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submitted by /u/blitzball94 [link] [comments] |
This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
Saturday, 13 July 2019
Once my wallet (Samourai) generates a receive address for me, can I receive to that address essentially forever? Do I have to receive a payment to that address once to "activate" it or is it active the moment it's generated?
Thinking about this from the standpoint of donation address. If I generate a Segwit compatible recieve address and save it but don't receive any donations to that address for say 6 months, and the address has never received a payment once, if someone attempts to send Bitcoin to it will it work?
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I just wanted to mention the great Macy’s gift card I bought with BTC on Bitcoin.com. I used ACH to get BTC at 10.4 from tZERO then sent to Bitcoin.com wallet. Then bought the gift card with BTC at 11.7. Then shopped online and got free delivery.
It’s seems like a trusted way for me to get Bitcoin. I do understand the fees involved but I did save on gas. Is their a better way to have done this beside drive to the store (if you have a store near to drive to)? Should I have just bought from Bitcoin.com?
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ccjxgg/i_just_wanted_to_mention_the_great_macys_gift/
r/BitcoinCash subreddit change of moderation policy. Trolls will no longer be tolerated.
Hello all Bitcoin Cashers,
As we have the benefit of two Bitcoin Cash-related sub-reddits (r/btc & r/BitcoinCash), we are going to try a different approach in r/BitcoinCash.
As you will see on the sidebar, two new rules are now clearly listed:
6. This is a Bitcoin Cash (BCH) focused subreddit. All non-BCH content should go to /r/btc, or for heavy altcoin discussion it should be posted to its respective subreddit.
8. In contrast with r/btc moderation policies, trolling in r/BitcoinCash is a ban-able offense.
The reason for this stricter moderation is to get rid of the intentional troll/abuse type of posts that have been allowed on r/btc due to its "no censorship" policy. The free and open policy of r/btc has unfortunately been abused by such trolls.
While fully maintaining the censorship-free policies of r/btc, you may now choose to enjoy troll-free discussion in r/BitcoinCash.
Trolls will have to stick with r/btc if they want to spread their nonsense. We feel that having a choice is the optimum solution for users, and with the censorship-free rules still in full effect in r/btc, the change in r/BitcoinCash simply gives community members the power of choice.
Trolls will of course attack the new policies as "censorship". We are uninterested, as they have already been falsely claiming this toward r/btc for a long time, and it won't make much difference in their behavior.
The simple rebuttal to any claims of this nature is: r/btc's policy has not changed and remains open to all discussion (which follows the rules of that sub). Trolls are more than welcome to continue their trolling in that subreddit if they so desire. It will not be tolerated in r/BitcoinCash.
We welcome all of you who wish to participate in constructive, Bitcoin Cash-related conversation.
Thank you.
The following moderators have approved this change:
/u/BitcoinIsTehFuture, /u/BitcoinXio, Amaury Sechet (/u/deadalnix), /u/NeonWasteland, /u/CryptoStrategies, /u/BeijingBitcoins
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cckjho/rbitcoincash_subreddit_change_of_moderation/
If cryptocurrencies are so good, why are so many governments don't like it?
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If people use bitcoins, instead of the state currency, the government can not "tax" them or give a "value" through the inflation "tax" https://i.redd.it/q950vpvf6z931.jpg The key to its success is something called the blockchain. The blockchain is a means of solving the double-spending problem: which is that because the currency is digital it is open to being copied and spent more than once - something banks stop with physical currency. However, the blockchain acts as a digital ledger, whereby every single transaction (called a block) is securely linked together using cryptography and encryption. It's verifiable, available to everyone who owns Bitcoin and is immune to fraud and hacking - unlike centralised banks. It enables one digital wallet (that can be stored on a phone) to directly connect with another securely and process a transaction. If virtual currencies are so good, why are so many governments with the flea behind their ears? The Chinese government is embarking on a crusade against bitcoin. In India, the situation is not much different. There are other examples. Because? The potential benefits of crypto-coins are real. Governments around the world are full of debt. Many of them will hardly be paid. Brazil( My country) is not an isolated case. Europe has a very serious social security problem. Governments promised worlds and funds. But their populations are aging. And, at the same time, fertility is falling. The account will not close. What does a government do when it does not have the money to pay? Sell tomorrow's lunch to pay for today's dinner. Some governments have been able to play this game for decades. So the scheme is so attractive. For governments that manage to issue debt in their own currency, gambling is even more interesting. If or when investors are unwilling to hold public debt securities in the portfolio until their maturity, these governments that take debt in their own currency may call for creative mechanisms to "monetize" debt. To "monetize" public debt, the key is to give liquidity and certainty attributes that equate government bonds with monetary instruments. For example, governments do this with funds from the Money Market. The key is always to find ways to get people to use government bonds as "money." But there comes a time when lenders lose confidence and stop rolling over debt. What's up? https://i.redd.it/6q69leeh6z931.jpg Here governments can issue money directly. They can finance their debt with monetary printing. It's a default of a different kind. The trick is inflation. Today, you have $ 