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submitted by /u/C4mMan [link] [comments] |
This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
Saturday, 21 August 2021
More good news everyone!
Our Flipstarter was successfully completed! A BIG thank you to everyone that supported us. We are now fully focused on the project, and look forward to promptly deliver the most secure and functional decentralized exchange on Smart Bitcoin Cash!
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/p8es1j/more_good_news_everyone/
Just sold it all
Sold all btc to buy my first home and I am paying 100% cash without a cent loan from banks. 😀.
I will DCA btc as I get some funds.
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Would you recommend BTC to your friends?
I am fairly new to crypto overall, but I think it has enormous potential and feel like it's almost a crime not sharing that potential with my friends.
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Daily Discussion, August 20, 2021
Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!
If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.
Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!
Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.
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Selling house to buy BTC
We've a house with around 230k in mortgage, selling it now we'd have around 100k in profits (after tax).
Selling it, moving to a rented place and putting it all to BTC to hodl on to for at least 5 yrs should be a game-winning move for the whole family.
Question is, how would you make your partner agree to it, given that they know very little about bitcoin? How would you deal with the price anxiety?
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If BTC would be unevenly distributed as USD ... this is how it would look like: Check where you fit in ;)
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this excel table is far away from perfect, but should be seen as a rough estimate. I took some wealth reports from several institutes and combined them. Take it with a grain of salt. [link] [comments] |
"We can see what happened to Bitcoin [BTC]: everyone was in favor of increasing the block size... except for corrupt expert developers... using censorship."
It's Fusion Friday! (+new CashFusion features!!)
NOTICE: This post describes CashFusion as it's implemented in Electron Cash 4.2.5, which was just released yesterday! Make sure to upgrade to this latest version for new CashFusion features, among other improvements.
With CashFusion, your finances are your business, and no one else's. Over 6 Million Bitcoin Cash has already been made private using this innovative, non-custodial mixing protocol.
You can "Fuse" all week for a few cents in fees if you want. This post is just a weekly reminder.
New to CashFusion? No problem, getting set up is pretty easy =)
First, download the Electron Cash desktop wallet. It's got CashFusion built in.
Set up your wallet, send it some Bitcoin Cash, and then activate CashFusion by clicking the icon in the lower right: https://i.imgur.com/DXEPLtf.png
Once it's activated, your wallet will start "fusing" the Bitcoin Cash it contains in the background. (That is, it will start mixing your coins with other CashFusion users automatically.) Fusions happen over time as their own transactions, and they only cost you the network transactions fees (so less than a penny, usually).
Each fusion transaction will include some of your coins*, so it will often take multiple fusion transactions before all the coins in your wallet are fused. Check "spend only fused coins" on the send tab if you want Electron Cash to prevent you from sending funds that haven't been made private yet.
Electron Cash can keep fusing your coins indefinitely, or it can aim for a certain number of fusions for each of your coins. Toggle this setting and choose the target number of fusions by right clicking the Fusion icon and then choosing "CashFusion Wallet Settings".
It may be necessary to split up or join your coins before they will Fuse, depending on their sizes. If you leave CashFusion running and don't see any fusions happening, consider sending your coins to yourself in small amounts to split them up, or sending everything to yourself in one transaction to combine them. (That latter does connect those addresses and reduce your privacy looking "backwards", so whether it's worth trying is up to you.)
Here's the CashFusion Telegram group where you are welcome to ask questions. (Just remember to be courteous!)
Happy Fusing!! <3
*"Coins" are kind of a confusing concept when it comes to Bitcoin, but you can think of them just like discrete "bills" (or... "coins") in your wallet, but instead of coming in only certain sizes like $1, $5, $10, $20, etc, they can be any amount sent to you in a previous transaction, like 0.618 BCH, 0.000001 BCH, or 123.45679 BCH. (They can also be combined and split up. That happens in most transactions!)
PS Accidentally posted this to my profile first time around instead of r/btc. Derp.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/p8d417/its_fusion_friday_new_cashfusion_features/
[FLIPSTARTER FUNDED] CashFusion Red Team Phase One is fully funded
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The CashFusion Red Team Flipstarter has been fully funded for 18 BCH within 48 hours of going live. Thank you! https://flipstarter.redteam.cash/ A special thank you to the contributors!
Funding transaction (yes, I immediately CashFusioned it): Now the difficult part begins... [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/p8dlhc/flipstarter_funded_cashfusion_red_team_phase_one/
Friday, 20 August 2021
What am I doing with my Bitcoin Cash?
The very short answer at the moment will be that my coins are just there sitting pretty, but that won't make for an article, let me explain, I was going to get a crypto secure loan with Celsius but destiny had other plans so now my coins will have to sit with my custodian account at least until September first, what I hold on BCH I can't sell, I can't buy more because I don't have money for it, and I can't move my coins either, well I could move my coins but at the moment I am choosing not to. If you are interested in knowing that story, please continue reading at read.cash; otherwise, thanks for your visit.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/p7t5wb/what_am_i_doing_with_my_bitcoin_cash/
How has blockchain changed business operations?
