This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
Saturday, 6 June 2020
This video explains how Jeffrey Epstein was an actor for intelligence agencies. Remember: Epstein was a smallblocker / "store of value" proponent who helped finance the MIT DCI. Gavin Andresen left DCI because he "didn’t want to feel obligated to any person or organization".
How to make a ton of USD with bitcoin
Bitcoin is controlled opposition. You have to do this real time but it absolutely works around 7 out of 10 times--they want some plausible deniability.
If Ethereum or Bitcoin Cash go up Bitcoin will follow. If they stop going up, bitcoin will drop. If they both go up, bitcoin will rise rapidly.
Knowing this you can time your buys and sells accordingly.
I have made about 230K trading this way.
Bitcoin is only used to slow the rise of alts. It has no more organic rises.
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Coinbase and the investors that back them should be absolutely ashamed of their business practices, especially for pitching their crypto surveillance service to the IRS and DEA.
How long will Brian Armstrong continue to sellout?
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need help about
sorry , i am not sure if this is the right sub to ask , i wish you help me , is 10minutebitcoin safe ?
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Don't trust your government with your browsing history
With everything that is going on in America I believe it is more important than ever to protect your digital life, your privacy is being slowly eroded.
Google is currently being sued for $5 billion dollars for tracking users in incognito mode, use an alternative like Brave Browser which is privacy focused and blocks ads and invasive scripts that advertisers use to track you from website to website.
Consider paying for a VPN to hide your browsing history from your ISP, any free VPN services steal your data and sell it to advertisers. If you do not have the money for a VPN you can download Brave and click the settings in the top right and click 'New private windows with Tor' when you are searching things you want to keep private.
If you are making purchases online that you want to keep private use a virutal privacy card from instead of using your own card which is connected to your name and address.
These are only a few suggestions, any other tips are appreciated.
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If Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum don't hold up, Bitcoin never will
It is only used as conrolled opposition now by the bankers.
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High Paying Auto Faucet Bitcoin Cash 10 satoshi Every 10 Minutes
![]() |
High Paying Auto Faucet Bitcoin Cash 10 satoshi Every 10 Minutes [link] [comments] |
Friday, 5 June 2020
Wrapped BTC on Ethereum is by far superior than Blockstream Liquid. Why? Because one works on an open network, whereas the other one is a private bank consortium. Go Figure!
Have you heard of Mirror Trading International?
Mirror Trading International.
Their track record to date is around 10% - 12% profit per month since inception! You're welcome to look it up, its legit.
Growing your Bitcoin – Changing your life
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. It may be described as a virtual currency or a digital currency – it is a completely virtual version of money, and each Bitcoin is a computer file stored in a “digital wallet”. Bitcoin transactions are recorded in a public list called the Blockchain. Basically, it is an online type of cash, and can be exchanged for real money.
Why Bitcoin?
It’s the way of the future, and this should interest absolutely anyone who is looking for financial freedom. This includes investors who are looking to diversify from more traditional portfolio options like fixed investments, stocks, property, gold and so on. If you have already started to accumulate Bitcoin, and are inclined to HODL, perhaps it is time to think again. This is where Mirror Trading International comes in.
Why Mirror Trading International?
Using Bitcoin as its base currency, the company uses advanced digital software and artificial intelligence (AI) to trade on the international Forex markets. Members join a trading pool with a minimum of $100. Daily profits are divided in a sustainable manner and are added to member accounts. This allows your Bitcoin to grow on a daily basis, quietly accumulating in your account. No trading experience is required as the system is automated and does everything for you.
All you need to do is sit back and relax. Your daily statements will allow you to track your progress.
If this sounds interesting to you, follow this Referral.
Remember, the minimum is $100 to start, that's a low entry, give it a try.
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Doing my bit for adoption
Hi guys , my graphic design business and SEO business is now accepting bitcoin as a payment method. Super excited about supporting bitcoin long term.
