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Saturday, 24 April 2021
Bitcoin encourages hard work
Even though I work as an engineer and make a decent living, I am going to work this weekend washing windows to make extra money. Why? Because I want to make extra money while Bitcoin is cheap so I can buy more. Why? Because I want to buy an honest currency that can’t be inflated into oblivion by some bloated inefficient government or central bank.I want to provide for my family the best I possibly can because I love them. Bitcoin is a hard currency that I believe in. It makes me want to earn more, save more, and work harder. Bitcoin is awesome!
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Stop Spamming HODL/Panic/Sell Posts
Literally the whole subreddit here is full with people begging others to HODL and to not panic as self-soothing posts. While others are stressing about the decrease we have right now.
Just chill y’all, if people want to sell? Do it, your choice. You want to HODL? Good for you good luck.
Can we just enjoy the ride, rollercoasters have ups and downs and that’s why they’re interesting and fun.
Also, if you’re really that stressed about all of this just drop your phone and go out. Take care of yourself please.
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Oh no!!! The price of BTC is dropping because of this and that. Who cares? I sure don't, because I am betting on the potential of Bitcoin as a medium of exhange in the long term.
I love how people don't get that many are super long on Bitcoin because they understand it will be how money is commonly exchanged in the future. It's not just speculative. There is no central authority and no one single company pushing it, so yes, so the development of payment networks, apps, infrastructure, and so forth is taking a while. Look at innovations like SegWit and the Lightning Network. These are only the beginning. The improvement of renewable energy should help with mining as well.
As Mark Cuban put it, Bitcoin will reach the masses when it's so easy your gma could use it. Well, it's taking time, but the technology that will be behind bringing Bitcoin to the masses will be no more complicated than the technology behind paying with a debit card at the grocery store. You just don't think about it because they have boiled a system that reads a chip and then instantly transfers funds from your institution to another across hundreds or thousands of miles down to a simple POS swipe, insert, or tap.
When people can figure out how to use it more easily, I can only imagine how high the price of BTC will go. Will people buy houses with bitcoins someday? No. You won't spend a "bitcoin" in the future, because even a Bugatti or a mansion won't cost a bitcoin. Instead, people will buy cars and houses with Satoshis. Look at the Shift card. That was a major step towards what I think mainstream adoption will look like. It just didn't work out. But others will step up and takes their place.
If you don't think it's at least worth a flier long term, well...then I just can't help you. I would rather dump 5gs into BTC right now and end up losing it all because my thesis was wrong than to find out in 20 years I could have been a multi-millionaire if I would have only had the guts and foresight.
The other day someone told me they didn't get what makes Bitcoin valuable. "Like I don't get where its value comes from?" they said. They have been taught that the government backing a currency is the only thing that can make a currency valuable. It's not. The dollar is really valuable because people agree it's valuable. If the zombie apocalypse started tomorrow, would gold be currency? No, food, water, guns, and ammo would be currency because that is what people would agree is valuable. The idea that a government has to back a currency to make it valuable is the idea that will eventually become outdated here. I believe people will all agree BTC is valuable in the not-so-distant future. It's a risk I am willing to take, and I think others should too.
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Bitforce5 is reborn! It's a blockchain visualization that uses a force-directed graph. BCH telemetry has been added (and about time!)
I wrote BitForce5 for Bitcoin years ago, long before the fork. This last weekend I dusted off the cobwebs, added BCH and tuned up the presentation.
It was created as an educational exercise to learn about d3, Data-Driven Documents library, specifically the force-directed. A steady stream of transactions from the blockchain made an ideal data source. This time around I had an interest in Quasar and Vue.js frameworks and decided to overhaul BitForce5. One cool Quasar feature, right out the box, an appt can be installed as a PWA on your mobile device.
I've wanted to add Bitcoin Cash activity for some time now but never found a good data stream. The original data stream was blockchain.info. It's still an option, but it doesn't emit BCH events. They also crippled the available BTC data points, and it doesn't emit all trxs. So I looked at TxStreet and added it as a source.
If anyone knows of other BCH blockchain streams (websocket), I'd be interested, especially one that includes the value for each input/output address.
Be sure to browse the settings menu in the upper right to fiddle with the graph parameters. It's still very much beta as I continue to add back features from the original site and smooth out the graph performance.
Fun fact, when I wrote bitforce5.com there were so few transactions on the network that I had to wait nearly a minute for the next trx to pop. It took a half-hour before the nodes filled up. I had to write a test data generator to spew fake trxs to see any meaningful amount of action. Of course now it takes less than a 15 seconds to flood the whole display. And you can mix both the BCH and BTC action.
Note: It can get overwhelmed with both BCH and BTC operating. There are times, often before a BTC block appears, when the data stops flowing and appears to spool up. And then bang! All of the transactions flood in at once and explode onto the screen. Unfortunately, this can overwhelm the browser. If this happens tune down the Max Edges setting. I highly recommend running in Chrome as it appears to handle the SVG/Javascript load better.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mx9mwa/bitforce5_is_reborn_its_a_blockchain/
Another case of pro-LN mods censoring discussion against their narrative.
