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This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
Saturday, 4 February 2023
Found old wallet.dat
I found old wallet.dat file, its 600KB!
How can i access the private keys?
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Keystone Pro , Trezor T or BitBox02
Hey, I´m starting my journey in crypto world and I'm looking for a good hardwallet. I took a look at some reviews and Keystone Pro seems good and very safe but not sure about my choice. Can someone help and tell me some pros and cons?
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Friday, 3 February 2023
Unstoppable wallet
Hello, I would like to know your opinion on the Unstoppable mobile wallet. I find it really good for beginners but I would still like to hear the opinion of several people. Thank you.
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Casa Multi-Signature Cold Wallet
I am interested in knowing if anyone has ever used the Casa Multi-Signature Cold Wallet. At the most basic level, this system uses three keys in the form of:
- Key #1 - Held by you via your own storage device (i.e. Ledger, Trezor, Cold Card, etc.);
- Key #2 - Held by you via your mobile phone's Casa application/program; and
- Key #3 - Held by the company Casa themselves.
What has your experience been using Casa? What are the risks (i.e. Casa becomes bankrupt, Casa loses your third key, Casa does not respond to your request to give you your third key, etc.)? What do you recommend?
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Property and cash restrained as alleged money laundering group charged. The AFP yesterday executed search warrants at 13 locations across Sydney and seized more than $29 million in cryptocurrency..
So close....
It's interesting to see there is consensus building (even in traditional circles) that the current system is broken or at least suboptimal.
But, at the same time, people not sold on bitcoin as the answer are looking for an alternative to the current system, but anywhere besides bitcoin.
I think the acknowledgment that there needs to/should be a change to the current monetary system is massive for bitcoin adoption.
Once this view becomes common knowledge (ie. your barber is complaining about the monetary system), bitcoin has its chance for mass adoption.
A new system is needed, and the technology now exists to create that new system. What it will look like is anyone's guess, but bitcoin has a shot.
Who knows if it will happen (a lot of roadblocks ahead), but it will be compelling to watch it play out.
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Thursday, 2 February 2023
Crypto investments to recover as Fed Chairman says he sees DISINFLATION occurring. Soon the market will be flooded with cheap loans for everything. Bond yields to go down. Speculation to be in season.
Storing copyrighted content on the Blockchain
In light of the latest Taproot fiasco I was wondering what the implications of storing copyrighted content on-chain would be.
I know BTC can't handle huge files like say a 14GB series from HBO max, but let's say there was a version of Bitcoin with massive blocks and low transaction fees. We've already seen this happen with Ethereum NFTs on a smaller scale, much of that was sorted on the trading sites like Opensea, delisting collections that had obscene or copyrighted content.
But that only worked because minting an NFT on Ethereum was expensive, but lets say this hypothetical Bitcoin chain used a very simple scripting language, so simple in fact that you wouldn't need tons of data to store things. And you could easily create dozens of NFTs for less than a dollar.
I've gone through juungle before, back when it was still relevant, remarkably I never found an objectionable NFT, though tbh I wasn't Looking very hard.
On BCH you wouldn't be able to store the content itself (currently) but let's say our hypothetical Bitcoin version had something like 4GB blocks, that seems like enough space to store something objectionable.
So, my question; how do we navigate this brave new world of truly on-chain NFTs.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/10r3aok/storing_copyrighted_content_on_the_blockchain/
Wednesday, 1 February 2023
Tuesday, 31 January 2023
Bitcoin as the first profitable location independent energy consumer
There is this excerpt we found very profound:
Bitcoin mining is the only profitable use of energy in human history that does not need to be located near human settlement to operate.
The long-term implications of this are world changing and hiding in plain sight.
Before Bitcoin, the problem of energy has never been its scarcity, but only our ability to channel it geographically where it is needed most. Before Bitcoin, that was exclusively where humans lived.
In contrast, Bitcoin’s mining energy is solving a different problem. Because of satellites and wireless internet connections, Bitcoin mining can be located anywhere.
For example, remote, destitute areas blessed with moving water can monetize their natural resource good fortune by creating clean, hydro energy and using it to mine Bitcoin. Thus, Bitcoin can make monetizable isolated energy sources all over the world – like waterfalls, running rivers, or creatable dams – now entirely untapped because they would be cost-prohibitive to connect to electric grids close enough to residential or industrial areas.
In doing so, Bitcoin can fundamentally change the economics of energy by introducing a highly profitable use of electricity that’s location independent.
The world has never had a profitable use of energy that’s location independent. Now it does.
And since fossil fuels are already too expensive to be a profitable source of Bitcoin mining energy, the only long-term, profitable Bitcoin mining will be powered by hydro.
Imagine a future with Bitcoin mining firms, unsubsidized, in extraordinarily isolated locations – visualize a waterfall in a largely population-free part of an African country suffering from abject poverty – easily connected to the Bitcoin network, building serious energy infrastructure to monetize the local clean energy source for mining. However, once the industrial-strength, profitable infrastructure is in place, let’s extend it. Let’s build roads. And housing. And schools. And hospitals. Ultimately leading to human settlement. The net result can be people locating around new, Bitcoin-driven hydroelectric energy infrastructure, with more and more of humanity clustering around cheap, clean energy sources.
