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submitted by /u/Hot_Ranger_1176 [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/n7gfsn/post_covid/
This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
The next big update on BTC, will add Schnorr signatures; so make it simple, it is a kind of signature that you can have only 1 signature for every input of a transaction, making the use of mixers and multisig transactoons cheaper and more private, since the mixing and multsig transaction are smaller due to less signatures.
It will make BTC faster, cheaper and more private, seems cool and new right?
The funny part is that Bitcoin Cash have Schnorr signatures since 15 May 2019, yet BTC users treat this as a huge thing, cool to see hos muh Bitcoin Cash is ahead.
BCH is incredible! It's so fast and cheap and it works NOW! I've been running the tech through my head and BTC transaction fees are a red flag of the whole operation.
BTC solves a lot of problems. But it has one problem, which BCH fixes.
here's a nice article i wrote about Bitcoin cash, Thanks Stefan rust and Roger ver for your quote and wishing everyone to enjoy reading it.
link: https://thecurrencyanalytics.com/bitcoin/finally-bitcoin-cash-is-making-its-comeback-26182.php
I’m about picking the right tool for the right job. I don’t pick favorite coins and defend them. I have watched the price action for BCH since low hundreds and stayed out.
Today I had to make a small transfer, tried looking at USDC, DAI both cost about $10. I did not dare consider BTC ETH due to fees. I would have picked up XLM or ALGO if either was available. They weren’t. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate any of these. They all have their purposes.
So I decided to try BCH. Cost me a few cents in fees and was done in a few minutes.
It was really cool 😎. Made a fan out of me.
Regret not buying in earlier. Might do so now.
Sorry if this shitpost isn’t right for this sub. And please don’t think I’m dissing any of these other coins, they all have their place.
Can't decide if I should trust the opinion of an MIT trained rocket scientist and billionaire who can recite the history of mankind by memory or someone who has publicly made countless incorrect predictions about technology and makes money by recycling other people’s oversimplified takes.
What do you guys think? Tough choice
I'm so tired of their hostile attitude to BCH. They dragged their feet for ages after the fork before adding support for BCH, and acted like it was some unfair burden placed upon them. These guys are closet maximalists of the worst kind. I'm so over this evidence free argument that "scaling won't work". It's like it's just taken as an article of faith.
Reason 1 isn't even coherent, reason 2 is "lightning network" and reason 3 is just how cryptocurrencies work.
Fortunately, if you found those three poorly thought out statements unconvincing, they follow up with the super persuasive argument that it would be "naive and reckless" to take any other approach.
From their blog post on Taproot:
Like it or not, one of the governing rules of the Bitcoin network is that block size is limited. This means that only around 3000 transactions can usually fit into a block, resulting in an effective transaction throughput of around five transactions per second. Objectively, this may seem rather low*, but there are many reasons why it is a pretty good trade-off over centralized alternatives:*
Increasing the block size, as some Bitcoin critics have proposed, is a naïve and reckless way to increase throughput.
In conclusion, Fuck Trezor.
I like to think of myself as a power user and have been in the space since 2014. I always held most of my Bitcoin on a hardware wallet and only kept tiny amount of sats on my phone wallet. Last night something happened which made me come here and make a post so that you guys don't fall for it as well.
I've always been an Android user and most attractive thing about Android for me was the ability to sideload apps. I had all kinds of sideloaded apps on my phone like VPN, livestreams, IPTV, Spotify, Camera apps and never had an issue before. I used one app named Mobdro for years for livestreams and such and it worked as expected, but a couple of weeks ago I got an update notification from this app and I clicked "Update" without thinking much about it. Last night I sent $35 worth of BTC to a friend and saw that the address this BTC was being sent to was not my friends address but it was too late since the TX was already in mempool. I quickly realized that my phone has been compromised and I had to factory reset it.
Turns out the Mobdro app developer was arrested last week and somehow someone got access to their app resources and pushed an update containing malware which would detect a Bitcoin address copied in the clipboard and replaces it with one of the attackers address. So long story short, I ended up losing $35 of BTC to a stupid malicious app.
Hey guys, I have an offer up on local.bitcoin.com but haven't got any responses yet. Thought I would make a post here since I need money ASAP. Here is the offer link https://local.bitcoin.com/offer/c029beb4-18ba-4511-9976-3d62b7431b80
I am selling at market price. Please respond ASAP if you are interested.
So my country is on brink of Hyper Inflation and a lot of people trying to get into Crypto but have 0 knowledge on it.
