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submitted by /u/TheLuckyLeandro [link] [comments] |
This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
Saturday, 28 August 2021
Bitcoin cash animal rescue - Good news and a new case.
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Dear community I hope you are all well! Today I am happy to tell you that our last rescue Lucy after her surgeries managed to recover again and we have managed to give her a new home with people who are willing to love and take care of her, thus giving her a new opportunity to be happy! In addition to this today I am here again presenting a new case. This little dog is Kimba, she was rescued yesterday which we managed to see her lying on a cardboard in a busy area of my city, when we picked her up we realized that something happened to her in one of her paws and therefore she could not stand for long. We proceeded to take her to the nelve clinic, where the necessary studies were carried out to determine her state of health and what happened to her paw. Which revealed that she had a strong fracture in her femur, as you can see on x-ray plates. Kimba must undergo surgery in which a metal structure would be placed which would allow his prompt recovery. The Surgery will be carried out tomorrow and will cost 0.60BCH https://reddit.com/link/pd06op/video/r3bywv7nxzj71/player If you want to support us in our project you can do it as always through our official fundraising campaign: or directly to our official wallet https://tipb.ch/Bitcoincashanimalrescue let's keep saving lives with Bitcoin cash. [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pd06op/bitcoin_cash_animal_rescue_good_news_and_a_new/
Forced adoption of a non-privacy coin is a form of tyranny in and of itself due to the potential for financial surveillance! Help us to disclose and spread the truth behind Strike/ElChivo with Salvadoran talent for Salvadoran people.
Jack Dorsey CEO of Twitter and Square is Building a Decentralized Bitcoin Exchange.
Non-custodian Bitcoin wallet anywhere in the world through a platform to build on- and off-ramps into Bitcoin.
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BTC fought the payment narratives and lost. Optics wise, BCH is also BTC to many. BCH should reevaluate it's use case. Time is of the essence
Obviously, the BCH team has been trying to avoid falling into the BTC dilemma, i.e., holding the coin, but the BCH team should not underestimate what the market realities are telling them. The world payment system powered by relational databases will do just fine without the extra layer of complexities that crypto brings and ridiculous costs. Therefore, crypto must have a fundamentally intrinsic use case where fiat could not compete. If the focus is a store of value in anticipation of an increase in value and deflationary like Bitcoin, that should be promoted and not payments. Payments are highly localized and regulated.
BTC fought the payment narratives and lost. BCH should reevaluate this. I'm a supporter of BCH. I had 95% of my holding in BCH at some point and have suggested many initiatives that were brushed aside by the team. Lately, though, I noticed that the coin might be swimming against the tide of the ever-evolving crypto dynamics.
The success of any project is a reflection of the people behind it. Learn from Criticism, don't be defensive all the time.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pcw1rw/btc_fought_the_payment_narratives_and_lost_optics/
Getting taxed after selling assets that “appreciated” in value but due to inflation leave you with less buying power.
This is a hypothetical for any asset — a house, crypto, gold, art, etc.
Say you buy an asset for $100 years many ago. Today, it is “worth” $150, and you sell it. You get taxed on the $50 capital gain.
However, let’s say that due to inflation, that total $150 you got for selling the asset actually has only HALF the buying power of the original $100 investment you made, so, the asset did not keep up with inflation.
You’ve lost buying power, AND you have to pay taxes on the capital “gains” leaving you quite worse off.
I know this is just the way it works, but wanted to share the thought.
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Remember The day the price of 1 Bitcoin surpassed that of 1oz of Gold??
I vaguely remember I was very early on in my bitcoin education and had yet to invest. I believe btc was around $500 and gold was about $1,200 Oz. Then one day in 2017 (I think) I was at work and checked the price of both and for the 1st time in history the price of btc surpassed that of gold on 1:1 basis. Does anybody know the exact day this occurred?? Do you recall Any interesting thoughts, conversations, instances you’d like to share about the day “digital” gold surpassed the price of “physical” gold??
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40% of all trades of BCHG during the past 2 weeks were shorts. 13% of all BCH in the BCHG fund is being shorted, totaling 4,371,626 BCHG shares. Finally some data about how heavily shorted BCH is. Interest rate is quoted at 129%.
It's Fusion Friday!
CashFusion helps keep your transactions private. Your finances are your business, and no one else's!
Over 6 Million Bitcoin Cash has already been made private using this innovative, non-custodial mixing protocol.
