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This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
Saturday, 3 April 2021
Bought into BTC in 2019 for an average of $3K, ended up selling months later at $12K to buy a ring. RIP
I never cease to tell my wife that she single handedly costed us close to 25K in profits, but she’s priceless. Since later last year, I continue to put all our extra savings in BTC and she is a believer. I’ll never do that again, and HODL until the end.
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The past few months Bitcoin Cash daily on-chain transactions, in dollar terms, have been averaging about 22% of Bitcoin’s yet its price has been around 1% of Bitcoin’s....
Don't mind sharing I've shed a few recent tears watching the Bitcoin dream become a reality.
It's surreal.. sometimes I just stare at today's Bitcoin news feeds in a haze of euphoric disbelief. Convinced we're living in some parallel phantasy where dreams can actually come true..
The Bitcoin journey must be the craziest, wildest, euphoric and most beautiful rides that most hodlers will be privileged to have been a part of.
From Satoshi to each and every single one of us that's followed.. we've all played our part in turning the dream in to a reality.
Personally l feel honored and blessed to not only have been alive to witness but also to have played a small part in line of history's greatest revolutions.
Many movies of this moment in history will be made and we will all be the stars.
It's crazy to think that after two world wars, humanity can unite in such a magnificent way and turn the hopes and prayers of the few in to the future salvation of so many.
To all the new-coiners that aren't there already, I really hope that someday you'll also be able to look back and marvel at the beautiful path you took, proud of the part you played and moved by the legacy you've helped create.
To all the dreamers, hodlers and believers.. long live the dream.
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Focus too much on bitcoin price, give you laser eyes disease
The disease first affect the brain and cause it victim to become selfish and think of only themselves, they then become dictatorial and start to censor everyone and anyone not agreeing with them. Slowly they develop clinical symptoms of laser eyes... currently there is no known cure for this deadly laser eye disease.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/miykso/focus_too_much_on_bitcoin_price_give_you_laser/
Just negotiated a 12-month salary priced and paid in Bitcoin
They’re buying the Bitcoin now at today’s prices, and it’ll be in a multisig wallet and disbursed weekly. They’re 1099ing me on the whole amount at purchase price. Waiting on the contract to be sent over.
Is this real life?
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6 green months in a row. If you bought bitcoin on the first day of any month in the last 6 months, you’re in profit.💰
Moral of the story, it’s the beginning of the month…buy time💎
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BCH is less than 2% away to returning back to 1:100 ratio with BTC
Do you think will it climb higher in ratio regarding to BTC (more real time use of BCH) or will it stay the same?
Best, B.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mivwso/bch_is_less_than_2_away_to_returning_back_to_1100/
Koreans (no pun) buying BCH? Specifically on Upbit ~ $10B exchange volume.
I noticed a healthy premium on BCH/KRW that does not exist for other coins.
Average: 610 (https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/BitcoinCash-BCH)
Upbit: 657 (https://www.livecoinwatch.com/exchange/upbit)
Average: 2132 (https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/Ethereum-ETH)
Upbit: 2140 (https://www.livecoinwatch.com/exchange/upbit)
Average: 59570 (https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/Bitcoin-BTC)
Upbit: 59400 (https://www.livecoinwatch.com/exchange/upbit
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mixed4/koreans_no_pun_buying_bch_specifically_on_upbit/
GBTC are selling Bitcoin-Core tokens for $6000 (over 10%) below market price and no one is buying them. Proof that it is Tether pumping the market and regular people are not buying even with insane discounts. Bitcoin core is a ponzi pumped by unbacked tethers. If more cash out the price wont hold.
When I bought Bitcoin I committed 5% of my portfolio.
I added 5% of my net worth to Bitcoin when it was around 29k purchase price because I thought institution buyers would join in the next 3 years. I’ve wanted to add more money ever since that initial investment but it’s growing so fast it’s now 10% of my portfolio. Anyone else have this first world problem?
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Friday, 2 April 2021
Bitcoin and chill
Chasing altcoin gains was making my head spin. Now I just Bitcoin and chill. Life is good.
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History lesson: Mr Buterin had originally planned to implement Ethereum *on top of* Bitcoin, but has been blocked by Core, and so went on to create his own blockchain
Just imagine what the adoption and marketcap would have been if that and big blocks weren't blocked.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mieux3/history_lesson_mr_buterin_had_originally_planned/
Unable to send BTC (Bitcoin.com)
Hoping someone here is able to help me!! I currently have $17 usd in BTC, given from a friend. I’m looking to send some to actually make my first transaction with it but I’m unable to.
