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Saturday, 17 April 2021
People are talking about the adoption of BCH in Argentina
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As I showed a few days ago, Metcalfe’s Law had BCH trading at a discount while BTC was fairly valued The past 24 hours it came to fruition. Network effect is a very valuable tool to use.
Creating transaction history of Bitcoin addresses
I have a list of some Bitcoin addresses, and want to export a csv list of transaction history. This is for tax purposes. something like
Date,time, Sending address, Receiving address, amount (BTC), fee etc (At the time currency conversion would be awesome also but I can figure that out after the fact)
I have put an address into Electrum as a watching wallet, and I can see the transactions, but exporting them gives a not so ideal output with just a transaction hash.
What software can I use to do this?
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Opportunity Cost
In general or if you struggle with high spending. Think of anything as an opportunity cost of Bitcoin.
Let’s assume you expect a 300k price point in 10 years for Bitcoin.
Do you really need that DQ blizzard for $5,(which could be very well be a $25 blizzard due to lost opportunity in buying bitcoin.)
Personally for me I have started to think of every purchase and the cost of not buying bitcoin instead. I have wasted a lot less money on these luxury goods.
Every unnecessary purchase becomes less tempting when thinking like this.
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30 years ago, this is what they imagined iphones would look like, and be able to do hundreds of years in the future. Don't ever believe that Bitcoin can't scale via bigger blocks. The pace of technology is amazing!
Area Logic accept BCH in Argentina
Area Logic accepts #BitcoinCash in Argentina! Now you can buy hundreds of technology services and products, using #BCH as a payment method. 🔌💻
Website: Business number: 25 #BitcoinCashArgentina
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How decentralized will SmartBCH be? Will SLP Tokens be compatible with SmartBCH? Is it possible that SmartBCH's use will eventually outpace legacy BCH?
I just read that ERC20 tokens will work on SmartBCH wallets!! That's gonna be amazing. How can people go about decentralizing SmartBCH so people don't think their pegged Bitcoins can be lost by a bad node actor or something (I tried to read a little bit about how it works but excuse my ignorance on this new technology).
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BCH hashrate has tripled in 24 hours!
Although the price is up only 33% (as compared to. BTC), the hashrate has almost tripled. The miners are betting heavy on the price going up in the near future.
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Undervalued BCH: A pump to fair value.
I don't understand much about the causes of the Cryptocurrency pumps. I guess they are trading strategies of some stakeholders with enough capital. However, there will be some that will capture investors' attention based on growth potential. In the case of BCH, from what I have investigated, it is severely undervalued, and sooner rather than later, equity will influence fair value.
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Anyone else pretty much all in?
I just said screw it. Going all in. Anyone else? Blockchain is the future.
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If you haven't already, go subscribe to /r/BitcoinCash. Lots of new people may show up there and be confused by the low subscriber count. BCH has one of the most passionate communities in all of crypto!
Earn Bitcoin in a Call of Duty: Warzone tournament this weekend!🔫⚡
We're HangarSix, a bitcoin/lightning based Call of Duty: Warzone tournament platform, and this weekend we have a new tournament. Cross-platform, free to enter:
Twosome 16 - 20.000sat ($15)
More tournaments to follow coming days!
See the following link on how to participate:
- HangarSix
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Friday, 16 April 2021
A tragic bitcoin story.
Hello, my name is Thomas. I’m 22 years old. I wanted to share this story to the world in hope to help others make the right decision when it comes to investing / trading.
I got into bitcoin mid 2017 when a friend of mine briefly told me about it. Without any research, I threw $100 into it just for fun. Like most crypto newbies mid bull run, it blew my mind how quickly my wealth was growing, even with such a small amount of money.
Fast forward to the 20K peak in Jan. 2018, I had invested ~$1,000 into bitcoin, nearly doubling my investment to $2,000 by the top of the cycle. Still with no to little research of what Bitcoin even was, I didn’t sell. Like most crypto newbies, I ended up underwater on my investment later on in that same year.
After realizing my investment was losing value, I decided it was time for me to dig deep in figuring out what the hell bitcoin even was. Immediately I made Google, YouTube, and Twitter my best friends. It’s truly amazing how much information you can learn online for free.
