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This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
Saturday, 1 August 2020
Amaury History Summary
Bitcoin Cash lived because of Amaury taking control against the community and being able to push through the brainwashed community of Bitcoin, especially BitcoinTalk and r/Bitcoin back in 2017. But today, where BCH has split into BCH and BSV, his actions are attempting to destroy BCH himself by doing things not wanted by the remaining community that supports the BCH goal in general.
Last March, he pushed forward for the Infrastructure Funding Plan, a way to pay the developers from a small portion of the blocks mined by the miners. However, it's implementation was not a very good one, due to its inherent limitations by only making Bitcoin ABC, which was the main mining node, dictate which wallet address does the "IFP" coins go to, and therefore Bitcoin Cash Node (BCHN) was created without it as Bitcoin ABC still has the IFP in their code.
Last few weeks ago, Johnathan Toomin proposed the ASERT DAA for a replacement DAA or difficulty adjustment algorithm. However, because Toomin created it on BCHN and not ABC, it was not taken by Bitcoin ABC and Amaury created Grasberg DAA in response. This DAA was hastily made and was immediately put into the Bitcoin ABC. The code is currently being under review and a lot of it is being heavily rewritten back conform with Toomin's ASERT, which had been a better proposal in itself. Take note that Grasberg did not start as a proposal.
In smaller related news, Shammah Chancellor created a meme competition about Bitcoin Cash's current community. The people liked it and most of Read.Cash joined it, however, it broke an essential rule from the media platform, due to the main goal for the memes containing controversial name-calling insults for Amaury and status in the Bitcoin Cash community. While the competition is in good graces, what we all don't know is that memes will only encourage those of ill intent to continue them, knowing that it will merely rile up those who do not want the struggle and the FUD and they will attack others in a deeper level. It had a side-effect of the Read.Cash developer banning himself from it.
Some people take memes seriously, and they do not care if you say they are satire or not.
This brings us to my point. We need a change of direction, and it starts with the hero who had turned into a villain and the community he has with it.
Amaury Séchet should stop controlling the Bitcoin Cash protocol and allow others to implement their proposals. If you can't do it, get someone else.
Shammah Chancellor should stop being a hypocrite and saying this (and this!) while going out to proclaim that Read.Cash is censored. Go do your own thing if you don't want it.
C. Edward Kelso should stop making anyone who is against Shammah nor Amaury or any of the Bitcoin ABC members look bad. Write the truth if needed. Heavily imply it, if you can't stop doing it your badly-described articles.
Bitcoin Cash should not be led by these people if all they do not bend down and take the community at their backs. We already have great progress and these setbacks will cost us the whole Bitcoin promise. We are already under attack. Do not let them destroy it.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i1mvuy/amaury_history_summary/
Exactly how much funding and how much resources are we using to analyze the Grasberg historical radical drift experiment. That includes now and into the future.
I thought we had barely enough funds to 'keep the lights on' and keep Bitcoin cash going. But now we are SUDDENLY pouring resources into an inconsequential controversial radical idealistic code that 'corrects historical drift' something Satoshi himself never even bothered to blink an eye about or even consider (maybe because the idea lacks merit)
This is such a huge contradiction. Hours and hours, simulations simulations, meetings, resources, all spent on this Grasberg endevour.... Yet we need funds to simply 'keep the lights on and keep bch going blah blahblah'.
We fund abc, they give us .... something random, something we didn't ask for, something not on the roadmap, every one is SURPRISED....
OH OK SO you need my funds to fund.... GRASBERG and any technical debt it may constitute, and keep the lights on. Don't bother planning, just code radical ideas into the protocol days before the freeze date, awesome development strategy.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i1mrka/exactly_how_much_funding_and_how_much_resources/
Hacked! Keep your Bitcoin OFF exchanges!
I have had Bitcoin on coinbase for years! A couple of months ago I decided to get a ledger, and it seems I did so just in time!
Yesterday my phone service stopped working (said the sim was not provisioned). At first I didn't think much of it. I have connection problems often, anyway. Today I woke up and it was still not working. I also couldn't access my email. I contacted my phone provider and apparently someone went into a store and told them they needed a new SIM. They switched my SIM off when the new one was activated. They used it to access my email using the 2fa account recovery. They logged into coinbase, which was luckily empty. They tried to use my linked credit card and Bank account to purchase $25,000 worth of Bitcoin through coinbase, but luckily it was rejected.