You can "Fuse" all week for a few cents in fees if you want. This post is just a weekly reminder.
New to CashFusion? No problem, getting set up is pretty easy =)
First, download the Electron Cash desktop wallet. It's got CashFusion built in.
Set up your wallet, send it some Bitcoin Cash, and then activate CashFusion by clicking the icon in the lower right: https://i.imgur.com/DXEPLtf.png
Once it's activated, your wallet will start "fusing" the Bitcoin Cash it contains. That is, it will start mixing your coins with other CashFusion users. This happens automatically in the background once CashFusion is enabled.
"Fusions" happen over time as their own transactions, only costing you the network transactions fees. (Usually less than a US cent.) Each fusion transaction will include some of your coins*, so it will often take multiple fusion transactions before all the coins in your wallet are fused. Check "spend only fused coins" on the send tab if you want Electron Cash to prevent you from sending funds that haven't been made private yet.
Electron Cash can keep fusing your coins forever, or it can aim for a certain number of fusions for each of your coins. Toggle this setting and choose the target number of fusions by right clicking the Fusion icon and then choosing "CashFusion Wallet Settings".
Here's the CashFusion Telegram group where you are welcome to ask questions. (Just remember to be courteous!)
Happy Fusing!! <3
*"Coins" are kind of a confusing concept when it comes to Bitcoin, but you can think of them just like discrete "bills" (or... "coins") in your wallet, but instead of coming in only certain sizes like $1, $5, $10, $20, etc, they can be any amount sent to you in a previous transaction, like 0.618 BCH, 0.000001 BCH, or 123.45679 BCH. (They can also be combined and split up. That happens in most transactions!)
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pcuw6t/its_fusion_friday/
Bitcoin Market Performance in Aug 2021 - Bitcoin Breaks $50K Threshold
Breaking above $48k for the first time since May, Bitcoin officially crossed the $50k resistance line this week. As the bullish market sentiment continues to pick up the pace, the guide explores what led to the increasing BTC price: Bitcoin Breaks $50K Threshold
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pctm3l/bitcoin_market_performance_in_aug_2021_bitcoin/
Hey everybody, Kain_niaK here. I can move any amount of crypto over for you to SmartBCH with a 1 dollar minimum. Find @Kain_niaK on telegram and DM me.
Friday, 27 August 2021
Next time someone says 'I can't trust something I can't hold in my hand', ask them about their credit score
People don't trust the bitcoin network but trust an easily manipulated fake number controlled by 3 private organizations. There's an entire industry dedicated to helping you 'repair' your credit score. Experian just basically gave up and said screw it we'll charge people money to 'boost' their score. Loan sharks from the bank will threaten you with hits to your credit score if you cross them. Yet people still trust this imaginary number based on a group of companies deciding whether or not you are worthy getting a better rate.
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PayPal to branch Bitcoin buy/sell service out to the UK but still WON'T allow customers Withdraw Bitcoin to Wallets.
It's rather odd to see them prioritize pushing out their service out to the UK when the most important feature is yet to be implemented. The ability to withdraw Bitcoin into cold storage but self custody seem to be on the lowest of their priority.
I've heard rumors of their plan to allow merchants to accept Bitcoin but with will keep it and pay the fiat exchange rate to the merchants. I wouldn't be posting this thread if more people talked about this, but so far I've witness very few criticism of Paypals actions. Why would a feature of this size be seen as less important than giving people nothing beyond "exposure" and letting them sell it. Cashapp who's a much smaller company in size allows you to buy, sell and now withdraw your Bitcoin, theres a daily limit but it's an option that Paypal doesn't think is important to people buying it.
My grip with that company is not the same as many others who now realized their mistake of buying Bitcoin on their app before understanding Bitcoin. My issue is the fact that I'm stuck with Coinbase, while they allow you to withdraw your Bitcoin into a wallet, that particular exchange comes with a host of problems that I'm sure we're all familiar with. I couldn't use my account for 2 whole months before getting a real human to talk to and review my account. Terrible customer service. Bad transaction fees. KYC was nightmare and now that my only form of ID is expired, I'm left with them.
PayPal can not only mitigate these issues with the convenience it provides the millions of KYC approved clients who already registered to their service, they also easily speed up adoption rate because of this fact alone. So don't see what's keeping them from letting people have the option of actually owning their Bitcoin.