100 in your wallet. With that money, buy ten packets of a wafer. If the price of the wafer package doubles, you will still have $ 100 in the wallet. But your buying power will fall by half. What if you have a government debt bond instead of a $ 100 bill (or deposit)? In developed countries, government debt is not indexed. So inflation works, solve the problem of the Treasury. But in others (as in Brazil), there may be indexation. Then the government bond will pay inflation for the period + x%. How to pay off this debt? It is only passing a law changing the rule of correction of the titles. Or make a compulsory loan. Or freeze deposits. Or make a board. There will always be a cunning economist and a good talk advocate to wrap the fish. And it's not just in Brazil! This is where the magic of cryptos begins to function. If people use bitcoins, instead of the state currency, the government can not "tax" them or give a "default" through the inflation "tax". State tricks do not work with bitcoin. This is the first reason why having crypto-coins may be a good idea: it is insurance against government insolvency. Since the world is a world, governments break down periodically (especially after losing a war - more on the subject, below). Having crypto (especially a bitcoin type crypto), as well as having physical gold, is insurance against state insolvency. But the advantages of cryptos exist not only for moments of catastrophe or crisis. Cryptos have advantages also in times of normality. They are, in principle, safer and cheaper than other forms of payment. Crypto operations cannot be undone. You are not at risk of having your credit card cloned. The transactions are settled immediately in the blockchain. There are no fees. And it is possible to implement smart contracts schemes that better lubricate human collaboration. Wonderful! There is more: today there are more than 2 billion people with access to the internet or smartphones. And the number just grows. The advantages of crypto-coins are then extended to all this sea of people! And it is possible to include - banking, bring into the 21st century - an even larger contingent of people. Is not it great? In the view of governments, it may not be. There are four main challenges: monetary policy, taxation, exchange, and systemic risk. 1 - Monetary policy. Without a national currency, in times of crisis, the government can not finance its debt via monetary printing. Imagine a farm minister from a country where the money is lacking for everything. If things get too tight, there's only one way: to get the mint gang to work ... But if people's savings are in bitcoin, that old technique will not work! In case of war, the impossibility of using monetary printing can have a dramatic dimension. Historically, warring governments have had to print money because it is never possible to raise taxation too quickly in too short a time. It is good to sow peace in the world. But from the point of view of national states, monetary printing has always been seen as a dimension of national sovereignty to deal with external aggression. 2- Taxation. Modern governments are brutal spenders. You may think this is good - after all, the state of social well-being is expensive but it delivers health, education, transportation ... Well, in Brazil it's not quite like that. In international comparison, our state spends a lot, and it spends very badly. But let us leave this Brazilian "detail" aside. The fact is that governments of social welfare are expensive. Well, how to pay the bill? A party may eventually be thrown into the lap of future generations via state indebtedness. But the bulk has to come from today's taxation. It is here that the crypto-coins put the rulers of hairs on their feet. Crypto-coins can make it difficult for state taxation. Mainly because they can be used to launder money. https://i.redd.it/6wexycvi6z931.jpg Some say that this type of problem can be remedied with measures such as those recently adopted by the Federal Revenue Service. Globally, the Libra of Facebook, when it comes to work, will have to facilitate the tracking of the identity of the holders of Libras. Will it work? Can be. Time will tell. But the fact is that governments are animals hungry for people's resources. It's hard to hold them. 3 - Exchange. The exchange rate, after the basic interest, is the main price in an economy. To value it, devalue it, revalue it, this is the breadwinner of many government economists around the world. (A joke says that the exchange was invented to humiliate economists because controlling it and predicting its fluctuations is so difficult.) But the fact is that the implementation of all these challenging activities is easier as long as the state currency is used by all. What if she is not? Notice that in Brazil we have exchange controls. It is no longer the madness of the military time, when even to buy dollars to go to Bariloche with the family on vacation the Brazilian citizen had to make guts to buy the rationed currency ... And everyone ended up in a doleiro. Things have changed. But there are still various controls and barriers. Will, the government gives them up? 4 - Systemic risk. This problem is more subtle and the analysis depends on the type of cryptocurrency. Think of the Libra (in the case of bitcoin the analysis would be quite different). This is a stable coin managed by Facebook. From what has been announced, the Pound will work with full ballast. That is, Facebook will create a Pound only when it receives the corresponding state currency. Very good. But the problem is that the settlement of Libras operations will have to be done through digital wallets. Will these digital wallets work like banks? Will they resolve to give credit based on the floating of deposits received? If this happens, the systemic risk focus that is on banks today will simply migrate to digital wallets. What if digital wallets break: who will bail them out? The Seventh Cavalry? Thanks for reading, Support me on Steemit too: [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/ccjmrh/if_cryptocurrencies_are_so_good_why_are_so_many/
How many people have girlfriends that are sick of them talking about Bitcoin?