I began explaining with Types of wallet and coin tokenomics, and ofcuz the awesomeness of BCH.
ALSO TIPPED THEM $1 each like i did here.
It ain't much , but it's honest work.
Cheers !
Today I tried to check in on the status of my KYC-hell account with IDAX (long story as to why I would use such a shit exchange). Last year they had asked me repeatedly for more and more KYC documents, each time I was told the documents were "insufficient to verify my identity". I gave up at some point and just wrote off the 0.2BTC they were keeping hostage. Turns out, they exit scammed a few months later! And I'm realizing now that they figured "why not drag this exit scam out for awhile AND collect as many passport images and full names/SSNs while we're at it"!
KYC is a SCAM, whether it's done by governments or scammers makes no difference.
...nah not hyperinflation that can't happen here.
In drugs, its called the onset when you take a pill and wait for it to kick it. During the onset you feel 0 effects. The onset lasted from maybe March 2020 to Jan 2021.
Next is the come up, when you start to feel effects but its not full strength yet. The come up started once the vaccine rolled out and people started spending, inflation starts small. The come up started Jan 2021 once the vaccine started allowing poeple to leave their house.
After the come up is the Peak - I except the peak start once we reach 80% to100% vaccination in the USA, we are currently at about 33% vaccinated. Current estimates say it will take until 2022 to get their.
The come down, come as the fed raises rates. Hyperinflation is only temporary, as it only last a few years in every country in history. But your savings will be worthless by the time of the come down.
Caravan Mart in North Queensland is the newest business to joint the Bitcoin Cash family in Bitcoin Cash City.
Click the link above to see Michael the owner of Caravan Mart talk about how he thinks Bitcoin Cash is at a tipping point in North Queensland. The most important aspects that he likes is that it is easy to transfer and the funds clear instantly as opposed to 2-3 days for a bank transfer.
I work on a minesite, guys range in age between 20 - 65. Everyone and their dog has heard of Bitcoin and crypto, and everyone has their coin they like, whether it be ADA, XRP or BCH. But no one is banking on BTC, it’s old news and even though some of these guys don’t know what market cap is or how it works, everyone knows you’re not going to double your money with BTC.
I started to hear about bitcoin in 2017 and started buying when Bitcoin was $5,000
Went through the 2017 hype and hodl through the 2019 crypto winter. I have to give myself credit for being a humble believer because i have seen so many people just giving up and quitting chat groups and just gave up on crypto between 2018 and 2019, which was totally understandable coz Bitcoin was at one point $3,500 and ethereum was $80 (from $1,400 atm). Yes that was grim and cold and hard and it was the most depressing period for all believers. I lost some coins due to trying to be clever and tried to trade the market but luckily i managed to keep most of the coins untouched.
Yet after the 2020 halving, the price is now $55,000..... 10x of what it was when i first moved in. Bit instead of getting mega excited like i was like at the 2017 year end $20,000 atm, for some reason i am ultra calm, like happy about its latest ATM but still calm.
Perhaps it is because i have been through this once already, how it may just gonna go mega crazy up up up and perhaps may slide down once again from $300,000 to $60,000 (80% fall just like before), like having that mental expectation relieves me from having to check price every 5 minutes
Instead i am looking forward to the 2024 halving, and most likely how it will be under priced (again) at that time, how the Republican may win again, and how maybe some central banks would start to buy. Yet the most sure thing is: in 2025 Bitcoin will reach $500,000
And so relaxed I am.....Bitcoin can go down 50% and up 300% like a yoyo like it has always done for the past 12 years and its cool.....Bitcoin will get us there.
Lets mark this post, and we will recircle back to this in 2024 - happy hodling everyone I hope this brief experience share will help.
It's interesting to see Btc market share currently at 44.9% on CMC. I posted yesterday that I feel sentiment has changed, and I think it has.
It wasn't the corporations, or Elon that got Btc where is today, it was the little guy; the cypher punk, the folks that wanted to see real change in a world run by the banks and the ruling class.
But Btc - much like an elected official that made their constituents many promises in order to get elected, but then fails to deliver - has done the same thing. It promised change, and gave us more of the same. I can't believe I am the only little guy realising that Btc is no longer what it set out to be.
Of course I don't blame Btc, how can you, it is code after all. But the people who maybe thought they were doing the right thing, were wrong. Yes the number has gone up, but if all those little guys decide to move - as I am doing - then that market share is going to come down further. And that's without new innovations that are coming along and projects that are more viable as P2P Cash, like Bch.
