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submitted by /u/fulltrottel [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/clg7z9/visa_nfc_30_payment_hacked_easy_money_for_crime_i/
This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
well, actually not everything, just anything that was liquid. My stocks, altcoins, my savings. I tried to even move my 401K into a bitcoin IRA, but they said I didn't have enough money. I needed $5,000 but I only had $3,500 in my account. It is a huge bummer because I could have gotten 1/3 of a bitcoin. I'm wondering if it is worth withdrawing for straight cash and use that to purchase bitcoin with or just keep in old school fiat??? Maybe you guys can help me decide.
I've been involved with Cryptocurrencies ever since JUST before the 2017 bull run. That means even though the bear market of 2018, even when it was just $3,000, I was still buying in both scared and excited that it REALLY could go to zero (at least it seemed that way at the time) or be apart of a new global revolution. Of course, now I'm kicking myself for not dollar-cost averaging more when I could have bought 0.01 bitcoin at a time for $30!!! Now 0.01 bitcoin costs just over $100.
It still seems super-duper risky, but given bitcoin's history, it should have been dead again, and again and again, but it is still here stronger than ever. I hope bitcoin really does end up working out doing good things for the world.
Pretty accurate for pointing out the trolls on this sub at the moment.
See a gilded user? Check their history, 8/10 are clearly trolls haha
From Andreas talk June 27 in Munich answering a question about what happens to BTC when Lightning (LN) doesnt work out...
As MANY have known for YEARS... high fees and variable/long tx confirmations (BTC) do NOT lead to mass adoption, and in fact has resulted in NEGATIVE adoption!
And that is precisely why BitcoinCash (BCH) was created...
Of course he is referring to:
Bitcoin Cash (BCH): A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
Gabriel Cardona is Director of Developer Services at Bitcoin.com
Thanks to Coinspice for all the great interviews!!!
102 of these were platinum.
650+ were gold.
With the most value for money option, that's 9 x $99 packages, or $900 per month for gold, and 5 x $99 packages for $500 worth of platinum.
The total number may be greater, as only golds and platinums with negative karma were counted.
At least $1400 per month is being spent to try and change the narrative at r/btc by boosting anti-BCH sentiment with Reddit rewards. This attack has been ongoing for at least 6 months.
They are here because we are doing something right. Remember that.
It will be because of a 80% drop from $300,000 during next bear market
Hi Bitcoiners!
I’m back with the 31st monthly Bitcoin news recap.
For those unfamiliar, each day I pick out the most popular/relevant/interesting stories in r/Bitcoin and save them. At the end of the month I release them in one batch, to give you a quick (but not necessarily the best) overview of what happened in bitcoin over the past month.
You can see recaps of the previous months on Bitcoinsnippets.com
A recap of Bitcoin in July 2019
Lightning network payments are more popular than nearly all altcoins (2 Jul)
WikiLeaks has received more than $46M in btc at this days’ valuation (7 Jul)
A Venezuelan on how cryptocurrency is helping them deal with hyper inflation (7 Jul)
SegWit adoption on a daily basis hits a new all-time-high of 56% (11 Jul)
Statista’s research on cryptocurrency adoption around the world (11 Jul)
A poker site earns the Guinness world record for the largest cryptocurrency payout in bitcoin (25 Jul)
Business Insider compares spending Gold to bitcoin at various merchants in New York (29 Jul)
A Grayscale survey finds that 36% of US investors would consider to buy Bitcoin (30 Jul)
A technical overview of an upcoming improvement to the Lightning Network called JIT-routing (1 Jul)
lnd v0.7-beta has been released (2 Jul)
Electrum Wallet is adding support for Bitcoin’s Lightning Network (5 Jul)
Simplified fee negotiation for the Lightning Network (20 Jul)
M5StackSats Lightning Network point of sale terminal (28 Jul)
Lightning Pay Station point-of-sale terminal, an extension to BTCPay Server (30 Jul)
lnd v0.7.1-beta has been released (31 Jul)
Someone creates a cold storage design for cryptocurrency that looks like a cash bill (3 Jul)
Facebook confirms it will collect all payment data from all Libra purchases (10 Jul)
Safe deposit boxes at banks are not as safe as people think (20 Jul)
Another testimony to Dave Bitcoin for helping people recover lost wallets (23 Jul)
Bitcoin mining on an Apollo Guidance Computer at 10.3 seconds per hash (8 Jul)
A miner wastes an estimated $150k trying to reward themselves with more bitcoin (10 Jul)
Bitcoin’s hashrate reaches a new all-time-high of 70 exahashes (11 Jul)
SlushPool launches Stratum V2 mining software through its Braiins initiative (26 Jul)
Bisq decentralised exchange breaks its monthly volume records in June (5 Jul)
A draft of a map of Bitcoin exchanges and which countries they serve (8 Jul)
