy in Iran dreaming of getting on my own feet and studying abroad and save my life. Cryptocurrencies is all I can do because our national currency worths nothing and also we are sanctioned in almost every field.
What can I do? I really need your advice.
People say BTC is going to zero and I just laugh. I will literally buy every BTC in circulation at $0.001 out of stubbornness and denial. The I'll be the ONLY whale!
This was a bit buried in the new SLP Electron Cash release announcement, but deserves its own post.
GS++ is a fast SLP indexer, validator, and graph search server... this was written in C++ and makes SLP validation WAY faster.
There's awesome people in BCH, working on the infrastructure and engineering work for scale.
Since many people joining read.cash have no idea what Bitcoin Cash is, we've decided to write an article that explains it without going into unnecessary details, history of the conflict or technical jargon.
I've been reading up on Peter Todd's archives, I found this gem:
TL;DR Bribe miners to only mine transactions which contain a backdoored cryptographic signature linking it to a real identity.
It's amazing to think about how much money and resources are being poured into sabotaging cryptocurrency every day. The ChainAnchor scheme never worked out, but the concepts really aren't that far-out. I wonder how much money Epstein funneled into the project?
Unfortunately I don't have the time these days for a more lengthly post about this topic. I want to share my concerns about the way I have been perceiving this subs community though this year. I am convinced that this behaviour has been partly been spread by a small group of user of this sub, and partly been triggered by users that follow other forks of Bitcoin.
It doesn't matter though who is triggering this behaviour, it is important how the community acts on and handles it. I for my part have been feeling irrititated at first, but since it hasn't stopped but increased, I am starting to get annoyed by it.
As I mentioned, no time to give this a longer explanation, I just want to share my impressions and make you aware of them.
I noticed a change in the way social attacks in this sub are being performed this year. 2017 the attacks were based on technical discussions, the whitepaper or satoshis words being interpreted in absurd ways, and users being insulted as too dumb to understand the technical side of Bitcoin. That was the trigger for me to get into reddit actively. After having followed Bitcoin since 2011 I could correct a few things about what was spread here.
In 2018 that attack vector ebbed down and was taken over by attempts to cause a drift between the dev groups various proposals and each improvement that was to be implemented, like the heated DAA or CTOR debates.
With the split off of BSV a more social approach started to get a hold. We are back at discrediting single actors, like it was and is still being done in the /bitcoin sub. The amount of personal attacks against users has been getting out of hand in 2019.
I also noticed some sort of campaign a few months back, directed against BitcoinABCs lead dev. Lots of criticial posts against Amaury in person. That has been dialed down lately and been replaced by a campaign against BU developers. Again, this criticism is not about technical achievements, but focused on personal discrediting the developers and trying to make the community mistrust the "true intentions" of those persons.
The result is more tribalism, less technical discussions. If Amaury posts something in /bitcoin, he is bad. If Peter Rizun or Andrew Stone don't condemn BSV, they must be double agents for them.
Some of you are being played, and I think you don't even notice it because you are so busy defending this sub against all this bullshit. The attacks against this community are getting psychological again because technical arguments don't work.
I really have to go now, so I am just going to finish this thought with this warning:
It turns out that there is now three forks of Bitcoin and they are all going to survive. One has small blocks, one has big blocks and one, after some struggle and by giving up on decentralization, managed to write even bigger blocks. And surprise, the guys who have been focused on making Bitcoin scale to gigablocks for years, are not condemning the fork that finally managed to write the biggest blocks ever seen on any fork of Bitcoin.
Is the answer to that really to throw that dev team out? Because they don't hate BSV? Step in front of a mirror and listen to yourself. This is exactly the psychological trick that created the btc maximalists. You are being bombarded with FUD and social attacks until you become BCH maximalists as a result. You are being played and I want to inform you all that I am not going to become that kind of user that I left behind in /bitcoin after the fork.
SLIP39 has been around for a while. I built a web tool to play around with it.
Have a go - https://iancoleman.io/slip39/
Source code here - https://github.com/iancoleman/slip39
Still early days, some work to do - see https://github.com/iancoleman/slip39/issues
Feedback / issues / feature requests most welcome.
Thanks to ilap on github for the slip39-js library.
I've been pondering the fact that Nano (which promotes itself as "feeless") has no built-in mechanism for allocating tx bandwidth in the event of congestion.
BCH has this in the form of miner fees, but it raises a question for me. Given the emphasis on zero-conf payments and the absence of any explicit replace-by-fee mechanism, what would actually happen in the event that the BCH chain became congested?