Found myself in a r/TheLightningNetwork 'learn the fundamentals' thread and decided to once again ask about how LN will handle routing/path-finding if LN somehow scaled up.
The post copied below ended up getting removed for 'spreading FUD' since it was linking to posts criticizing LN based off real, recent examples. Most of the links referenced posts on their own subreddit or r/lightningnetwork.
Just another example to highlight to those browsing r/btc that the narrative is tightly controlled on the BTC/LN side of the (lack of) debate.
Even if I came across as abrasive, I'd still point out that my questions have still gone unanswered in a 'Learn Lightning' thread.
Why would large hubs all censor another large hub? They would all be hurting themselves by doing so.
The new small hub(s) trying to compete with the large hub(s) would absolutely have a chance of overtaking in the long run, but like I said it would be a very long uphill battle and, just like Facebook competitors, so they are much more likely to fail.
As for 'incentivizing spreading' you're ignoring the economic factor that the more hops you have the higher your fees will be. This is the economic reason why large hubs will become inevitable, whereas my concern about the routing side (which is still unanswered, btw) is the technical reason.
This liquidity allocation problem crushes the little theory you just made to make you feel good.
Except it doesn't. You can't argue with the fundamental factors that encourage centralization. :)
But are you here to blame the ones who build because they are a threat to your coin, or to understand how it works :)
I'm a long-term Bitcoin supporter, and BCH is my chain of choice since it's actually usable, but you should always keep an open mind and see if what the competition is doing is worth adopting. That was the Bitcoin plan to begin with: if any other crypto created worthy features Bitcoin would simply adopt them since it's programmable money. There's no reason Bitcoin wouldn't remain #1 because of this.
As it stands, and the lack of technical explanation to my questions reinforces, LN is still simply an engineering problem trying to solve a problem that shouldn't exist to begin with. It's a total failure for adoption just to show a couple recent examples.
And the cherry on top is that if LN somehow did end up solving all the horrible pain points it has and enabled massive scaling it would simply work better on a crypto like BCH that scales. So no, saying BCH is threatened by LN as it stands is laughable. :)
I await the fundamental technical info I've now asked three times for, or the incoming ban for the audacity to ask for such info.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mxb7kz/another_case_of_proln_mods_censoring_discussion/
Is it normal that I just "lost" a ridiculous amount of money and I just don't care?
Not realized loss of course, just potential loss due to the price swings. Not selling a single sat btw. I'm watching the drop and I'm like ok, whatever, don't care. If anything, I'm feeling a bit of regret that I don't have money at hand right now to buy more Bitcoin, and even that is fading away...
Seems like years of hodling have made me totally numb to those price swings. Either way, up or down. I'm not even wondering if prices will go back up. I just know it will when the time comes, and that's good enough for me.
Anyone else feeling the same way?
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The many benefits of Bitcoin Cash [BCH] for ecommerce merchants
With transactions that take a few seconds to process to minuscule transaction fees, BCH makes for a great choice for anyone looking to enjoy the benefits of blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Low Transaction Fee
The biggest benefit of Bitcoin Cash for your business is the low transaction fee it offers. Currently, BCH transactions cost $0.012 which is less than a cent, a minuscule amount compared to traditional card payments which take about 3% in transaction fees.
Near Instantaneous Transactions
Bitcoin Cash transactions typically take a few seconds to confirm making them a much ideal choice of payment when compared to its counterpart Bitcoin.
No Chargebacks
Bitcoin Cash transactions like any other cryptocurrency happen over the blockchain which means that the transactions are irreversible, so, you do not have to worry about payments going back to the customers.
Blockchain is by far one of the most secure forms of money transfer. Using cryptography, decentralization, and shared consensus it is near impossible to manipulate or alter the transaction data.
With cryptocurrency, such risks are largely mitigated, as transactions are anonymous and private. If proper measures are taken, crypto can be a fairly secure way to perform everyday transactions.
Future Ready
Cryptocurrency and blockchain are the next evolution of money and payments.
Millions of customers are opening up to cryptocurrency as using it as a mode of payment. By accepting BCH you as a merchant are opening up to a much wider customer base.
Source: Blockonomics - Benefits of Accepting Bitcoin Cash [BCH] for a Business
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mx5qw9/the_many_benefits_of_bitcoin_cash_bch_for/
Informative BTC vs BCH Articles?
this was all written by u/singularity87 on Bitcoinmarkets about 3 years ago. It's hard to find now. So I am going to make it more easy to find. I did make a couple of changes to it because I corrected a couple of things Singularity87 wrote that are not true and there is some hindsight I have 3 years later, which allows me to sharpen it up a bit.