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Victim of sim swap coinbase question
Reposting here because r/coinbase just auto removes my post every time.
I recently was a victim of a sim swap. Using SMS verification, the person got access into my email, crpyto.com account and bank account.
The person in question converted my current coins to BTC and then purchased about $10,000 USD of BTC through my stored debit card on the account. Both were then transferred to 2 different coin base wallets and then appear to have been a transferred several more times.
I have been a big battle with my bank and crypto.com and neither has been very helpful in the matter.
My bank is insisting that all the charges are showing as verified on their end, due to them "confirming" the purchases through a phone call and sms. They are refusing to re-open the case. Crypto.com is saying that the money was lost due to my poor security, they are also refusing to look into it.
So I've been trying to do some research on the matter. I've already filed a police report and attempted to contact the FBI. I looked at the transactions on https://oxt.me/ and the BTC was transferred to 2 different coin base accounts.
I believe a coin base accounts are attached to a name and I D. I have the addresses of the coin base wallets that it were transferred to. What are the odds that I could find this persons name using this information? How easy is it for someone to fake an identity in this case?
I have reached out to coin base support on the matter and FBI. But I'm not sure how likely it is that these are simply fake accounts and a dead end.
To clarify some things:
Before hand I never realized how unsecure SMS really is. I had never even heard of sim swapping before this.
I was not a regular crypto trader. I simply had the app on my phone and had made roughly 120$ worth of purchases, most of that from 2019. It was an app that I hardly used or even checked on. I would have had more security features if i had a large sum of money in there.
I understand I did not have the best security, but I never would have thought that simply having a crypto.com account could led me to this nightmare. I also thought in these sort of events i would be protected by my bank, but they are being very unempathetic.
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Every DCA day is a fight day with my bank.
The method I used last month almost always gets blocked the following month. Those bastards are still going at it. Every month I have to explore cryptoland for an exchange the bank did not put on a list. Luckily, they still haven't figured out that I can deposit funds using a credit card via FTX. Let's hope it stays that way for a while. I'm putting P2P as last resort anyways.
Keep fighting for the future of finance.
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Why don't people sell their Bitcoin Cash for more?
Sorry if this is a dumb question and maybe I'm missing something, but I never understood why miners who sell and sellers in general just don't start asking for a higher price? The only thing stopping us from being $1k a coin is that people sell for cheaper than $1k. If no one sold it for under $1k then all the coins would be worth more
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pc5z8e/why_dont_people_sell_their_bitcoin_cash_for_more/
⚡ Lightning Thursday! August 26, 2021: Explore the Lightning Network!⚡
The lightning network is a second-layer solution on top of the Bitcoin blockchain that enables quick, cheap and scalable Bitcoin payments.
Here is the place to discuss and learn more about lightning!
Ask your questions about lightning
Provide reviews, feedback, comparisons of LN apps, services, websites etc
Learn about new LN features, development, apps
Link to good quality resources (articles, wikis etc)
Here is an awesome list of resources compiled by Jameson Lopp: https://www.lopp.net/lightning-information.html
Want to test out your lightning fire power? tip the Bitcoin devs! https://bitcoindevlist.com/
Previous threads: Search
Lnbook getting closer towards being finished and can already be seen at: https://github.com/lnbook/lnbook
Lightning Dedicated YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/renepickhardt
Also there is the playlist by chaincode labs: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpLH33TRghT17_U3as2P3vHfAGL8pSOOY
Lightning stores: https://www.lightningnetworkstores.com/
Learn more and talk about lightning right here in r/Bitcoin, r/bitcoinbeginners, r/thelightningnetwork, and the r/Bitcoin chat
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Bought my first BCH today
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Half decent transaction speed and 0 problems. I'm planning on buying some more so I can say I have a "full bitcoin". BCH seems really undervalued with an ATH of ~1.6k so I want to hop aboard while I still can [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pc5gh5/bought_my_first_bch_today/
Samson Mao says he "talks to (Tether/Bitfinex CEO) Paulo on a daily basis"👀
Interesting "tells" from Samson as he pumps up Tether.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pc5p0u/samson_mao_says_he_talks_to_tetherbitfinex_ceo/
A small village called Lag-asan Beach is now a BCH Village
check out my friend's article in read.cash about how this village turn in to a BCH Village.