I bring it up every now and then, when I’m on my phone and I laugh at something related to it, or I’m reading a Reddit post on here.. She’ll ask, “What are you laughing at?” Or “Whatcha reading?” And I’ll explain it and she just continues what she’s doing. (Goes right over her head sometimes.) lol.. She understands Bitcoin and it’s purpose, and she supports me. But sometimes she’s like.. shut the fuck up about it. Hahaha. Wondering who can relate.
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Bitfinex trying to steal my crypto (10K USD)
Hello. I am from Ukraine. Today I got the issue with bitfinex. Seems they are cheating and want to steal my money.
I used this exchange even before they were hacked, even more, I have verified account. But who cares when someone wants to cheat you -they cheat you..
This story starts a little bit less than 48 hours ago...to be exact: 10.07.19 at 17:19 (EEST GMT +3).
I got an email from bitfinex:
Bitfinex is constantly improving and adjusting its customer acceptance and related compliance policies, in order to ensure that it is operating within its risk appetite. As policies change, Bitfinex must decline new verification requests and terminate existing customer relationships from time to time.
Unfortunately, I must inform you that Bitfinex is no longer in a position to do business with you. This should not be taken as a reflection of any particular business that you may undertake or your fitness to do business with any other digital token platform or, indeed, any other counter-party. Regrettably, furthering this business relationship is outside of Bitfinex's risk appetite at this time.
Accordingly, please remove all property that you have on the platform, if any, within 48 hours. In 48 hours, Bitfinex will permanently suspend your trading and withdrawal privileges.
Please note that you are permitted to withdraw in BTC or ETH only.
After so many years they decided that they don't want to have deals with me...of course, because there is new bull run and there is a lot of new hamsters arrive every day...why they need a guy from a risky country ...and ...I even don't know what other reasons can be... I am just average Joe but from Ukraine....but doesn't matter if they don't want me I don't want them.
So today at 13:39 I made 2 withdrawal requests (BTC ,ETH) . A few hours later at 16:40 I decided to check is my money arrived...and surprise - there are no transactions at all. I logged in to bitfinex...and...my withdrawals canceled...really??? they said I have 48 hours...but probably they like my money more than I.
Even more, I see a banner on top of the site which says that withdrawals suspended on my account...
I ask the community to help me with this issue.
Thank you guys for support.
Yes, I already wrote to support. But I just can imagine how many weekends it will take to get a response from them...they are so busy by accepting newcomers...
They probably forgot the phrase: "A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush"
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Friday, 12 July 2019
Cash shuffling - what is best?
Is Electron cash wallet the best to use for shuffling? If so, where is the best place to download the electron cash wallet?
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cc8fou/cash_shuffling_what_is_best/
Some very worthy responses to Trumps anti-crypto tweets.
Maybe just maybe, when the president (that has no idea about many things tweets about Bitcoin) [and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Cash] then it's probably time to buy Bitcoin.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cc822r/some_very_worthy_responses_to_trumps_anticrypto/
My first SLP token to commemorate my cat Sugar. He just passed away about an hour ago he was 20. I have minted 20k tokens anyone who posts their SLP token address will receive one up to 19990
Introduced 2 people to Bitcoin BCH over the last couple of days and they couldn't believe how quick it was, then another was curious as to what it was and how it worked and was very interested although he's not tech savvy. He just doesn't trust banks.