I’m aware that Bitcoin Cash is obviously better for sending small amounts, but I can’t actually exchange any Bitcoin cash simply because I don’t have enough for the minimum to exchange on Bitcoin.com. I’m willing to pay a large transaction fee, just looking to make the transaction.
No matter what amount I put into to send, it always says “insufficient funds” Heres an example photo below. Keep in mind I’ve tried setting the btc network fee to economy.
The screenshot shows 1 USD - but I’m trying to send all 17.49 USD. It won’t let me type more than one digit.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mico0d/unable_to_send_btc_bitcoincom/
Typical M.O. of a Core Maxi - Inability to admit when they are clearly wrong!
From this thread
WOW $44 million sent securely for less than a penny. BitcoinCash BCH is open source money. link
Core Maxi: == u/diradder
BCH bagholder: == your humble servant
Core Maxi: It currently has 22 confirmation.
Mathematically it still needs ~700 confirmations (about 5 days) before you can consider it as "securely" received (immutable) as a Bitcoin transactions with 6 confirmations (which takes ~ 1 hour)... (source, mathematical explanation).
BCH bagholder: Q How much hash power would it take so that my node no longer recognises that transaction once it has more than 10 confirmations?
Core Maxi: I think you should check the link above with the explanation before so triumphantly and wrongly pretending BCH is secure.
BCH bagholder: A: (for those that might not know) There isn't enough hash power on earth. Now or Ever1
Core Maxi: This is wrong.
BCH bagholder: You should probably read + understand the Qestion I posed a bit better before you start throwing around words like wrongly, heh heh.
After 10 blocks have been mined on top of Block A my node will no longer (without human intervention) accept any chain that doesn't contain Block A regardless of hash power. (aside - Block A is the block that contains the $44 Million tx)
Core Maxi: Oh yeah, because BCH is just a bastardized chain pretending to care about Proof-of-Work but instead relying on 10-blocks rolling-checkpoints, I always forget this point, if you see what I mean... thanks for pointing this out ;)
BCH bagholder: so you were wrong, try not to let your biases blind you so much in the future.
Core Maxi: Think what you want,
BCH bagholder: the fact is you comically made a bold claim
bold claim: I think you should check the link above with the explanation before so triumphantly and wrongly pretending BCH is secure.
BCH bagholder: which was demonstrated to be in error and now you are deflecting 'oh I forgot' rather than holding up your hands and saying yes I was wrong - I don't think I have come across a Core Maxi that was capable of this simple act.
Core Maxi: It isn't "demonstrated" to be an "error", it's a voluntary omission on my part to be able to compare both chains on a common ground and not lose most non-tech savvy people with irrelevant details when it comes to actually comparing those chains.2
BCH bagholder: heh heh, you wriggle and you wriggle - as I said it seems impossible for a Core Maxi to admit when they deride someone else for being wrong and it turns out that they were wrong in the first place delicious.
The primary reason for posting this is to show others how the likes of u/diradder though seemingly knowledgeable has a fatal flaw
- they are incapable of admitting that they are wrong even when it is clearly pointed out they wriggle and wriggle. I have found this to be a common trait with just about all these Core Maxi's some know a bit more than others, but seem to be incapable of good faith discussion. They are usually blinded by their Bias - something us BCH bagholders should watch out for in ourselves.
Is u/diradder knowledgeable about the technicalities of SHA256 PoW blockchains absolutely, can you trust them......
I pointed out to u/diradder
BCH bagholder: Do you not see that this inability to admit being wrong undermines any knowledge you might bring to us poor BCH bag holders not to mention stunting of your own growth in the understanding of PoW coins through open and honest discussion with perhaps even less knowleadgeable people - but of it seems they are too full of hubris to contemplate they might have something to learn from us bag holders.
archive link in case of 'data corruption' as per the Kim Dot Com Clubhouse Debacle
yes the Ever is hyperbole and probably wrong
it's a voluntary omission on my part to be able to compare both chains on a common ground - this has no bearing on whether all the hash power on the planet could force my node to accept a chain that does not contain block A
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mic5cq/typical_mo_of_a_core_maxi_inability_to_admit_when/
Bitcoin is showing another historical sign of a major breakout upward. Been holding its 58500-59500 price solid, with only upward hills every month. 60k tomorrow, following new ATH by this weekend....