I also luckily have different passwords for everything I do online. It seems like 2fa actually made my account more susceptible to attack in this case. As far as I can tell no other accounts were compromised, but I'm changing everything anyway, just in case.
Be safe! Keep your coins in your own wallet and far away from the exchange!
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Happy Birthday BCH, I love this community. 3yrs now!!!! There the first day and will be here on my last. Fucking love u freedom people, Independence Day! Lets Celebrate, We are a source & force of passion! Dont forget our ancestors! We would not be here without them. Lets make Satoshi proud.
Bloomberg Story on Savers Ditching Bank Accounts for Crypto
Fun fact: The S&P 500 has had arguably its best run in history since the dip on 3/23, rising 44%. Bitcoin has gained by my calculation 77% in that same time frame. Not bad.
As you may have noticed, I'm the byline on this story, so I guess I should introduce myself. i'm Donald, I report on wealth and personal finance for Bloomberg. Obviously I'm very interested in Bitcoin, so if you guys have any tips you think might turn into good stories, feel free to DM me.
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Bitcoin Cash ForkDay Anniversary Mega-Thread
Saturday, 1 August is the third anniversary of the day Bitcoin Cash forked from Bitcoin Core.
Let's celebrate this day with positive messages and consistent actions for Bitcoin Cash that promote dialog, teamwork, cooperation, respect, building, passion and fun.
Please post below your ForkDay Anniversary content. Live blog the day! Let's do this big as our next constructive step towards realizing the vision and promise of Bitcoin Cash as world-scale, censorship-resistant peer-to-peer electronic cash that empowers everyone to greater liberty and prosperity.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i1i7fu/bitcoin_cash_forkday_anniversary_megathread/
Friday, 31 July 2020
Does BCH network not accept transactions with tx fees less than 1 satoshi/byte now?
I broadcasted a transaction with fee less than 1 satoshi/byte, and it could not be confirmed for a long time, even I used CPFP. These transactions disappeared in the electron cash after about 4 days. I remember in the past it was possible to send transactions with fees less than 1 satoshi/byte.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i12ovc/does_bch_network_not_accept_transactions_with_tx/
It's almost as if regular hard forks are a bad thing..
"Move fast and break things" has no place when it comes to money.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i12ck0/its_almost_as_if_regular_hard_forks_are_a_bad/
Electron Cash 4.1.0 with CashFusion is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux
Officially out! Download only at: https://electroncash.org
What's New in 4.1.0
- CashFusion is here! To access it, simply right-click on the CashFusion icon in the bottom-right of the status bar. Thanks to everybody that worked on it, in particular: Mark Lundeberg, Jonald Fyookball, Axel Gembe, Calin Culianu and many more that don't fit here.
- Tx Signing has been significantly sped up for transactions with many inputs. (Mark Lundeberg, cculianu)
- Tezor HW Wallet: Updated to support latest firmware. #1900, #1902 (Axel Gembe)
- Fixes for bugs introduced by newer ecdsa libraries that use gmpy2. In particular on Fedora 32 things would sometimes explode when signing a tx or using CashFusion, due to ecdsa API quirks. (cculianu)
- Fixed ZBar (QR camera) issues on Windows. #1916 (Axel Gembe)
- SSL Certs: Accept wildcard certs, accept CA-signed replacing pinned self-signed. Servers can now use wildcard certs or switch from self-signed to CA-signed without losing users! (cculianu)
- Update criptolayer server. #1874 (imaginaryusername)
- Add electroncash.de block explorer. #1920 (Axel Gembe)
- Network: Show problematic pinned certificates and allow unpinning. #1919 (Axel Gembe)
- Update plugin for Satochip hardware wallet to support latest firmware v0.11. #1915. (Toporin)
- Tor: Make process shutdown more robust. #1893 (Axel Gembe)
- AudioModem: Fixed to not crash on unsupported platforms. (cculianu)
- Various internal refactorings, fixups, and internal API improvements. (cculianu, Axel Gembe, Mark Lundeberg)
Download Notes
is for any Linux 64 bit (it's a self-contained app bundle with everything inside)- Note: Be sure to set this to executable to run it (
chmod +x
- Note: Be sure to set this to executable to run it (
is for macOS- NOTE: The -macosx-elcapitan.dmg is provided for legacy compatibility with macOS 10.11 El Capitan. Do not use this .dmg on newer systems. Instead, for newer systems such as Mojave or Catalina, use the plain
- NOTE: The -macosx-elcapitan.dmg is provided for legacy compatibility with macOS 10.11 El Capitan. Do not use this .dmg on newer systems. Instead, for newer systems such as Mojave or Catalina, use the plain
is for Windows- Srcdist is provided as
files- Includes Python dependencies inside in packages/
- This is built on a Linux 64-bit system, and also includes libsecp256k1.so.0 and the embedded tor static binary.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i10mbu/electron_cash_410_with_cashfusion_is_available/
"We are going to talk about the early days of Bitcoin, what Roger saw, why he believes the legacy world of finance and money is flawed, etc. People may not like it, but Roger is probably one of the most important people in Bitcoin’s history."