And much like the election analogy, people will start to vote with their feet, and I believe that is what we are seeing now. On a personal level I don't want to be a part of just another corporate feeding fest. Btc set out to change the world, but was highjacked by jackals - whether on purpose or not - and has after 12 years - become just another ticker symbol on the stock exchange.
Nothing stays the same, which is something I tend to live by, though Btc Maxi's believe that is not the case. Time will tell. Change is good, even if sometimes it feels uncomfortable. Btc can't go back to its roots due to the corporations that have now bought into it.
It's still early days, but talking to friends who have been Btc Maxi's for the last 5 years or more, I feel a sea change coming, and I think that is reflected in market share.
Because if I say so myself, BCH is really just hoarding what was supposed to be for BTC, improving on it, and then implementing it, and it essentially rolls down to the fact that ETH was supposed to be on BTC.
Don't be dumb. Spend but replace!!!
Bch is something that is unlike most of the other coins because it has the most adoption as an actual currency. It is also on Robinhood, paypal, etc. Its tempting to just yolo sell but always have some BCH on hand. It's what you would do with cash! Spend, then replace. Simple.
edit for clarity: this is mainly for for Binance.us
This is a red alert to all bitcoin holders not to use the binance.us exchange. You can assess the facts yourself by going to the r/binance subreddit, and seeing all the support requests for locked accounts. If you look for a pattern, you will notice that accounts trying to transfer money out are locked down, and nobody trying to transfer money in.
A convenience sample:
Those are the facts. I don't have any additional information about binance, and can't make a statement of fact. However, the best possible explanation to fully explain their actions is that binance is insolvent, and should be treated as such.
It pains me greatly to say it, because I need your deposits to achieve my own withdrawals, but I can't in good conscience be silent about this.
If it adds anything to my credibility, I am a MtGox survivor, and managed to get my funds out just in time back then. In large part due to listening to warning like this one.
Remember kids: not your keys, not your bitcoin.
edit for a prediction:
if there is any truth to this, the next thing that happens is their exchange rates start to diverged other exchanges, as they try to entice depositors with more crypto per dollar, or exchange fees near zero.
if you see this happen, it's an even bigger red flag.
second edit: I would think that financial news services like the WSJ would be all over this given their recent interest in reddit, but they can see all the same submissions on r/binance, and aren't connecting the dots.
I know nobody asked but my mom just texted me she wants me to show and explain bitcoin to her after i showed her my gains ive been hiding since 4 years 😁
In fact, I'm not even a huge supporter of Bitcoin. I respect Bitcoin for what it has brought.
It kinda sucks that all other cryptos tank when it tanks. I'd like to see Cryptos be their own market not depended on bitcoin's stability to be stable themselves.
It's like owning stock in a company that's completely unrelated, and unreliant on google but watching your stock dip because google stocks dipped.
That said, I'm not making this post to Shill against the FUD around bitcoins energy usage. I'm gonna lay down a well informed post that shows you how IGNORANCE wastes more energy than Bitcoin ever could.
It's a long read, and even longer if you are fact checking it.
I'm a small business owner, I Run a Commercial HVAC/R Company (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Refrigeration).
Unfortunately I started this company a month before lockdowns hit and lost pretty much all my contracts. (Non essential) Worst part about it Is I actually started it to specialize in Indoor Air Quality, and Curing Building Sickness(Viruses, chemicals In the air).
You'd think I'd be booming but since Asia bought out all our available products, most companies were stuck on a 6 month waiting list to get a products for one job nevermind enough to last through the pandemic. You couldn't even find them online at the time even if you were willing to rip yourself off and pay 10x the price.
Anyway. Being a high quality HVAC tech requires you to have a great understanding of electricity as 90% of repairs require you to troubleshoot...
Electrical circuits both AC and DC running off 5V/12V/24v/120V/208V/230v/240V/460v and 570Volts.
Electro-mechanical components such as compressors, Variable frequency Drives, ECMs(Electronic Communicated Motors), LED driven Motors, floating shaft drives that are suspended in air by EMF(Electric magnetic force) fields to prevent friction and lower energy usage.
Completely up to date with Local, state, and federal electric codes
System Harmonics
Newer more energy efficient systems are getting more and more complicated, and some are known to send harmonics through the buildings electrical systems. Which can set a building on fire.
It's not surprising that an well experienced, well educated HVAC tech knows more about electricity than your everyday electrician.
I also have to have a decent understanding of plumbing on top of all this, Manual J(Heat load calculations) for permits, Manual D(Air flow dynamics).
