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submitted by /u/Cutiosityunveil [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/m42u4e/companies_that_make_mining_bitcoin_easy/
This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
But I would strongly recommend you consider a more conservative allotment of 80 - 100% just to be safe.
Was about to buy today when it was at 55.200 but i had to go take a poop, when i came back, it was almost 56k, i said to myself "maybe it goes down again" but now it's 57k
Don't be like me, buy before taking a poop
So I started scrolling through BCHA to see if anything was even happening over there and I was surprised to see Peter Todd listed as one of the contributors. I thought he was a small blocker?
[ ] Have fun staying unconfirmed
[ ] Have fun with outputs that can't be spent
[ ] Have fun trying to predict what fee is needed to confirm on time
[ ] Have fun paying more for a transaction than it costs to run a node for a month
[ ] Have fun with custodial platforms as p2p becomes too expensive
[ ] Have fun with KYC hassling you for more information than needed
[ ] Have fun trying to find a route on Lightning Network
[ ] Have fun trying to fight fraud on Lightning Network when your fraud proof transaction costs more in fees than your lost funds
[ ] Have fun with developers who tell you this is "decentralization"
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Venezuela Workers is a website that uses Bitcoin Cash (BCH) through its platform as a payment method to hire Venezuelan freelancers. We are currently looking for employers interested in considering hiring Venezuelans for any type of digital work under a very inexpensive budget. Don't have BCH? Don’t sweat it. Venezuela Workers has sideshift integrated, that means that you can use your preferred cryptocurrency to make payments through our page safe and quickly Register following very simple steps, publish the work you need adjusted to your budget and with the help of a Venezuelan freelancer, successfully complete your work. Link: Venezuela Workers [link] [comments] |
There are 37 billion acres of dry land on earth. Comparing that to 18.65 million bitcoin, each bitcoin represents about 2000 acres of land.
Just to put a single bitcoin in perspective with the limited supply of land.
If you are reading this, more than likely you made it through the crash, Up $53,000 in one year, and nowhere but Up!! HODL ON!!!
Big BCH fan here. Ever since the Hern Rage-Quit I have been on board. Just like Ver, I have been working to get more people to understand not only "Digital Gold" but freeing the rest of humanity from government cohesion.
This does not change that, but... WTF... what happened to "Sweep Paper Wallet" in the bitcoin.com wallet? I WANT them to take my money from gifts.bitcoin.com. The "Sweep Paper Wallet" option is GONE. ...it's not for me... i don't need more money. I need noobs to feel confident, not be confused.
Every tip is give out is not meant to confuse. It is meant to reward, enlighten... not sure how I would redeem a gifts.bitcoin.com. Please fix this. Give people a fighting chance. I want crypto to win. I want BCH to win!
They asked "can you hold?"
I answered "fuck yeah."
All time high is just another way of saying that those who didn't sell are now making more money than what they spent.
I can finally use my own account on an exchange 💪i'm really happy, now i don't need my brother account.
Thanks you all 😔 i'm really proud of stacking and using this wonderful coin.
Why not refocusing the discussion on what will really become the unit for spending on a daily basis, the more manageable unit, THE SATOSHIS. When people starts talking SATOSHIS unit, we will will a HUGE BATTLE, as it will shift the discussion to the sub-unit that will start / should start being used for daily spending. ALSO, I think this will educate people as they will all try to understand what's behind the unit of measure and the history behind BTC.
In the future, when you start talking about how much does this cost in BTC, you will not say 'this is worth 0´0000…082 BTC', you will instead say, this is worth 500 Satoshis (for example).
The moment people start to think in value per Satoshi, given the current USD per such, it will keep going up, as people will shift the perception.
The GitHub repository has a release for iOS, and I saw references about beta testing with TestFlight. Is this still happening? Can I try it out? I already have TestFlight installed, so this would be perfect. Is there a reason the SLP edition is not on the App Store?
Our fairness section is now live.
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Oh and we have a rock-bottom house edge of 1% too.
Help yourself to some extra luck ;)
If you understand both of these things and still sell, you may be diagnosed with what they commonly refer to as "Chicken-Livered."
My cold wallet automatically suggests a fresh Bitcoin adress for each time I want to 'receive' BTC from a transaction.
What are the benefits of that supposed to be?
Privacy? If receiving from an exchange, wouldn't that be the weakest link in any way? If receiving from a private entity, still, where's the benefit of different adresses each time?
From a purely financial perspective: doesn't having BTC stored on different adresses only have the potential disadvantage of higher fees for future outgoing transactions? (in the case that the total would surpass the amount stored on any single adress)
Thank you.
One of the reasons I see bitcoin cash as the best version of bitcoin is simply the low cost of tx fees and speed. It works like effective digital money should, ez pz.
