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Saturday, 29 August 2020
2 days remain on the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Marketing Flipstarter. Businesses and holders in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem will all benefit from this concerted and sustained marketing effort - don't let it fail!
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Bitcoin Philippines
In here we have this app/platform wherein we can easily cash in and convert to bitcoin for a fee.
However the fee is really high and the app is somewhat unstable (in my usage). Is there any other platform where we can easily cash in, buy/receive bitcoins and cash out. Please be available in the Philippines.
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when BTC gets stuck , BCH comes to the rescue
![]() | viabtc mining pool helps users to accelerate their stuck BTC transaction, users paste their TRX ID and pay mining fees using BCH , LOL [link] [comments] |
Are multiple node implementations required for decentralization?
Maintaining multiple node implementations requires more work and is definitely not the most efficient way for a network to operate. It can open new attack vectors and it does not seem to be helpful against corruption. Please reply with an argument for or against.
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Ledger nano secret wallet question
Hello i want to ask if someone knows if the second wallet you create with the 25th word passphrase is somehow linked to the first wallet in any way, shape or form?
I understand that im creating a totaly new wallet on the blockchain, so in that regard it wont be linked i suppose but what im more directly asking is if it leaves some type of trace or link with the original wallet for someone on the outside to look because its running on the same Trezor nodes, or using the base 24 word setup, or what ever really.
anyone care to elaborate this matter for me :)
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The Brilliant Satoshi Nakamoto responded to Quantum Computer FUD 11 years ago
- “SHA-256 is very strong. It's not like the incremental step from MD5 to SHA1. It can last several decades unless there's some massive breakthrough attack.”
- “If SHA-256 became completely broken, I think we could come to some agreement about what the honest block chain was before the trouble started, lock that in and continue from there with a new hash function.”
And keep in mind that this is worst case situation, as if Quantum computers came unsuspectedly years earlier- I think lamport signature or other solutions could easily be implemented before any trouble comes.
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The businesses and holders of BCH are the ones who need to fund any protocol development. NOT self appointed devs complaining that they don't have any money.
A short time after learning of amaury's Grasberg algorithm to create longer blocktimes to account for past misses, the federal reserve announces increased inflation to account for past misses
A coincidence? Zero connection or ... does he get his goofy ideas from the fed ....
Perhaps I'm reaching but it did strike me odd.
Seems to me the fed was sort of forced to print more money with the pandemic... And they announce pretending it was their plan all along
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Bitcoin cash baseball team?
I just found a pro baseball league that accepts crypto donations and even named a team after dodge. I thought id post the link here so you guys can check it out; it seems pretty cool what they are doing.
^ Link is to the donation page; which accept Bitcoin Cash. I checked a few wallets and it doesn't appear they have many donations maybe we can change that for them and get a Bitcoin Cash team :D
"This will be a unique opportunity to cross promote with the crypto currency / blockchain / tech industry and not only have a fan base locally but a global fan base."
*I'm not affiliated with this group in anyway just saw someone post about it and thought id share here.
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Friday, 28 August 2020
In bullish reasons for BTC today:
JP Morgan is investing and on the board at ConsenSys, bringing JP Morgan to ethereum. So the biggest banks are now moving to blockchain in many applications. It’s a complete 180 from Jamie Diamond blasting crypto a few years ago.
There appears to be a Cold War race right now between the US and China to develop a national crypto to help stabilize troubled economic system around the world. A currency tech race seems inevitable and probably will happen extremely fast.
Fidelity Investment, one of the largest asset managers in the world, has now opened a Bitcoin Fund and released a long report with a stock-to-flow analysis putting Bitcoin at $1,000,000 by 2025. This is the type of shit Mcafee would say in the past, now our biggest financial institutions are saying it.
At this point we see the biggest financial institutions and the biggest nation’s governments are getting into Defi. The general market is going to see that Bitcoin isn’t going away and is a safe and reliable asset. The greatest wealth transfer in history is going to happen in the next 10 years. Make sure to pack your your own risk.