Infact , bitcoin payments is a "requested" feature by SEO clients doing casino website which proves that adoption is getting there slowly but steadily
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Need help contacting Coinbase-please help!
does anyone have an emergency number or way of actually getting through to coinbase?? I have a big security issue and they have not replied to my multiple calls and submitted request forms/emails. Please help if you know of a way to contact them as fast as possible!
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How exactly does Blockstream benefit financially from the Lightning Network?
I'm genuinely curious about this since I've seen this idea being put around a lot. I want to know more.
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InstaBitcoin will go back to business soon promoting Bitcoin Cash in Venezuela, but we need support! Check our website and help us with a donation! Want to check our meetups and events? Go to Instagram @InstaBitcoin_ven
What I Love About Bitcoin...
The anticipation I feel when I send my hard earned money to an address just hoping it shows up sometime soon
And the relief I feel when it arrives
The anxiety I feel withdrawing from an exchange before it gets hacked
And the relief I feel when it returns back safely
Going to bed up hundreds, waking up down hundreds and yes, going to bed down hundreds and waking up down more hundreds
Hiding my seed somewhere safe and hoping it’s still legible if I need it and sharing that location with someone I trust - for now
Sleeping with my Nano in my pillowcase and waking up with Ledger imprinted on my cheek
The desire to Hodl versus the desire to take a profit, after all, Hodling is way more important than taking profits
The thrill of recognizing and warding off endless scam emails and phishing attempts that haven’t been able to fool me (yet)
Suggesting to friends and family they invest in Bitcoin and having them look at me like I’m out of my mind
Teaching a newbie about Bitcoin and frustrating myself to no end, and not caring that I was once them
Reading about technical blockchain stuff that is so far over my head I have to have an out of body experience to grasp it
Perpetually wondering if Bitcoin will go to a million or zero or at least 11K again
Buying all my Bitcoins at $19,783 and savouring the deal I got
Dreaming my $10/Bitcoin buy limit order for $10,000 worth may accidentally fill
Bashing myself for not being an early adopter and missing out on a chance in a lifetime
These are some of the reasons I LOVE Bitcoin! How about you?
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How decentralized is BCH? And what are some metrics to base decentralization on?
We often hear the argument from BTC that big blocks are at the cost of decentralization. Without turning this thread into a BTC CORE MAXIMAMLIST RETARDED LMAO... Can we answer, is BCH decentralized? And if decentralization is not a boolean true | false - then what is it?
My own opinion is that hashpower decentralization is important for the integrity of the blockchain itself, and being able to verify the chain yourself is important for decentralized usage (not depending on others to use the blockchain). Both are hard to measure - miners can be anonymous - and everyone has a difference circumstance so some of us can run nodes easier than others (knowledge and technical know-how being the biggest barrier)
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Is Provably Fair actually fair? (Seed pre-computation)
I was thinking about the concept of provably fair crypto games and how they supposedly ensure that all numbers generated for any game are actually random. They seem to be based on sharing the seed that was used as input to the PRNG, after the game is over. That way you can verify yourself that based on that seed, the numbers were indeed from that PRNG (they often share a hash of the seed when the game starts too).
But obviously some seeds are less fair than others. Let's take a dice game. A player may on average only play for 30 rolls before giving up (for example. You could work out the average once you have enough players). Now, a sequence of random numbers based on a given seed might be fair (i.e. Uniformly distributed) for a sufficiently large sequence of numbers. But what about the first 30? It would be trivial to "brute force" (i.e. Just guess at random) a whole bunch of seeds and see what numbers they return for the first x numbers (say, 30). A game that is supposedly provably fair could then have a database of known seeds that are favorable to the game operator, and use these when a player is detected as placing large bets. Or when a player first starts playing to entice them to play more.