You have to be very efficient in all this stuff..At least if you're looking to get paid Top dollar by a company. But even lower end average joe hack and slash cold beer can techs that replace your home AC unit have some understanding of this stuff. I'd stupid how much you have to know. One fuck Up and you can not only get sued out of business, you can actually get yourself killed.
Ok enough of this. These are my qualifications. I know a lot about energy usage.
Now let's talk about How Ignorance, and Selfishness for that matter wastes way more energy than Bitcoin ever could.
Rich people who own huge unnecessary homes. I've done HVAC service for plenty of these homes. I've seen enough.
More than 10% of homes in America are values at $1,000,000 or more.
There are 850,000 Primary residential homes valued at over $1,000,000+
now of course not all of these are bigger than an average home. A regular sized house in NYC running just one HVAC system can cost MILLIONS. I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about outside of the big cities.
Let's take homes in and around Alpine, NJ where Chris Rock Lives. Bergen County, NJ I believe the second richest county in the US. Ho-ho-kus NJ is close. I've seen and worked on many of these homes.
1 Antminer S9 running 24hours a day is using a total of 36KWH
1 5 Ton central AC unit running 12Hrs a day is using 60KWH
Rule of thumb is 1KWH per ton. 5 TON = 5KWH x 12 = 60KWH. The average home in these areas are running FIVE 5 ton ACS and a couple 3 Tonners. You know..to keep the guest house in the back cool at all times in case you get an unexpected guest. No most of the time they aren't "Energy efficient 16 Seer(Seasonal energy efficiency Rating)".
I'm not even considering poorly maintained systems that are older still running off O-Zone depleting R 22 Refrigerant. A lot of these homes still have older systems like that aren't properly maintained to run as efficient as possible. Let's not forget all the add ons these people get to their systems. Those numbers are just Bare bone systems. Most have Humidifiers (for winter) attached, zoning controls, alarms , condensation pumps.
It's stupid.
Sure, most people who are rich want a big mansion. But at the end of the day, rich or not if you cared about the environment so much, you wouldn't need an stupid oversized home like that and most of these people are never home but they have their systems running all the time. They have house sitters to watch their homes when they're on vacation. Yes. House sitters. Usually a friend to just come by and live in your home. God knows why you need that shit but you're rich. Why not hire someone to put your shoes on in the morning?
Guess who has huge stake in the news networks that tell you BTC is wasteful??? It's not people on this sub hoping to go lambo one day that's for sure.
Now enough complaining about rich people.
Let's talk about the Ignorance part of regular folks that waste more energy than a Bitcoin miner.
Most average homes not occupied by rich people run one 3-5Ton HVAC unit at least 10hrs a day and again many homes are still running O-zone depleting R22 (CFC) systems that are easily using at least 50% more power than new systems.
Let's not even consider the amount of copper needed for these units. Which is around 30lbs of copper. That's more copper in one system than is needed to make 100,000 pennies made after 1982. I'm also proficient in melting metals. We have to understand melting points of metals for various reasons not getting into it though. There's 100,000,000 air conditioned homes in America and like mentioned above , not all are running just one system. That's enough copper to make 10,000,000,000,000 pennies and like I said. That's considering 1 per home and not considering how many system replacements each year. That's also not considering the AC in your cars which run a 3 Ton system on average.
Yes, your average car needs enough tonnage to cool a home because it has to have the ability to bring the temp down from 100 degrees to 75 degress in a minute where is a home needs a gradual decrease in temp over the course of a few hours.
So where's the ignorance part?
Most of these people are pumping their ACs when they don't need it. I know this from experience and also understanding of psychrometric charts. Yes, I also have to have an understanding of meteorology basics.
Again. It's stupid how much things you need to know to be efficient in this field we don't get enough credit for it. The human comfort zone is 70-75 degrees 45-55% RH(relative humidity)
Most people are setting their thermostats to 68° to 72° on a 70-75 degree day when really they only need to have their window open because....
meh...it's just a little too stuffy in here honey...btw did you read that article on how Bitcoin wastes energy? What greedy selfish people they are
Not only that. Most of these older systems are leaking that CFC refrigerant.
Did you know 1 chlorine atom can destroy up to 100,000 Ozone molecules???
That is stupid pollution.
Honey, call the HVAC guy...we need to top off our system with refrigerant again...it's 77 degrees in here I can't sleep like this
Most systems are not properly maintained even if you get a maintenance on your system every season.