I don't know the exact current median tx fees for BTC and BCH but lately, I've heard numbers like BTC=$15.00USD and BCH=$0.0028USD. Something like that.
Aren't those tx fees partially also just a reflection of the price of the respective cryptocurrencies? I know that BCH has recently surpassed BTC in the number of transactions per day. However, the prices in USD are still massively different. If the price of BCH were to match the price of BTC, wouldn't the transaction fees be well over $0.01 USD? This is part of my frustration with hopes of crypto prices skyrocketing, it seems to only hurt adoption in the usability category. Maybe I'm not understanding it correctly though.
Is there perhaps a way for BCH to track the relative value and always keep it below the equivalent of 1 cent? Maybe I'm missing something? Any clarification would be appreciated.
Currently have about 80% in bitcoin and 20% in stocks. Currently my stocks are down about 30% and thinking if i should cut my losses in the market and move remainding money into bitcoin considering my belief for` growth. Any one think this is a bad idea?
I've come to realise that the nicest thing about Bitcoin Cash is not that I can use it to buy stuff with sub-cent fees, or that it's deflationary, or that it's permissionless and trustless.
The best thing is the sense of community and the feeling that just by using BCH, you're a part of something much bigger than yourself. That feeling of belonging is something I never would have expected from a libertarian-friendly piece of open source software.
The cryptocurrency space is full to the brim with people just trying to make a quick buck, but in contrast, the BCH community is overflowing with really smart people just looking to create and build to make everyone's lives better. And even though I'm just a user, I've always felt welcome here.
That's really why I choose to use Bitcoin Cash.
... and make a ton of money.
Why? Because the stock market is not decentralized.
Sure, I switched from robinhood to etrade, but GUESS WHAT...even e-trade blocked trading.
The curruption isn't the company, it's the system.
So I gained $900 and bought cryptotendies with the total investment.
Hello I’m a 25 y/o that has a good amount in savings and currently thinking my best bet is to start investing this extra money into Bitcoin... thoughts? I heard people talking about putting there original stimi into Bitcoin and have profited massively. Is there some truth to this? Could the process this time around be just as profitable considering how everything is evolved here in the US? Money is dirty and nobody seems to want to touch it(COVID-19), transferring passively without touch is a clean future. Not to mention doesn’t it cost natural resources to go down like paper(trees), inefficient if you ask me.
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Asked a friend of mine who paints old weird decrepit machines to make me one about bitcoin. He had no idea whatsoever about what bitcoin was or meant. After some research he came up with this. What do you think? [link] [comments] |
Excuse by u/paypal is $8000 is "such a large amount" they need to hold on to my money for upto 21 days. Do not buy bitcoin through Paypal.
Bitcoin is recognised as a store of value making it comparable to gold. In 2020, 3,200 tonnes of gold was mined equating to approximately 90,301,440 million tonnes of CO2 emitted.
In comparison Bitcoin is estimated to emit around 37 million tonnes of CO2 over the course of 2021, with China powering 65% of the hash rate in March 2021. China pledges to be net zero by 2050 along with most of the world under the Paris agreement. Under the assumption this is achieved this would indicate Bitcoin would be powered by renewable energy by 2050 making it a zero carbon technology. In addition, gold mining is renowned to be one of the most destructive industries responsible for polluting drinking water with cyanide, mercury and other heavy metals, whilst destroying pristine environments and causing damaging health effects. Removing reliance on the need for gold not only has the potential to decarbonise the gold reserve industry but also reduces these negative environmental and health impacts. However, the reliance on countries sticking to the Paris Agreement is needed in order to decarbonise Bitcoin.
Edit: Information on China’s energy policy
China uses the most cost effective renewables and could viably generate 60% of its energy with green energy by 2030. It is estimated the renewable energy implementation could save China around 11% in monetary cost. Feasibly following the laws of economics Bitcoin miners will be more likely to use renewable energy sources if they are cheaper. Therefore, reducing Bitcoin’s carbon footprint.
Bitcoin CO2 footprint: https://digiconomist.net/bitcoin-energy-consumption/
2020 gold produced: https://www.statista.com/statistics/264628/world-mine-production-of-gold/
Gold CO2 estimate: https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/blog/greenhouse-gas-and-gold-mines-nearly-1-ton-of-co2-emitted-per-ounce-of-gold-produced-in-2019
Bitcoin Index: https://cbeci.org
Paris Agreement: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_Agreement
Environmental impact of gold: https://www.earthworks.org/campaigns/no-dirty-gold/impacts/
China’s renewable energy: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-16184-x
For the last year, I have been so sick of COVID, Trump vs Biden, who’s lives matter, cancel culture, Karens. A little over a month ago I decided to take my yearly visit to /r/Bitcoin to see how much money I missed out on since I first heard about it. Yup it was still a lot. But this time was different, I’m not the same poor college student working at a movie theatre. Now, I’m an adult with an adult sized income. I started reading as much as I could about Bitcoin. I was watching the charts, I was watching videos explaining the charts. I started learning different patterns and what they could mean for bitcoin. I finally decided to bite the bullet and coin up. I have to say, I really needed this right now. I haven’t been this excited about something since I was a little kid. I mean I feel like a kid now. Every time I talk about Bitcoin my face lights up. It’s exciting, and its not negative news about what group offended what group this week. I don’t know it just all feels really good and I guess I wanted to share and thank everyone here. See you all on the moon.
