
What the hell is going on with volume at the moment?! What data are they even using? (source is coingecko)

Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom · 1m I will do a Twitter space in 30 minutes to try a private beta of Cashrain with my followers. It’s a new site I’m launching soon. It allows you to create a community and rain BitcoinCash on your followers...

El Salvador’s $300 Million BTC ‘Revolution’ Is Failing Miserably - Bloomberg

"Follow the Fed? Never forget the Fall of 2021, when Fed Governors suddenly decided, in a Nostradamus move, that it was unethical for they themselves to hold and to trade in stocks."

Coldcard send bitcoin

Completing Bitcoin Cash with Cash Tokens

Problems with a bitcoin monetary standard

Bitcoin Cash is the RockStar of Cryptocurrency - King Konz Music School in the Bitcoin Cash City walks the talk

Lagarde: Not Even a Recession Will Calm the Inflation Rate

Friendly reminder - instead of arguing and trying to change a persons mind about Bitcoin topics - you can get 10x more results by introducing and teaching new people about Bitcoin using a tenth of the energy.

Santander impose £3,000 per month limit on Bitcoin related exchange transfers from the UK. The escape routes are constricting...

Hey guys this may interest you if you are starting: Bluetooth Hardware CoolWallet Water Resistant is now 30% OFF, go get yours.

Dungeons & Dragons alignment chart, Bitcoin edition

BTC coin users are wondering about bad user experience


Compromised ledger

While bitcoin grew bullish in terms of sentiment last week, "I think the difficulty with miners creating profitability is definitely a reason we did not lift above $21,000," Trade the Chain Director of Research Nick Mancini says.

Join our Next #SmartBCH Twitter Hangout this Saturday. We Will be talking about "Running SmartBCH and BitcoinCash Nodes" with our Special Guest @georg_engelmann Set your Reminder ⏰👇🏻

Lightning Network releases emergency update after critical bug on LND nodes

"the fact that nobody even notices the Lightning Network is mostly down shows you how important that garbage is to the real world"

MoneyGram now allows users to buy and hold Bitcoin. When you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!

Elizabeth Stark (Lighting Network) on Twitter says that the recent attack on LN was sponsored by Blockstream

Do we have an official Sats logo?

Why Kanye West loves Satoshi Nakamoto?

Gonna bury this and check back in 10 years. Cheers to the future my friends

Andrew Chow (achow101/Bitcoin Core contributor) - Bitcoin Core code review live on Twitch

Eurozone inflation hits record high of 10.7%

sell buy or hold?

14 years since the Bitcoin white paper was released by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto

BCMR: Bitcoin Cash Metadata Registries – names, descriptions, icons, etc. for identities and tokens

New updates for - a web app that helps you create non-custodial censorship-resistant crowdfunding campaigns with BitcoinCash!

Bitcoin is the great resistance [OC]


With inflation raging Bitcoin looks more valuable than ever

Testnet Faucet now supports multiple networks (Testnet, Testnet4 and CHIPnet) looking for testers and suggestions

FTX CEO has a thin skin like r/bitcoin mods

The great resistance.The story of bitcoin!

Don’t Trust; Verify

"Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Currency and Payment System" [2004] [Historical interest] []

Lost Wallet Passphrase

How to pledge to in seconds #tutorial #BCH #crowdfunding

How to pledge to in seconds #tutorial #BCH #crowdfunding

Bitcoin Drone Show over Lugano Switzerland