Obviously we would try to increase the block size and add capacity before the congestion hit, but as Peter Rizen pointed out, there are physical constraints on bandwidth available for block propagation. Capacity can never be infinite, so a market of fees bidding for scarce block space is always a possibility, since miners will self-impose a maximum block size that they will try to mine, lest they increase their rate of orphaned blocks.
So then, in the event of congestion, how are BCH miners expected to interact with the fee market, since there is no explicit replace-by-fee?
tl;dr: Bottle has added a "Gift" button that generates a URL. First to claim the sats associated with the URL gets them. This works as a "bearer instrument", ... something you can stuff in a Christmas Card, for example.
Here's an example (If it doesn't work for you, that means someone else claimed it, and it is gone):
Here's the announcement:
/bitcoincashBCH is run by /u/cryptacritic17 who is an old BSV shill
/u/fFiatRebellion is whining about his blatant shilling of this obvious troll den being "censored"
Seems another attempt to divide and disrupt the real BCH community is afoot by the usual suspects
In 2017 I was 4 years out of college without a full-time job driving Uber. I got into Bitcoin right after China "banned" it(4-5k). I grew disillusioned with myself. Because I still didn't have a full-time job and had no money my mind-set was gamble gamble gamble until I have at least $500,000 because I thought I would never get a full-time job. Big mistake. I gambled(by trading altcoins) everything away.
Earlier this year I was in more than 40k of debt and still no full-time job. I saw Bitcoin moon. I got depressed because I had no Bitcoin. A couple of weeks after Bitcoin peaked at 14k , I got a full-time job. Last month I fomo out the dip. I bought 1.66667 Bitcoin at about $7350 each. I had more than 10 during the bubble. But I learned my lesson!
Hold, don't trade shitcoins, and don't buy 30k of bitcoin on credit cards.
My only concern is Tom Lee says he's bullish. This is literally the only non-bullish indicator right now.
Thanks for the support guys! i am shocked my post was actually allowed! I realized that with a lot of popular Reddit communities it's a pain in the ass to even get a post approved to be posted on Reddit. Thank you mods!
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Hi, sorry for my bad english.im not sure if i can post this here, but i wish to let people know.i find a well made scam about Bitcoin mining and wallet. they they make pings call on cellphone from turkey, if you call back they charge you for the call( a normal scam ) but i find something more interesting, if you search on google the number who calls you, you find webpages filled with telephone number on multiple web domainsone of those domain www.dial-tracer.xyz inside one of those pages filled with telephone numbers, you find a fake javascript error trying to reach a SQL database that "error" expose login info to an online crypto currency wallet/mining pool the error clearly show have inside 4.9854146 BTC (change sometimess)websitehttps://mcx.ltdlogin[rcd1988@gmail.com](mailto:rcd1988@gmail.com)password h6iUb_8klb*Apx[keep in mind this login info are part of the scam ] if you login inside this account you can find a mining pool working at 2.0/ 2.7 TH/s if you dig inside account settings, you can find there a 5 BTC withdraw minimum to reach, so basically you have to wait 15 days for the next pending earnings ( who never arrive to reach 5BTC + or - 15 days tested before make this post)or charge that wallet about 0.01222 btc to reach 5 btc to cash out. basically they looking for greedy people invest the difference to reach cashout minimum request to get 5 BTC, or people pay to increse mining hashrate to get more. p.s. if you log inside and change password and email, previus login info keep exist and generate another account when someone login. digging around i find https://mcx.ltd/admin if you open this page you can basically see all support tickets people open asking things like, how change minimum 5btc withdraw, i want back my mitcoins etc etc i tried to open a ticket saying, i find you scam, if you want cooperate contact me to this mail, and pasted an random email created just for this purpose, and they contacted me after something like 5 minutes from this email( [jamesfrak@h***ail.com](mailto:jamesfrak@hotmail.com) [fake email scammer] ) asking me how can i increse the business. even after i caught them after a couple of emails they tried to scam me more asking me bitcoin to join their group i respond saying im not interested in a salary but i can expose them some quick fix for their fake website linking some screenshot hosted on imgur, but i put a sneaky ip logger link inside those image ( i changed the link name with the actual link of the image) and boom the image opened 3 times from the same indian IP. ( the italian track its me trying the ip logger before send it) and for now that's all what i find, if you have an idea or knowledge to dig more about this scam, you are welcome.if i find more i will edit and add more things :)if you want to help or dig more feels free to contact me in private**and again sorry for my shitty english, my english its pretty basic, im just doing my best please do not roast me.**cheers Kalix ~<3 if you like this post and want tip me, here my btc wallet 1FMwUKsCyFWFkHzS9PnnuTpNYVuy7D4oaM all tips are welcome :) [link] [comments] |
I dreamt of Bitcoin Cash again today. It wasn’t the first time. I had regularly dreamt about Bitcoin Cash probably because I was thinking so much about it. I am still undecided whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, because obsession over anything is usually an unhealthy thing.