Obviously there is the issue of reusing seeds and their hashes then being identical. But not all provably fair games publish the list of seeds used. And besides, it wouldn't be hard to use each seed only once and find more favorable seeds. If you only care about the first 30 or so number from the number generator, then there are plenty of seeds available.
I don't see how the blockchain helps here. Sure, you publish seeds on the blockchain. But I'm talking about the method used to choose the seeds in the first place. And even if a site claims to use the seeds themselves, how do you know they're actually doing that? Anybody can publish data on the blockchain, doesn't mean that's what is being used behind the scenes.
I'm sure I've missed something here, can somebody point it out?
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Thursday, 4 June 2020
Im proud to offer to live streamer YOSHI! a non biased, non political insight into my life in crypto, starting in in 2011! 4 part series. Parts 1, 3 and 4 are pretty fun!
The world is changing fast so don’t get left behind! Get your fair share and get paid to watch advertising. Join the YOUniverse where 200 million advertisers connect with 4 billion users in the world’s largest direct-to-consumer advertising platform. Why make big companies even bigger with your personal data? It is time to get your fair share! Get aboard, step into the future now!
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why does BCH community use the r/btc instead of r/bch ?
This seems very deceitful and misleading. If you are proud to be holding Bitcoing Cash BCH - why all the trickery with the BTC and domain. Why not it's say something about the operation that's going on here. I don't care how cool your coin might be, until you break ties with bitcoin (btc), your coin will get no consideration from me.
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Can we really opt out with Bitcoin?
Hi all, I want to hear your strongest arguments for and against the idea of “opting out” with Bitcoin. I’m not quite a maxi and believe there is a place for altcoins (though far less than exist today), but let’s focus on this Bitcoin narrative here.
“Defund the state, buy bitcoin” — you see it all over Twitter. But how does this actually work if we still have to pay taxes on every transaction? What does opting out look like/ to what extent?
I want to believe but am not enough of an Econ nerd to validate or invalidate the idea myself. Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
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How-to: setup your multisignature Cold wallet in Bitcoin Core 0.20 (highest security setup)
Last release of Core is amazing !
The main new feature is sortedmulti
descriptor. This allows you to import your multisig setup in Core almost as if it was Electrum when combine to the new PSBT export in GUI !
As it needs command line and some weird checksum, you also need to input very long command in the console and if you made a mistake, you cannot copy the last command you made. So take your time when the commands are long to check everything and don't miss anything, use copy paste before validating the long command. You only have to do this once fortunately :)
I detail here how you do it with a k
of n
setup, good luck:
- Use HWI to get the
xpub and fingerprint of all your hardware wallets signers (basically, you will do some command like./ enumerate
to get the fingerprintfffffff
and./ -f fffffff getxpub derivation_path
for each of the hardware wallets used in the multisig setup, for air-gapped ones you normally have native way to get xpub). If you use other tools, remember it must be xpub formated, not Zpub or Ypub (which may represent the same key but very differently, use at your own risk if you don't want to use HWI). - Create a blank wallet in Core console (or cli) with
createwallet "Name_wallet" true true
, the private key are also disabled. Load this wallet in command line of QT (you must selectName_wallet
in Qt at the top of command line, or load it withloadwallet
). All command must be run with this wallet loaded (don't load another one in between ....) - Let details the descriptors we can use. For a P2SH (legacy) multisig setup it looks like
, for a P2WSH (native segwit) setupwsh(sortedmulti(k,...))
