
The whales are on a buying spree.

Nothing can stop what's coming. Bitcoin has already won because things have been put in motion and each day is a confirmation

About sBCH

Scammer time story :D Have fun!

Ruja 'OneCoin' Ignatova makes it into the FBI's ten most wanted list

Does anyone know what happened to sbUSD on SmartBCH. Seems $1 is only worth $0.42. Did it collapse already?

This is what you can buy when you HODL Bitcoin

Jedex: non-custodial, censorship-resistant CashToken DEX architecture for Bitcoin Cash

Bank of International Settlements proposes letting banks hold 1% of reserves in bitcoin

CoinFlex update: Thank you for your patience

What would you do if it turned out that the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto was Nick Szabo?

Has anyone ever seen the buy ratio this high? Is this a Coinbase anomaly or not truly telling of how many people are buying, just orders placed?

We may be living in the past, but if you ignore history, you will repeat it.

SLP388 Meron Estefanos – Bitcoin, Human Rights & Refugees

r/btc hits 1 million subscribers!

From its second to third day, bcUSDT volume quadrupled.

WW2 Coinjoin Example

Pentagon finds concerning vulnerabilities on blockchain

What is this?

1 Bitcoin Cash

Fear of FIAT collapse

This is bitcoin.

Libertarian Party on Twitter: #Bitcoin has lost 25% of its value since 2010, proving it a total scam. Wait, no, that's the US dollar.

Bitcoin Nodes - lets see pics of your Bitcoin Node setups. Would love to get some ideas and see what’s out there, feel free to post specs.

⚡️Announcing lnd 0.15 beta: To Taproot and Beyond! ♾️

Just learned BCH allows spending unconfirmed tx's. How?

Bitcoin could be ruined if this guy ever stepped out of the shadows..

Mentor Monday, June 27, 2022: Ask all your bitcoin questions!

Why does Gary Gensler single out Bitcoin as the only commodity in the crypto space?

How about we just use "Bitcoin"?

Banxa, an Australian crypto exchange, eliminates 70 jobs.

Don't forget about the other 6 billion people who need bitcoin, guys.

In case you forgot, CoinFlex is almost the only publicly pro BCH exchange

On July 6 the SEC makes a decision about a Bitcoin ETF and if approved a BCH one will be created. BCH is legally identical to the Bitcoin so it will be approved as well, while other cryptos might be different due to being premined. If the ETF is approved BCH will rocket.

Question about segwit and anyone-can-spend transactions

BTC/ altcoin investment

Almost $4 billion in Bitcoin miner loans coming under stress, Bloomberg says

if I short the Bitcoin Short ETF BITI, does that mean I finally have a Bitcoin ETF?

Has anyone made a BTC payment support map?

Is Bitcoin too big to fail?

How can we convince people to look beyond the price and start using Bitcoincash? BCH is still better in transaction than local fiat. The reduction in price didn’t touch its efficiency and it is this efficiency in utility that BCH focuses on and not the price. Here is how I convinced someone.