
Feeling like a btc maxi

Bitcoin X-mas

Xmas tree for sale in bitcoin

Xmas special tonight at 5pm ET - Saylor, Mallers, Saifedean, Alden, Adam Back, Booth, Gladstein, NVK, Livera and plenty more. See you there.

HRF Bitcoin Development Fund Grants $325,000 to 12 Projects on 5 Continents

Daily Discussion, December 23, 2022

If this looks like a statement you would make, please comment below. Let’s talk about it

I pay my barber in bitcoin

El Rastro (main flea market in Madrid)

I don’t own xrp but

Finally accepting BTC through my shop with no middle man 🥳

Falling in love with Lightning Network BTC ⚡

How to Buy NFTs in 4 Easy Steps

Spotted in ATX

Do it!

The value of bitcoin.

Lol, nice news. 3 million out of 1 billion may not be lot, but it is something I guess.

Any suggestions on using BTC in DeFi? I started off w/ a small amount of BTC.b last week because I saw how popular it’s getting.. thinking of adding more

A grain of sand for adoption of Btc

How many GBTC pegged to one BTC?

I’m not sure if the average person will ever understand bitcoin

Prode World Cup - Qatar 2022 by Bitcoin Cash Argentina - We are pleased to announce that we have completed the first goal of the BCH Argentina Flipstarter.

Layer 2 Labs Raises $3M to Bring Drivechains to Bitcoin

QuadrigaCX's Bitcoin Being Moved to Mixers after "Death" of Founder in 2019

How can I utilize my lightning node as a pay server? (technical)

My last tip -- a sad story from The Random Rewarder

Made some lightning gingerbread cookies! These i'm not going to hodl 😋

What other crypto currency out there is being adopted as much as BCH?

The basic economics of why Bitcoin has value

AMA: 60% of my net worth in Bitcoin

Grayscale may return some capital to investors if GBTC's ETF dreams fail: WSJ

Participate in helping appreciate contributors to BCH more - Flipstarter hall of fame/stats - Campaing is already ~88% completed, only 12% more to go

BNB Smart Chain AKA BSC (but FKA "Binance Smart Chain") isn't even really a blockchain, BNB isn't even really a cryptocurrency

Qui-Gon or more like Fiat-Gon

Market Analysis from last year to current State

In Lebanon, people are resorting to bank robbery to access their own money : NPR

“Anything that can be prevented, taken away, or coerced is not a person’s own — but those things that can’t be blocked are their own.” - Epictetus, Discourses 3.24.3

🎙️Who’s Hungry?

Not your keys, not your crypto!

Crypto exchange Bitvavo says 280 million euros 'locked' at DCG

My short Bitcoin story

ELI5: What is MicroStrategy and who is Michael Saylor

What is Bitcoin for you?

Help setting lightning wallet

Maybe a good start to onboard some businesses with actual P2P cash, not Lightning

Some small denomination cards to give away this holiday season. They will get Sats “from Satoshi”

best stable coin instead usdt