, and for a P2SH-P2WSH (segwit)sh(wsh(sortedmulti(k,...)))
because we all want to spare fees, I will take P2WSH for what happens next but you know how to get other addresses type. Our descriptors will look likewsh(sortedmulti(k,[path1]xpub1.../0/*,[path2]xpub2.../0/*,...,[pathn]xpubn/0/*))
for receiving addresses andwsh(sortedmulti(k,[path1]xpub1.../1/*,[path2]xpub2.../1/*,...,[pathn]xpubn/1/*))
for change.pathm
is the derivation path of them
th xpub of our setup (order of xpub doesn't matter). But be careful: for a derivation path likem/44'/0'/0'/312
you must writepathm
is the fingerpring of the xpubm
given by HWI andh
(else it is harder to input in command-line, you need to input\'
instead of'
each time) - We need to get the checksum of the descriptors we use. We call
getdescriptorinfo "wsh(sortedmulti(k,[path1]xpub1.../0/*,[path2]xpub2.../0/*,...,[pathn]xpubn/0/*))"
andgetdescriptorinfo "wsh(sortedmulti(k,[path1]xpub1.../1/*,[path2]xpub2.../1/*,...,[pathn]xpubn/1/*))"
. In the two cases, the result is a JSON with a new descriptor (we don't care of it) and a field like so"checksum": "nefdbkdf"
. This second string is what we want, we namechecksum0
the checksum results of the two calls. - We import the 2000 first receiving addresses with
importmulti '[{"desc": "wsh(sortedmulti(k,[path1]xpub1.../0/*,[path2]xpub2.../0/*,...,[pathn]xpubn/0/*))#check_sum0", "timestamp": birth_timestamp, "range": [0,2000], "watchonly": true, "keypool": true}]'
. You recognize the same first descriptor and we appendchecksum0
to it with a#
. If you didn't use this wallet setup before (in Electrum ...), setbirth_timestamp
else input a timestamp close to the first time you used the wallet to avoid a full rescan (if you don't remember, delete it from the call and enjoy a coffee during full rescans) - We import the 2000 first change addresses with
importmulti '[{"desc": "wsh(sortedmulti(k,[path1]xpub1.../1/*,[path2]xpub2.../1/*,...,[pathn]xpubn/1/*))#check_sum1", "timestamp": birth_timestamp, "range": [0,2000], "watchonly": true, "internal": true}]'
. Notice thatkeypool
is not set, so it is set to false: the keypool is needed to show you receiving addresses one by one to avoid addresses reuse. For change addresses, we need to setinternal
to true so that they are added to the outputs as change automatically.
And you are DONE ! You should get the exact same addresses than Electrum and you can created receiving addresses in Qt ! To send money, just go to the send section, use the new coin control feature and export a partially signed transaction. You can use HWI or Electrum to sign it with your hardware wallets !
Notice: You can import more or less than 2000 addresses of each type. If less, blockchain rescan is faster but you may need to redo what we have done here later when all addresses will have been used once. If more, it is the contrary.
You now have the most possibly secure setup in one software: multisig with hardware on the full node wallet. When Bitcoin Core 0.21.0 will be out, we will also have native descriptor wallet so maybe we will have HD version of this. But for now, this is the best you can do ! Enjoy :)
P.S. : if you like doing things in one shot you can do the last two steps in one big command: importmulti '[{"desc": "wsh(sortedmulti(k,[path1]xpub1.../0/*,[path2]xpub2.../0/*,...,[pathn]xpubn/0/*))#check_sum0", "timestamp": birth_timestamp, "range": [0,2000], "watchonly": true, "keypool": true}, {"desc": "wsh(sortedmulti(k,[path1]xpub1.../1/*,[path2]xpub2.../1/*,...,[pathn]xpubn/1/*))#check_sum1", "timestamp": birth_timestamp, "range": [0,2000], "watchonly": true, "internal": true}]'
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An Analogy for Bitcoin: Bitcoinville
Once upon a time there was an evil totalitarian emperor. He was the emperor of Fiatville. In Fiatville, they steal your money whenever you do anything.
So one day, a brave Agorist known as Satoshi Nakamoto, decided to start a peaceful rebellion, and many followed him as he led them many miles away to a new land. This land was rich with milk and honey. They called this land, Bitcoinville.
Satoshi Nakamoto ruled righteously, and gave everyone freedom. Bitcoinville was a prosperous, beautiful city. But then on his deathbed, he gave the crown to his son, Gavin.