After days, weeks, and months of research, I found myself not only understanding the concept of bitcoin better, but weirdly falling in love with the idea of how this technology could change the entire world. I decided to keep investing.
By 2019, I was a true bitcoiner. I put 95% of my wealth into this asset, not by influence of others, but by choice. I joined crypto Twitter (wild bunch of people let me tell you), bought some books, studied economics, and learned technical analysis. By 2020, I had known what my passion was and I was trying to incorporate how I could live working in the crypto industry.
I had accumulated ~3 bitcoins by early 2020. It made me feel on top of the world for having the 3 whole bitcoins by making money bussing tables for 3 years straight. None of my friends or family knew the importance it meant to me because they didn’t fully understand the importance of bitcoin.
March 2020 comes around, covid. I was laid off work, wasn’t too upset because of the unemployment coming in, and knowing I had my 3 bitcoin. I decided to start learning how to trade in my mean time. I figured, why not? I have the time. So, I started dabbling into leverage trading. Made $1,000, lost $1,000, made it back again. Wasn’t really losing or gaining much, just kind of messing around.
I decided to put $5K in next, 2 days later, gone. I never felt so sick in my life. The feeling of having the most precious asset in my life taken from me was horrible. I thought “I had to make it back.”
...and that ended up being the worst decision of my life. By august 2020, I had lost all of my bitcoin. And I have missed out on the bull run I’ve been waiting for the last 3 years of my life. I hope some of you see this and stop adding more to your trades, reconsider leverage, and be safe with your money. I have not stopped studying bitcoin, & I redoing the past 3 years of my life all over again. I love the crypto community and I want to congratulate all you strong hands out there.
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Just withdrew bitcoin from OKCoin... paid 1 sat with lightning, this is the future.
Just wanted to test OKCoin lightning withdrawal, it worked great. I withdrew about €100 to my lightning node and they asked for a 1sat fee. I would have expected to pay a few more sats actually, I wonder if they are eating the LN fees.
I would have liked to post a screenshot with the fee on it but they didn't really report it once the payment was done. They should be proud of this and highlight it in ther UI :)
Now waiting for Kraken to do the same. And ultimately, Bisq or Hodlhodl!
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PSA: Move your BCH to a personal wallet after purchase. Do not leave it on an exchange!
I guess that there must be a lot of folks out there buying BCH right now, so I wanted to encourage everyone who's done so recently to move your Bitcoin Cash to a wallet under your control after purchase and not to keep it on an exchange.
Cryptocurrency exchanges are known to occasionally get hacked, run with only fractional reserves, and/or even lend out your assets to short sellers. Protect yourself and your assets by keeping them in a wallet that you, and only you, have the keys to. Thankfully, Bitcoin Cash transactions are extremely cheap and fast, so it costs you almost nothing to move your BCH off the exchange where you purchased it and into your own wallet.
If you need a wallet recommendation, I personally use the wallet on mobile and Electron Cash on mobile and desktop.
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So BCH is on 900... WOW!
I was happily staking as usual and i saw BCH on 850$ and now is at 900$ and i'm dang sad i put 1.300$ on a new gpu instead of investing, but whatever i will keep stacking. Let's go bring that electronic magic money going!! 🚀🚀🚀
I still have some money on this crypto, but mining is fun too so i will stack twice as many now i guess 🙃
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In the past 25 days, BCH is up 63.14%. BTC during this time period has only gained 11.4%
This trend seems likely to continue because of the far better user experience on BCH.
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BCH Booming
People are going to look back and say "Man, I wish I bought BCH when it was still under $1,000."
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“ The only reason I want to talk about $BCH price is because once it hits $1,000 USD, the dust limit means the minimum transaction is half a USD cent. If #BitcoinCash wants to keep microtransactions a thing, we need to talk about this. Please link me to where we are.”
BitPay STOLE from my wallet 6000dollars , they remove the balance from my wallet
u/bitpay STOLE from my balance 6000dollars , i can still see when i had recieved this transaction at my wallet i sent them over 10 emails , i try to contact with u/sabina-bitpay here at reddit but nothing.. , i am already waiting over 30 days without any answer from them , my btc address still have the amount of this 6000dollars, but the problem is, that i cant use them because bitpay remove THE BALANCE from my wallet , can anythone help ? because u/bitpay doesnt care about their customers , they ask me about my wallet id and the btc address and when i answer with all the details they never answer me back , can anyone help me with this matter?thank you
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Reminder: Bitcoin Cash works at any price
With all the excitement around the price going up, never forget that BCH is usable as currency at any price. Not only that, but it will also continue to work as more people start to use it. This is why it has value and will go up in value over time.