Bitcoin just had its biggest first quarter gain since 2013. And past history shows April has always been a extremely bullish month. Hold on tight!🚀🚀🚀
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Shall I put my life savings on Crypto? (10k) age 23
A bit more context. I have been watching the markets for up to 6 months seeing the gains. I got involved 2 months ago stacking sats weekly until I've got nearly 0.1 Btc.
I have about 10k saved in the stock market and am strongly considering lumping this into bitcoin, as from what I'm hearing the bull run is potentially only half way through so not much point waiting for dips and corrections when at the moment, there's so much demand and it seems impossible to time the market.
I am self employed and run my own business. Make about 2.5k a month and get about 1.5k profit a month. I still live with my parents at 23 as I finished uni last year, so basically have no real commitments or anyone depending on me.
Shall I lump it all on btc and hold it til 2025 and beyond..? Would I regret by Christmas 2021 or not..? Advice on my situation, and prediction on my regret?
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What happens to bitcoin if the economy collapses?
The stock market seems to be in a giant bubble. Trillions of dollars are being helicoptered in left and right. Interest rates are at an all time low. Bonds at an all time low. All kinds of fuckery going on with the stock market right now with ridiculous amounts of FTDs on ETFs. It just seems imminent at this point. News from Japan is now reporting the biggest short of the century as people are preparing for the collapse of the world economy. What kind of effect will this have on bitcoin? Will it stay strong, or will it tank out of pure panic? Will it drop and then quickly recover as people flood towards an asset that isn’t manipulated by government? I’m just wondering what you guys think might happen in this scenario.
I swear this isn’t just FUD. It’s a legitimate concern that I have.
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They Stopped Updating The Fiat Money Supply...
M1 and M2 money stock graphs on the federal reserve's website has not been updated since data from 2/1/2021. They are supposed to update it the first of every month, and have done so since 1960. Until now. They've skipped the past two months. Now we don't know how much money is being pumped into the system. We only have the BS inflation numbers they give us....
Every month has had 3 to 5 days of data being released. Except march 2021, there was only one release. https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h6/default.htm
M1 https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL
M2 https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL
Meanwhile, Bitcoin has an auditable supply, transparent ledger, and capped total supply... a truly honest and fair financial base layer...
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From now on, it's all about stacking your SATS.
I think for most of us crypto retailers, the reality of obtaining a whole bitcoin is getting more and more difficult, and it will be unlikely for the most of us to obtain one whole bitcoin, unless you have a pretty big savings. But let me teach you guys something.
If you guys believe bitcoin will reach a marketcap of a 100 trillion usd (most likely it will) in 10 years, then you guys better stack some SATS. Either be it 1 dollar every month or 100 dollar every month. Just keep buying bitcoins for the coming 10 years. Because in 10 years, that 0.01 bitcoin (1 million SATS) will worth about 1 million dollars.
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Bch sent to my dad for the first time
I owed my dad some money, and decided I’d try to pay him back using the Bch I had. He sent me his address, and I sent him $500. The fee was .0000071 sats, and he got it in about a minute. Now he can use that for what ever he wants. He’s been in crypto for just a short time, but it’s really cool to see him accepting it so quickly and wanting to learn and see how it works. I live the crypto abilities
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mi8y93/bch_sent_to_my_dad_for_the_first_time/
Thursday, 1 April 2021
Is anybody working on a way to make in really hard for deep packet inspection to detect traffic from Bitcoin nodes to prevent your ISP from detecting you are running a node at your home connection and shut down your internet cause you are breaching their SLA.
So far governments have generally speaking said: alright we will allow your Bitcoin.
This is because right now Bitcoin just moves fiat around from the pockets of losers to the pockets of winners. The government don't give a shit about that. Fiat goes in, fiat comes out. Not a problem.
But if this ever changes, and it migth (we are working hard on changing this)
Goverments around the world can get together in their G9 bildeberg meetings or whatever they call em and the 0.001% can all agree to make crypto illegal.
This means:
ISP's will be forced by law to do deep packet inspection and shut your internet down if you are running a node.
Every exchange that is a bank will lose their banking license
Every centralised exchange will be shut down and their fiat assets frozen by a request to their bank that the bank by law has to follow.
Now 1 BCH will still be 1 BCH even if every cex goes offline.
But users risking t heir ISP's shutting down their internet when Bitcoin related traffic is detected.
