Saturday, 11 September 2021

iGaming platform

Hi! I’m with BUSTA 🍌 , an iGaming platform and DEX on BSC
We are doing a FREE AIRDROP ✈️ for the first 1000 people with a chance at $250! What do you need to do? Well… participating is pretty simple, just visit our Airdrop and fill the empty fields to participate (there are tasks to increase your opportunities to earn the prize).

submitted by /u/DonovanArielI
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@EDDASwap #DeFi #NFT #DEX #BSC #Polygon $EDDA This project will be fill investor demand. Good project with expired team. This project deserve your attention.

submitted by /u/Rb706
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Donations advice

My brother who was a huge crypto enthusiast and wanted to create a crypto charity that would help keep the homeless warm through the winter months took his own life two weeks ago. Some of you may know him as “peddlenpop”. Mark was a selfless person who once drove over 100miles to sit and chat to a fellow forum member who was feeling suicidal. He was constantly looking out for others instead of himself. If I set up a crypto fundraiser to start up donations for Mark’s homeless help vision would you donate ?

View Poll

submitted by /u/karen_from_marketing
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Going all in on BTC?

As the title says, I consider placing all my crypto funds I BTC. But. Please give me all your advices and knowledge on WHY BTC is different than gold, and why it will stay in the long term, since there is way better blockchain tech out there…

submitted by /u/MrNoOneYet
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BCH Argentina Token on the SmartBCH Network

BCH Argentina Token on the SmartBCH Network submitted by /u/BitcoinCashArgentina
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U.S. Treasury and financial industry discuss cryptocurrency 'stablecoins'

U.S. Treasury and financial industry discuss cryptocurrency 'stablecoins' submitted by /u/Egon_1
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Decentralized Exchange for Cannabis tokenized stocks

This project its a Decentralized Exchange for tokenized stocks. I'm a cannabis supporter and it would be great to see a crypto cannabis project with a real use.

Here the info of the project, if you going to buy some tokens use my affiliate link and you can get 5% bonus.

🌍 Project website

🧾 RastaPaper (Reduced Whitepaper)

Bonus Link:

submitted by /u/Orschelt
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Survey: 48% Of Brazilians Want To Make Bitcoin A Legal Currency

Survey: 48% Of Brazilians Want To Make Bitcoin A Legal Currency submitted by /u/Bitcoin_Magazine
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They just don’t get it…

Today a coworker was telling me “hey! did you see the market today? It’s all red! Hope you sold and didn’t lose your mortgage” as he sarcastically laughed.

I had to bite my lip from saying the whole “I’ve been in this since 2016, I bought bitcoin and ethereum for under 1k/100 and haven’t sold, and this is how the ebbs and flows of the market goes”
and instead just went along and said, “damn didn’t see that, there goes my emergency fund! Think you could buy lunch?”

Really starting to realize no one outside of crypto will understand crypto until they start doing crypto. It’s not like the stock market where it has been established as generally a safer medium (which I can argue against that it’s not) to invest your money. So people are more inclined to test it out. I think mass adoption will really be slow for the general public as they will need to rewire their brains to the intricacies of the crypto market and that 20% dips are realy just “another Thursday”

I try my best spreading knowledge on crypto to those around me but everyone looks at it as a taboo topic meant for kids and gamblers.

So moving forward I’m just going to be playing dumb and act like I lost a lot of money so people can sympathize for me and continuously get me free lunch.

All in all, that subway sandwhich my coworker got me was totally worth it :)

submitted by /u/toydinosaur123
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Apple can no longer force developers to use in-app purchasing, judge rules in Epic Games case. (The lawsuit was filed after Epic Games app tried to accept Bitcoin in apps and apple removed the app)

Apple can no longer force developers to use in-app purchasing, judge rules in Epic Games case. (The lawsuit was filed after Epic Games app tried to accept Bitcoin in apps and apple removed the app) submitted by /u/hyperinflationUSA
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I think when btc moves down, it has an inverse impact on the industry (which is good for all inc btc holders)

Read a quote today following btc being deemed legal tender in El Salvador: "And sure, you can get rich by trading in Bitcoin, but it's comparable to trading in stamps" while stamps are not as eclipsing as btc, you get the spirit of the quote. and ofc not dissing stamps, am sure lot's of rich collectors

Having worked in the fintech industry specifically w blockchain and then cryptos themselves since 2014. Have met and prospected a lot of start-ups and have worked with folks who made a lot, branched off and started their own cos.. (dreaded ICOs) etc.