Gavin was a righteous heir, and decided that he wanted to get rid of monarchy. So Gavin appointed a commitee to rule instead of himself as king. This did not go as planned though, as his appointees were saboteurs and spies from Fiatville. King Gavin was assasinated.
Bitcoinville grew very very prosperous, and boomed with attractions and functions. But one day, there was so many people, and so many attractions, that people began to be crowded on the roads. It would take too long to go anywhere, because the roads were to few and too narrow. The people of Bitcoinville began to grow miserable, some even left the city.
Many begged the commitee of Bitcoinville to build and widen the roads, and expand the city. But the commitee refused, saying that expanding too far would open the city up to attack, and we must remain compact in order to be secure.
So one day, a brave warrior, known as Sir Ver, decided to take people from the city of Bitcoinville and leave it for a land soon to be known as BitcoinCashVille. Except he didn't call it BitcoinCashVille, he and his followers called it The Real Bitcoinville.
Ver's plan was to lure in merchants and travellers by telling them it was The Original Bitcoinville, and that he had solved the urban planning crisis of transportation by widening the roads.
Except, what was the point of wider roads if your land is desolate and you have no grandiose city for the roads to lead to?
BitcoinCashVille forever remained with a low cap population, and continually widened and polished its roads, but never had a real city to use them. They even upgraded their stone slab roads to asphalt roads, but still nobody wanted to use them.
Then one day the town's Joker, Sir Wright, was fired by King Ver. Sir Wright rebelled against Ver, and took an army of handicapped people to BitcoinSVVille, under the guise that Asphalt wasnt the original road system, and that the Original Bitcoinville had stone slabs!
There was now three Bitcoinvilles, the real thing which was crowded out forever, an emptier version of it with no city of people, and a bunch of intellectual caveman banging rocks together in a desert, forever.
The end.
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When the topic of economy arises, I don't mention Bitcoin, I just let them search for alternative money.
I've developed this marketing technique over the years. I'm passionate af about our industry, but I've noticed that if I started talking about Bitcoin passionately and enthusiastically, people tend to give me this look as if I was brainwashed by it. So I found this to be a powerful tehcninqe:
First I start off with: "What is money if it's not scarce? I'm not anti-government (actually I am but I don't want freak them out), but why would they claim that the medium of exchange we use is of value if it can be produced by them as they see fit " Then I follow it with: "Money should be an asset that nobody controls. It is too powerful for governments to take full control of policy and money supply. History has taught us that extreme power is the foundation of corruption.
Some fall for it and ask for an alternative then I hit them off with everything you guys know.
I feel like Leo from inception. I gradually make them wonder, plant a seed that something is not right, drag them to think, they not me become open to the idea of an alternative money, then I get'em.
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Blockchain and the future of the decentralized internet
Hi all!
The BitcoinTaxes Podcast has released a new episode. In case you haven't heard our show yet, we created this podcast with the purpose of exploring a variety of topics related to cryptocurrencies and blockchain-technology. This time we are talking about .crypto domains, the blockchain and decentralized Internet.
Our guest today is Brad. Bradley Kam is the co-founder of Unstoppable Domains. Unstoppable Domains, at its core, is a blockchain registry. Blockchain-based domain names offer unique advantages over traditional domain names. Brad enlightens us about the major advantages of blockchain-based domains: they can be used as a payment gateway – that is, your blockchain domain name can be used as a wallet address to receive payments of multiple cryptocurrencies. In addition, Brad discusses a second key advantage of these types of domains: the inability to censor them, due to how they are stored, and because of a lack of ICANN governance.
Brad highlights how these domains work, while pointing out how these new domains will address existing flaws in the traditional domain system. He shares how the Ethereum Blockchain is helping to shape the future of the decentralized internet.