The reason why a properly maintained system needs updated electrical components to run as energy efficient as possible. Most have "pitted contactors" that arch. Pitted contactors can be compared to pitted spark plugs in a car. Yeah, these pitted contactors are driving up everyones electrical bill $50-$100 a month. But most people aren't going to pay the extra $100 on top of a $150-$200 maintenance to get this done.
The convo goes like this
Hvac guy: Sir, your contactor should be replaced as well. It's causing your system to use more energy then it needs and it's hurting the longevity of your system
Home owner : how much
Tech : I will put it in for $100
Know it all Ned: can it run through this season without replacing it?
Tech: yes it could but..
Owner: ok fuck it ..I will take care of it next year.
Point here.
You don't need to run your air conditioner when it's 75° in your home. The key to comfort is low humidity. You can spend an extra few hundred bucks and get a dehumidifier attachment to your system that lowers the humidity in your home and uses only 10% the electricity that the system needs the run. Being outside in 100° and high humidity and walking into a home that's 77° with low humidity is a huge difference in feels very comfortable. You don't need to pump your AC down to 68° all freaking day.
Another common misconception is that people think they're saving energy by completely shutting off their systems when they go on a day vacation and then coming home to a house that's 85° and then running the system. That actually uses more energy than running the system to maintain a temperature. Because now this system has to pump hard for the next few hours to get that temperature down to where it needs to be so you can sleep properly without rolling around and sweat.
But...its common sense to turn it off when I leave
No it isn't. If Common Sense was all that was needed to save energy we wouldn't need scientists we wouldn't need high qualify technicians to work on things.
So there you have it. Selfishness, and Ignorance wastes WAY more energy that bitcoin can ever. In fact if you used half the world's energy to mine Bitcoin at the current hash rate all the bitcoins would be mined and exactly 68 days. So no it's not a problem half the world's energy is not going to be used to mine Bitcoin.
If Bitcoin Cash reaches a price of $5,000 what will the transaction fees realistically be and what will realistically be the minimum transaction amount? What about if BCH reaches a price of $10,000?
If BCH reaches a price of $10,000 will Bitcoin Cash still be able to be cash for those earning less than $5 per day?
Thanks to all posters for providing great content, and enjoy your Bitcoin Cash!
This event was triggered by block 686419, which was mined more than 3 days since the last event and has the last three hex digits of its hash (joined as a number) strictly smaller than 7.
The top posts for the last week have been tipped 1000 sats per vote via chaintip:
Venezuela: Bitcoin Cash FTW ✌️ by u/Egon_1
[tip] - 353000 sats = 0.00353000 BCH = ~3.83 USD
"BTC might be all the "digital gold" all you want, but Bitcoin Cash is fucking awesome. $0.02 cents and instant confirmations is an awesome experience. Peer to peer cash, just like it was clearly stated in the paper on page 1 abstract and introduction." by u/Egon_1
[tip] - 293000 sats = 0.00293000 BCH = ~3.18 USD
Kim Dotcom: "Bitcoin Cash is a Bitcoin fork and its DNA is almost identical, hence the name. BCH champions the intention of Satoshi to create P2P Electronic Cash. Let the market decide. Over 95% of Internet users are not yet into crypto. It’s a long race ahead before victory can be declared." by u/Egon_1
[tip] - 256000 sats = 0.00256000 BCH = ~2.78 USD
Meanwhile in St Barths, Bitcoin Cash is spreading because it works as cash by u/MemoryDealers
[tip] - 252000 sats = 0.00252000 BCH = ~2.74 USD
Bitcoin Cash 'ideal money' by u/CryptoStrategies
[tip] - 247000 sats = 0.00247000 BCH = ~2.68 USD
When Miners in China failed , i paid $60 freaking Dollar for a transaction. That $60 can give me two weeks of my Grocery. by u/Knotley-Hunt-Brick
[tip] - 246000 sats = 0.00246000 BCH = ~2.67 USD
Newbies must learn the hard way by u/choamnomskee
[tip] - 225000 sats = 0.00225000 BCH = ~2.44 USD
"Bitcoin was never meant to be digital gold. It had to rebrand itself because of how shitty it is" by u/MemoryDealers
[tip] - 203000 sats = 0.00203000 BCH = ~2.20 USD
Marc De Mesel: "BCH is Bitcoin, as it is P2P Cash. BTC is no longer Bitcoin as it is no longer P2P Cash. As an experienced investor you should know the early movers rarely take the market, especially not when they have the wrong business model and an arrogant dismissive attitude towards competitors" by u/Egon_1
[tip] - 200000 sats = 0.00200000 BCH = ~2.17 USD
BCH flips BTC in USD sent / day, transfers more value in 24h while price remains 57:1. by u/Shibinator
[tip] - 171000 sats = 0.00171000 BCH = ~1.86 USD
Operators of Bitcoin Cash $BCH network nodes: Please upgrade to the latest version available for your client ahead of the network upgrade on 15 May, 2021 by u/Egon_1
[tip] - 170000 sats = 0.00170000 BCH = ~1.85 USD
Sudan: Bitcoin Cash FTW ✌️ by u/Egon_1
[tip] - 167000 sats = 0.00167000 BCH = ~1.81 USD
Tips not claimed within 7 days will be returned to the Subtipper fund and tipped out to future posts.