Anyway.. do I think countries that already have financial hardship are going to benefit from approving btc for legal tender? Not necessarily, at least not in the short-term- BUT, as we see, not that btc volatility is anything worth noting, it sets a precedent and meaningfully opens the door to empower actual payments. Obviously the details will take time and there will be a ton of chaos.

The point being related to other coins that have utility. I think this adoption empowers those in charge to practically look at applicability of the industry as a whole, governments, private cos etc. Due diligence towards technically strong, optically strong (think partnerships etc.) solutions. While these 'altcoins' will never reach high unit prices (which is good), I think we will see in the coming years a continued maturing of their adoption.

This is good for any holder across the spectrum and those who continue to invest. My perspective is look at the practicality and whether their white paper is longer than a post-it note. I don't look at the short-term fluctuations. Anyway, am hopeful for the future and will certainly hold btc and others for next 10 years to see where the ride takes us.

submitted by /u/long-yellow-legs
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Question about bitcoin

I have been seeing lately something about btc flash. Where one buys a 'fake' btc and it stays in the wallet and is transferable. Is this possible? Do such things exist? If they do how can one protect themselves against such when receiving btc as payment?Thanks.

submitted by /u/gachengomarugu
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Western Union has a history of celebrating international migrants. As they care so much about migrants I'm sure they're delighted Bitcoin is massively reducing the cost of international remittances... I'm sure they'll thank Bitcoin in a tweet any day now.

Western Union has a history of celebrating international migrants. As they care so much about migrants I'm sure they're delighted Bitcoin is massively reducing the cost of international remittances... I'm sure they'll thank Bitcoin in a tweet any day now. submitted by /u/jam-hay
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Tried to send .5 SEP20 BCH from Coinflex to Metamask, now it's gone

I was following the instructions here:

I successfully went through all the steps once. I sent 1BCH to CoinFlex, withdrew as an SEP20 token to Metamask, converted to EBEN. Then I tried to "Add Liquidity" and it told me I had an insufficient BCH balance. I really don't understand the liquidity tokens. I guessed that it was a mistake to convert all the BCH to EBEN, so I tried to convert some back, but Benswap kept giving me errors.

So I tried to send another .5 BCH to Metamask, following the exact same steps as before, withdrawing SEP20 token from CoinFlex to the same MM address I used the first time.

Now the .5 BCH is gone. CoinFlex shows it as successfully withdrawn, but Metamask doesn't show it. It's been over an hour. I tried to view the transaction, and I get a 502 Error:

I am glad I didn't send more funds. I consider myself relatively tech-savy, but this whole thing is REALLY confusing, and I am unlikely to ever touch it again.

Any ideas how I can locate my .5 BCH?

submitted by /u/GiverOfSLP-DOGE
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BEWARE OF SCAM website for "synchronizing your metamask wallet to the smart metamask wallet database"

I posted about an issue I have with a pending withdrawal on CoinFLEX and some ass named Gimeless messaged me with the above solution and this link:

As you can see none of the links work at all. But if you select your wallet it asks for your seed words.

submitted by /u/hero462
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P2P crypto marketplace LocalCryptos adds support for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Users can now buy and sell Bitcoin Cash (BCH) on the non-custodial peer-to-peer crypto marketplace...

P2P crypto marketplace LocalCryptos adds support for Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Users can now buy and sell Bitcoin Cash (BCH) on the non-custodial peer-to-peer crypto marketplace... submitted by /u/NasSpace
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Virginia Public Pension Funds Double Down on Bitcoin

Virginia Public Pension Funds Double Down on Bitcoin submitted by /u/TobiHovey
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Bitcoin Technical Analysis for September 11, 2021 - BTC

Bitcoin Technical Analysis for September 11, 2021 - BTC submitted by /u/TRAcademy
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He just answered the best way possible!

So brutal and so on point. She just had nothing else to say. "Good luck answering your kids that you were at the moment when the greatest wealth transfer was happening and you just did nothing!"

submitted by /u/Telugucryptodaily
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Hasn't the DIP helped El Salvador to buy BTC?

Wondering if the BTC dip in the first day in El Salvador was a good or bad think. In one hand it scared investors but on the other hand helped people to aquire it in a lower price.