How to share a Bitcoin wallet with peer?
Hello, I am starting a business with my friend and we would like to use Bitcoin as a payment option. I would like for us to both have the ability to receive and send Bitcoin using one Bitcoin wallet, kind of a company wallet. Is there any possible way or wallet that allows for this to be possible? Thanks for any help.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i116m1/how_to_share_a_bitcoin_wallet_with_peer/
Don’t buy dollars
If you feel tempted to sell, remember you can never just ‘sell’ Bitcoin. You must buy something else: dollars, euros, yen or some other rapidly devaluing currency.
Fiat provides you no protection from the current economic crisis. It is an investment guaranteed to lose value. It is a drain of value not a store of value.
Store your money in Bitcoin, outside the greedy hands of governments and corporations. Keep calm and hodl on
[link] [comments]
Understanding Nodes?
Can someone explain to me what the differences are between nodes, and what a node is in the first place. Thanks!
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i0zlk7/understanding_nodes/
$5.7 billion worth cryptocurrency pyramid scheme PlusToken cracked down by PRC authority
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On 30th July, Ministry of Public Security of the PRC announced that the ‘Plus Token’ network marketing case has been cracked down, all 27 principle suspects and 82 core members have been arrested and the transnational network pyramid sales organization has been dismantled. This case was the first network pyramid scheme involved with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to be cracked by Chinese public security authorities. It involved more than two million participants, as many as 3,000 layers of organizational structure, and the total value of the digital currency involved was approximately $5.7 billion. [link] [comments] |
Permissionless Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash. Run by the whims of a single egotistical programmer in France. What a joke.
Seriously people. Wake up. This is not why we forked from core. If someone told me 3 years ago this is where we'd be, I would have noped out.
Everybody smiling pretending like the emperor has clothes on.
What a joke.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i0wh5f/permissionless_peertopeer_electronic_cash_run_by/
Anthony Pompliano on Twitter: I’m recording an episode with Roger Ver tomorrow. If this tweet gets 2,500 likes than I’ll live stream on YouTube for 2 hours tomorrow at 12noon EST with him and you will be able to ask your questions.
Thursday, 30 July 2020
My father (55) almost bought BTC...almost
Around the 2016 halving I fell into the hype but with no cash I tried to convince my father to let me stack some of his into BTC for a few years. He said no way would it work out. Typical "fake money" pushback.
Jump to 2020. As the hype built up for the 2020 halving, my father was ready to scoop up 2 BTC for at least 5 years. Needless to say I was thrilled about this. But he quickly made a 180 after BTC talks went back to a minimum. Even after I talked about the covid spending and showed him historical proof of inflation. And today, I tried again but he still refused to buy into it and in his exact words "Bitcoin is dead"
How do I teach an old dog new tricks???
[link] [comments]
"Read.cash Founder Threatens Ban & Permanent Fund Blacklist of 100 Users by Midnight London Time Tonight" Response from the read.cash founder
(Sorry that I post it here, the letters will be small, it would have been much better on read.cash, but it contains personal attacks on C. Edward Kelso and Shammah Chancellor, so I would have to ban me on read.cash for this post)
This is probably the most personal story I've ever published on the Internet on how your project will come back to haunt you and destroy your mind and your life.