People should get the full story of r/bitcoin because it is probably one of the strangest of all reddit subs.
r/bitcoin, the main sub for the bitcoin community is held and run by a person who goes by the pseudonym u/theymos. Theymos not only controls r/bitcoin, but also bitcoin.org and bitcointalk.com. These are top three communication channels for the bitcoin community, all controlled by just one person.
For most of bitcoin's history this did not create a problem (at least not an obvious one anyway) until around mid 2015. This happened to be around the time a new player appeared on the scene, a for-profit company called Blockstream. Blockstream was made up of/hired many (but not all) of the main bitcoin developers. (To be clear, Blockstream was founded before mid 2015 but did not become publicly active until then). A lot of people, including myself, tried to point out there we're some very serious potential conflicts of interest that could arise when one single company controls most of the main developers for the biggest decentralised and distributed cryptocurrency. There were a lot of unknowns but people seemed to give them the benefit of the doubt because they were apparently about to release some new software called "sidechains" that could offer some benefits to the network.
Not long after Blockstream came on the scene the issue of bitcoin's scalability once again came to forefront of the community. This issue came within the community a number of times since bitcoins inception. Bitcoin, as dictated in the code, cannot handle any more than around 3 transactions per second at the moment. To put that in perspective Paypal handles around 15 transactions per second on average and VISA handles something like 2000 transactions per second. The discussion in the community has been around how best to allow bitcoin to scale to allow a higher number of transactions in a given amount of time. I suggest that if anyone is interested in learning more about this problem from a technical angle, they go to r/btc and do a search. It's a complex issue but for many who have followed bitcoin for many years, the possible solutions seem relatively obvious. Essentially, currently the limit is put in place in just a few lines of code. This was not originally present when bitcoin was first released. It was in fact put in place afterwards as a measure to stop a bloating attack on the network.
Satoshi had already designed a solution to prevent having to store the purchase of a cup of coffee for a 100 years using merkle trees (point 7 in the whitepaper), but this had not been implemented in the code yet and no implementation was going to be needed as long as the cost of extra disk storage would not outperform the revenue of businesses and miners required to run a full node.
So because at that time all bitcoin transactions had to be stored forever on the bitcoin network, someone could theoretically simply transmit a large number of transactions which would cause stress on the infrastructure of the hobbyists running the network. When bitcoin was released, transactions were actually for free as the only people running the network were enthusiasts. In fact a single bitcoin did not even have any specific value so it would be impossible set a fee value. This meant that a malicious person could make the size of the bitcoin ledger grow very rapidly without much/any cost which would stop people from wanting to join the network due to the resource requirements needed to store it, which at the time would have been for very little gain.
Towards the end of the summer last year, this bitcoin scaling debate surfaced again as it was becoming clear that the transaction limit for bitcoin was semi regularly being reached and that it would not be long until it would be regularly hit and the network would become congested. This was a very serious issue for a currency. Bitcoin had made progress over the years to the point of retailers starting to offer it as a payment option. Bitcoin companies like, Microsoft, Paypal, Steam and many more had began to adopt it. If the transaction limit would be constantly maxed out, the network would become unreliable and slow for users. Users and businesses would not be able to make a reliable estimate when their transaction would be confirmed by the network.
Users, developers and businesses (which at the time was pretty much the only real bitcoin subreddit) started to discuss how we should solve the problem r/bitcoin. There was significant support from the users and businesses behind a simple solution put forward by the developer Gavin Andreesen. Gavin was the lead developer after Satoshi Nakamoto left bitcoin and he left it in his hands. Gavin initially proposed a very simple solution of increasing the limit which was to change the few lines of code to increase the maximum number of transactions that are allowed. For most of bitcoin's history the transaction limit had been set far far higher than the number of transactions that could potentially happen on the network. The concept of increasing the limit one time was based on the fact that history had proven that no issue had been cause by this in the past.
A certain group of bitcoin developers decided that increasing the limit by this amount was too much and that it was dangerous. They said that the increased use of resources that the network would use would create centralisation pressures which could destroy the network. The theory was that a miner of the network with more resources could publish many more transactions than a competing small miner could handle and therefore the network would tend towards few large miners rather than many small miners. The group of developers who supported this theory were all developers who worked for the company Blockstream. The argument from people in support of increasing the transaction capacity by this amount was that there are always inherent centralisation pressure with bitcoin mining. For example miners who can access the cheapest electricity will tend to succeed and that bigger miners will be able to find this cheaper electricity easier. Miners who have access to the most efficient computer chips will tend to succeed and that larger miners are more likely to be able to afford the development of them. The argument from Gavin and other who supported increasing the transaction capacity by this method are essentially there are economies of scale in mining and that these economies have far bigger centralisation pressures than increased resource cost for a larger number of transactions (up to the new limit proposed). For example, at the time the total size of the blockchain was around 50GB. Even for the cost of a 500GB SSD is only $150 and would last a number of years. This is in-comparison to the $100,000's in revenue per day a miner would be making.