What's your opinion?

submitted by /u/Spy4Real
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BlackRock Executive Believes Bitcoin Price Could Rise ‘Significantly’

BlackRock Executive Believes Bitcoin Price Could Rise ‘Significantly’ submitted by /u/thadiusb
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Ukraine adopts draft crypto law even as the IMF sounds alarms - Massive progress, will potentially cause a domino-effect

Ukraine adopts draft crypto law even as the IMF sounds alarms - Massive progress, will potentially cause a domino-effect submitted by /u/STOG-Simson
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Let's talk credit. Secured loans with Celsius and Nexo.

Let's talk credit. Secured loans with Celsius and Nexo. submitted by /u/francis105d1
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Friday, 10 September 2021

Bitcoin Core BTC peer-government-peer pump and dump fake store of value ponzi scheme system.

Bitcoin Core BTC peer-government-peer pump and dump fake store of value ponzi scheme system. submitted by /u/francis105d1
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Will the majority of coins be lost in 100 years except to large companies when all of us who own the coins now are deceased?

How many people will "pass down the seedphrase" to their grandchildren or children on their death bed? there will be a lot of lost coins and the only ones I think surviving are the companies that go multiple generations of people

what are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/FamousM1
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Made a Bitcoin desk sign. Lmk your thoughts.

Made a Bitcoin desk sign. Lmk your thoughts. submitted by /u/MotorImpression8353
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Buying bitcoin in uncle's memory who kept telling me to buy and hold.

Well, my uncle was the last family I really had left and for the past 5 or so years he been telling me to put some of my savings each week in bitcoin that it would be worth it. I wish I listened to him he was definitely right lol. He has been putting a good amount of his checks each week into btc. A few months ago he became ill and his last few weeks were not looking so good. He told me he wanted me to have his bitcoin savings since I was like a son to him. He was telling me for weeks to make a wallet so he can transfer some to me.

I kept pushing it off because I wanted him to focus on fighting and didn't want to think if him passing. Well unfortunately about 3 weeks ago he passed. There is no sign of even where to find his wallet or sign ins etc. His sister who he hated has claimed basic everything he had and has told me there needs to be no communication between us.

As sad as this is turning out to he I made a block chain wallet today. Couldn't add funds to it get for some reason so bought $97 worth of bitcoin on Robinhood today in his mer. Its all I can afford right now, I don't make a lot of money. Not sure the difference between Robin hood and blockchain but from what I read on here I should avoid robinhood? I am going to move my money to block chain once I get verified. And I will try to put a little bit each week or month like he told me to do. Wanted to share that story. Don't have many people to talk to.

submitted by /u/Sportspub
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⚡ Lightning Thursday! September 09, 2021: Explore the Lightning Network!⚡

The lightning network is a second-layer solution on top of the Bitcoin blockchain that enables quick, cheap and scalable Bitcoin payments.

Here is the place to discuss and learn more about lightning!

Ask your questions about lightning

Provide reviews, feedback, comparisons of LN apps, services, websites etc

Learn about new LN features, development, apps

Link to good quality resources (articles, wikis etc)


submitted by /u/rBitcoinMod
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Billionaire Investor Leon Cooperman: If You Don't Understand Bitcoin, You're Old

Billionaire Investor Leon Cooperman: If You Don't Understand Bitcoin, You're Old submitted by /u/Bitcoin_Magazine
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Let's go Lightning! Putting the hurt to traditional rails...

Let's go Lightning! Putting the hurt to traditional rails... submitted by /u/turick
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Sad story ☹️…. But Bitcoin Cash & SmartBCH fixes this✌️😎✌️

Sad story ☹️…. But Bitcoin Cash & SmartBCH fixes this✌️😎✌️ submitted by /u/Egon_1
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Bitcoin Cash is in the new Bitwise Crypto Fund

Bitcoin Cash is in the new Bitwise Crypto Fund submitted by /u/tralxz
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if you live in El Salvador, all I ask is that you post regularly on this forum, explaining the trends that you see regarding BTC being a legal tender! Once the price starts going up, I have a feeling the protests will dissipate lol

submitted by /u/Jcook_14
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Ukraine Joins the Drive for Global Crypto Adoption as its Parliament Legalizes BTC

Ukraine Joins the Drive for Global Crypto Adoption as its Parliament Legalizes BTC submitted by /u/ATZCrypto
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Uh....? submitted by /u/georgedonnelly
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Is anyone still in doubt over why I talk about remittances and inflows so much?