CoinSpice should find enough "juicy" details here to humiliate me even further, I think they still could! I believe in their potential! Should I send you my nudes to post, CoinSpice, for you new article? (No, I'm not a girl, in case you're wondering)
Enjoy it if you like long reads. Warning: it contains quite a few jabs at some people.
So, you might have read this "piece" from afriendofsatoshi C. Edward Kelso Chief editor of CoinSpice https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i067py/readcash_founder_threatens_ban_permanent_fund/fznpi0x/
I'm really disappointed in CoinSpice. Anecdote from the past about them: my interview with them was terribly handled. I started the interview with them with "English is not my native language, so feel free to fix any errors you see in my answer", what did they write in CoinSpice? "We were able to determine that he is not a native English speaker" Seriously, "were able to determine", Sherlock?... why did you even need to publish that? To add a bit of a sensation? But this new piece from CoinSpice just breaks through the floor... I'm speechless... If you are ever offered to being interviewed by CoinSpice - run away! Save yourself!
What happened
28 July, 2020
An uneventful day on read.cash, people posting pictures of flowers, telling stories how they met their spouses, doing contests about who will sponsor whom, posting articles about teamwork and interviews with prominent Bitcoin Cash figures. Seriously, read.cash guys interviewed tons of Bitcoin Cash supporters (After the interview with CoinSpice I never gave anoter interview to anyone fearing it will be exactly unprofessional as CoinSpice - trying to get every little dirt the could dig out there)
micropresident (the guy who does not yet know he's going to, very professionally, like a normal stable developer he is, later go on to tell me "fuck read.cash") publishes a contest where he calls for memes that contain the following phrases: "Amaury the Socialist Dictator", "Marc De Mesel is Calvin Ayre Lite") promising up to 2 BCH in return (I believe, I didn't read his rules) for these memes.
Since a lot of read.cash users are from Philippines, Nigeria and other poor countries, where $300 is a lot of money (maybe something you will make in a year), people proceed to create these memes.
This goes directly against the rules of the site that everyone must agree before they sign up, directly violating the rule: "No name-calling, trash-talking, personal attacks or insults."
I log in to read.cash and notice the homepage full of low quality posts attacking Amaury, Marc, ABC, upvoted to no end, tons of boosted posts and Shammah giving $$ left and right for this stuff.
I publish 2 responses where I tell people to remove the memes that contain personal attacks or face a ban. https://read.cash/@Read.Cash/the-state-of-things-33c3d68a and https://read.cash/@Read.Cash/post-a4935cbd
Most of the people agreed and removed the offending memes and had no problem with it, many said they were sorry.
u/micropresident in a very professional manner proceeds to tell us to "fuck [ourselves]" and tells he's building a clone (non-moderated I presume). He also quotes us very calmly and professionally adding: "Complete bullshit" referring to rules of read.cash
CoinSpice proceeds to publish the "celebrity upskirt" kind of article "Read.cash Founder Threatens Ban & Permanent Fund Blacklist of 100 Users by Midnight London Time Tonight". Emphasis mine, I just can't stand this kind of language... this is yellow press at best. It only lacks "Reason #2 will shock you!" in the title...
So, back to the story.
Why do we even have this rule?
Is it because I'm an egomaniac that hates people? Is it because I'm secretly funded by BSV? Is it because Marc de Mesel donated nearly $100,000 to the fund? Is it because I love censoring people?
No, no and no.
It's because I want Bitcoin Cash adoption. I frankly wanted Bitcoin adoption since 2013, alas, the tiny blocks and huge fees won't allow that. So I had to switch to Bitcoin Cash which kept Bitcoin idea going.
Do you have a friend that is not deep into cryptocurrency? Tell him/her to join the Crypto Twitter. They will look at it for five minutes and tell you: "Are you crazy? These people are constantly attacking and mocking each other. What if I do something wrong? Why are they doing it? Are they mentally ill? Is this really the money of the future?"
This will be his answer for nearly every site or platform that talks about cryptocurrency.
It's everywhere. But with Bitcoin Cash somehow it's very ingrained into the nature. I understand, Bitcoin Cash was attacked so often that it became a second nature of some people to attack everything they don't like.
Don't like Amaury? Let's attack him! Why? Don't care! I just don't like him!
Don't like Marc de Mesel? Let's attack him!