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Should I invest in a bitcoin ATM in Holland?
I'm working on getting a ATM in my city near the border of germany in the Netherlands. Ive contacted other busnisses around town who own a bitcoin ATM in stores (Some of them got a ATM because they got asked by clients in another country). I'm likely going to buy a GB Gereral Batmthee ATM in the near future since it's a pretty nice design and cheap.
The reason I invest is because I also wanne make money like everyone wants to do, but I mostly wanne spread awareness. I also wanne buy a second ATM if my investment works after maybe 2/3 years.
Should I invest? What Is your experience with ATM? Do you own one and does it make alot of profit in the long-term? (Dutch comments would be great!)
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Buying bitcoin as company
What is the best broker or trading platform for signing up as a (european) company?
I am looking for low fees and possibly the easiest regstration process available.
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If the IFP activates, I'm switching to Dash
Bottom line is I want to see p2p electronic cash succeed. If the IFP makes it in to BCH, it will be ruined.
ETH & BTC fees are too high. BSV has too many toxic people as well as faulty scaling ideas. LTC has no long term scaling plans.
Dash may not be perfect, but it has a large enough network effect, is focused on being used as payments, and so many libertarians are involved with it.
Hopefully the IFP won't activate, but if it does, I've got a backup plan.
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gametheory discussion
more opinions are needed since this upcoming split is not as black/white as people think it is.
what are some of the reasons why either chain would win?
Since there's primarily been only BCH scenarios, I'm going to play devil's advocate and suggest some IFP scenarios.
I can't help but feel this might turn into a very unproductive emotionally charged discussion, but there aren't many other gatherings of bch enthusiasts.
anyways, if a developer is funded by and has a fair amount of IFP-coin, there's a good chance that he will want to increase the value of his holdings. Of course this is true for every coin, but in BCH there's only one company (off the top of my head) who pays employees in crypto. Practically every other developer is paid in fiat and buys BCH. It's a different thing when you're paid your salary entirely in crypto.
In this scenario, I can see the IFP coin drawing in more developer talent. However, It still has the problem of having to re-build an ecosystem (users, wallets, marketing, exchange support, etc). It's possible that the level of talent hired is really good and they're able to rebuild all those missing things, but it will take time and also does not guarantee a user base follows. Take BSV for example; They actually had some wins on their side compared to their BCH counterparts.
HandCash vs pretty much any bch wallet, the UX was superior on handcash
Money Button vs REST. MB had better UX, documentation, and was more inviting for developers.
The point being, despite being better in some scenarios, ultimately it didn't matter and nothing came of BSV.
Oh, I should have prefaced with don't make this about personalities. Let's try to be objective. What are some other scenarios you guys can think of where the minority chain can win in the end?
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Hashrate defines the next correct block, it does not define the blockchain as *the* correct philosophy. If you like or dislike the IFP, the hashrate shouldn't decide which project you support. Otherwise *everyone* would be supporting BTC.
The bull market has not come
The market value of gold is currently 9 trillion US dollars, and the market value of Bitcoin is about 200 billion US dollars, so this will maintain a 45-fold increase.
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Has anyone here used Simplex's new Account feature?
In case you missed it:
My friends in the EU were talking about it and said they've had good experiences using it. I'd like to know if you can echo those statements as they're not super into technology.
To me it seems like it's a Transferwise competitor. I occasionally sell Bitcoin to pay my bills (a man has gotta eat...) and euros work for me.
Would appreciate your thoughts!
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Amaury is a rent-seeker. A rent-seeker is most easily thought of as someone who sets up a toll on a piece of land so that anyone who passes must pay, and the owner never has to improve or maintain anything.
Amaury actually is demanding the most basic idea of rent. He assures people that work will also go on, but he is not tying the two together.
Amaury believes that being made rich by the product (the way an entrepreneur would be) is a sufficient incentive to keep him honest, and it's basic enough that we should all see it. He simply demands riches.