BTCPay Server launches a crowdfunding campaign for the Tor project (15 Jul)
Coinbase passes 30 million accounts with 22k new users per day (22 Jul)
Norwegian Air will accept bitcoin and is opening its own cryptocurrency exchange (24 Jul)
Newegg expands bitcoin as a payment option to another 73 nations (24 Jul)
Lolli’s CEO on making bitcoin accessible by letting users earn it (26 Jul)
Facebook warns investors that Libra may never see the light of day (30 Jul)
A reply to an Italian national newspaper that states Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme (8 Jul)
An explainer of why inflation is more severe than the public numbers (11 Jul)
A technical history of payment channels from Satoshi Nakamoto to the Lightning Network (12 Jul)
An in-depth explainer of BetterHash, using new hashing protocols to decentralise mining (14 Jul)
IMF report on the rise of digital money competing with fiat currency (15 Jul)
A discussion on the challenges of locking a bitcoin transaction for a very long period of time (20 Jul)
Andreas Antonopoulos on using a Blockchain for non-cryptocurrency reasons (20 Jul)
Regulation & Politics
The US Congress has sent a letter to Facebook to stop development of Libra and work with regulators (3 Jul)
Zimbabwe bans the US dollar leading to an increase in local bitcoin trading (10 Jul)
A US Congressman on the unstoppable force of Bitcoin (17 Jul)
A comparison of Bitcoin and Shitcoin in a US Congress hearing (17 Jul)
Meltem Demirors full testimony on Bitcoin for US Congress (18 Jul)
Meltem Demirors on her testimony on Bitcoin for US Congress (18 Jul)
A Chinese court declares Bitcoin legal in China as a ‘Virtual Propert’ (19 Jul)
Cryptocurrency is not prohibited in India says its Finance Minister (19 Jul)
Politicians speak out on private companies issuing their own currencies without democratic control (20 Jul)
Iran legalises cryptocurrency mining (22 Jul)
US Banking Committee Chairman Crapo is confident they would not succeed at banning cryptocurrency (30 Jul)
US Congress is struggling with privacy and cryptocurrency (31 Jul)
Bitcoin experiences the first US Federal Reserve interest rate cut in history (31 Jul)
Archeology (Financial Incumbents)
An ex-Deutsche Bank employee on quitting his job to get into cryptocurrency (8 Jul)
JP Morgan Asset Management gets a ship seized transporting $1.3 billion in cocaine (10 Jul)
The Federal Reserve Chairman calls Bitcoin a store of value (11 Jul)
A discussion on banks blocking transfers to cryptocurrency exchanges (14 Jul)
US bank Wells Fargo no longer allows transactions involving cryptocurrency (14 Jul)
The Bank of China posted an article explaining who bitcoin is valuable (27 Jul)
Price & Trading
Fun & Other
2 people cited in the Bitcoin white paper on the future of cryptocurrency (1 Jul)
Someone finds one of their old wallets from 6 years ago (2 Jul)
A tailor with a Bitcoin bag in front of Deutsche Bank (8 Jul)
Bitcoin wallet art design on wood (10 Jul)
A discussion on how girlfriends respond to talking about Bitcoin (13 Jul))
Scamming a bitcoin mining scammer (17 Jul)
A discussion on increased financial awareness because of Bitcoin (18 Jul)
A discussion on why people don’t understand Bitcoin (22 Jul)
Cameron Winklevoss on money as an evolutionary experiment (29 Jul)
How can it be a tipping token? To tip, it needs value. To have value, it needs to be bought. And who's buying it???
I understand the whole create your own SLP token for fun thing, but i don't understand how Spice has a meaningful valuation.
Do people think its more fun to tip in their proprietary shitcoin then Bitcoin? Is it some kind of a one-time proof of concept campaign? I just don't think i get it.
7B people, 21M BTC. If BTC were equally distributed among all people in the world, that would mean each person would own 0.003 BTC / 300k Satoshi (21,000,000 / 7,000,000,000). At today's prices, 300k sat costs $30.
Add to that: it won't be equally distributed, and some BTC is already lost, and more will be lost, and the Earth population will continue to increase beyond 7B, which means the median btc/person amount will likely be far less than 300k sat. It makes 300k sat for $30 seem like a pretty good deal right at the moment, for those of us who believe in the long term viability of the network.
Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!
If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.
We have a couple chat rooms now!
Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.
Today must be an interesting and historic day for Satoshi if he is still alive. It's been just over 10 years since the genesis block was mined with the message "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks" Since that time Bitcoin has been faced the extreme forces of internet hackers and government attacks. Nevertheless Bitcoin has risen to $10,000. Today the U.S. Fed cut interest rates for the first time since the creation of Bitcoin. As the printing presses of the central bankers start the bleed ink we will see the second Title wave of Bitcoin Value and Attacks. Long live economic freedom.
If you are alive and see this; we thank you Satoshi for your intellect, honesty and love of freedom.