Don't like CSW and Calvin? - Let's attack them. - But why? They don't do anything bad to us now. - Wait, are you one of THEM? Let's attack or you'll be attacked! Fuck you, you and you and read.cash, fuck yeah! Attaccckkk!!!
This all seems totally crazy to a newcomer.
But what do we want to achieve with read.cash? Getting newcomers to use Bitcoin Cash. Without the drama or craziness. Just some flower pictures.
Up until 28 July, 2020 this was the case. People were posting innocent pictures, got payments from the fund, tipped each other, sponsored each other, yelled at me for not getting paid enough.
Occasionally, we had some dissenters, like *****, who proceeded to tell spammers that they are "fucking cunts", got a warning for that, left forever, deleting all articles, returned, started attacking people again, got banned for that, started telling people on memo.cash how stupid read.cash is because we didn't manually ban the spammers and wasted time programming software to detect them...
Ok, weird thing - she seems to recommend people to join read.cash now, which is confusing, so I removed her name.
Then there were people who wasted hours upon hours of my day by asking stupid questions, who got blocked (from me, not from read.cash)...
But mostly things were okay with read.cash (not with me though). We've got 12,000 users, very few incidents, the fund got a donation from Marc de Mesel for nearly $100,000 which will pay new users for a year or so. We gave away money to 5,700 people (for free)!
I want to stress one part here. Marc has donated (unconditionally) more than 97% of the fund. More than 30 times more than all of the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem combined donated.
Read that part again. Marc donated 30 times more than everyone else in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem combined! Unconditionally. I haven't received any condition about the donation use.
Marc even told us that he's willing to donate much more! Which we hastily declined, because read.cash is not profitable and it doesn't make sense to spend more than we would have gotten from ads if we were monetized.
read.cash can't be living off donations forever. It's unsustanable. So we spend via the fund approximately what we would have gotten if read.cash was plastered with ads.
But again, 12,000 users of read.cash is 97% MarcDeMesel's achievement.
That's 12,000 users of Bitcoin Cash.
Isn't "adoption" what you wanted?
Yet, the guy who said "fuck read.cash!", all the while getting top payments from the read.cash fund, proceeds to create a contest about "Marc is Calvin Ayre Lite"...
Told that this is a personal attack, replies "Complete bullshit!" (exact quote)
Note: Marc is actually OK with memes about him and asked us directly to revert our policy to allow the [offensive] memes It wasn't Marc's initiative, it was mine.
And it wasn't only Marc who were being mocked.
I'll admit right here - I don't like Amaury's actions, I don't like IFP (and I listed my reasons), but I'll warn/ban anyone directly attacking him on read.csah (not his thoughts, but just him). Wanna discuss how Amaury's idea about DAA is bad? Feel free! Wanna call him an idiot? Welcome to ban'sville, population - you. Well, usually a warning, then a ban if you insist on doing that.
The same will go for CSW, Calvin or anyone anywhere.
Are you crazy? Did you just say you'll protect CSW and Calvin? We've got a BSV shill here! Attackkk!!!!
No, no and no. We have no funds from BSV (as far as I know, the fund is non-custodial and permissionless - anyone can donate and cancel at any time), I've never contacted Calvin or CSW and I've been attacked by BSV people on multiple occasions and was accused of being a BSV shill on multiple occasions (besides people telling me to "fuck [my project]").
One thing I figured early on is that if you allow people to do something, you need to apply that rule to everyone.
Otherwise, you are a hippocrite and you should hang your head in shame.
If you allow people to mock and denigrate Amaury, Marc, BSV, BTC supporters, that's the fine line that you'll have to keep later on, when BTC and BSV supporters come. How come you're allowing people to mock a BTC supporter, yet you protect a BCH supporter? That's dishonest.
So we will have to allow BTC and BSV supporters to mock us and denigrate us. Because that's the rule. You allowed it!
They will be right.
So if we allow people to attack other people (even if I don't like them), everybody would be entitled to attack everybody.
That's where you start your journey to becoming a Crypto Twitter, where you will be attacked for nothing, where a snowball will roll on you (it did on me, but thats another story), where people would start to stalk you and try to ruin your life, because you like the coin they don't like.
That's a place which normal people won't ever join.
Read it again: No adoption for you, no world money!