And, thus incentivized, we are supposed to make the leap that he will always do the best thing (Bill Gates would disprove this theory, but okay) for his riches to keep coming in.
"Make me rich, I promise good stuff will flow from that" is about the entirety of his decree. And then he offers that if people don't like the results, they can "try" to get rid of him.
Rent-seeking is money for nothin‘. Solely because I own the thing, the name, the process idea, whatever. Amaury is literally rent-seeking because he demands 8% of every coin someone else mines, and he doesn't even promise that this is for work. It's "understood", at best.
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Owning Bitcoin is like owning equity in a virtual whole-life insurance policy, a bank, data storage provider, gold mining/energy company, networking company, a casino, a credit union, a money market, and a communications company all rolled into one.
Fully backed by the full faith and credit of its users... and the most secure back-office automated accounting system of all time.
Rating: Buy
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Best way to mine BTC/BCH on a laptop?
I dont have a credit card and im too young for a paypal so how would i mine it on my laptop
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Thursday, 27 August 2020
Staking pool USDT, SNX, XTZ
Secure Staking Liquidity Pool
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Request: Testnet BCH
Hi all, for testing purposes I would need some BCH. It would have to be a reasonable amount as I need to test some FIAT thresholds as well.
So if any kind soul has some testnet BCH (please only amounts >1 BCH) and you could send it to this address: bchtest:qppe6ru3ygfy0vr7zxwm9kp0w4l085dc6v684zcy5y that would be much appreciated!
Thanks everyone.
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Flipstarter to fund "hash war" and defend BCH from ABC takeover attempt?
I'm happy to donate generously. What about you? What are your thoughts on using Flipstarter to defend BCH?
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Beirut Explosion and Bitcoin
Due to the dollar shortage and inflation mainly due to the high corruption in our country, I stumbled on this
It fills me with joy that the Bitcoin community all around the world is pitching in to help us and is an amazing initiative!
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How to store 40 bitcoin.
How many hardware devices should I use? Which ones? How many bitcoin in each?
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Grayscale ETF added 4,454 BTC to its stack today alone.
417,858.541605 BTC as of 8/25/2020
422,312.907240 BTC as of 8/26/2020 = +4,454.36
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2 very good outcomes for Bitcoin Cash
Since u/ClarenceBCH only posted 2 bad possible outcomes, I'm going to post 2 good ones to restore some balance.
The no-IFP coalition gets vast majority of hashrate in November. Those mining with ABC fork off onto a very small minority hashpower chain without nearly any ecosystem support. Their taxcoin is worth a fraction of BCH. Nobody gives a shit except themselves and a few pump-and-dumpers. The devs and coat-tail-riders fake rage-quit after cashing out retire or return back to Facebook, LinkedIn, AvaLabs or whatever they prefer. Some of their employees who might actually not have supported the IFP stay on and continue to apply their skills to BCH software and business development. The network effect is largely preserved and good growth and development is possible again.
Miners persuade ABC to drop its splitting plans, whether directly or through on-chain signaling of their opposition to IFP. ABC issues a new client version that is IFP-free. ABC takes a minor hit on user base, but remains otherwise a viable option and continues the development plans on the roadmap together with the other clients. A large majority of the BCH community rejoices at the aversion of a potentially damaging split. The November upgrade passes smoothly and protocol devs, builders, marketers can all resume focusing on their respective work to improve the network, providing value to everyone.
Just posting this to show that good outcomes are imaginable, even achievable. It depends on everyone...