Here’s the way I see it, and I may be wrong, so feel free to tell me to take a hike 😊
I would venture to say that the average person is in the workforce for 30-40 years.
This is a special moment in time for Bitcoin (and cryptocurrency in general) before it goes mainstream. As such, prices are up, but when it actually reaches mass adoption, the price will hockey stick up and to the right from here.
Why not devote this year... just one year to acquiring Bitcoin? What does that hurt?
If you end up being wrong, you still have 29-39 more years to invest in 401k, blah blah blah.
But if you happen to be right and Bitcoin does explode, the single year that you devoted to investing in it could be monumental, life changing money.
Anyway, that is my approach to this. What are your thoughts?
Last nights bull run happened as I was in the middle of my exam. It was a rough time, but when i checked my hodlings i felt a lot better.
Edit: generous curve, turns out I got a B!
Yes! PRs being accepted. Everyone agrees, this should be a community project.
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Over the past year, we've explained many benefits of the Stratum V2 mining protocol for miners, pools, and the Bitcoin network as a whole. Now it's time for a recap & update on development + adoption 👇 https://braiins.com/bitcoin-mining-stack-upgrade For those not familiar with the features of Stratum V2 or how it compares to Stratum V1 & BetterHash, we have an overview for you (check the Compare tab for more). It also includes a Q&A with protocol authors Matt Corallo, Jan Capek and Pavel Moravec. https://braiins.com/upgrade/compare-mining-protocols DECENTRALIZATION: While all of the features are relevant to miners & mining pools, the aspect of Stratum V2 that most non-miner Bitcoiners care about is Job Negotiation. This is a sub-protocol that enables miners to construct their own blocks, a task currently only being done by pools. We recommend the following piece from Karim Helmy (R&D at Coinmetrics) which includes an explanation of out-of-band payments, a potential economic incentive for miners to adopt Job Negotiation.
We also have a deeper explanation of how Stratum V2 can impact Bitcoin's decentralization and how the Job Negotiation process works. Approximately 94% of Bitcoin's hashrate currently goes through Chinese mining pools, while some ~65% is physically produced in China during the rainy season. Safe to say, Bitcoin decentralization isn't perfect. TL;DR: Stratum V2 can help ⬇️ https://braiins.com/blog/stratum-v2-bitcoin-decentralization ADOPTION: So, what is the state of Stratum V2 adoption today? Well, it's still very early days. We have an implementation on r/slushpool and in our Braiins OS+ firmware, so there are already many miners using V2. However, this doesn't include Job Negotiation yet... The reason is that there are changes necessary in Bitcoin Core in order to make Job Negotiation possible. So there can't be a full implementation of Stratum V2 until those changes are made. Good news: the development is in progress with a help from Square Crypto! Until then, mining pools will remain the sole entities constructing blocks to add to the Bitcoin blockchain. However, miners can still benefit from partial V2 implementations which improve efficiency, privacy, and security (e.g. man-in-the-middle attack prevention). We believe Stratum V2 will have a significant long-term impact on the mining industry, particularly as transaction fees account for an increasing proportion of mining revenue. We'll be sure to update the community again as the development progresses. [link] [comments] |
I think it's a great thing we can discuss because obviously I fully expect the media to keep bringing this critism up about Bitcoin's consumption.
Of course it's a really tricky thing to quantify, but having sources showing BCH's efficiency will help it's case.
The technology thread can be seen here: https://np.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/m16xqu/bitcoins_climate_problem_as_companies_and/
I have made some money off bitcoin recently and am generally more pleasant and happy. At work a colleague wrote me a strongly worded email and CC'd many others. Basically he was trying to paint me in a bad light. Then he followed up with a phone call and yelled at me for 5 minutes, I kept my cool throughout. Anyways my calm demeanor irritated him and he was flustered that he couldn't perturb me, before we ended the call I said genuinely for him to have a nice day. Both our supervisors got wind of the emails afterwards and they took my side in the conflict we were having and he called and apologized to me (maybe because his supervisor told him to, IDK).
If crypto was down this week it could have been me who was the one apologizing.
Thank you bitcoin for giving me the serenity to deal with this tough situation.