That is HUGE issue.
Let's say that 2 years from now this will happen in The USA and the UK first and 1 year later in most european countries,.
Let's say within 5 years this will happen in most european countries.
How do we counter this TODAY? Or do we just hope it won't happen.
Or will Spacex soon be the only internet that will allow Bitcoin traffic so that Elon Musk can control like absolutely everything?
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mhpgwb/is_anybody_working_on_a_way_to_make_in_really/
Is there a service for when Maxi's insist that they want to show you how awesome LN is that you can give them a LN invoice but just receive BCH in your wallet?
Using BCH
I would like to start using BCH when and where I can, but the idea that every transaction is a taxable event that I need to account for come tax time, seems daunting to me. How does one go about keeping it simple for tax purposes? (in the USA).
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mhom13/using_bch/
How do people keep finding these shady fucking scam websites?
Seriously every 5 minutes its “Is insert scam website safe?” Or someone complaining about losing thousands of dollars worth of Bitcoin to some fucking scam site.
First Google result for “Buy Bitcoin” is Coinbase. Please teach me how to find these scams. It seems like you need to be actively going out of your way to get scammed to find these pieces of shit.
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Kim's statement on the YouTube link Uploaded on Mar 30, 2021 “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” - George R.R. Martin "Hornet's Nest I've Shat Em" - Bob Hoskins
My father laughed off me because of bitcoin
Today I tried to explain my 70yo father about why this is a good investment in the long run.
He looked at me like and laughed. Basically he thinks that he is very experienced because he had seen many pyramid schemes and he knows I will lose everything. I replied this is not the case at all, but he insisted. I told him I have little to lose and much to win, and that maybe and just maybe one day it is worth enough for me to build a house, which is my dream. He laughed harder and it bothered me because I really want to accomplish this dream no matter what and I felt really discouraged to see my own father laughing at my financial hopes.
I don't think getting maybe 150000€ ($175000) is impossible. It is indeed a very hard to reach target, but... He really makes me feel down about all this.
I don't want lambos as you guys often joke. I just would like to have a nice home, which I consider a humble purpose. How unlikely is that to happen? Maybe he is right in the meaning of never making that amount. I just feel down right now.
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Immediately losing peers when using bchwallet in SPV mode
I'm trying to use bchwallet (https://github.com/gcash/bchwallet) in SPV mode, as described in this article: https://medium.com/@bchd.cash/announcing-neutrino-wallet-for-bitcoin-cash-eb7a85a49c0e
I can see that the wallet is finding a bunch of peers and trying to download block headers from those peers. However, it appears that each peer gets immediately dropped once the wallet starts trying to download block headers. Once all the discovered peers are dropped, the wallet simply stalls.
I tried manually adding a specific peer by using the --addpeer option to add bchd.fountainhead.cash. When I did this, rather than stalling, I could see that the wallet kept trying to reconnect to that one peer, but the peer was immediately lost each time.
Has anyone gotten bchwallet to work in SPV mode? Any chance of some pointers on what I'm doing wrong?
Command I run:
./bchwallet -u blahblahuser -P blahblahpassword --usespv --rpclisten=
--noinitialload --addpeer=
Sample output:
2021-04-01 09:08:37.174 [WRN] BCHW: open /home/nick/.bchwallet/bchwallet.conf: no such file or directory
2021-04-01 09:08:37.175 [INF] BCHW: Version 0.8.2
2021-04-01 09:08:37.185 [INF] RPCS: Listening on
2021-04-01 09:08:37.190 [INF] BCHN: Loaded 23 addresses from file '/home/blah/.bchwallet/mainnet/peers.json'
2021-04-01 09:08:37.190 [INF] BCHN: Registering block subscription: id=1
2021-04-01 09:08:37.190 [INF] BCHN: Broadcaster now active
... lots of random peers found and lost, followed by looping over just the bchd.fountainhead.cash peer (
2021-04-01 09:08:43.067 [INF] BCHN: New valid peer
(outbound) (/bchd:0.17.1(EB32.0)/)
2021-04-01 09:08:43.067 [INF] BCHN: Syncing to block height 681191 from peer
2021-04-01 09:08:43.067 [INF] BCHN: Downloading headers for blocks 1 to 11111 from peer