Link: https://read.cash/@AltheaAmariz/this-village-is-powered-by-bitcoin-cash-after-lockdown-9396cfad
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pc4qp4/a_small_village_called_lagasan_beach_is_now_a_bch/
Thursday, 26 August 2021
CryptoWoo is now listed on the Bitcoin.com Merchant Services page
I am excited to announce that CryptoWoo is now listed on the bitcoin.com merchant solutions page, enabling WooCommerce stores to safely accept Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies to their own wallets without middleman fees, iframes, or redirects.
You can find the merchant solutions directory with CryptoWoo and other great payment gateways for Bitcoin Cash listed at https://www.bitcoin.com/merchant-solutions/online-business/
Please consider supporting the CryptoWoo Flipstarter to further the development of CryptoWoo. Thanks a lot to all who have already pledged. You may read more and pledge at https://funding.cryptowoo.com
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pbmwp6/cryptowoo_is_now_listed_on_the_bitcoincom/
I have been with Coinbase for nearly 8 years. Recently, Coinbase decided to "review" my account for the 100th time, without cause or explanation. They have restricted me from trading for 3 months during a volatile bullmarket. Coinbase is now CENSORING my posts. More info in comments.
Copy-pasted from my recent /r/Coinbase submission, which was deliberately removed (censored) by /u/coinbasesupport.
Screenshot of Coinbase's censorship
The original content:
I am posting this to warn other long-time and fully verified Coinbase customers. You should know your loyalty means nothing to Coinbase. I have been with Coinbase almost from the start of their exchange, but Coinbase is treating me like I just arrived. My account has been fully verified and fully KYC-compliant from the beginning, but Coinbase just blocked me from trading and funding my account for no reason at all.
Approximately four weeks, I created several threads on Reddit about a notice I received from Coinbase. The notice stated an upcoming (yet unexplained) account review during which I won't be able to trade or fund my account. Withdrawals wouldn't be affected. Naturally, I have withdrawn everything from Coinbase.
On Reddit, /u/coinbasesupport publicly promised to expedite my case and get back to me within five business days. That was nearly four weeks ago. They never resolved my case and instead just close my original case (case ---).
I created another ticket and a thread on Reddit in response. Same thing happened: public promises–but no action.
Several days ago, I received an auto-generated email from Coinbase requesting information and supporting documentation in order to, for the 100th time, verify my account. I sent all the required information within one day of receiving that request. No problem because, like previously stated, I have been fully KYC compliant since day one.
I just received another Coinbase email where they state that, despite having received all the information and documentation they requested from me, the account review still may take up to 3 months! So I basically wasted the past month communicating with Coinbase and creating threads on Reddit. I highly doubt a real person has read a single of my emails in full. This is beyond frustrating and is borderline criminal behaviour.
There is nothing I did that could have triggered this "review", so all I can do is speculate. For example, is Coinbase trying to manipulate the market by disabling certain accounts from trading? Coinbase's behaviour is negatively affecting the entire crypto industry; it's causing people to lose trust and confidence in so-called regulated exchanges. What point is there in giving up all my personal information when you decide to ignore it anyway?
In before /u/coinbasesupport asks for a ticket ID: there is no ticket ID for the account review because it was initiated by Coinbase. I already replied to that email with all the requested information. I uploaded the requested documentation via SendSafely. You can use the SendSafely ID to link it to my case, which is:
I also created a fresh ticket where I ask my case to be expedited (because you promised four weeks ago). The new ticket ID is (---).
It's a shame that this is how Coinbase treats its long-time and loyal customers. It shows that "loyalty" to Coinbase isn't worth anything to the company.
Looking forward to hearing from you. But just to be on the safe side, I don't expect to be hearing from you at all.
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21 million members
I often refresh this sub to see how many new members have been added. I like to see us inch closer to 21 million.
I remember when it was just 1 million.
To the future 🥂
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SmartBCH transaction fees too high?
I've just paid 0.00015 BCH (0.10$) to make a swap on SmartBCH
is it possible for the fees to be lowered to 0.01$ (as they are in Polygon/Xdai)
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pbhydh/smartbch_transaction_fees_too_high/
Meme stocks of bankrupt companies are pumped and dumped all the time. The markets are not rational. This is how Bitcoin-Core is pumped up while BCH is undervalued. With adoption, eventually this may change as coin ownership becomes more diverse.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Hopeful ZCE proposal in BCH provides groundbreaking potential for a new and unique path to greater prosperity for the “unbanked”.