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When the TENTACLES of the GFC are into BTC, you should know they already have a PLAN to ENSLAVE YOU. Do not settle for anything less than cheap, fast, immutable, uncensorable ON-CHAIN transactions. BCH is Bitcoin.
I’m dumping $15,000 in as soon as the transfer clears. I believe in this currency. I’m not rich, but THIS is what my wife and I are investing in. Who’s with us?
BCH's Hashrate and L2 solutions
I just saw the developments of a smartchain l2 solution coming to BCH and I was going to add to my position because I believe the scalability of BCH would be very beneficial for a smartchain; however, I have my doubts whether an entire smartchain can be trusted given the lack of hashrate on the BCH network.
I saw a post a couple weeks ago that compared BTC and BCH's hashrates and it being a potential problem for BCH. I didn't really see a clear answer in the comments whether this flaw is an continuing problem for BCH. Are there proposals in fixing this problem? Are there efforts to update the PoW algorithm? Lastly, why not set the block rollback to 1 block vs 10 given that no block has ever been rolled back and rolling back blocks go against the ideals of the blockchain?
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Source: Vitalik didn't build on top of BTC and created Ethereum because of Blockstream?
Looking for the source of this
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Student loan debt
Today, the value of the modest investment in bitcoin I made a few years ago officially eclipsed the remaining balance on my student loans.
I mean, it's not like I'm going to sell my coins to pay for that. But I could.
Thanks bitcoin
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Thursday, 15 April 2021
I officially closed the deal on my new house today after months of negotiations. Bought 100% with Bitcoin!
I Can’t say it wasn’t a long tough road to get to this point, talking with the owner for weeks, months, and even doing a lease buy for months ahead of this with a contract written out for traditional financing of the house. But after major convincing and explanation of cryptocurrency in general to the previous owner, Who wasn’t super familiar with how it works. We came to a conclusion that buying the property in BTC would benefit both of parties. I am ecstatic! This is what it’s all about.
Cheers 🍻
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The Saylor Series FULL TRANSCRIPT, Episodes 1-9
This was done entirely by hand over the last few months. If you're anything like me seeing it all in print is way easier to digest the information. I also italicized words whenever they were emphasized vocally and the key points (to my eye) were put in bold.
The Saylor Series | Episode 1 | The Rise of Man through The Stone and Iron Ages
The Saylor Series | Episode 2 | The Rise of Man through the Dark and Steel Ages
The Saylor Series | Episode 4 | Bitcoin: The First Digital Monetary Energy Network
The Saylor Series | Episode 5 | Channeling Monetary Energy Across Time and Space
The Saylor Series | Episode 6 | Digital Gold: Harder, Smarter, Stronger, and Faster
The Saylor Series | Episode 7 | The Virtues of Strong Money
The Saylor Series | Episode 8 | Bitcoin and Immortal Sovereignty
The Saylor Series | Episode 9 | Economics, Inflation, Interest Rates, and Natural Competition
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Know what....sold one off at 52k. Not even mad, bruh :D
Just wanted to throw it out there before I pass out. Could look at it with hindsight and be a little bitch about could've should've. I made a post recently about my 52k being put down on my first house. Honestly, if I lost the rest of my crypto in some tragedy....I'm still cracking a cold one. 47.7k profit. I won. We're all winners, here 🍻
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Cloud mining for Bitcoin does NOT work, just buy and HODL Bitcoin, don't ask me how I know....
Cloud mining for Bitcoin does NOT work, just buy and HODL Bitcoin, don't ask me how I know....
It was a painful lesson....luckily I didn't spend too much of my investable capital in cloud mining. At best you get around 60% of Bitcoin mined compared to buying it outright in the first place with the one off fee paid for cloud mining. worst it could be 20%, or even less.
Lesson learnt, never again.