Historically, our energy challenge has been to move the power to the people.
With Bitcoin, we can move the people to the power
Consider that the world’s major population centers – think New York, London, Paris, Tokyo – each developed where they are geographically because of natural seaports, waterways, and trade routes. Energy was a nonfactor because placement of these cities was all pre-energy (i.e., pre-fossil fuels). As Bitcoin finances the for-profit development of cheap, clean energy infrastructure on a massive scale, it can lead to a future in which more and more of the world’s population lives near abundant energy with an extraordinarily low marginal cost of production. This matters because cheap energy equals human flourishing. That’s an equation. Cheap energy = human flourishing. Beyond the revolution in monetary policy that Bitcoin already represents, Bitcoin may also represent the biggest catalyst the world has ever known for developing abundant, clean, cheap energy. And, therefore, one of biggest catalysts in the world for human flourishing.
-- an excerpt from the Stone Ridge 2020 Shareholder Letter, its 2-minute version can be found here https://www.2minutebitcoin.org/blog/stone-ridge-2020-shareholder-letter
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Recommended hot wallet for Android?
Title, and yes I know not safe for large amounts of Bitcoin just curious if there's any recommended hot wallet for Android?
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How to Un-KYC my BTC?
I have been buying btc from centralised exchanges since 2020, Binance & OKcoin, now I want to become untraceable for the govt in case in the future they enforce us to sell our btc. What ways do you guys think it’s best to do this? The best I can think of is either transferring my btc to a P2P exchange like Bisq, and then either directly send it from there to a new cold storage device through my node, or just sell it and rebuy the same quantity and send it to a new cold storage through my node. Is this worth it? Or is it better to just leave this accumulated quantity there and, start from scratch and buy a new cold storage device, connect it to my node and start to do DCA in a decentralised exchange?
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Be Bitcoin!
I have an anecdote to share. One of my colleague said to me
- I'm sick of some people around me [family] . Everything I undertake businesswise, ideas, project... they are like going to come and bark to me about every single possible and imaginable scenario which will make me fail and I feel sick of that regular barking because it affect my motivation to start or continue my work.
I told him, then Be Bitcoin!
- What do you mean?
Since Bitcoin came to the world, everyone kept on barking and barking and barking and barking against it. And yes, there are always bumps and dumps on the way but look where are those haters now and where Bitcoin is? So Be Bitcoin!
100% efficiency!
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"X was a softfork-- it couldn't allow anything that the consensus rules didn't already allow." - Gregory Maxwell ⬛️ Softforks from BlockstreamCore are poison to Bitcoin. You can for example add inflation forever. Already allowed by the consensus rules according to him.
Monday, 30 January 2023
BCH campaign started Met a wonderful redditor and it happened he’s from my home country and we will be working together to make BCH spread all over Lebanon and more businesses to accept BCH as payment
How do you delete private key data from the browser?
I used a web app, which stores my private key on the browser (Chrome).
I will stop using it, and want to remove the private key data from the browser.
Should I do the 'Settings > Privacy > Clear browsing data'?
Is there any way to remove only the data on that site?
Edit: Don't worry. I don't have money there. I just want to know how to delete private data stored on a browser.
Edit 2: I get it. You should not enter private key into a browser.
But I am asking you how to remove that data from the browser (or the computer) if I already did? I just want to know. I will never put anything in the wallet.
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After Taproot went live on Bitcoin, it seems shaming miners into censoring is the new normal from BlockstreamCore. I think giving some thought to economic incentives when designing new code would have been a better idea🤣
Sunday, 29 January 2023
Ok guys having troubles on Robosats please help.
I am trying to create a buy order and I have to lock ~ 45,000 Sats via LN to robosats. ok that’s fine, my Phoenix Lightning wallet has ~90,000 Sats in it.
Everytime I go to lock the Sats by sending it to the address from robosats, Phoenix tells me I have not enough funds in wallet to afford payment…
Can someone explain what’s happening here?
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The whole coiner concept
Can someone explain to me, why some people say " i just want to be a whole coiner" like, i get that you try to accumulate as much as possible right , but what is the big difference having 0.8 or 0.9 and a full coin ? Why the need for the coin to be full , let's not forget that after you reach 1 full coin, you will probably want more ..is there something i am missing ?
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Frequency of Hyperinflations
The world has experienced an astonishing 56 hyperinflations in the last ~100 years. This means that in some country every other year, an innocent population lost their life savings, and certainly their dignity, simply because they stored it in the wrong vessel.
Isn't that insane? It is hard to believe Bitcoin is not more popular.
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New Achivement Unlocked for BTC
The Bitcoin Network just confirmed its 800,000,000th transaction
Lightning network capacity and hashrate also registered new all time highs this week
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Crypto is pretty much the only reason I used Reddit anymore, and I'd like to stop using this website. submitted by /u/TheTruthHas...
submitted by /u/FearlessEggplant3036 [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/12gt49l/supposedly_insiders_in_t...
submitted by /u/KillerHurdz [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/a6bm9y/discussing_bitcoin_power_dyn...