
Question about 1099-B form, the Peer-to-Peer BCH Marketplace just had our busiest day ever!

Selling my Nintendo and whiskey collection for bitcoin.


Australian looking to buy gift cards with Bitcoin. Anyone know if 'Round the Block' is legit?

I had a thought earlier. Could increasing blocksize actually decentralize Bitcoin?

Dear pool operators that want to support BCH developers from block rewards,

What little things have you forgone because you rather have the Sats?

BitcoinCash.StackExchange is approaching Phase 2 of 3

U.S. government agencies to investigate "Black Swan" wary of rise of cryptocurrency

Would it be possible for an organization on par with a Nation State to forcibly subvert (tax) Lightning Network funds to support war?

Check out this CashFusion transaction: ~34.79 BCH (>$17,000), 118 inputs, 20 outputs, and ~0% chance any anyone guessing whose is whose ✌️✌️

Anonymity is valuable to EVERYONE, unless you like the idea of discrimination. Seizure-resistant transfer of value is valuable to EVERYONE unless you like govs scooping up 10% of every bank account in the country to pay for war, bailouts, etc.

Volume has been picking up steadily since December, looks like we are in for another run, opinions?

It seems, Microsoft has removed Bitcoin from the payment options.

Spotted in Denver on a street performer’s speaker.

Bitcoins are stupid, they're just a bunch of numbers on someones computer. Who'd be dumb enough to pay money for them ?

"We are actually working with Bitcoin Verde to validate the mining code in BCHD. It will be a mining node soon." - Josh Ellithorpe

BCH SLP Developers Meeting #2 is now on Youtube

BTC maxis: So intellectually bankrupted that they don't realize people can't buy if other people aren't allowed to sell. Economics is not their specialty.

Bitcoin BCH Valentine

Bitcoin ATM spotted in Norway @ Epicenter


Which African country will be the first to make Bitcoin a national currency?

Attracting more Bitcoin Cash developers

Bitcoin Cash Latam is raising money to drive BCH adoption in Latin America

Massive Free "Faketoshi (CSW)" Collectible SLP Tokens Offer (repost)

IRS quietly deletes guideline that Fortnite virtual currency must be reported on tax returns.

Teenage Bitcoin Millionaire - CeWEBrity Profile - Tosh.0

CSW has gone off the deep end again. 🤦🏻‍♂️ In a rambling rant, he claims to be “the sole creator of bitcoin” (still without evidence to back it up), and is now “giving notice” to “CoreCoin” and “Bcash” (his words) that they may face legal issues for “infringing” on his invention. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

How can we tell if Pro-BCH miners are willing to donate block rewards to BCH developers?

US DOJ Calls Bitcoin Mixing ‘a Crime’ in Arrest of Software Developer

Proof that BTC fundamentals are shit:

Keep Bitcoin weird.

Can I buy BTC or BCH at an ATM without a phone?

I found the ultimate technical indicator of Bitcoin price rises after analyzing every r/bitcoin comment ever... How often people mention Lamborghinis per day. I'm not joking.

Why Bitcoin is in a Bull Market - Institutional vs Retail Volume Flows are Signaling Massive Institutional Accumulation.

The USA 🇺🇸 JUST Suggested Some SCARY Regulation for Bitcoin Holders [Both The Fed & Treasury SPEAK]

[Tutorial] How to become a thought leader on crypto Twitter

They noticed it quite a few years too late.

Stolen Funds, Coordinated Attack: IOTA "Halted," Announces "Working With Law Enforcement"

Recap of January's Toronto BCH Meet-up (Purse demo , encountering the 25-tx limit, SLP Dividends)

Dumb question. How do I buy a bitcoin?

Every time I have to move BTC around I curse Blockstream. Am I alone?

The Bitcoin Cash Stack Exchange Proposal has Reached the Followers Threshold!

Bitcoin Core (BTC) Drama Update ... 🤷‍♂️

Always remember — the original Bitcoin forked into 2 different coins: Bitcoin Core/SegWit & Bitcoin Cash. Only Bitcoin Cash preserves the original principles of bitcoin, even though the other coin took the name Bitcoin BTC.

SBI Crypto mining BCH blocks again after 1 year of not mining.



Actually using crypto currency to pay for things is considered a joke by BTC fans.

Bitcoin Moderators Censoring anyone that likes Bitcoin Cash (Dupree109)

So much amazing news about Bitcoin Cash coming out almost every day! Show our community's strength by subscribing!

Criminal activity existed before Crypto and will exist without Crypto

By request, here is a GIF of creating a lightning invoice using my Raspberry Pi :)

"Bitcoin: Emergent Change" - Vin Armani

I got my housemate into Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash

CEO of, the biggest crypto wallet company in the world is tweeting about Bitcoin Cash.

BitPay Bringing Bitcoin Cash Payments to 100,000 Retailers

I started accepting bitcoin on Etsy, so I made a couple of posters to celebrate!

Censorship within the BTC Community

Bear season is over!

Framed The Block of The First Bitcoin I Ever Bought

Bitcoin Is Our Only Chance to End the Current System That Is Flawed and Not Fixable

EFF Files Motion Accusing Kraken of Attempts to "Harass & Silence Current & Former Employees"

Ride your way - With Bitcoin BCH

Why did you guys wanted to upgrade the blocksize but then dont use it? Did BCH fail as an experiment?

Taking the new InstantPay feature for a spin, on the wallet app

Suggestion: If you have older YouTube videos or articles (pre-2018) touting Bitcoin's benefits, update the title/description of your content to reflect Bitcoin Cash. Otherwise, it can mislead newbies by unintentionally endorsing/defending/promoting BTC.

Can we get block explorers to show a new stat?

5 Bitcoin Trends You Need to Know About In 2020

Trend on Google for the term Bitcon is starting to rise 🚀

The CIA secretly bought a company that sold encryption devices across the world. Then its spies sat back and listened.


Friend asked me for a btc rollercoaster painting- with a dash of Dash