Episode highlights
The Core of Unstoppable Domains (02:00)
Brad: [We are] a blockchain domain registry…except that we’re launching our registries on blockchains instead of as part of the DNS system. And so what this means is that domains are stored by the user inside of their wallet; instead of stored by their registrar. Just like having your cryptocurrency in your wallet… having your domain stored by you means no one can take it from you. We sought out to build tools for a decentralized web.
Uncensored Internet and Potential Hurdles (04:10)
Brad: Having the technology tools not decide what’s “okay”…is critical for having a robust system that allows all of us to participate. If we have a system that decides what’s okay and what’s not, it means that a very small percentage of the world is going to be able to actually get access to those tools and use them.
The pro-censorship argument is really: …most people shouldn’t get to use the internet…or shouldn’t be able to get to use the internet in the fullest sense. So technology tools need to be agnostic at the base level because you can’t trust any one person or any one group of people to decide what’s okay. I mean this has just been proven out over the past 20 years. There’s all kinds of problems with what gets taken down on the internet.
We’re a domain business – meaning that we don’t know what you’re going to do with a domain when we sell it to you. It’s really going to wind up coming down to what the browsers think is okay. That’s going to be the shift here – wherein the traditional internet world we’ve got YouTube and Facebook and companies like that where they kind of decide, you know, is this over the line or is this not over the line? They’re empowered, or actually, kind of forced to do this filtering.
In a decentralized web world where that information is shared, you’ve got multiple applications and they all say: “hey, this address or this website is associated with some fishing or some bad stuff. We suggest you don’t resolve it”. They can share that. Then they can create filters around that. You’re not going to have one version of the internet.
Right now Facebook also needs to be our moral authority on free speech. They need to be the Supreme Court – deciding what’s okay and what’s not okay to say. YouTube used to do the same thing. That’s ridiculous. That system is completely not working. It’s leading them down a path. First of all, it’s way too much work. It’s not their core business. Second of all, it leads them to be manipulated by various powerful forces.
I would remind everybody who’s thinking about this question, this problem of filtering – it is a problem with the current internet too. The only thing that’s changing here is now we’re going to be more empowered to organize and share information across applications. That’s what we’re going to get with a decentralized web. We can have a hundred different applications all working together together on here’s the bad stuff, here’s the good stuff. And if something really does need to get out because it’s important that it’s heard, then a system like this will ensure that it does.
A Convenient Crypto Payment Gateway (10:55)
Brad: You can use them to receive cryptocurrency – they can be your payment gateway. I’ve got Brad.crypto. You could send me Bitcoin or Ethereum or Litecoin or any cryptocurrency to that domain. You can just type in Brad.crypto, you don’t need to know my addresses anymore. It’s this kind of like a Venmo payment gateway for your crypto.
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Where should I donate for BCH development?
[update] Donated to Bitcoin ABC
As I promised in this thread
I'm going to donate 10BCH to BCH development.
Btw, after sending out bunch of tips, it appears hit the "too long mempool chain" issue..
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Wednesday, 3 June 2020
is btc going to continue dropping before it rises up again?
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Bitcoin Cash Register App seems redundant
Just a quick comment, as I'm watching this interview with Tobias u/eyeofpython..
he mentions how having a separate consumer app and merchant app can be confusing (to the merchant), I'm assuming he gathered this insight from the experiences of u/georgedonnelly (the king of onboarding), and it makes sense to me..
so just wondering if it makes more sense to incorporate the otherwise trivial functionality of Cash Register directly into the wallet as a merchant mode .. I know Edge wallet does this and I think it makes more sense that anyone can be a merchant AND a consumer .. perhaps, for security reasons, each can have the option of a pin code to make the switch .. just some food for thought for u/memorydealers and his dev crew
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Crypto is pretty much the only reason I used Reddit anymore, and I'd like to stop using this website. submitted by /u/TheTruthHas...
submitted by /u/FearlessEggplant3036 [link] [comments] source
submitted by /u/KillerHurdz [link] [comments] source