2021-04-01 09:08:43.415 [INF] BCHN: Lost peer
2021-04-01 09:08:43.415 [WRN] BCHN: No sync peer candidates available
2021-04-01 09:08:43.909 [INF] BCHN: New valid peer
(outbound) (/bchd:0.17.1(EB32.0)/)
2021-04-01 09:08:43.909 [INF] BCHN: Syncing to block height 681191 from peer
2021-04-01 09:08:43.909 [INF] BCHN: Downloading headers for blocks 1 to 11111 from peer
2021-04-01 09:08:44.242 [INF] BCHN: Lost peer
2021-04-01 09:08:44.242 [WRN] BCHN: No sync peer candidates available
2021-04-01 09:08:49.932 [INF] BCHN: New valid peer
(outbound) (/bchd:0.17.1(EB32.0)/)
2021-04-01 09:08:49.932 [INF] BCHN: Syncing to block height 681191 from peer
2021-04-01 09:08:49.932 [INF] BCHN: Downloading headers for blocks 1 to 11111 from peer
2021-04-01 09:08:50.272 [INF] BCHN: Lost peer
2021-04-01 09:08:50.272 [WRN] BCHN: No sync peer candidates available
2021-04-01 09:08:55.963 [INF] BCHN: New valid peer
(outbound) (/bchd:0.17.1(EB32.0)/)
2021-04-01 09:08:55.964 [INF] BCHN: Syncing to block height 681191 from peer
2021-04-01 09:08:55.964 [INF] BCHN: Downloading headers for blocks 1 to 11111 from peer
2021-04-01 09:08:56.317 [INF] BCHN: Lost peer
2021-04-01 09:08:56.318 [WRN] BCHN: No sync peer candidates available
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mhjnjc/immediately_losing_peers_when_using_bchwallet_in/
Alberdi Oficial accepts BCH in Argentina
Alberdi Oficial accepts Bitcoin Cash in Argentina! Now you can hire entertainment for your partys with live music, using BCH as a payment method. 🎤🎸 Website: https://alberdioficial.com Business number: 8
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mhibkj/alberdi_oficial_accepts_bch_in_argentina/
BCH Argentina
Bitcoin Cash Argentina is everywhere
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mhjf1x/bch_argentina/
TIL never ever tell someone about your bitcoin
I met a random guy recently and we talked a little bit about random stuff. After a while he came up with Bitcoin and asked me about my opinion. I told him that I own Bitcoin but not the exact amount. Anyway, it turned out that he had a certain level of criminal energy and had a ton of crimes convicted over the last years. Conversation went like: "I'd never harm somebody, you know that. But if I could make some fast money I'd get my guys, kidnap you and cut off your fingers until you tell me your seed". We had some beers and continued with some different shit. But right now I am searching for some self defense tools. I've never felt so uncomfortable. Hope things will not get ugly. Here is my advice: No matter how much you love the technology or how badly you want to share your Bitcoin story: Don't tell someone unless you are not 100% sure that he is trustworthy. Don't be foolish like me.
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Bitcoin is DeFi, and It's the Biggest Cultural Fight of Our Lives, the Separation of State and Money
When discussing the regulations about defi you may believe it only applies to altcoins. This is deeply wrong and misguided. First of all there are platforms being developed that use unwrapped native bitcoin. Second of all, any of these laws against DeFi in general will absolutely destroy the future of bitcoin as an independent government free tool. It will be fully controlled by KYC, globally, in every single area except private wallet to wallet transactions. anything that so much as looks like Local Bitcoins will be KYC'd with extreme prejudice. You will have no real fundamental freedom from the government. Microsoft is even developing bitcoin layer 2 smart contracts that have built in KYC.
Chainalysis will be used against you with extreme prejudice, very little bitcoin will truly be fungible, and it will be dangerous to acquire.
What the bitcoin community tries to convey as a antithesis to altcoins, to me really comes across as an antithesis to layer 2 solutions.
Bitcoiners do not want to deal with the regulations that will fundamentally dictate layer 2 and lightning network, yet if the western governments get their way, none of these layer 2 functionalities will ever exist without KYC and mass surveillance, ergo you will never see the separation of money and state.
This is why the definition of non entities, non companies, non custodians as vasp is a mortal threat to liberty and the values of bitcoin. It's why the travel rule is so bad. It prevents any real freedom from this state intrusion.
You as a community need to realize what layer 2 is, what web 3.0 is, and defend it, because it is the most important cultural battle of our lives.