So, you either have "no censorship" (which is really moderation) or you have normal people. Choose one, choose wisely, you won't be able to change it later.
We chose "normal people".
The plan was working fine (almost) until the eventful post.
But I will not revert this policy. I hope I explained why.
Koush: But you allow worse crimes to happen on read.cash!
Ok, here's a yellow press sensation worthy of coinspice.io! Listen carefully! #1 will shock you!
I am... one guy.
Yes, read.cash is a one-man shitshow.
I'm the backend developer, I'm the frontend developer, I'm the system administrator, I'm the moderator, I'm the policy maker, I'm the one who replies to 100+ emails daily on hello@read.cash, I'm the one getting up to 200 notifications per day on read.cash, I'm the one who writes articles, I'm the one who wakes up at night when a server fails, I'm the one who logged 1000 hours developing read.cash according to my IDE's time tracking plugin, I'm the one responsible for the bug that took your money, I'm the one who returned you your money, I'm the one fighting spam, I'm the one writing code to catch spammers, I'm read.cash.
I'm the one responsible to keep 7,500 comments per day (that's one comment every 10 seconds, 24/7), 800 articles per day, 400 short posts per day clean. See the stats yourself, the damn thing is growing and growing...
It is an impossible task. But I do read every one of 100+ reports sent to me per day. And each one of them is a moral dilemma for me - what to do here. This guy has copied an article from the Internet, but edited it so that it looks like another article, what do I do here? Ok, this guy is posting non-sense - is that against rules? It's surely annoying, but doesn't violate the rules. What to do here? Now try this 100 times a day. This guy, Koush, I know, he's a good guy, but now he's attacking the only guy who really helped read.cash when no one else did? WTF do I do here?
That's why I'm always telling people to report anything that they see that violates rules. I can't be everywhere. I can't make the right decision every time too. I'm a regular fucking person. Two legs, two hands, one medium-sized brain.
Ok, to be honest, a few months ago I asked a developer friend to join me to help (paid with my own money, not using read.cash fund for that), so he helps some 10 hours per month. That helps, surely, not enough.
Though I'll still call read.cash we, as it is still a registered company.
BTW To be clear - I never got any money from the read.cash fund, but I spent more than $5,000 giving away. Here's a screenshot from an internal tool that I call "the random rewarder": https://i.imgur.com/ucQEvVM.png
As you can see, I'm entitled to about $1.31 - $1.39 for today, but I get $0.00. That was always the case, because I strongly believe that I must give it to people of read.cash to attract new users.
I also gave away 100% of the funds that came to me as tips on read.cash.
BTW Did you notice that on the screenshot the guy who said "Marc de Mesel is Calvin Ayre Lite" and "fuck read.cash" got the top payment from the fund, which is at the moment 97% funded by Marc de Mesel?
My friend, the developer, who joined me, told me a few days ago: "I read your history on read.cash, you sound progressively ..." "..depressive and passively aggressive," I ended his sentence, "I know."
Yes, I know. I'm pretty passive agressive already, because every day I met with demands from users. "Why am I not getting paid?" "I work for read.cash for 8 hours a day, why is my pay so low?" "I sent some money and now I have $0.01 less than I should?" "How do I get sponsors?" "I think this guy is cheating!" "Hey, our family of 20 people joined read.cash and it says that I have 19 colocated accounts on the same IP! That's not true!"
I loathe my morning, when I open my email and there's 50 new alerts from Sentry, there are 100+ emails from users demanding stuff from me, accusing me of being unfair, wrong, an idiot, telling me "fuck read.cash"!
etc.. etc.. etc.. daily grind.. I never experienced anything like that. I was always a lead developer or manager managing small teams of 5-10 people. Nothing close to this shit I experience now.
You get progressively less sensitive. You start to think that it's ok to just delete an email, since you can't reply to everyone. You can't research why someone of 12,000 people didn't get paid, since the algorithms are now so complex that you yourself will have to spend a week just researching one guy why he gets $0.10 instead of maybe $0.50... you have no idea who your users are. The project is out of your control. But you can't do anything, because it's not profitable enough to even cover the server costs, let alone hire additional programmer or a support guy.
Then one day you log and see the beautiful garden full of dog shit. Crappy memes. A guy telling you "fuck you, there's $25K for the clone of this!" Thank God Shammah didn't offer that $25K for my head...
