
Announcing BRSV (Bitcoin REAL Satoshi Vision) - A new hard fork of BSV with unlimited block size

BTC.TOP: "According to the promise and respect the result of hash war, BTC.TOP have move hash to ABC chain to support BCH and end chaos"

Congratulations, SV splitting, the hash war is officially over

With CTOR activated Bitcoin Cash Is ready for massive scaling and adoption never seen before in the market

Calvin Ayre concedes to split as BSV

Bitcoin is not a "scaling restricted side chain" - it is a peer to peer electronic cash system.

Good to see mining ABC blocks. Just another giant mining pool willing to mine at a loss, in order to defend BCH from BSV.

DNA Startup Nebula Genomics To Offer Whole-Genome Sequencing Almost ‘Free’

Oxfam Blockchain Project To Enhance Farmers’ Bargaining Power; Digitally Connect Supply Chain Participants

Bittrex BCH deposits and withdrawals working again!

This is pretty funny even if I do say so myself.

Bittrex -> BCH = ABC

Right now the hashwar is wasting millions of dollars that could be invested to grow BCH ecosystem: Like having more merchants solutions ... Adoption. Adoption. Adoption! Bitpay has currently the best tools, but it cannot go more aggressive because of the hash war drama we have!

Just imagine how resilient this community is

Why today's stress test is nothing more than SV marketing

No matter how large the BSV hash rate is, csw cannot take away the network effect built by BCH

BCH has won the hashwar. Now it is time to continue with business and counter the FUD. BCH is safe to use, any counter narrative to that is needlessly disruptive to Bitcoin as a whole. These events have strengthened the theoretical viability of PoW governance.

"stress test"

Crypto Exchanges And Wallets Set To Boom Business In 2019

ABC has officially claimed the BCH ticker on Bittrex! Other exchanges should follow suit

"I went about 200 blocks back. The block chain was a clean straight line without branches, and there was only one known version of the locked block." -- Satoshi

30 minutes until start of stress test: 24 million transactions within a 24 hour period

Crypto Conjecture For November 17, 2018

We mean no ill will to the SV supporters, let’s stop the Hash War and spread the Hash Peace

Serious question: why is nobody talking about the upcoming stress test?

Eli Afram: "I had more bars and stores lined up in Sydney to start accepting BCH. Right now I can't in good faith onboard them."

A Call for Bitcoin Cash Truth and Reconciliation

Latest info: Status quo mining (SQ / NayBC) has ceased. There are currently 2 active Bitcoin Cash networks.

New Coin Dance Proof of Work Chart

You've got to realize: "There is no hash war"

10 Things You Should Do In 30s To Get Rich

Due to ABC releasing version 0.18.4 with a checkpoint and re-org protection, we now have a permanent split between BCH and BSV.

BSV is going to zero. CSW / nChain / Coingeek have no intention to support a separate BSV coin. They didn't even build a BSV wallet or block explorer.

Weekly memo

Some observations about the trolling effects.

Crypto Exchange Huobi Isn’t Likely To Be Dominant Force In Brazil As Expected

10 Things To Know Before Investing In Pre-construction Real Estate

Bitcoin ABC is currently 55.6% ahead on proof of work than BSV - Nakamoto Consensus worked!

"I gotta know, do you really think Craig Wright is Satoshi?" Ryan X. Charles: "Yes"

How or when can we dump our SV for BCH?

This is why Bitcoin Cash was never going to lose the Hash War with SV

Just a reminder that if the 4 exahash that came online on is the new 7 nm miners, well they are using less power for the same hashrate which changes the profitability calculation. It allows them to mine longer at a loss then SV miners who don't have 7nm miners.

Gold Backed Digital Assets Gain Popularity In International Market

Please set up your nodes to collect data for the stress test tomorrow.

Always remember: Why is BCH being attacked but none of the other cryptocurrencies? Because BCH is the only one that has a shot at being a global currency.