I am reading the new Zero-Confirmation Escrow (ZCE) proposal.
If I am reading this correctly and it holds up to technical scrutiny, the implications for prosperity and health, particularly for the hundreds of millions of individuals who are “unbanked” and the struggling economies where they often reside, seem to be enormous.
I lack the technical chops to discern whether or not this work, particularly the fascinating game theory aspects that appear to have been worked through, is truly robust and implementable at global scale (a little help here please other sophisticated devs/academia?!) but if it is, you have engineered a solution that will allow any of us (very notably including the financially ‘least of these’ like millions of unbanked in a country as rich as the U.S. and hundreds of millions worldwide) a rapid, secure, ‘trust less’, reliable and very low-cost way to make and receive payments AND likely at a fraction of the energy cost of current legacy finance and fiat currency models. If the promise of DeFi fully materializes, it seems users will also eventually be able to earn passive income on unspent BCH assets they hold; a huge advantage to extant and often inaccessible legacy systems that typically compel them to risk more and spend relatively large percentages of their assets to make payments and transfers. But now, your apparently elegant and low friction solution could change all of that? If so: Holy cow! Amazing and bravo!
If more of the world is paying attention, the scrutiny and ink this receives should increase. I do see the capital gains treatment of cryptocurrencies as a potential barrier to practical use in some countries (e.g. the US) but this may be less of an issue for frankly poorer users for whom there are tax breaks/exclusions at more modest levels of gain. Too, if this moves forward it could provide political incentive and concomitant regulatory pressure to mitigate or remove this barrier.
I am hopeful and excited to see where this leads. In reflecting on Satoshi Nakamoto’s proposals and stated intent in the original white paper [https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf] or [http://satoshinakamoto.me/whitepaper/] of “A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution… [and]…without relying on trust” I believe there would be hope and excitement there too. As they say: ‘Such wow! To the moon!’ ;)
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pax0g5/hopeful_zce_proposal_in_bch_provides/
Doing my part as a small business owner to spread adoption! Now proudly accepting crypto as payment!!!
I’m an online personal trainer & nutrition coach & I’m proud to say that I now accept crypto through coinbase commerce
Thanks Redditers (especially u/cowgrl1) for showing me the possibilities, really excited to start getting paid in crypto!
Any cryptonauts interested in improving their health & fitness can reach me on Instagram @mcraesc or at www.mcraesc.com
Thanks again for everything crypto community, I love all y’all!
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If bitcoin doesn't break $51k in 3 daya, it will fall to $10k, otherwise it will hit $250k by the end of the year!!!
So tired of these kinds of news stories. The fate of Bitcoin always rests on the next upcoming TA resistance level... And if it breaks $51k, it will be the exact same story for $55k or some other number.
I'm tempted to unplug from all of this stupid hype bs and just check back in a year or two. So hard to find sound news or information.
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This is how the Chivo wallet app will work
Hi everyone, My name is Guillermo, just a Salvadoran guy that wants to give out information about the Chivo wallet app in case you didn't know.
As you know Bitcoin will become legal tender in El Salvador, the law passed Congress and will go into effect on September 7. The government of El Salvador has created the Chivo wallet app, this is how it's supposed to work, let me know what you think.
The government will give to every Salvadoran the equivalent of $30 in BTC, all you need to do is open an account using the Chivo wallet. Yes, it will ask for you government issued ID, facial recognition, etc.
You will have 2 different balances: USD balance and BTC balance, in the same app.
You will see your BTC balance fluctuate as the price of BTC goes up or down.
Your USD balance will NOT change.
You can transfer money between your 2 balances.
Every merchant is mandated to accept BTC if the customer wants to pay in BTC, but since the app has 2 balances, you as a merchant can receive it in USD and keep it that way. In other words, it's totally optional if you receive Bitcoin or USD in your app, the customer paid in BTC though.
El Salvador citizens can convert the cryptocurrency to USD and withdraw it in cash at Chivo ATMs.
Fees: neither the sender nor the receiver will pay any fees when buying something, receiving a payment or withdrawing USD using the Chivo wallet app.
You can use whatever wallet you like, Chivo wallet is just the most convenient way to make and receive exact payments, withdraw USD from an ATM, or convert BTC to USD, commission free.
The government will assume price variations, they have created a $150,000,000 fund to back BTC to USD conversions (like a liquidity pool I think).