For such a long time, I was disappointed with how the world works and how people treat each other. I knew about North Korea and I wondered how a tiny group of evil people can repress millions of people. I was also constantly worried about inflation. What’s the point of me saving my money when I’m being fucking robbed every single day by someone with an unlimited money printing machine?
And then I read about the protests going on today in Hong Kong, Chile, Bolivia, Iran, etc and all the police brutality, murdering, raping, and torturing the protestors. There are no words sufficient to describe my sadness over what happened. I mean, who in their right mind would risk dying, tortured and suffering if they have a good life? The whole reason they are doing what they are doing, is because they couldn’t take it anymore. The protestors are so upset to the point where they feel risking dying/arrested is more than the comforts of staying at home.
Then one has to ask the important question. How is it that a small minority of bad people can control and repress an entire nation of citizens? Turns out, if you control the money printing machine, you can do anything. You can use it to distribute mass propaganda. You can use it to buy over companies so that they obey their masters. You can use it to pay for the military and police to follow your orders to murder the citizens. You can use it to pay politicians from other countries to look the other way. Like it or not, it is what it is.
The next question one should ask then is, what can I do? I’m just one person, what can I do? Turns out, you can’t do everything but you can do something. And because you can do something, that changes everything. When you remove the evil minority from the unlimited money printing machine, you put the power back into the people hands. And if the minority wants to do something without their unlimited money printing machine, they had to get the funds from the people. And as long as majority of the people are good, then only good things will be funded.
I guess maybe that’s why I am obsessed over Bitcoin Cash, as global peer to peer money, so no minority has the power to keep printing money for their own selfish benefits. I can’t do everything, but I can do something. And so can you.
Hi Bitcoiners!
I’m back with the 35th monthly Bitcoin news recap.
For those unfamiliar, each day I pick out the most popular/relevant/interesting stories in r/Bitcoin and save them. At the end of the month I release them in one batch, to give you a quick (but not necessarily the best) overview of what happened in bitcoin over the past month.
You can see recaps of the previous months on Bitcoinsnippets.com
A recap of Bitcoin in November 2019
FBI Director indicates cryptocurrency is a significant and growing issue for them (10 Nov)
A $15.3M luxury property in Manhattan sold for Bitcoin (11 Nov)
Lightning developer Joost Jager builds encrypted messaging on the Lightning Network (2 Nov)
Bitcoin developers are testing Schnorr and Taproot upgrades to improve privacy and scalability (17 Nov)
The Bitcoin Core code is preserved for 1000 years in the GitHub Arctic Code Vault (22 Nov)
Bitcoin Core 0.19.0 is released (24 Nov)
Starbucks to accept direct bitcoin payments through Bakkt in 2020 (1 Nov)
Square’s Cash App sells $148M bitcoin in Q3, up 245% in a year (6 Nov)
Alibaba partners with bitcoin rewards shopping app Lolli (12 Nov)
Australians can pay their bills using the Lightning Network through Living Room of Satoshi (15 Nov)
ProtonMail reveals it has been holding its bitcoin paymetns for years (17 Nov)
Why you should run your own full node by Bitcoin Core developer Pieter Wuille (10 Nov)
A guide on running a pruned Bitcoin node on a $12 Rock Pi S (12 Nov)
An anonymous group has set up a platform to educate Lebanese people on Bitcoin (18 Nov)
Regulation & Politics
China scraps plans to categorise bitcoin mining as an industry to be eliminated (6 Nov)
Bitcoin hailed as a success in China in a dramatic shift in attitude (13 Nov)
A Legal panel in the UK decided Bitcoin & digital assets are legally property (20 Nov)
Germany passes law that enables banks to store cryptocurrency (30 Nov)
Archeology (Financial Incumbents)
30% of surveyed Americans believed the USD is backed by gold (4 Nov)
A presentation about Bitcoin at a bank-organised event (13 Nov)
The Federal Reserve won’t disclose which banks are receiving repo cash for at least 2 years (14 Nov)
HSBC closes bank accounts for Hong Kong Protesters Movement (18 Nov)
PayPal’s CEO owns some bitcoin (20 Nov)
First German Bank imposes 0.5% negative interest rates to small savings accounts (20 Nov)
Poland repatriates 100 tons of gold from its storage in the Bank of England (26 Nov)
Fun & Other
George Soros on Bitcoin (8 Nov)
6 years ago a student held up a QR code to his bitcoin wallet on live TV and was sent over 22 BTC (10 Nov)
A fancy hardware wallet (15 Nov)
Bobby Lee apologises for supporting SegWit2x 2 years earlier (16 Nov)
An AMA with a major DarkNet vendor who went to federal prison (17 Nov)
A bitcoin rollercoaster mug (29 Nov)
So I got my account hacked and someone stole all my money (was in BTC on a trading site). I was hoping I could get some help identifying which exchange the address is linked to, so I can have some hope of getting it all back. I appreciate any help anyone can give. Thanks!