Share your thoughts!
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/p7rial/how_has_blockchain_changed_business_operations/
Why these old folks always start shiting there pants when we mention BTC futures?
Almost like they scared…hehe
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/p7rg0f/why_these_old_folks_always_start_shiting_there/
Blackrock invests ~$380 Million in Bitcoin Miners.
Blackrock, the world’s largest asset manager with $9 trillion in assets, has taken significant stakes in two Bitcoin miners—$382,962,003.08 million. 6.71% in Marathon and 6.61% in Riot Blockchain.
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Good news everyone! Koingfu.com now defaults to SmartBCH mainnet!
The Koingfu.com site now defaults to the smartBCH mainnet tokens. These are some of the tokens you will be able to trade once we move our DEX contract from testnet into mainnet.
We have also made good progress testing the bridge contract and it would be available after we move the DEX contract. If you have questions about the bridge we made a post with information on how it works a few weeks ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/osynga/lets_talk_about_bridges/
With SmartBCH mainnet arrival our first airdrop is here! We will be distributing 40% of the total of Ki tokens to the contributors of our Flipstarter. Please keep in mind that these tokens may not receive ANY VALUE and that you are making a DONATION to our development efforts. If you expect to have any kind of return from the Ki token, please do not participate in our Flipstarter.
About the Ki token, this is our community token and central to the smart contracts we bring into SmartBCH. We will be asking projects that want to be included in our site, DEX and Bridge to airdrop a percentage of their own tokens to holders of Ki. The airdrops will help fairly distribute projects tokens, generate discussion, and generate an initial network effect necessary to bootstrap projects.
If you do wish to receive the Ki tokens, please use Metamask to get your Smart Bitcoin CASH receiving address. Paste your address as the comment of your Flipstarter Donation. You can find our Flipstarter here: http://flipstarter.koingfu.com .
We will also be distributing 7% of the Ki token next year to active members of the Koingfu.com community, so make sure to register! Our team will take 3% after the Flipstarter is completed. The remaining 50% will be stored away in a public address, and available for vesting as we continue growing an amazing team and open the doors to VC.
To everyone that supported us over the last few months a BIG thank you!
Some previous related posts:
Let's talk about security:
Let's talk about Bridges:
Let's talk about DAOS:
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/p7py8p/good_news_everyone_koingfucom_now_defaults_to/
New Bitcoin Mining Facility to be Built Near Nuclear Power Plant in Salem Township Pennsylvania
According to Talen Energy, “the project will yield approximately 1,000 construction jobs, employ approximately 50 people per building once complete and also offer economic benefits in the form of tax revenue, infrastructure upgrades and use of local goods and services.”
Phase 1 includes a 180-megawatt Bitcoin mining facility and data centers powered directly by Susquehanna two nuclear units.
“Amazon, Google, all those cloud computing applications… Those are the potential clients, customers that we will have in the data center buildings. On the coin mining side, there will be computers again located in those buildings and those computers will run computations that will trigger and generate the issuance of coins,” explained Dustin Wertheimer, VP and Division CFO Talen Cumulus and Susquehanna Data Center.
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OnlyFans is banning porn on their platform due to pressure from payment processors and banks- (This is ANOTHER reason we need crypto)
A company that is built on porn is totally changing its own business model because banks and payment processors are forcing them to. If crypto was just a little more mainstream this would not be able to happen. We are still so goddamn early. Change is coming.
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A new lightning faucet for the newcomers! Already distributed to 4000+ users.
TLDR: Our new lightning faucet (https://LightningNetworkStores.com/faucet) is an open and smart faucet that always gives away at least one satoshi (250 sats at the time of this post). No action is required in return. People can donate to it anonymously or get featured. The goal is to introduce new people to the lightning network and grow it to one million users.
You might have heard about LightningNetworkStores.com before, we have been tracking merchant adoption of the bitcoin lightning network (LN) since February 2018. About one month ago we launched an LN faucet that pays with LNURL-withdraw (avoiding copy/pasting an invoice). The user experience should be quite friendly: just click a button and get satoshis.
The amount that can be claimed has varied between 300 sats and 45 sats and it is the balance between how fast users and the faucet are receiving satoshis. Money goes into the faucet from mainly two sources: part of the revenue from the website and donations to the faucet. When users donate to the faucet they can choose how fast their donation will be distributed and whether they want to be anonymous or not. If the user is not anonymous he will be featured along other donors according to how much he is donating per new faucet claim (sats/claim). Donors can donate multiple times and their donations will be aggregated. There is a third source of money for the faucet, hCaptcha, but this has been negligible so far.
You can see usage statistics of the faucet here. The data there excludes some behavior flagged as abusive and might be subject to tweaks. We won't go into details on how we prevent abuse, but if you are curious feel free to message us or take a look at our github repository to get an idea.