Is anyone still in doubt over why I talk about remittances and inflows so much? submitted by /u/georgedonnelly
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These Btc Maxis are really thinking they using bitcoin 😂 For KYC, IOU, centralized payments i already have paypal 😁

These Btc Maxis are really thinking they using bitcoin 😂 For KYC, IOU, centralized payments i already have paypal 😁 submitted by /u/More_Income3314
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El Salvador’s new bitcoin wallets could cost Western Union $400 million a year

In 2020, El Salvador received nearly $6 billion in remittances, which accounted for about 23% of its gross domestic product.President Nayib Bukele estimates that money services providers like Western Union and MoneyGram will lose $400 million a year in commissions for remittances, thanks to the country’s bitcoin adoption.Some 70% of the Salvadoran population receives remittance payments.

Jaime García really hates using Western Union to send money home to El Salvador.

“In this day and age, it is wild that I had to go to a physical Western Union office, give them actual cash, and then hand them another $25 on top of that, before they would send my money over,” García said.

“And then, of course, it takes three days for it to actually arrive in El Salvador.”

García, who lives in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, fled El Salvador when he was 11 after rebels bombed his house. His biggest issue with wiring cash abroad is less the inconvenience on his end and more about what happens to his loved ones receiving the money.

“They have to take a bus to go to a physical location to pick it up, and there are gangs that hang out around those offices. They know what people are going there for, and they basically rob them,” said García, who leads a team of researchers at SGI Canada Insurance.

Since he last sent money home, García told CNBC, he now has the option to make an online payment via the Western Union app, but he still faces steep fees – 12.5% for a $100 transfer – and it doesn’t solve the problem of what happens to those picking up the cash in El Salvador.

submitted by /u/osteo-path
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Buy $10+ of BCH on, record the whole process and you might earn up to $50 in BCH

Buy $10+ of BCH on, record the whole process and you might earn up to $50 in BCH submitted by /u/georgedonnelly
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Network fee: 0.00000000 BTC

Network fee: 0.00000000 BTC submitted by /u/AaronVanWirdum
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Does wallet save wallet file to phone?

I noticed I can't find the wallet file in my data folder on Android, where does our wallet file get stored to?

submitted by /u/FamousM1
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I turned $5000 into $120,000 in 5 days using SmartBCH

I turned $5000 into $120,000 in 5 days using SmartBCH submitted by /u/dinopawnz
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SEC Again Delays Ruling on VanEck's Bitcoin ETF

SEC Again Delays Ruling on VanEck's Bitcoin ETF submitted by /u/TobiHovey
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McDonald's, Starbucks & Pizzahut starts accepting Bitcoin in El Salvador, getting huge response

McDonald's, Starbucks & Pizzahut starts accepting Bitcoin in El Salvador, getting huge response submitted by /u/FitDiscussion4
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El Salvador's new bitcoin wallets could cost Western Union $400 million a year

El Salvador's new bitcoin wallets could cost Western Union $400 million a year submitted by /u/MiniNooby
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🔥🔥 high potential for RESIDUAL BTC ETH DOGE coins! Build up your virtual miner house to earn passive crypto. The 1st season is still active and can help boost your earnings 🔥🔥🔥

submitted by /u/Qaselee
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Thursday, 9 September 2021

Commercial at Gran Via in Madrid includes Bitcoin on list

Commercial at Gran Via in Madrid includes Bitcoin on list submitted by /u/Yepnop
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How to Avoid Paying Taxes on Bitcoin

How to Avoid Paying Taxes on Bitcoin submitted by /u/Real_Kamunition
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Perfecto! Bitcoin accepted here.

Perfecto! Bitcoin accepted here. submitted by /u/Kashpantz
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Ukraine on course to legalize Bitcoin as parliament passes crypto bill 2nd reading | Finbold

Ukraine on course to legalize Bitcoin as parliament passes crypto bill 2nd reading | Finbold submitted by /u/Amber_Sam
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Free BCH API for developers via IPFS

There are now four IPFS peers that serve free bch-api access to the BCH blockchain and SLP tokens, and a fifth peer is in the works:

You can all access it with psf-bch-wallet, which is a node.js JavaScript, open-source, MIT licensed command-line wallet:

Here is a video on how to install and use this command-line wallet:

You don't need to be a developer to use it. If you install node.js on your computer, you can install the wallet app and dip your toes into the waters of JavaScript and IPFS. If you are a developer, the wallet is super easy to hack on. Each command has easy-access, self-contained code.