Various developers put forth various other proposals, including Gavin Andresen who put forth a more conservative increase that would then continue to increase over time inline with technological improvements. Some of the employees of blockstream also put forth some proposals, but all were so conservative, it would take bitcoin many decades before it could reach a scale of VISA. Even though there was significant support from the community behind Gavin's simple proposal of increasing the limit it was becoming clear certain members of the bitcoin community who were part of Blockstream were starting to become increasingly vitriolic and divisive. Gavin then teamed up with one of the other main bitcoin developers Mike Hearn and released a coded (i.e. working) version of the bitcoin software that would only activate if it was supported by a significant majority of the network. What happened next was where things really started to get weird.
After this free and open source software was released, Theymos, the person who controls all the main communication channels for the bitcoin community implemented a new moderation policy that disallowed any discussion of this new software. Specifically, if people were to discuss this software, their comments would be deleted and ultimately they would be banned temporarily or permanently. This caused chaos within the community as there was very clear support for this software at the time and it seemed our best hope for finally solving the problem and moving on. Instead a censorship campaign was started. At first it 'all' they were doing was banning and removing discussions but after a while it turned into actively manipulating the discussion. For example, if a thread was created where there was positive sentiment for increasing the transaction capacity or being negative about the moderation policies or negative about the actions of certain bitcoin developers, the mods of r/bitcoin would selectively change the sorting order of threads to 'controversial' so that the most support opinions would be sorted to the bottom of the thread and the most vitriolic would be sorted to the top of the thread. This was initially very transparent as it was possible to see that the most downvoted comments were at the top and some of the most upvoted were at the bottom. So they then implemented hiding the voting scores next to the users name. This made impossible to work out the sentiment of the community and when combined with selectively setting the sorting order to controversial it was possible control what information users were seeing. Also, due to the very very large number of removed comments and users it was becoming obvious the scale of censorship going on. To hide this they implemented code in their CSS for the sub that completely hid comments that they had removed so that the censorship itself was hidden. Anyone in support of scaling bitcoin were removed from the main communication channels. Theymos even proudly announced that he didn't care if he had to remove 90% of the users. He also later acknowledged that he knew he had the ability to block support of this software using the control he had over the communication channels.
While this was all going on, Blockstream and it's employees started lobbying the community by paying for conferences about scaling bitcoin, but with the very very strange rule that no decisions could be made and no complete solutions could be proposed. These conferences were likely strategically (and successfully) created to stunt support for the scaling software Gavin and Mike had released by forcing the community to take a "lets wait and see what comes from the conferences" kind of approach. Since no final solutions were allowed at these conferences, they only served to hinder and splinter the communities efforts to find a solution. As the software Gavin and Mike released called BitcoinXT gained support it started to be attacked. Users of the software were attack by DDOS. Employees of Blockstream were recommending attacks against the software, such as faking support for it, to only then drop support at the last moment to put the network in disarray. Blockstream employees were also publicly talking about suing Gavin and Mike from various different angles simply for releasing this open source software that no one was forced to run. In the end Mike Hearn decided to leave due to the way many members of the bitcoin community had treated him. This was due to the massive disinformation campaign against him on r/bitcoin. One of the many tactics that are used against anyone who does not support Blockstream and the bitcoin developers who work for them is that you will be targeted in a smear campaign. This has happened to a number of individuals and companies who showed support for scaling bitcoin. Theymos has threatened companies that he will ban any discussion of them on the communication channels he controls (i.e. all the main ones) for simply running software that he disagrees with (i.e. any software that scales bitcoin).
As time passed, more and more proposals were offered, all against the backdrop of ever increasing censorship in the main bitcoin communication channels. It finally come down the smallest and most conservative solution. This solution was much smaller than even the employees of Blockstream had proposed months earlier. As usual there was enormous attacks from all sides and the most vocal opponents were the employees of Blockstream. These attacks still are ongoing today. As this software started to gain support, Blockstream organised more meetings, especially with the biggest bitcoin miners and made a pact with them. They promised that they would release code that would offer an on-chain scaling solution hardfork within about 4 months, but if the miners wanted this they would have to commit to running their software and only their software. The miners agreed and the ended up not running the most conservative proposal possible. This was in February last year. There is no hardfork proposal in sight from the people who agreed to this pact and bitcoin is still stuck with the exact same transaction limit it has had since the limit was put in place about 6 years ago. Gavin has also been publicly smeared by the developers at Blockstream and a plot was made against him to have him removed from the development team. Gavin has now been, for all intents an purposes, expelled from bitcoin development. This has meant that all control of bitcoin development is in the hands of the developers working at Blockstream.
There is a new proposal that offers a market based approach to scaling bitcoin. This essentially lets the market decide. Of course, as usual there has been attacks against it, and verbal attacks from the employees of Blockstream. This has the biggest chance of gaining wide support and solving the problem for good.
