
Overtaking other financial subreddits

Comparing 2020 halving price movement with 2016

PSA: 4 sat/b transactions now clearing...

Just trust us, mmkay...

What happened to the $50 million short?

KYC verification is identity theft and immoral

My last days have been like this...

Please quite reposting the Silk Road $1billion Seizure

Forget about your bitcoin. Take a break from the market. You will get both rewards from life and bitcoin. Bitcoin is to set you free.

Interview w/ SEC Commissioner Hester Pierce

The Shawshank Redemption scenario

Can someone help me? I have no impact on their system, I deposit and play and win 4.8 BTC but they ( don't pay

Bitcoin gave me way more than financial freedom

Feer&Greed is at 90. Last time this high was right before the 12k high in 2019. Watch out for a drop!

If this doesn’t bring a tear to your eye, I don’t know what will

Bitcoin has finally broken $20,000 CAD

It feels so nice after so long.

27 years old. Been HODLing since 2015. Stoked. AMA.

SLP224 NVK – What Do Most People Get Wrong About Bitcoin Security? Blockclock Mini & Bitcoin Treasuries

In some crazy news, Binance has deemed us profitable by mining ~50% of the blocks for the day.

Bitcoin Will Become the Main Resistance’s Weapon of Governments Against the U.S. Dollar Monopoly

“Back in the Day” original artwork by Moabit

How did satoshi onboard the first miners/node operators?

BTC hodlers do not want to sell and are moving their funds away from exchanges

$16k who's still HODLing?

At what point will people holding BCH admit that BTC is the coin to stay and grow most, cut their losses and buy BTC?

How Does Bitcoin Price Chart SOUND?

Metal Bitcoin Poster I Made (Laser Engraved)

BTC has crossed $15,900, the highest value this year. It has gained almost 13% in less than 24 hours. Amazing.

BitcoinXio has been suspended

Looks promising, the real btc will explode soon

If I had to describe how I feel right now...

Since Bitcoin Cash it's launch it's been remarkable stable. This make it work better as a currency then coins that have a high volatility like Bitcoin Core.

Why does Bitfinix long-to-short BTC ratio on TraingView subtract a 16000 from the formula: (BTCUSDLONGS-16000)/BTCUSDSHORTS

I had to make this one

Square reports $1.63 billion in bitcoin sales for the third quarter via its Cash App

Now we know who moved that $1Billion in bitcoin - it was the US govt!!!

@BitPay, have you updated your #Bitcoin #Cash node for the November 15th upgrade? Though they're presenting themselves as Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin ABC is likely to split off to their own minority IFP chain with new branding and a different ticker symbol.

Who thought BCH would have hit ATH before BTC hit 20k again?

Crossposting here to reply without getting instaflooded with downvotes.

"Hey man, you left in the green." That's what it's all about. Get in and sell for the next sucker to buy at a higher price.

Best way/place to sell these Antminer s9’s I was given?(Three s9’s each include the PSU). My Dad bought them & never even opened the box they came in. I guess he lost his excitement to set them up when they came in, so he nicely gave them to me to *try* and sell.

Need a freelancer? Hire one paying with BTC!

Sold @ $15k 11-5-2020

US Government now owns almost 70k Bitcoin after Individual X forfeited the amount to them. The funds were originally stolen from Silk Road.

There it is

Silk Road Linked Wallet Moves $1 billion in Bitcoin


Bank of England poised to take bond-buying plan above $1 trillion

This 2011 Casascius coin will still work as BCH because BCH is still Bitcoin as it was originally intended.

RyverAsia: (AFC) SLP Freelance Token

Best hardware wallet/cold storage? [Discussion] will also be running BCHN compatible software on November 15th

Iran has issued several regulations meant to control Bitcoin mining operations. Is it building up a BTC hoard? And are Iranians opting in?

Dollar Cost Averaging - Best Way to Establish a Position Over Time

What's the best way to automatically purchase BTC monthly? Coinbase can do it but fees seem high.

What we are witnessing Bitcoin do to the institutional Financial Markets right now

ABC coin futures collapsing on Coinbase news

Reactions to the Upcoming Bitcoin Cash Fork - CILII #101

My most profitable investment ever. Bought circa 2017. I don’t run it anymore since it’s only an s9. I keep it around because I like weird computers.

Coinbase will run BCHN nodes and expects that it will be the dominant chain post fork.

Why doesn’t roger ver talk about the tether fraud used to inflate Bitcoin? This whole rally was a tether scam pump

Could Bizonacci be back?

BCH competitors will be footing the bill for over 98% of our infrastructure development costs

$1bn Bitcoin wallet with Silk Road links being transferred for the first time in 6 years

MuSig2: Simple Two-Round Schnorr Multisignatures

Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #122

Bitcoin: Everything there is, divided by 21 million

Bloomberg's Commodity Strategist Expects "Parabolic" 2021 for Bitcoin

Douglas Tuman aka Chowbungaman has won a seat in the House of Representatives for Monero! We will now educate legislators about the benefits of Monero!

69k bitcoins on the move - originating from a Bitcoin wallet.dat (now cracked?)

The Money Revolution with Raoul Pal — What Bitcoin Did

200-days moving average at ATH

14k Giveaway Extravaganza

The Growth of Bitcoin Merge Mining

Overly dramatic BTC ticker....

Laughter is medicine

$1200 stimulus payment now worth $2400

BitMEX, OKEx, KuCoin Scandals Highlight the Need for Better Regulation

Usfull Bitcoin tools in web.


Bitcoin Cash Node on track to oust Bitcoin ABC

Nano vs BTC HoDLers 2021

What Can You Buy with BTC? Start from pizza🍕, now you can buy food & drinks🥤, travel✈️, game & entertainments🎮, even gift cards🎁 of your favorite brands! Bitcoin payment is accepted by more and more retail! Your bitcoin shopping guide.

Reserve Bank of Australia set to print $100 billion (~$US72 billion) in new money over the next 6 months.

Chinese-founded cryptocurrency exchange Huobi has denied rumors that one of its senior executives was under arrest. In response to these concerns, the exchange stated that all allegations and rumors are groundless and fabricated, pointing out that all executives are accounted for.

PayPal Causes Bitcoin Explosion - Only 10% Of Clients Have Access

How to convert Bitcoin in fiat without selling: potential killer app of Discreet Log Contracts