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Announcing Bitcoin Cash Node v23.0.0
April 14, 2021
Release announcement: Bitcoin Cash Node v23.0.0
The Bitcoin Cash Node (BCHN) project is pleased to announce its major release version 23.0.0.
This release implements the May 15, 2021 network upgrade. It contains the removal of the unconfirmed transaction chain limits, enabling of multiple OP_RETURN
(while keeping the total size limit of data carrier [default: 223 bytes total]), introduction of Double-Spend Proofs (beta), a lifting of the default soft limit for mining to 8MB, and a number of bug-fixes and performance improvements.
BCHN users should consider this update as mandatory prior to May 15, 2021. This is because of the coordination of the new policy rules around transaction chain limits and standardness of multiple OP_RETURN
. The v22.2.0 software will expire some functionality on May 15, and will start to warn about ahead of time, from April 15, 2021 onward.
For the full release notes, please visit:
Executables and source code for supported platforms are available at the above link, or via the download page on our project website at
For more information about the May 15, 2021 network upgrade, visit
We hope you enjoy our latest release and invite you to join us to improve Bitcoin Cash.
The Bitcoin Cash Node team.
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I think Coinbase going public is going to really open the floodgates.
My dad is watching CNBC, and he’s always been skeptical of crypto..and now he wants me to buy him BTC lol! Anyone else feel like this is a crazy time in history? Like a new “internet” moment?
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Wednesday, 14 April 2021
NEW ATH! 64k at 12:45am EST. Let’s fly!!
Bitcoin at 64k looks stronger than ever. Moon party is a go. Next stop mars! On a long enough timeline every other coin will go to zero compared to Bitcoin. LN is heating up
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Just founded an old bitcoin wallet!
Hey everyone, I'm just a guy from Colombia, I came to tell you a little story.
Everything started when my father bought some bitcoin back 2015-2016 and forgot about it.
At the beginning of this year I started following bitcoin, cause I like all the economy stuff and I told my father that bitcoin was raising, he said he just kept some btc but he lost the password, it was kind of frustrating, even with the 35k price, again we forgot about it. I keep following the bitcoin but just as a watcher, till last saturday when I found my old tablet, it had blockchain installed... so I start trying to access, witch was hard cause the tablet had damaged the wifi module and was outdated asf, I shared data with Bluetooth(very rudimentary I know), manually updated blockchain and somehow I remembered the pin.... It had 0.0074 btc, like 420 dollars, I know is little but in my country is more than the minimum mensual wage, that same day I cashed out 300 dollars (I know it wasn't the smartest), it was great, I won some respect with my family lol, spend like 20 bucks with friends (here is enough for a very good restaurant), and I was thinking about reinvesting the rest on interactive brokers but little did I know.
Today my parents where searching a medical email and my father just decided to search bitcoin in all of his emails and let me his phone to review it... I found two old accounts in different apps, I could recover one with 0.2 btc (11k at the moment) just with his email and phone number, the other one is still locked and may have more money(he said he probably lost the notebook with the password but it might be in his workplace), my father just decided to give me that money, he knows I'm going to reinvest or keep it on bitcoin, actually I think the smartest would be holding for a very good while, I wonder how coinbase IPO is going to affect bitcoin price, I'm so excited about this whole world and maybe my father find the rest of the treasure.
I'm sorry if my English isn't the best, thanks for reading ;)
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With BTC reaching a new ATH i decided to give back to a cause i care about
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In the hope of inspiring others I make this post. I feel like gains should not be used just for ourselves but also to give back to causes we care about. [link] [comments] |
Every HODLer in the green.
Anybody who has ever bought bitcoin before today and held.... is in the green. They have not lost money.
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If Bitcoin reaches $100,000 in 2021.....then this means Bitcoin will reach $1,000,000 in we are all set can just enjoy the ride.
If Bitcoin reaches $100,000 in 2021.....then this means Bitcoin will reach $1,000,000 in we are all set can just enjoy the ride.
Not to mention all hedge funds and pensions and corporations are flooding in..... this has passed the point of no return.
Mark this post.
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Crypto is pretty much the only reason I used Reddit anymore, and I'd like to stop using this website. submitted by /u/TheTruthHas...
submitted by /u/FearlessEggplant3036 [link] [comments] source
submitted by /u/KillerHurdz [link] [comments] source