To give you an idea of Blockstream; It has hired most of the main and active bitcoin developers and is now synonymous with the "Core" bitcoin development team. They AFAIK no products at all. They have received around $75m in funding. Every single thing they do is supported by /u/theymos. They have started implementing an entirely new economic system for bitcoin against the will of it's users and have blocked any and all attempts to scaling the network in line with the original vision.
Although this comment is ridiculously long, it really only covers the tip of the iceberg. You could write a book on the last two years of bitcoin. The things that have been going on have been mind blowing. One last thing that I think is worth talking about is the u/bashco's claim of vote manipulation.
The users that the video talks about have very very large numbers of downvotes mostly due to them having a very very high chance of being astroturfers. Around about the same time last year when Blockstream came active on the scene every single bitcoin troll disappeared, and I mean literally every single one. In the years before that there were a large number of active anti-bitcoin trolls. They even have an active sub r/buttcoin. Up until last year you could go down to the bottom of pretty much any thread in r/bitcoin and see many of the usual trolls who were heavily downvoted for saying something along the lines of "bitcoin is shit", "You guys and your tulips" etc. But suddenly last year they all disappeared. Instead a new type of bitcoin user appeared. Someone who said they were fully in support of bitcoin but they just so happened to support every single thing Blockstream and its employees said and did. They had the exact same tone as the trolls who had disappeared. Their way to talking to people was aggressive, they'd call people names, they had a relatively poor understanding of how bitcoin fundamentally worked. They were extremely argumentative. These users are the majority of the list of that video. When the 10's of thousands of users were censored and expelled from r/bitcoin they ended up congregating in r/btc. The strange thing was that the users listed in that video also moved over to r/btc and spend all day everyday posting troll-like comments and misinformation. Naturally they get heavily downvoted by the real users in r/btc. They spend their time constantly causing as much drama as possible. At every opportunity they scream about "censorship" in r/btc while they are happy about the censorship in r/bitcoin. These people are astroturfers. What someone somewhere worked out, is that all you have to do to take down a community is say that you are on their side. It is an astoundingly effective form of psychological attack.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mx27ew/informative_btc_vs_bch_articles/
How I bought a $200k home with over $1 mil in Bitcoin
Step by Step
- Make offer for $200k home Sept 2020
- Get mortgage application rejected due to low income/debt ratio (in spite of enough assets to purchase the home 25 X over.)
- Sell 20 BTC to purchase home ($10,000 per BTC)
- Watch BTC go to over $50,000 over the next few months.
- Pay $8,000 in capital gains taxes
Lesson learned. I will NEVER sell my BTC again.
Unpopular opinion: Yes I know, "NEVER talk about how much BTC you have." I disagree with this for several reasons. 1. I feel fairly secure with this anonymous account created with a newly generated email. 2. I have instituted best practices for security in all of my accounts. 3. I have turned off all chat and PM. 4. I'm the only one who has access to my accounts unless I die. 5. I really don't have this much BTC, I'm making it up.
I'm fairly confident about this philosophy, but I'm open to learning where I may be wrong.
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“ Bitcoin Cash has double spend protection even at 0-conf which are more secure than on BTC since BCH eliminated the RBF vulnerabilty which harms usage as p2p cash. BCH also is highly secure after ~10 blocks due to deep reorg protection. That's less than 2 hrs on average.”
FFS it's a dip, you're supposed to be happy and buy more 😆
Call me if it drops 33% so I can buy more if I have any free fiat left. This isn't a day trading group.
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Friday, 23 April 2021
Bitcoin has lost 20% of it's value in the last 9 days
Bitcoin lost 25% of its value in 9 days in Jan
Bitcoin lost 20% of it's value in 7 days in Feb
Bitcoin lost 15% of it's value in 13 days in Mar
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mwomzj/bitcoin_has_lost_20_of_its_value_in_the_last_9/
Turkish exchange Thodex changes its story
First the website said it was being bought, now it says it is being hacked.
Here are google translations of yesterday and today, quite different don't you think?
Dear users,
Since 2017, we have been providing quality service to you and working day and night to increase our service quality even more. Based on the satisfaction of our users, we have made many innovations in our country so far and we became the first licensed Turkish Company in the sector globally with the license we received from the United States of America.
In the last 2 years, with the increasing interest in crypto assets and the inclusion of major actors in the sector, it has become inevitable for the stock markets to grow and take new steps.
World-renowned banks and fund companies, whose name we will announce when the agreement process is completed, has been wanting to invest in our company and making a partnership proposal for a long time. It was decided to evaluate the partnership offer positively in order to serve you better. In order for this process to be completed, the transactions must be stopped and the transfer process must be completed. The process will take about 4-5 business days. During this period, our users will be informed regularly.