Why did we build a faucet now? In our case, it can generate better traffic than social media adverts whose crypto policies are very uncertain. This ends up being simpler in the long term. Additionally, there is no continuously running bitcoin faucet that we know of, but since we have LN it's possible to have one. Most people are being introduced to LN with custodial wallets like Wallet of Satoshi and Bluewallet which require no setup. Having an open faucet where you can always get a few sats was the missing piece for a good UX when getting started with LN.
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Thursday, 19 August 2021
RyverElSalvador: It's not fair that small group of people (Blockstream, Axa and goverment) can derail a nation with some opposite to Bitcoin. Help us to show the truth with Salvadoran talent for Salvadoran people!
Once the usd starts crashing we can change the narrative and say "that was a bubble"
I mean everything is a bubble, it's just a matter of when it will pop. Some bubbles pop faster, some take more time, some might be here till the end of time and then pop. The universe is the ultimate bubble and it seems that it's going to pop at some point.
Anyway the usd the US, the nationstate, whatever we create next is going to be a bubble, it's just a matter if it's a better bubble.
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Have had a lot of people asking me about Crypto lately, So I made a resource page! It includes referrals, WhyBitcoinCash.com, Read.Cash & Bitcoin.com Wallet!
Do people who HODL ever take profit?
Do HODL people never take profit? If so, what's the sell and buy formula? And what's makes you confident that your buy back in price will hit?
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Wednesday, 18 August 2021
Let's talk about security!
Good news everyone! We are advancing with our plans to move the KoingFu Smart Bitcoin Cash decentralized exchange from testnet into mainnet. The main challenge for any team working with smart contracts is security, so we want to share some details of what we call our security framework, or in other words what we are doing to keep funds safe.
There are 4 parts to having a secure smart contract platform, contract security, infrastructure security, key handling, and a bug bounty program. Let's go over some detail for each one of them.
1.- Contract security. This is the contract code that users can verify online. To make sure the code is safe, we will be getting audits of our code that will be public. While we are basing our project on the Uniswap contract code that already received audits and the test of time, we need to take into account that there are certain changes for BCH (https://docs.smartbch.org/smartbch/smartbch-evolution-proposals-seps/sep-206), it is always possible that this created new attack vectors, so we need to study these changes.
Here is an example of an audit, in this case for Uniswap: https://uniswap.org/audit.html , the costs for an audit from a reputable company start at 20k and takes a couple of weeks.
2.- Infrastructure security, these are the servers where the platform runs as well as the services that the servers depend on. How are they handled and secured, services we depend on like DNS and actual physical access to the boxes. We are hiring expert help to review our security and fix any issues early on.
Here is an example of a related DNS attack to Pankakeswap on Ethereum:
3.- Multisig Key handling is a vital part of the security of smart contracts. By making it necessary for calls to the smart contracts to be signed by multiple keys under the control of different persons we greatly reduce the risk of attacks. You can read more about Multisig here: https://medium.com/unidocore/what-is-multisig-what-is-key-management-in-crypto-6d08b6ffbeaealso a great video explanation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeLqe_gg2u0&ab_channel=TheFederalistSociety
4.- Bug bounty program, even while all the previous work there is still the possibility of vulnerabilities to code and infrastructure, by creating an incentive for hackers to alert us of attack vectors and vulnerabilities we can mitigate any remaining issues before they become a problem. We are setting aside 10% of our Flipstarter funds available for this.
Every smart contract team gets only one chance at getting security right and maintaining the trust of the community. We are doing a great deal of effort to make sure that people's funds are always safe. This is a BIG challenge as we are still in the early days of decentralized computing, but we are ready to take on this challenge!
We are soon to officially announce our Flipstarter (waiting for the SmartBCH Bridge announcement first)! It is already online at http://flipstarter.koingfu.com , the funds we get will help us pay the costs of our security framework. If you can, please consider making a donation. As part of our Flipstarter, we are giving away the Ki token! You can find more details on it at our telegram channel: https://t.me/koingfu . Please keep in mind before submitting to our Flipstarter that you are making a DONATION and that the Ki token may not receive any value. Please, do not make a donation with the expectation of making a profit with the Ki token. We will include more details of our project and the Ki token on our official announcement, Thank you!
Some more information on what we are working on:
Let's talk about Bridges.- https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/osynga/lets_talk_about_bridges/
Let´s talk about DAOS.- https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/oyrgxi/lets_talk_about_daos/
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/p6dr02/lets_talk_about_security/
Crypto is pretty much the only reason I used Reddit anymore, and I'd like to stop using this website. submitted by /u/TheTruthHas...
submitted by /u/FearlessEggplant3036 [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/12gt49l/supposedly_insiders_in_t...
submitted by /u/KillerHurdz [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/a6bm9y/discussing_bitcoin_power_dyn...