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submitted by /u/birch8484 [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/j8ebmf/kindly_support_my_business_thankyou/
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It's very logical. International payments is an area where bitcoin is way more convenient than any other option, and this can include when one travels and has to deal with a currency they don't have
How can the market not go up like crazy after two huge public companies buying bitcoin as their reserve asset.
PS: after this confirmation market can assume:
1- that more companies will join ( square even shared to the public how to buy bitcoin as a company).
2- at least this 2 companies will buy more bitcoin every year as their revenue go up. we also can compound it if we assume that at the same time other new companies will join and do the same year after year.
3- we are even more close to the possibity of banks and governaments start to do the same
in my opinion this high net worth people just need a better infrasture for them to start investing. its a matter of time for this to blow up and take everyone by surprise
WHEN 9K ? :(
They missed $4k in march! THAT price point would have been a smart buy worthy of praise. And they missed all other lower price points prior to that. It's not like they just found out bitcoin exists in 2020.
Link to source articles screenshots this post elaborates on
The last time this happened where the US owed more than it was worth, people, companies, and governments moved their wealth into gold(bought gold) to protect themselves from hyper inflation since it was the best finite asset(limited in its amount) in that time. For those who don’t know what inflation is, it’s when there is a faster loss of value to the dollar, and what it can buy. Why everything is more expensive now than it was when you were a kid.
That last time this happened was the Great Depression that most of us read about in school. This time around, the people and companies with the wealth are choosing to adopt the new gold it appears: ₿itcoin. Billions of Dollar$ are already pouring into Bitcoin, from companies with Trillions$ in managed assets that they need to protect. And with that now starting to move into Bitcoin, Bitcoin’s math limiting it to 21 million coins puts Bitcoin at well over 100k a coin by the time this momentum matures, and the trillions these companies manage move more into Bitcoin. Zoom in, and read the articles in this collage. They show companies managing Trillions of dollars already Buying Bitcoin. To hold for their clients, and customers, and even as treasury reserve asset for their own companies. That will only continue to grow. Eventually, we’ll be hearing of Countries, Nations, State, and Cities beginning to buy Bitcoin as a treasury reserve asset. When that happens, the road map for millions of dollars per Bitcoin will begin to come to form.
If you haven’t been buying whatever you can this whole time, make sure you do before this next price run. Because after this one, you’ll never see Bitcoin as low as the 10k’s $ per ₿itcoin again.
There is a digital change happening to the financial world, much like when the internet met the world of media and information. Better to hop on early now, than when the government starts buying Bitcoin for you much later for your 401ks. Because by then, the price will likely be Millions, to tens of millions per Bitcoin that they’ll be buying it for you at.
In this article I answer the question above.
(also, update: I appear to have survived the Heart Ablation and appreciate the well wishes from everyone)
What specifically does this guy miss or don't completely understand about central banking? Or is he right in that there is nothing to fear about money printing? Every video I've watched of him is very well supported with research papers and statistical evidence and all he says sounds VERY rational to me. He seems extremely knowledgeable in the topic of finance.
How do I post a youtube video so it's thumbnail appears large?
I’m so happy I’m involved in Bitcoin. I’m happy I’m part of this community. I’m happy for all of you. If you’re reading this you’re alive and opportunities are endless. Someone I know died today. Live everyday to the fullest, tell someone you love them, and Stack Sats!
Have a great day
I’m not a big player but during this crisis, I’ve been investing some extra money into stocks. However, I’m considering just selling that all off to finally get my full 1 BTC. I managed to get some great returns but I’m kind of over constantly checking the tickers. Is this a bad idea?
So I was at a bitcoin atm earlier buying coins and a old lady walks up to me and asks “can I use your phone number to send the security code to so I can use the bitcoin atm? My phone won’t let me get the security code for some reason.” Of course I said no even after she begged but I was wondering what was the point of her asking me this
I'm going to be investing in a hardware wallet this week.
Will I still be able to send btc to a fresh address every time or do you reuse the receive address?