In addition, we kindly inform you that the negative news on the internet do not reflect the truth, our company continues its activities stronger, and there is no cause for concern about the existence of our users.
We are working with stronger partners to continue to serve you with our secure infrastructure.
Dear Users of Thodex;
There has been a need to inform the public and dear users who use our Thodex Platform about the period we have lived.
First of all I want to indicate; publicly, my company is Koineks Teknolojileri A. Ş. and many of the claims made about the Thodex platform it owns are unfounded.
Thodex platform, where nearly 700,000 users have been trading, has not victimized anyone until today and will not henceforth. 25,000,000.00 TL, which occurred as a result of the cyber attack against our company in 2018. Without reflecting the damage to any of our users, our company tolerated it with its own means and made serious infrastructure changes in order not to experience a cyber attack again.
Considering the financial structure of the company and the number of users, it has attracted the attention of many domestic and foreign investors, and has received very serious partnership offers at the international level. When the financial and digital data were examined together during the partnership negotiations that have been going on for about 3 months, it was determined as of last week that there was an abnormal fluctuation in the company accounts. Thodex Platform has been temporarily closed to determine the reasons and sources of this. While our company technical team was conducting this research, I personally went abroad on 19.04.2021 to make final meetings with foreign investors.
In the examination of company accounts, it was determined that the cyber attack incident continued and the correct data of some account holders could not be reached.
The allegations that I lost about 391,000 people with a loss of about 2 billion USD, which was reflected to the public on 22.04.2021, are unfounded. It is necessary to make this statement in order to respond urgently to these claims that go beyond the limits of honesty and conscience.
Firstly; According to our preliminary determinations, only 30,000 of our 700,000 users have a suspicious situation, and the corresponding bank entry fees of these people on the platform are available in their company accounts. In this respect; I first announce to the public that no users will be victims.
Thus; The records of our company have been previously submitted to the information of institutions such as MASAK, CMB, the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, and it is confirmed by the records of the relevant institutions that there are no irregularities.
This process has turned into a slander campaign with inaccurate and exaggerated discourses and causes harm to both users and myself. For; According to our determinations, the payments will be made after the accounts of around 30,000 users are cleared. While our company, whose market value is approximately 40 million USD as of today, can continue its commercial life, as a result of the perception of victimization created in the public, our company is prevented from continuing its commercial life.
The important thing that I request from dear users is that the statements not made by our company are not respected. We personally are making the return to Turkey in a few days in cooperation with judicial authorities led to the emergence of real and I declare I will do my best to make every effort to prevent the victimization of users. I would like to be known strongly that; I accept that even such an opinion is attributed to me as a cruelty, as I have never had an activity that would harm my state or nation in any period of my life.
In this way; I kindly submit to the public's knowledge that the smear campaign against both myself and my company should not be respected.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mwn58w/turkish_exchange_thodex_changes_its_story/
Chaintip should be a permanent solution to awards
The chaintip bot is amazing. Low fees, can send cents or dollars worth of BCH. I'm surprised it's not used more outside of this sub.
Could also be a really good way to onboard people to BCH and crypto in general.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mwkl55/chaintip_should_be_a_permanent_solution_to_awards/
Bitcoin is on sale! Grab it before the sale ends! $100k this year is happening!
Funny thing is my BTC balance keeps going up every time it goes on sale. I don't see US Fiat 🤣 funny how that works.... Don't panic sell folks, take it from me and my 2017 experience lmao (still have PTSD from that experience - many of us do I'd guess)!
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Sub $50k?
Just scooped up some BTC at $49.9k! Wow!
So many good things happening and such a bright future, can’t imagine wanting to dump BTC now - but I am thankful someone wanted to sell. Thank you for your contribution.
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Hi all! I’m 19 with little disposable income. But I just wanted to say I have bought my first 5$ of BCH tonight! I’m so happy that I can start this journey now and am excited to see where it goes!
CartAndPod.com now takes Crypto - Only the real bitcoin that is Bitcoin Cash
Thanks for your help earlier guys! You recommended to me which payment processor to go with for accepting bitcoin cash and I went with CryptoWoo, they have an amazing checkout process that was super easy to integrate! Sadly they don't accept BCH themselves though.
If you want to check out the shop check it out at: https://cartandpod.com/
I sell supplies for vaping THC and CBD, such as 510 Threaded Vape Cartridges, 510 Compatible Batteries, and 5 different Terpene Blends. If you're into cannabis it's worth a look!
Once again thanks for all the support! Bitcoin Cash is the Real Bitcoin and such it is the only Crypto that we are accepting. We take and hold it too, no swapping it to fiat, eventually we can hopefully buy more product to sell using the BCH instead of fiat too!
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mwjex2/cartandpodcom_now_takes_crypto_only_the_real/
Remember when Bitcoin Classic used to dip by 5% BCH would dip by ~25%? This “dip” makes me yawn 🥱 Adoption, spend+replace, and tipping has made BCH more stable than ever!!