You find this about the only guy who really helped read.cash with money and demanded nothing in return (not a single condition was made) being compared to a midget version of a guy who was in a FBI Top Wanted list!
Again, Marc says he's ok with this, I'm not! Whoever did this meme is an asshole, I don't have any other words for this human. (Yes, I would have been banned on read.cash for this alone. You can ban me here, I no longer care...)
You find yourself increasingly grumpy, angry towards those around you, your family, because everybody is angry at you in the Internet, people are demanding and people is attacking the only people you can trust (Roger, Marc)...
You think about your previous nice cozy job. You think about 5 recruiters sending you daily mails to just name the price to join their company. You realize that these 9 months you could have made maybe $100,000, maybe $200,000 sitting on your ass, managing 5-10 people like you always did.. Instead you spent 9 months, $5,000 in Bitcoin Cash, got grumpy and depressed.
You start to ponder why you do this and whether you should even continue.
That's your future, Mr. Shammah Chancellor!
That's the reality of running a social media platform with cryptocurrency.
I will be happy to see your platform, Mr. "fuck read.cash", grow and flourish, but I warn you - it's not going to cost you $25K, but much much more. It's going to eat you alive if you are mildly successful with it and you have a little bit of conscience.
You will be attacked, you will be spammed. People will tell you "fuck you!"
I honestly have no idea why you think you will fare better than yours.org or honest.cash...
What's your advantage? being censorship free, so that people can shit and pee on each other?
Then one day 9 months later, 12,000 users, $50,000 in tips later, a guy will come in and tell you "Fuck you, Shammah and your project! Fuck you! I'm building a clone for $5K of this shit of a platform!" You will look at the clock where it's 8pm, you will look at your inbox, where there's still 50 more people yelling at you.. you'll ponder why do you even do this...
That day you'll understand me, Mr. Chancellor. Or maybe not, I have no idea what kind of a human being you are. Maybe you're reading this and laughing madly: "poor pussy can't take a beating! boo-hoo! Get off the internet, you wuss!" Maybe that's your thoughts, I don't know. You certainly don't seem to care about other people's feelings dismissing them as "complete bullshit".
Well kept gardens die by pacifism is a wonderful read about this.
Somewhere in the vastness of the Internet, it is happening even now. It was once a well-kept garden of intelligent discussion, where knowledgeable and interested folk came, attracted by the high quality of speech they saw ongoing. But into this garden comes a fool, and the level of discussion drops a little—or more than a little, if the fool is very prolific in their posting. (It is worse if the fool is just articulate enough that the former inhabitants of the garden feel obliged to respond, and correct misapprehensions—for then the fool dominates conversations.)
Peace, and out.
P.S. I remind people that there's an ongoing fundraiser going for mainnet.cash, so anyone agreeing with "fuck read.cash" policy of Mr. Chancellor should cancel their donations while there's still time. It's very easy to cancel. Don't give your money to idealistic fools like me.
P.P.S. I blocked u/afriendofsatoshi, so somebody please forward it to him so he can humiliate me further, only on coinspice.io! Subscribe now!
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i0bkfx/readcash_founder_threatens_ban_permanent_fund/
InstaBitcoin.net: A project that allows venezuelans to buy and sell Bitcoin Cash and spread awareness about Peer 2 Peer digital cash in our country!
Hello everybody,
I wanted to make a post about InstaBitcoin while explaining in depth what it is and what we are doing currently. InstaBitcoin.net was founded almost two years ago by different crypto personalities of the BCH community and myself (Oscar Salas) aiming to allow venezuelan users to buy and sell Bitcoin Cash easily. Our platform allows venezuelans to request exchange orders between BCH and Bolivares, whether they want to sell or buy.
We already organized several meetups in Maracaibo, Venezuela, posting photos here that received positive feedback, while also hosting big talks where over 200 people assisted ( https://news.bitcoin.com/over-200-venezuelan-taxis-discover-the-benefits-of-bitcoin-cash/ ).
We are looking to receive more awareness around the community, so you know what we are doing today. Since Coronavirus is still a thing in Venezuela, meetups and talks planned are canceled until we are back to normal, but our exchange services are being use daily by a lot of venezuelan users.