The Permissionless Software Foundation is also developing a censorship-resistant pay-to-write database (P2WDB). If you like the video above, check these videos out:

If you issue the wallet-service command, this is what you should see:

Wallet service peers: [ { "addr": "/p2p/QmP4bxz4w6tBoJ3k9XzNJmN4F6xkt1rPe6xstq9spmnqzM", "peer": "QmVpRQTMbYuTcEPLk8Tfuta8Zohe2M8iNvwDeAV4c7kQhM", "direction": "inbound", "name": "fullstack-bch-wallet-service-EU", "protocol": "bch-wallet", "version": "1.11.12", "isSelected": false }, { "addr": "/ip4/", "peer": "QmStCBhmkxSSrbPbYyLcHPiEH45BhibGfEf6FqwpCXeKhU", "direction": "outbound", "name": "bch-service-US-cali", "protocol": "bch-wallet", "version": "1.11.12", "isSelected": false }, { "addr": "/p2p/QmP4bxz4w6tBoJ3k9XzNJmN4F6xkt1rPe6xstq9spmnqzM", "peer": "QmXZ4fqVuvWsu3RBumarN8q6c9AuD4Aiqtpgr5zaKSrFiK", "direction": "inbound", "name": "bch-wallet-service-US-PDX", "protocol": "bch-wallet", "version": "1.11.12", "isSelected": true }, { "addr": "/ip4/", "peer": "QmTWd6MfWe3LNSBPRGufnV7pBFX8tWR7Dqs41VJ44Agite", "direction": "outbound", "name": "decatur-bch-wallet-service", "protocol": "bch-wallet", "version": "1.11.12", "isSelected": false } ] 
submitted by /u/trout-bch
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"Recap - Bitcoin Cash Network Discussion Sept 1, 2021" video by satoshi's angles

"Recap - Bitcoin Cash Network Discussion Sept 1, 2021" video by satoshi's angles submitted by /u/Mr-Zwets
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I've Gained a Viral Following in El Salvador. I'm Using it to Teach Non Custodial-ship of BTC.

I've Gained a Viral Following in El Salvador. I'm Using it to Teach Non Custodial-ship of BTC. submitted by /u/Mafalzon
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San Salvador Shopping Mall Restaurant Has Bitcoin Ticker Showing Conversion Rates in Satoshis. I paid with lightning network after 2-3 seconds of confirmation time and a fee of 1 satoshi!

submitted by /u/kiarga
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Ukrainian parliament passes bill to legalize cryptocurrency market

Ukrainian parliament passes bill to legalize cryptocurrency market submitted by /u/TradingAllIn
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Edward Snowden: Global Bitcoin Game Theory To Begin Playing Out

Edward Snowden: Global Bitcoin Game Theory To Begin Playing Out submitted by /u/Bitcoin_Magazine
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Hey Siri, what’s the currency in El Salvador? Siri: Bitcoin & United States Dollar.

Hey Siri, what’s the currency in El Salvador? Siri: Bitcoin & United States Dollar. submitted by /u/jam-hay
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A 1-minute poll to understand how to market BCH more effectively to the main population

A 1-minute poll to understand how to market BCH more effectively to the main population submitted by /u/doramas89
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1,100 new SmartBCH users in 2 days. BCH Argentina

More than 1,100 people received the SEP 20 token of Bitcoin Cash Argentina (ARG) on SmartBCH. All the 1,100 they had to download the wallet, configure it, save the seed, follow us on twitter + RT

Trade ARG token at See it on

ARG Token Telegram Group:

submitted by /u/BitcoinCashArgentina
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For newbies: What is the difference between Bitcoin Cash and BTC? (a short introduction)

submitted by /u/ChaosElephant
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Sweden might Drop all Taxes on Crypto because Bitcoin just became a Official Currency in El Salvador

Sweden might Drop all Taxes on Crypto because Bitcoin just became a Official Currency in El Salvador submitted by /u/Anen-o-me
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Bitcoin Is For Everyone. In 29 languages. Join the movement wherever you're from #BitcoinIsForEveryone

Bitcoin Is For Everyone. In 29 languages. Join the movement wherever you're from #BitcoinIsForEveryone submitted by /u/BtcAnonymouse
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Ukraine to legalize cryptocurrencies. Virtual assets bill passes its second reading

Ukraine to legalize cryptocurrencies. Virtual assets bill passes its second reading submitted by /u/g0relics
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Daily Discussion, September 08, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

submitted by /u/rBitcoinMod
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I wasn't going to participate in the $30 buy today

But then the price manipulation happened, and I figured I'd buy $30-worth of dip just to give the manipulators my middle finger.