To support this bot, help spread Bitcoin Cash, and encourage great content in the r/btc community, you can fund the bot:
What's the safest website to convert BCH to INR? Or will I have to first convert to BTC and then sell on LBTC?
Coinbase 7 year US customer, unable to Sell or withdraw.. I can ONLY buy and deposit. My Bitcoin is essentially stuck. I didn't get any notification when this happened, and I haven't got any support in 2 weeks.
I think this idea is stupid, Kevin O'leary is talking about this. How institutions are 'rejecting' coins who come from China who doesn't have great human rights track record.
How does this even make any sense? There is a finite number of them...they are rejecting a piece of the pie because it came from a specific place? I know its FUD but I find it annoying that nobody challenges Kevin when he says things like this.
I tried running a BCH pruned node on the smallest $5/month Linode instance. It works just fine :)
It took longer to sync than my servarica VPS, probably because the Linode one only has one virtual CPU core, vs 4 cores on the servarica box. Servarica took ~1.5 days to sync, Linode took ~3 days.
I tried using the importaddress
RPC call to have the built-in wallet start watching an address. Then I used the watch
command to repeatedly call the getreceivedbyaddress
RPC call every 0.1 seconds so I could see how long it took for a tx to be detected. I sent a tx from electron cash on my PC and saw it instantly on both the Linode VPS (California) and the servarica VPS (Canada). Couldn't measure any discernable delay between them.
Total disk usage by BCHN is 5.6GB
TL;DR The smallest VPS you can buy from a mainstream/popular provider like Linode is perfectly sufficient to independently verify incoming payments. And it costs about half of one BTC tx per month.
Next step: integrate this tiny pruned node as the backend for my payment gateway :)
I just stopped into the gas station and a plain clothed middle aged lady was explaining to a woman in scrubs (both strangers) how to use the bitcoin atm. The nurse said she prefers to use cashapp (so at this point I'm shocked that they're both coiners!) but the plain clothed lady says she likes the convenience (and anonymity probably) the atm provides her because she typically keeps cash money. She continued on to the finer points of transaction speed, blockchain verification, and congestion during high transaction rate spikes. Just to hear 2 totally normal, average citizen, women in small town North Carolina talking about blockchain congestion and transaction fees made my heart melt. Crypto is here to stay and that was a really great example for me of mass adoption and that this is only the beginning. VIVA LA CRYPTO!!!!
Just interested in the numbers and couple of other things sorry if silly question
How many miners and nodes are running Bitcoin cash?
How possible easy is it to mine Bitcoin cash on a home PC?
How many full nodes are there and what HDD spec Internet speed would I need to run one?
where are the miners located , would it be a security issue if they are mostly located in China?
Over the years there seems to be something a tad bit different this run, do you think with the influx of bigger money this run will be long?
In the town of Veghel, located in the south of the Netherlands, an unusual transaction has just be settled.
According to the Netherland’s public broadcaster, NOS, a buyer showed up asking to buy a property entirely in bitcoin.
The asking price? 21 BTC, or €1 million in the local currency. Brokerage fees will still be paid in euros, it is reported. The number 21 is interesting, as it may be a nod towards the maximum number of bitcoin that may ever exist: 21 million.
As the active crypto market is known for its volatility, the actual transaction is still waiting to go ahead.
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There are only 3 days left until the end of the Knuth DS-Proofs campaign: We have already reached almost 45% of the amount requested. Thank you very much to all the donors! Knuth is open source software that needs community support to continue its development. Therefore we would like to thank the generosity of our supporters and that of the entire Bitcoin Cash ecosystem. You are the ones that allow us to move forward with our goal, which is everyone's goal at Bitcoin Cash, which is to be the Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System for the entire world. [link] [comments] |