Is there any way for me to check the balance without plugging it in all the time? I like to confirm what I sent went to where I sent it.
Is there anything else I should know about it?
I am getting a heart procedure in the morning (cryo-ablation) for A-Fib. Just in case you never hear from me again it is best to stop the massive wave of donations as my family would probably not find my wallet password. "Massive wave" is a joke, of course. No real donations yet:
I do not really expect any complications and expect to be back within a few days and will edit this OP when I get a chance. Best Wishes to anyone working to fulfill the original dream of Bitcoin!
I'm a 2011 btc veteran. As such, I find myself using tools that become outdated and don't keep up with what's new anymore. You get set in your ways. I've used mycelium as a phone wallet for what seems like forever. It used to be simple and sleek. There were development plans for some interesting tools that never came to be. I just looked in the app for the first time in a while and it's become bloated with spammy media feeds and other sponsors that reek of desperation. If i were to recommend something that looks like a malware infected early 2000s webpage to a friend, it's got all the bells and whistles to drive them away. It's finally the sad time to dump mycelium and take my spending keys elsewhere. (RIP crowdfunding coins donated long ago)
What is everyone's phone wallet choice these days and why? I have used many over the years, they all have their strengths and quirks.
Bitcoin’s number of unique active users has hit an all-time high, according to data from Glassnode. Having reached 375,000 in late December 2017, the number of “active entities” has now passed 380,000, and looks set to continue growing.
Could a surge be imminent?
I have one bitcoin and was told to hold onto it for 10 years or so. Higher chance for it to go over $500k than ZERO?
There have been some really bad cryptocurrency tokens that have existed. But what are the seven worst tokens in history? In order to make this list, you had to do something exceptionally bad or noteworthy.
Let's take a look:
I know this goes against the rules and they possibly eliminate this article before several can see it, but for a long time I've been growing up with this great community and I know that some of them could help me at this difficult time.
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If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.
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Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.
I just met with an old friend, i remember she told me she invested 3 million Colombian peso in April, 2017 in Bitcoin.
That was +/- $1,060 USD that time or +/- $9,400 today.
When i told her how much it was worth today she was excited because today that's 36 million peso where i live.
And she has a debt to pay to the bank on a loan for an apartment, especially now during the crisis that would put her out of debt instantly.
So obviously i asked her if she still had the "seed" or wallet in a secure place, she didn't understand what i was asking.
A bit deeper into the conversation she told me her son knew a guy to invest bitcoin, he told her that there was a flat fee of 1 million peso to open up a wallet and the other 2 million would be invested.
I told her she got scammed, because she did not have the private key of her wallet and when she asked to get money from her investment this person again lied to her and told her that whats left of today is only 250,000 Colombian pesos or $65 USD.
There was no contract or anything written on paper, the only thing as evidence she had was a mail on how much money they agreed to invest.
I'm thinking now of offering some free/paid advice now trough online marketplaces in my city and country, people need to know they can open a wallet for free and how to purchase Bitcoins themselves and how they can secure their investments with a hardware wallet and how to sell their Bitcoin.
I see daily stories on Reddit/Twitter/Facebook of people getting scammed, ive also been selling hardware wallets trough my online store in my country ( i'm not an authorized distributor but i've prevented some scams where other online sellers sold opened/tampered wallets )
I was scammed multiple times this weekend for just about $10,000 USD in bitcoin.
Is there anyone that can help me get the money back? Is there anything i can do to get the money back? I am desperate.
Thank you.
Today as I read the 100th article about BTC and how it's the currency of the future, I realized the main hurdle to more mainstream success is people simply not using it. Here I am, sitting on a chunk of BTC, hoping it will go up and wondering to myself-"when will it take off?" But I don't use it for anything either! So starting today I'm setting aside a little fun money to use as often as I can. If you take bitcoin, you best believe I'm paying with bitcoin! Unless we can adopt this mentality, it will never catch on. Just a thought.