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Wednesday, 31 March 2021
The guy who sold 10, 000 BTC For a pizza is not retarded. He used it for what it was intended for and helped legitimize the movement
This guy does not get the respect he deserves. Every time someone talks about purchasing with bitcoins, everyone just says ‘I don’t wanna be like the guy who bought pizza with his bitcoins.’ Did anyone know bitcoin was going to be worth 60k 10 years ago? Fuck no. This guy normalized paying with bitcoin so other people could take it seriously, and here it is years later performing stronger than most fiat currencies. Satoshi nakamoto created bitcoin with the intention of replacing the centralized monetary system. Give the pizza lover the respect he deserves.
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Fuck it I'm going heavy on bitcoin and crypto
Tomorrow is the day I will put the rest I'm willing to put into crypto, approximately 50% of my net worth into crypto I'm young(still on my teens) I've been researching crypto for over 6 months I am hyperypermegabullish on it I don't have anything to lose since I have a steady income from other things and no expenses. I believe in this and I will follow it with my actions I'm not scared anymore in a few year I will regret if I don't buy more now. I'm tired of seeing 5× on a 50$ investment I am going to make good money and I'm going to be financially free. I'm tired of seeing my money in the bank. People may think I'm crazy but it is what I believe in.
I did DYOR on many cryptocurrencies for months and I'm tired of wishing to have invested more. I know the risk and I know when to invest DCA and when to cash out a part of your holding DCA I won't rest til I make a mil.
I feel like I've done more than enough research and it's time to act accordingly.
We only live once, I don't wanna be old and regret not buying more crypto, and live the same life as before. I wanna be that person that took a risk in something he believed before anyone around him believed in it and made his dream a reality.
I'm tired of many people outside labeling crypto verey risky, of course it is risky we can have 40% corrections and we are aware of that. And many newbies including myself can lose money. Manyly beacause they buy at the peak. But tbh my hand don't shake anymore I'm 99% sure in 10y this shit will be worth trillions and i wanna be worth millions. The next market cycle I'm going all in with my gains form this one and from extra capital.
Tbh I see this the investment of the century. I may aswell take advantage of it I'm good with tech and researching and know about crypto a lot I'm ahead of many people and I should take advantage of it. I don't see where is the risk if you when to sell a part of it and you know about the market cycle.
Like seriously I don't know how people say ooh it's to risky only 1% of your portfolio. Ok so I put my 300$ into a stock that make a 3% no wayyy. I wanna do 10x I wanna change my life, doing a 3% each year puts me at the same place I was before.
I started with a fearful 30€ investment on bitcoin ach time I invested a bit more, but this time I'm going huge no more fear I believe in this shit and I don't need my money rn
I was very fearful beacause I have heard many did about it. But fuck off BTC ETH, ADA POLKADOT... And many others they are all going to blow off.
Obviously I would cash about a bit in profits beacause I know the bear market will be difficult.
I had to get it out of my chest and say it to somebody since my family is very sceptical.
Ps: sorry for my bad english
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Clubhouse Session with KimDotCom
Decided to make a new thread for this so no one will miss it.
A few hours ago the audio recording of the clubhouse room Kim joined on 3.25.21 was uploaded at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZsaKXY41W0
We've been talking about it here: https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mgkiff/ill_pay_1000_in_bch_to_anyone_that_posts_the/
However it was quickly edited and they took the portion with the discussion out.
Good thing I made a backup recording.https://vimeo.com/531063964
I uploaded the audio in its entirety. First 2.5 hours is bashing on Etherium, the discussion with Kim starts at 2:33
Censorship sucks.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mgvlrd/clubhouse_session_with_kimdotcom/
Sadly, Jorge Luis Farias of CryptoBuyer (Latam exchange & merchant services provider) passed away this week. Condolences to his family and team. Jorge was an important figure in crypto in Venezuela!
BCH Argentina Seminar
We invite you to participate in the seminar. we will present on Saturday April 10 at 2 pm In which we are going to explain what BCH is, its adoption as a currency for daily use, and potential for Argentina. Reservation link: https://forms.gle/Z4uAwLWoZTskzo9E9
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mgts89/bch_argentina_seminar/
Department of Justice Pushing for Fatf Revision of Individuals/Devs/Lightning Network Operators Being Labeled Vasp i.e Precedent to Extradite Non US Citizen, Warrantless Mass Surveillance
Crypto is pretty much the only reason I used Reddit anymore, and I'd like to stop using this website. submitted by /u/TheTruthHas...
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