One was my younger brother, A 28 year old that finally got a career paying him decent and is ready to gamble on the future and dive into crypto and invest in a few other things. I told him to mine crypto in Dec 13' because he also had a good video card, but he didn't want to mess with the technology and learning it because he was being lazy. He was too busy playing games. Now he wished he'd gotten some when I told him too but didn't. I sent him $5 to show him how it worked because he was about to buy some. Once he downloaded the wallet, I took his phone, scanned it, and had funds in his wallet in seconds. He was amazed with the speed.
The second was a buddy of mine that gambled on Doge with me in Dec 13' but had never touched a coin or downloaded a wallet. He's not real tech savvy but understands some and does understand some of the crypto, as we've talked about it a lot over the years. I sent him money in seconds after he downloaded a mobile wallet. He was actually surprised how quick it was.
The third was another guy that walked in while I was sending the second guy funds and talking about it. We talked to him for a few minutes and he was intrigued (not tech savvy at all and would just assume not have a cell phone) about the technology because he doesn't trust banks and other third parties with his money. He'll be ready to make the leap soon. Once we make it easier for people like this to get funds to safe wallets that they hold physically and trust, crypto will be adopted much quicker.
I did, of course, school them on mobile/core wallets and security a bit so they understand not to keep a lot on things like mobile wallets or online exchanges with lots of value in them.
Just thought I'd share some positive stories for mass adoption. Hope everyone else is showing people. Usage is value.
TL;DR Read Title
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cc68yk/introduced_2_people_to_bitcoin_bch_over_the_last/
"If you were wondering why cryptocurrency REALLY has value, there it is: it makes the powerful terrified that people will be able to use it to simply be free."
Donald J. Trump:"I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity...."
Is coinfxmarket a scam?
Someone is sending out emails in my name leading people to this site. I don't know anything about it and can't find any information.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cc3kca/is_coinfxmarket_a_scam/
Thursday, 11 July 2019
From this graph, it seems almost no tether went into bch.
So BCH wasn't pumped by tether. On one side I'm a bit sad my preferred coin didn't went up, but I'm happier to know its not propelled up by a scam.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cbsrv0/from_this_graph_it_seems_almost_no_tether_went/
Why btc has higher transaction fee??
I wonder why.. If btc is in a bull market and a lot of people are sending transactions.. Why is it the transaction fee would get high when in fact it should reduced since a considerable number of people are paying the network as transactuon fees???
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cbtcpk/why_btc_has_higher_transaction_fee/
Nationwide PoS system outages in Australia
TV news is reporting that it started around 3pm (about 3 hours ago at time of writing), but stores are now coming back online. Major department stores and grocery chains were affected.
Bitcoin's competition is looking a bit less formidable 😅
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cbt2kd/nationwide_pos_system_outages_in_australia/
Looking for Russian crypto enthusiasts :)
hello everyone! I bilingual, but Russian is my mother language, is there anyone else who speaks Russian? Could you recommend some Russian crypto subreddits? or where do you guys, hang out on Reddit? cheers!
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cbt8wq/looking_for_russian_crypto_enthusiasts/
Dear Gemini, Please stop linking to the Blockstream block explorer. The company only is relevant after hijacking the Core GitHub repo and use it to promote their own projects like Liquid and LN.
Blockstream is one of the worst companies in the world let alone in Bitcoin. It was literally founded by scammers (the two biggest have since been kicked out/left) and continues to use any means necessary to grab more power.
As far as I can tell, the centers of power lie with
(1) Adam Back and the GitHub Repo,
(2) Bitfinex and the Tether money printing machine,
(3) AXA and other legacy organizations providing capital,
(4) BitFury as their go to miner,
(5) now apparently they have Gemini as their go to exchange.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cbsiai/dear_gemini_please_stop_linking_to_the/
Fees are not a payment for processing nor storage of transactions
How can they be if it's only the miner who have found the block gets paid? Others are forced to process and store the transaction and get no money from the fee.
When you pay the fee you create a contest and fund the prize for ADDING your tx to the next block.
Fees as payment for storage and processing is a missconception.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/cbry0g/fees_are_not_a_payment_for_processing_nor_storage/
Bought my first bitcoin!
Bought very small amount but oh well. Thanks to the people who told me how to do it
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Crypto is pretty much the only reason I used Reddit anymore, and I'd like to stop using this website. submitted by /u/TheTruthHas...
submitted by /u/FearlessEggplant3036 [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/12gt49l/supposedly_insiders_in_t...
submitted by /u/KillerHurdz [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/a6bm9y/discussing_bitcoin_power_dyn...