We also succesully onboarded over 20 merchants in Maracaibo city, where you can pay taxis, super market food and rastaurants with BCH, and today, even pay dinner or super market food and request it by delivery in some of these places (because COVID-19 outbreak most is closed and only allows deliveries).
We wanted to keep you updated, and thank everybody who donated and supported us in the past. We have specific budget for exchange volume and we pay monthly our workers a decent salary for Venezuela standards. If you want to support us, please let me know. Make sure to check our website and our crowdfunding section for extra information:
We are also on Instagram, where we have Insta-stories with photos of our past meetups. We are also paying a professional community manager to reach more people: https://www.instagram.com/instabitcoin_ven/
One of our donation addresses:
Thanks for reading!
Oscar Salas
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i0f504/instabitcoinnet_a_project_that_allows_venezuelans/
Who here is spending their second stimulus check on Bitcoin/crypto?
Would be neat to see how many people actually spent their stimulus checks on Bitcoin. I spent my entire $1200 on Bitcoin when my first check came in the mail.
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Do you think Bitcoin is inaccessible to the general public?
I was talking to my friends and the subject of crypto currencies came up. They aren't very tech savvy, so for them, Bitcoin seems like like a really discriminatory form of money. What do you think about that? Is there a way that we can make it more accessible to everyone? Because this definite seems like what the future of money will look like.
[link] [comments]
Where does the US Money Dollar come from? Does it now come from digital sources running Cobold code? What is the actual source for the United States of America's Dollars i.e US Money?
This is the 4th place I am posting this because I either get told its not allowed or someone says they don't know.
Where does the US Money Dollar come from? Does it now come from digital sources running Cobold code? What is the actual source for the United States of America's Dollars i.e US Money? What hardware is used for these computers that the money is digitally created on? What do these computers / code do when they create the money? Are they just managing a ledger, or generating serial numbers along with that?
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i0d96b/where_does_the_us_money_dollar_come_from_does_it/
I am in always right syndrome
I am always Right Syndrome
Even hitler thought he was right and could justify his actions with his own ideology reading "Mein Kampf" made me realize that he truly believed in what he did, Although his actions will always remain as most hateful in history. But the question is How to make a person in power realize that he is doing some thing worst? Many time in history we witness leaders with" Obsessive Compulsive Disorder " Drown the entire Nations, Organizations and Ideas. And that " I am in always right syndrome" Could cause a great damage to the cause.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/i0cqn8/i_am_in_always_right_syndrome/
This is what Not Invented Here syndrome sounds like. ABC: Testing and understanding the code is the bottleneck, so we'd rather write our own code than test yours.
Ledger email leak is a phishing scammer dream come true.
Suddenly phishing is now spear-phishing. targeted at known owner emails
be extra careful folks....especially risk of fake Ledger support emails with links to sites asking for recovery seed phrases or dropper malware keyloggers
remember never put your seed phrase into ANY website or reply to a "support" email with sensitive data or click on random embedded links.
stay secure
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Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Instead of fixing drift gradually over time, we should do it all at once.
Going without blocks is like ripping a Band-Aid off.
It would only take a little bit longer than a month.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/hzu8oh/instead_of_fixing_drift_gradually_over_time_we/
D R I F T . . . .
I have searched, never read even a mediocre reason for drift.
Only thing I could dream up is that someone is trying to get btc to have a reward change Before BCH.
Maybe I am missing this, but wt#? Why the push? There has to be ulterior motives? I see absolutely ZERO benefits. Why waste any heartbeats on this?
- Has the community asked for this?
- Have users asked for this?
- Have Exchanges asked for this?
- Have miners asked for this?
- Has SLP asked for this?
- Does Avalanche need this?
- Was this on the BCH roadmap?
- Do BCH Smart contracts need this? ?????
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/hzsmux/d_r_i_f_t/
Money printer go Brrrr!
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Money printer go Brrrr! My view on the magic machine. Also Steven Mnuchin explaining to his friends how good he can make endless Fiat money. [link] [comments] |
Crypto is pretty much the only reason I used Reddit anymore, and I'd like to stop using this website. submitted by /u/TheTruthHas...
submitted by /u/FearlessEggplant3036 [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/12gt49l/supposedly_insiders_in_t...
submitted by /u/KillerHurdz [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/a6bm9y/discussing_bitcoin_power_dyn...