Imagine selling your BTC right now for Fiat...
Over 40% of the money in the US that has EVER been printed has been printed in the last 12 months. This is like trading in your gold bullion for banknotes in the 1920s Weimar Republic.
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It looks like CashApp is starting to cover fees for BTC transactions to hide BTC's terrible UX!
Just a thought: Buy up hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of BTC, and send very small amounts (or the minimum deposit) to an exchange until you've finally moved all of your money to the exchange. Then sell the BTC to buy BCH.
P.S. I'm not American, so I don't have access to CashApp, but it might be fun to try it out if you do! :)
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mwhc83/it_looks_like_cashapp_is_starting_to_cover_fees/
Why did you buy bitcoin if you were just gonna sell it when the price drops?
Think about who is buying that coin when you sell it. People who know the price is going to go right back up. Hold your coins, don’t sell. This is not financial advice.
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Thursday, 22 April 2021
We are not competing against BTC. There is 0% chance that BTC becomes the future of money. We’re competing against the forthcoming U.S. Digital Dollar. They specifically hijacked BTC to prevent competition. They didn’t predict BCH, which is why all the propaganda against us. Our time is now.
Im gonna collect as much as BCH as i can until i have enough money to buy a house
Believe in BCH it is really great :) we are the hidden army :)
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mvwz0q/im_gonna_collect_as_much_as_bch_as_i_can_until_i/
The term crypto "currency" is what is causing so many identity problems atm
So I was thinking about this. We all know the issues bitcoin core/ethereum has going on with transaction fees and speed right now. People that treat them as as digital gold/their new savings account have no issues because they don't have to transact with it much. However people who are slowly trying to spread its use as a currency are unable to and waiting on layer 2 solutions. If the word cryptocurrency phased out and eventually called just crypto or crypto coins or something, I feel like less people would be at each other's throats about these issues. What do you guys think?
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mvy5q8/the_term_crypto_currency_is_what_is_causing_so/
I'm tired of the confusion and the battle
I converted some btc to bch when I realized the low fees and convenience. But since then, lots of folks saying bch is a scam because they're calling it the real bitcoin? Who cares what anyone calls it, if it works? Right? Is bch at a much greater risk of 51% attack or something? Why isn't it getting more adoption? Also, can someone tell me why I'd buy bch vs ltc? A thoughtful response might sway me.
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mvtvcy/im_tired_of_the_confusion_and_the_battle/
JPMorgan memo on Bitcoin that is going around
Strategists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. are warning that if Bitcoin doesn't make a break back above $60,000 soon, momentum signals for the digital asset will collapse. The largest cryptocurrency is trading close to $55,000 this morning, still not having made a full recovery from Sunday's plunge. Despite the move lower in recent days, and competition for attention from meme coins, Bitcoin is up 90% year to date, and more than 700% from a year ago.
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Today is my first day (of many to come) investing money into BCH. I’m 19, and don’t have much disposable income but all of it that for now on is going to it. I figured that I’d like to invest into my future now and take that leap, thanks to the people that will help me further down the road! Cheers!
Why is censoring BCH on platforms like reddit and twitter so common? Check this website out select /r/cryptocurrency see how much BCH is mentioned it's ludacris how many other currencies are mentioned when it's been in the top 15 since creation! It's so infuriating! What can we do to fix this?
Just sharing an interaction ive had recently with a newbie to this space. Patience and persistence pays off. People want truth with their knowledge. This took about 4 months of back and forth:
Don't sell your bitcoin
JP Morgan is trying to push BTC as low as possible to buy it up for cheap. This is Bitcoin, not some random shitcoin. HODL, and godspeed.
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What did the 5 fingers say to the face? $ B A K E D - your next 100x memecoin that's also real :)
“What did the 5 fingers say to the face? $ B A K E D”
Celebrating 4/20 and the legendary life and legacy of Dave Chappelle, we have officially launched a community wealth-generating app in his honor!
Humor. Dope ppl. Hard trolling with an undercurrent of unconditional love. And the power of community that lifts itself up with people power. Time to get that Chappelle token tokin’…
Come get $BAKED with us! We justttt launched and are gaining major traction. We’d like you along for the ride!
We have learned from other dope ass tokens that community is the way to go, so we’ve decided to launch on BNB to allow anyone as little as $10 or $20 to join us as we fly high. As Chappelle says, If you are good at something never do it for free.. so come be your best self while generating wealth, together.
Here are a few things to know: - We’re on BSC, making $BAKED much cheaper on the gas fees. - Token is deflationary and automatically creates liquidity and rewards token holders every time someone sells (and gets rekt…kekekek) -Marketing campaign has started to celebrate 4/20 and the launch of this legendary token! This is our launch but no flash in the pan, we’re here to stay. -$BAKED Let’s get badass and take the community wealth-building standard to the global financial system.🚀 -I’m Rick James, bitch!!!