So the money was split between two transfers and ended up in these two addresses. I think one of them is an exchange. Here are the links to the addresses.
While it's true that Bitcoin has adopted technologies first "live tested" by Litecoin (AKA Segwit & Lightning Network), it looks like Litecoin crew expects this to happen again with their Extension Block MimbleWimble proposal.
Do you think Bitcoin will adopt this privacy solution proposal or will it ignore it and move on?
I find myself explaining how addresses and transactions work fairly often (and also just how Bitcoin in general works). Over time, I've come up with a few analogies that I think work fairly well.
It's not often we send physical letters in the mail these days, but for the most part we all understand how it works. If you understand how the US postal service works, then you already kind of know how Bitcoin works.
Bitcoin addresses are analogous to your home address. If I give you my address then you can send me a letter. However, in the Bitcoin world, we primarily only ever send envelopes filled with stamps (Satoshis). We still have to put stamps on our envelope (Fees). If we put a lot of stamps inside our envelope, then sometimes we have to put a lot of stamps on the outside envelope as postage or else the mailman won't accept our letter. ...unless he's a family friend or something (Miner).
At home, we can have a lot of letters (Transactions), and anyone can send us a letter if they have our address. I can even create a letter, address it to someone, and then wait a few days before I give it to the mailman. Again, if I don't put some stamps on that letter, the mailman won't take it. On the other hand, I can also put far too many stamps on the envelope than necessary. The mailman will still take that one though.
When someone sends me an envelope full of stamps, I don't have to send all of those stamps at once. I can mix and match stamps that were sent to me from multiple envelopes. I can also send an envelope with a bunch of stamps back to myself, however, I still lose the stamp I put on the envelope.
I can have multiple mailing addresses just like I can have multiple bitcoin addresses. Sometimes I might even have two addresses that map to the same house! ...but that's complicated. (Compressed Public Key)
If someone sends me a letter full of stamps to my PO box, I can take the stamps out of that letter and combine them with the stamps someone sent me at my home address, and I can wrap both sets of stamps in a single envelope and send them to someone else. I can also choose to only send a few of them, and send the remainder back to my PO box.
How memo works is also similar to the postal analogy. Instead of just sending stamps, I can also send notes. The notes aren't worth anything, but the person I send it to can read it--but they can't use my note as postage for their own letter. I can put a note and a bunch of stamps in the same envelope though, and then they can send me a note back with the stamps I provided them.
SLP tokens are also very similar. Instead of sending a note, I can send you a bunch of dollars. I can't tape a dollar to the outside of the envelope instead of putting a stamp on there--the mailman won't accept that (yet... (Vin 😉))--but if the recipient takes the dollar to someone else, they might be able to find someone else to give them some stamps in exchange for one of the dollars. Unfortunately, because of how envelopes work, I cannot send both a note and a dollar in the same envelope. (OP_RETURN)
Anyway, hopefully this analogy is useful to you as information, or perhaps it can be useful to help explain Bitcoin to a friend. If you're new to cryptocurrencies, then please ask questions! This whole blockchain world is new and complicated; there's absolutely no shame in not knowing or misunderstanding how it works.
On July 10, 2015, Litecoin plummeted, and on July 13, Bitcoin plummeted. The Okcoin trading platform said that it was paralyzed by a hacker attack. The hacker maliciously manipulated the price, and customers could not go online to operate, which caused a large number of customers to sell out. huge loss. According to the specific situation: hacking caused the trading platform website to stop, the platform data to be abnormal, and users unable to operate on the platform. As a result, Litecoin and Bitcoin on the platform failed to operate the stop loss in a timely manner, with losses of 57.9 Bitcoin and 3136 Litecoin. After many negotiations with investors, the okcoin platform only compensates Wei for 15% of the loss, that is, 8.7 bitcoins, 1 power bank, and 1 month transaction fee. The remaining 49.2 Bitcoin and 3136 Litecoin. The company explained that the company also suffered hacking and suffered losses and refused to compensate. Relevant lawyers stated that for non-commercial risks such as theft, embezzlement, and fraud in virtual currency transactions, from the current trial practice, there are courts in accordance with The "Announcement" finds that virtual currency transactions are illegal financial activities, so the creditor's rights and debts formed are not protected by law, and the actors should bear their own risks. What do you think of it?