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Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Low market cap coins
With the defi market trend looking to end as bitcoin seems to end its bearish cycle, lets talk about a coin with a low market cap. BET(EarnBet) is a coin with a tremendously low market cap of $1.5 million which is shockingly low for a project that has a functioning revenue model. Im gonna debate as to whether or not this coin can go to the moon. BET is listed on Binance Dex, Uniswap and EarnBet recently announced a partnership with ChainLINK, the first of its kind for a casino. During the harsh times of a pandemic where everyone is confined to their homes, an alternative to casino or other forms of entertainments are needed and eventually go up in demand. EarnBet is an online decentralised casino offering several types of games on the blockchain, such as crash, hilo, dice, etc. I think that this is a coin that is going to up. Not only that, but even holding the coin is profitable as it is a 100% user owned casino and currently the dividend pot has more than $35,000 piled up for the course of 3 weeks and the project has distributed under $5million in dividends already. Let me know what you think about it and if you disagree, mention any other coin you think is worthy of a 10×
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as a BCH holder are we concerned about bitmain or roger leaving to a better project?
as a BCH holder are we concerned about bitmain or roger leaving to a better project?
roger has publicly stated this before, if there is another better project, he would happily support it.
seeing there are some out there with faster and cheaper transactions.
will they leave BCH like they left BTC ?
im worried about it.
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WARNING!Please guys be extremely careful!
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I hope my story will help some of you to never repeat my mistake. I just got scammed the way I never even thought is possible ( some of you might heard about this but I never heard until today). Decided to cash some money out thru Coinbase, logged-in and copied BTC wallet address thru built-in Copy function as it shows on the screenshot below. Logged in Binance to sent the BTC to Coinbase and just pasted the address from the buffer without second thought. Pushed the transaction. 1hour later I realized that its different address and only first 4 symbols are same. Somehow my copy-paste buffer changed the address from right one to wrong one. Money lost. No way to recover it. Please dont repeat my mistake do not blindly trust to copy-paste buffer , your computer could be infected with malware that swaps addresses and it will be too late when you realize that. P.S: Since Coinbase not showing whole address and first 4 symbols were the same it was very easy to overlook [link] [comments] |
BTCC Writing Contest – Share Up to 1000 USDT
Prize for writers:
The top article will be rewarded 300 USDT
The second-best article will be rewarded 200 USDT
The rest of the winners will share 500 USDT Pool
August 21st 14:00 – September 11th 23:59 (UTC + 8)
Content of the Article
Step-by-Step guide on how to trade
Comparison with others cryptocurrency exchange
Advantage of Trading with BTCC Platform
Unique features of BTCC Platform
Anything you want to write about BTCC Contract
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After four years of explaining of the benefits, I finally convinced my dad to buy bitcoin!
Just wanted to let you guys know as I’m sure you’re all just as excited as I am!
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My college essay on Bitcoin and computers. First Draft. Thought you all might like this.
I always thought computers were simple. At their fundamental level, they are just 1s and 0s. An invisible dance of yes’s and no’s running through a sheet of silicon at billions of times per second. Computers are amazing and unique machines that will forever be apart of our lives. Our sheer dependence on computers motivated me to research the topic? As my understanding of this concept grew, so did my curiosity. I started researching computers as much as I could. I would spend hours a day browsing Youtube and reading articles just to satisfy my interest. That’s why when my dad first brought up the topic of bitcoin during my freshman year, I wasn’t surprised to hear his enthusiasm. I had learned much about this currency over my couple years of research, but I knew very little about how to actually make money off it. He had been tracking the price for a few months and was considering buying a few, just to see what would happen. Little did either of us know; the price of this virtual coin would multiply nearly 30 times in just a few short months.
A few weeks passed and eventually he brought up the topic of buying bitcoin again. His initial interest inspired me to look more into currency and how it worked. I told my dad there was another way to make money off of bitcoins: Bitcoin miners. These impressive and powerful computers are precisely optimized to earn these coins, and I knew I could make one. I explained how this was my once in a lifetime opportunity, like how he explained to me that he missed out on investing in Apple in the 80s. “It could be a money-printing machine,” I joked. With our excitement peaked, we decided to split the $2,000 investment 50/50, and I started the buying process.