More than 200 Chivo ATMs and 50 kiosks are now being installed in the country, they will open on September 7.
The initial amount of $30 deposited in BTC after opening your account is to incentivize the use of BTC.
Chivo wallet does not consume your mobile data, you just need to have internet signal from your provider.
As a Salvadoran I really wish this to be successfully implemented, if so, we may see huge economic growth.
I'm just concerned about one thing. If you pay attention, you can keep "USD" in your Chivo wallet account, these dollars didn't make it into the formal El Salvador economy bank system, part of that is in reality BTC that was transferred from abroad and converted into USD inside the app.
If my people don't learn the true value of BTC and it's convenience to make payments using the lightning network, and decide to use the app only to receive remittances and withdraw dollars, we may face a USD shortage.
But the other side of the coin is interesting too. Some economists think that the real reason the government wants to do all of this is because they want to reduce the USD in circulation in our economy (to protect the country in case anything happens to the USD, you know in case the bubble explodes lol) and to do so, they are making Bitcoin legal tender, so they can make everyone use the Chivo wallet app and use the USD that won't be circulating in the traditional system to create a government e-coin pegged to our USD reserves. Think about it, seriously, read that again, that's possible, by reducing the USD in circulation you can use it to back a different asset legally to pay short term debt, El Salvador desperately needs to pay foreign debt, if the government creates a new coin they may have more control over its own debt or mint more coins if they need it.
This could be genius, but also a catastrophe, let me know what you think
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Hacked Accounts are not Coinbase or Bitcoin Fault - Sorry CNBC
After reading many articles and situations on how individual accounts got hacked - Phone Carriers(Especially! T-Mobile) are at fault for allowing SIM Card Swamps. The fact these phone carriers never caught on to these hackers is unbelievable. Two authentication is used by so many companies, not just Coinbase. If your own phone carrier allows a hackers to take over your phone with 5 min call and gain access to any account - The Phone Carrier is at fault.
We just recently found out hackers had access to over 101 Million users data at T-Mobile Database. We have no idea how long they have had access to the database. For all we know, they have been using this information to gain access to our personal identification(SSN, Address, Photo ID).
Part that pisses me off is that these articles try to present bitcoin, eth and all crypto as unsafe asset to hold. Cryptocurrency have only showed how flawed cooperate America software security is. There is a huge lawsuit that needs to be settled to all customers of T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon when it comes to our Data.
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Somy friend sent me $116 btc through cashapp and im receiving it on blockchain. Usualkly when someone sends me btc it shows up within minutes of them sending. But i have not received anything, i also see it says arrives in around 24 hrs but ive never seen that before. Am i alright or is the btc lost
What are the best places to stake Bitcoin Cash for maximum APR?
Which ones do you like that give the best returns?
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/pap1ex/what_are_the_best_places_to_stake_bitcoin_cash/
Learn Lightning Network: 1000 sat LN payments to the first 20 people who post an invoice here.
The Lightning Network (LN) is fucking great. If you have been looking for a reason to try it out, here's a golden opportunity.
I will gift 1000 sats to the first 20 people who post a valid LN invoice in response to this thread.
If anybody wants to contribute to the cause: bc1qhc69h90kukg48u684xucgua3kvnp6m87ae0q85
EDIT 1: If you need a LN enabled wallet, I HIGHLY recommend Phoenix: https://phoenix.acinq.co/
EDIT 2: All done. Thanks everybody. Hoped you learned something!
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Doing my part as a small business owner to spread adoption! Now proudly accepting crypto as payment!!!
I’m an online personal trainer & nutrition coach & I’m proud to say that I now accept crypto through coinbase commerce
Thanks Redditers (especially u/cowgrl1) for showing me the possibilities, really excited to start getting paid in crypto!
Any cryptonauts interested in improving their health & fitness can reach me on Instagram @mcraesc or at www.mcraesc.com
Thanks again for everything crypto community, I love all y’all!
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/paty0r/doing_my_part_as_a_small_business_owner_to_spread/
Crypto is pretty much the only reason I used Reddit anymore, and I'd like to stop using this website. submitted by /u/TheTruthHas...
submitted by /u/FearlessEggplant3036 [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/12gt49l/supposedly_insiders_in_t...
submitted by /u/KillerHurdz [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/a6bm9y/discussing_bitcoin_power_dyn...