I subsequently lost that amount in a freak boating accident.

submitted by /u/talanhorne
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"Ha!...maybe one day the unit of account will be known as the 'Hayek'"... close, it will be known as a 'Satoshi'.

"Ha!...maybe one day the unit of account will be known as the 'Hayek'"... close, it will be known as a 'Satoshi'. submitted by /u/simplelifestyle
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Kehinde pays his fashion designer with Bitcoin Cash in Ibadan Nigeria

Kehinde pays his fashion designer with Bitcoin Cash in Ibadan Nigeria submitted by /u/georgedonnelly
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Meet the First BCH Dex Built on Smartbch — Presents High-Yield Liquidity Pools, Noncustodial Swaps

Meet the First BCH Dex Built on Smartbch — Presents High-Yield Liquidity Pools, Noncustodial Swaps submitted by /u/JonyRotten
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Reminder: owner, "Cobra" said over one year ago what in one year he was going to transfer ownership. Then didn't. These people are liars and scammers through and through.

Reminder: owner, "Cobra" said over one year ago what in one year he was going to transfer ownership. Then didn't. These people are liars and scammers through and through. submitted by /u/Adhesive_Cum_
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Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Crypto for the homeless - 9-7-21 - pizza for people in philadelphia - we need volunteers

Crypto for the homeless - 9-7-21 - pizza for people in philadelphia - we need volunteers submitted by /u/brollikk
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“ Trying to get my head around what happened in crypto today. Seems El Salvador botched its bitcoin rollout, bitcoin price dropped ~20%, multiple exchanges then went down simultaneously, Tether did two separate billion-dollar printings, and btc partially recovered.”

“ Trying to get my head around what happened in crypto today. Seems El Salvador botched its bitcoin rollout, bitcoin price dropped ~20%, multiple exchanges then went down simultaneously, Tether did two separate billion-dollar printings, and btc partially recovered.” submitted by /u/Egon_1
[link] [comments]


In light of recent events I would like to point at this article.

‘’ Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted. Therefore the clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.’’

Let’s reflect on how this wise advice transposes to advancing the goals of true P2P electronic cash for all.

At inception, Bitcoin was meant to bring a challenge to the domineering legacy financial system (the enemy), which is certainly very powerful, and until then fairly uncontested and unchallenged in its own field of power: the issuance and control of the currency supply in the form of debt-based fiat money and its distribution circuits in the form of legacy payment networks (Visa, Mastercard, Sepa, Swift, T2, Fedwire, etc...).

The great mistake of Bitcoin, bitcoiners, and coiners in general, is to seek validation and approval almost exclusively through counter-valuation on fiat markets, the field where the enemy was always, and still is, at its strongest.

submitted by /u/Remora_101
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A lot of businesses are suffering in the hands of banks and that could easily be changed by crypto like BCH if only people would see beyond the lies of the government and believe in its great future. This is a classic example

A lot of businesses are suffering in the hands of banks and that could easily be changed by crypto like BCH if only people would see beyond the lies of the government and believe in its great future. This is a classic example submitted by /u/GabbyShare
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Knuth C API v0.22.0 has been released.

Knuth C API v0.22.0 has been released. submitted by /u/fpelliccioni
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“ Tethers next trick will be to get El Salvador to issue a US dollar denominated bond, Tether will then print Tethers in exchange for the El Salvador bond. Tether will then report it in their balance sheet as a “USD Denominated Government Bond”. “

“ Tethers next trick will be to get El Salvador to issue a US dollar denominated bond, Tether will then print Tethers in exchange for the El Salvador bond. Tether will then report it in their balance sheet as a “USD Denominated Government Bond”. “ submitted by /u/Egon_1
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“So, on the exact day that El Salvador launches Bitcoin as a legal tender against the wishes of the World Bank and IMF , mysteriously every single major exchange goes down at the same time as the price crashes by 20%…”

“So, on the exact day that El Salvador launches Bitcoin as a legal tender against the wishes of the World Bank and IMF , mysteriously every single major exchange goes down at the same time as the price crashes by 20%…” submitted by /u/Egon_1
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