I started the process by buying the parts of the machine. I had learned that like Legos, a computer consists of simple components to make the whole. However, unlike an ordinary everyday computer, ours would have a concentrated task. Mining bitcoin is not a complicated process for a computer to do. In essence, by completing simple math problems as quickly as possible, a computer process’ bitcoin transactions from around the world and is rewarded in a tiny fraction of a coin. As more and more transactions take place, the higher the demand for processing, and the higher the reward.
I was lucky enough to know how to build the computer. However, what I was not prepared for was the constant troubleshooting and maintenance I would have to give to this project. Sometimes the computer would simply turn off randomly, sometimes a part was not detected, and other times it merely just ran at half its optimized rate. I learned how to fix issues where there was no logical reason for the problem. Like a calculator, I always thought a computer could never mess up. My hundreds of hours of troubleshooting and blind hope quickly changed my view. I put a vast amount of free time into the project, knowing that potential it had. After lots of hard work, long nights, and determination, I had finally completed my dream project.
I was proud of what I had created. The computer was placed in my room and was like a pet. The loud but rhythmic fans helped me fall asleep, and the heat kept me warm during the winter. From school, I would monitor the machine, and if it had run into an error, I would simply restart it from my phone. My plan was working, and in a little over half a year, our investment should turn into profit. In only a few months, we were already halfway to making our money back. We were lucky because the price of bitcoin itself had doubled since we started, going from nearly $10,000 to $20,000 in a few short months, but as I looked at my account, I had no bitcoin. A few days earlier, hackers had stolen $64 million dollars from the company I mined with.
I felt like a victim. I had done everything right. I built the computer perfectly, I managed everything, I put the time in, and I put the effort in. I was robbed, and I was discouraged. Forced with no other option, we restarted our operation. Bitcoin was still increasing in price, we thought, so there was no reason to stop now. Our operation had restarted and was going well, but for the first time since we started, the price of bitcoin was not doing so well. The bubble was about to burst. It began with my hack, which made national news and hurt the price. Although the price recovered in a few weeks, it was going down again, fast. Believing it would improve, my dad and I decided to hold and not sell. A month later, Bitcoin was back to $8,000 per coin. The fad was over, and we couldn’t even make a profit over our cost of electricity. Again, I was robbed. I did nothing wrong and still lost almost everything. I decided to put the computer in a box and wait a few months; however, the wait was worthless. The coin plateaued at about $10,000, and it simply was not sustainable to continue mining. A year later, we sold the computers for parts and managed to make back about half our initial investment. It was over.
I had lost over $1,000 and months of time and effort. However, as I moved on and started to reflect on the experience, I was the winner. I learned so much about computers and how they operate. In the end, I had learned many skills, from patience and compassion to planning and researching. I had learned not only to build a computer but to manage systems and multitask. I learned countless lessons and gained essential and unique skills that I hope will carry me throughout life. This unique experience has taught me to always keep trying at what I believe in. There’s always an award for doing whatever I think is right. I hope to bring these beliefs and lessons with me throughout life, as I learn and grow from what I was taught. Whenever people ask me what computers are, I always laugh and explain how a computer is just a bunch of simple lego bricks working together to do complicated tasks. However, inside I still have trouble answering this simple question. It is merely just parts working together, but a computer is so much more complicated and beautiful than that. Honestly, I still don’t understand them.
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Transparency documentation of Venezuela Workers funds from flipstarter fundraising.
I am publicly leaving here documentation for all the spendings we will make from our fundraising money.
- For specific data on how the money will be distributed:
- The document + a few comments on the fundraising spendings of this month:
Any questions, please feel free to ask. The project will start to improve during september and we are taking these final days of the month to hire our new team.
Thanks a lot for reading,
Oscar Salas
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Crypto is pretty much the only reason I used Reddit anymore, and I'd like to stop using this website. submitted by /u/TheTruthHas...
submitted by /u/FearlessEggplant3036 [link] [comments] source
submitted by /u/KillerHurdz [link] [comments] source