$BAKED is now live on Pancakeswap! We have learned from $SAFEMOON and $ZEP that community is the way to go, so we’ve decided to launch on BNB to allow anyone as little as $10 or $20 to join us as we fly high.
Let’s get richhhhhh, byotch!!!!
🔥 $BAKED on BSC official - beware of scams! 🔥
✅$BAKED Contract address:0x643427d133065272a106Db4AF1A88Eba15150B00
Buy on Pancakeswap: Min slippage to buy: 6-11% (this rewards anyone holding the token, come join us!)
$BAKED chart: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x643427d133065272a106Db4AF1A88Eba15150B00
Telegram: https://t.me/chappellebakedofficial
Twitter: twitter.com/bakedtoken
Website and litpaper: http://www.baked.finance
🚀 We launched on 4/20 for hype, but HODL might change your life. Come ask us how, but here’s a summary:
Decentralised Finance (DeFi) is replacing the existing capitalist and corporate structures inhabiting current Banks and Financial Services. We have an exciting new deflationary currency with a burn mechanism, auto-liquidity feature, and redistribution to every HODLer. What this means is that every time someone makes a transaction, token holders get increased value simply for holding. Dave Chappelle is a living legend. He wants love and kindness for everyone and also is a fkn comedic genius. So let’s celebrate him by GETTING RICH, BYOTCHHHHH!
Valuing cryptocurrencies by market capitalisation means that there is plenty of room in the crypto space for a token which value rests on the internet subculture. After all, why shouldn’t we have our own token that we can use and exchange among ourselves? We are capable of launching many of these, as coins like DOGE and even SAFEMOON become too big - having a diversity of tokens means more people can rally early and build wealth together, kind of like financial sub-reddits. With inflationary coins, everyday there are more (ex: Dogecoins) in circulation and therefore, it’s value is constantly being diminished by design. This is where BAKED comes in, and not just to make you laugh - Because BAKED is a deflationary currency, there will never be more BAKED in circulation than there is now. And because of its ingenious features, every single BAKED hodler has an incentive to spread the use of BAKED, and to stay onboard with the project for a longer time. As more transactions take place in the network, the individual net-worth of all who own a piece of the network increases as well. 💪🏾💪🏼💪🏻💪🏿💪🏼💪💪🏾
Twitter : twitter.com/bakedtoken
Reddit : reddit.com/r/BakedToken
BAKEDweb n litpaper: baked.finance
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mvtf4g/what_did_the_5_fingers_say_to_the_face_b_a_k_e_d/
BCH Tipathon Megathread - Come one come all!
So, I just sent my first tip like yesterday, and now I’m addicted. There’s something just super satisfying every time I swipe right on that Bitcoin.com green slider. Or when my camera sees the QR code in like .3 seconds. Or when I see the BCH arrive instantly to the address after I send it. Or how I can literally tip hundreds of times while paying like 1/5 of a penny fees.
So I’m ready, and I hope you are too. Ready to tip. A lot. Over and over and over again. This thread. Starting now. For the next 30 hours, EVERY SINGLE COMMENT in this thread that (1) isn’t a bot, (2) hasn’t already gotten tipped by someone else or (3) isn’t itself JUST a tip will get tipped by me. If you receive more than a penny, give a penny back to someone else! Or don’t! Whatever you post, whoever you are, whatever you've done, you WILL be given money. On chain. In BCH. Because Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin like it was meant to be.
Talk about whatever you want – I’ll post some topic threads, but feel free to create your own. Trolls welcome. Beggars welcome. Billionaires welcome. BSV supporters, BTC supporters, BCHA supporters, ETH supporters, Doge supporters, everyone except Ripple supporters welcome! (gotta have some standards here)
Oh and last thing, Bounties! First one to give any of the following a penny after they comment will receive $.05(WOW!) on the house:
u/memorydealers u/jtoomim u/egon_1 u/CryptoStrategies u/marc_de_mesel u/contrarian__ u/nullc u/jwinterm u/deadalnix
And if you manage to catch the elusive u/theymos - $1! WOW!
Let's gooooooooooo!!!!!
[link] [comments]
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/mvrpci/bch_tipathon_megathread_come_one_come_all/
My Bitcoin net worth is now .005
Close to 10 years ago I bought 3 bitcoins for $32 a pop, and lost them completely. After the price has shot up to “impossible” amounts over and over, I’ve had the mentality of “Well I’ve already missed the bus!” Multiple times over the years I’ve debated then decided against it. So much regret. Well today I finally pulled the trigger. I am now, happily, part of the tribe.
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Crypto is pretty much the only reason I used Reddit anymore, and I'd like to stop using this website. submitted by /u/TheTruthHas...
submitted by /u/FearlessEggplant3036 [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/12gt49l/supposedly_insiders_in_t...
submitted by /u/KillerHurdz [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/a6bm9y/discussing_bitcoin_power_dyn...