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submitted by /u/onedotsurgery [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/q8wc5z/flip_comic_which_cryptocurrency_do_you_need/
This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
"It can be phased in, like:
if (blocknumber > 115000)
maxblocksize = largerlimit
It can start being in versions way ahead, so by the time it reaches that block number and goes into effect, the older versions that don't have it are already obsolete.
When we're near the cutoff block number, I can put an alert to old versions to make sure they know they have to upgrade. "
This is a hard fork. I don't see anything anywhere about a SegWit hack, or a soft fork as they call it. The nodes who wouldn't upgrade would split themselves from the chain.
Bitcoin was always supposed to hard fork into a version with a larger block.
This is my personal opinion so take it as you please. The cryptocurrency market currently reminds me of the dotcom bubble. Allow me to elaborate some similarities between what I had observed in the cryptocurrency market today and what I had observed during the dotcom bubble.
Back then, it seems obvious to me that the Internet will be part of the future. During my school days, I skipped lessons to learn HTML and backend coding on my own, through books and practice. Today, it is also obvious to me that cryptocurrencies will play a big part in our lives in the future. Again, I made some sacrifices to focus entirely on Bitcoin Cash.
Now, just because the Internet is the future, that doesn’t mean all Internet startups are going to flourish. As a matter of fact, the majority of Internet startups from the dotcom bubble failed. You never heard of them but many of them failed. Similarly, just because I think cryptocurrencies will be the future doesn’t mean all cryptocurrencies are going to flourish. In fact, I would argue that the majority of cryptocurrencies today will fail and become worthless in the future.
The valuation of dotcom companies back in those days just doesn’t make sense. Back in those days, even if the dotcom companies doesn’t produce any real value to society, they can still raise millions of dollars. I see the same thing today with cryptocurrencies. The valuation of some cryptocurrencies today just doesn’t make sense. Some of them don’t even have a working product! Some of them had exploits where the hacker made off with million dollars worth of crypto and yet the affected crypto price actually went up! When these sort of things happen, I have the impression that we are in a major bubble.
The way the majority of cryptocurrencies move in the same direction also doesn’t make sense. Imagine that prices of Microsoft, Apple, Facebook are tied to Evergrande and when the price of Evergrande moves up, the prices of Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook also goes up. And when Evergrande price goes down, the other stocks also goes down regardless of their actual value.
As with all bubbles, it has to pop some day. And when it does, I believe that the PayPal or Amazon or eBay of the space will start to differentiate itself from the competitors. Similarly, I believe when the crypto bubble pops, Bitcoin Cash will start to differentiate itself from the competitors. I know some people may feel discouraged by the Bitcoin Cash price today but to me, it is an opportunity. During the dotcom bubble, you may feel discouraged if you were holding Amazon stocks. But for a great investor, those times are great opportunities.
I have very little doubt that the price of Bitcoin Cash will surpass BTC within the next few years. In the meantime, I will just continue to accumulate Bitcoin Cash as my retirement plan. Other people see problems, I see opportunities and I hope you can see them too.
Source: read.cash/@MobTwo/my-thoughts-on-the-cryptocurrencies-market-d976babb
I got 15 bux worth of bch and I want to use it cuz that's what's cash is for. Can someone help? It's too little to cash out my friend says his fees are like 11 dollars to cash out. I'm trying to get a 1T memory card
I don't get it !!!!
So, I am using Binance Brazil to buy BTCs. My goal is not to trade but to have BTCs to be used in the future for something else. For this reason I am buying small amounts every month and transfering to my external hot wallet.
Most of the Brazilian exchangers are charging 0.0004 BTC or 0.0005 BTC to withdraw.
So, if I buy BRL 500 (Brazilian currency) in BTCs I will have 0.00078964 BTCs and to transfer to my hot wallet I will pay 0.0005 that is 63% !!! That is too much !
Is it possible to buy BTCs without an exchanger? Meaning, from my hot wallet, can I buy BTCs directly from someone ?
Was wondering if anyone knew any games where you get payed in Bitcoin for playing I've got a few that I play to pass the time but the payout isn't much at all, dont get me wrong free bitcoin is great but was wondering if anyone had any games they play that are enjoyable plus pay a fair amount of bitcoin as well
Expect them to try desperate things over the coming weeks as BCH and XMR are ready to have huge pumps against BTC.
Just buy a few more coins. Take those coins off the exchange asap and by that increase pressure on their naked shorts. Let's see if they go as far as killing the host exchanges they need to suppress the prices. One way or another it will be game over for them in a few weeks.
If I've learned anything, is that I have consistently looked back, and regretted not buying bitcoin when it was lower.
What I've learned is that as much as 1 BTC is out of reach today, the same will be true for 0.01 BTC in five few years.
Weigh both best case and worse case scenarios:
If you look back, which would hurt more? The answer is pretty straightforward, so secure BTC today, and forget about it for the next 5 years.
Me: Wtf is negative yielding sovereign debts?
Google negative yielding sovereign debts market cap.
USD 18 TRILLION https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-11/world-s-negative-yield-debt-pile-at-18-trillion-for-first-time
Holy smoke! Bitcoin market cap is 1T right now, it has a lot of room to grow, 19x is not bad at all :P
Pull calculator out $53,038 x 19 = $1,007,722
I could live with that :)
I see a lot of posts and people claiming we're early and that if you only stack SATS you'll end up with generational wealth. Sorry to bust your bubble, but that's just not true anymore, unless you already have significant money.
Note: Emphasis on generational wealth by stacking SATS.
Some maths. Do you like a price of $10m? OK, let's take that as our target goal. People might object, or argue it will happen in a long time, but let's stick with it as a best case scenario. Starting price, let's assume $60k. Or better, let's say we get another 150x on money invested from here. ($10m/$60k ~ 150x, if we assume some uncertainty in end price.)
Right, so that 150x is what you'll get. To get to $1m, you need $7k today. And I know that $1m sounds like a lot, but it's a lot less than you may think. One thing for sure, that's no generational wealth, in the sense that you can pass it down many generations. Depending on where you live, that might not even be enough for a family house! (So to bust you bubble once more, even in those high cost of living areas your parents probably already own a family house... hardly generational wealth, right?)
Oh, and all of this is assuming you have $7k today to invest. Which not many do. Do you want true generational wealth, say in excess of $10m? You'll need to buy 1 whole coin today.
Stacking SATS at $50 a pop? Great savings strategy, but don't fool yourself about riches.
All of the above is true if you invest today. What if you stack SATS @ $90k? $150k? $250k? You get the picture.
And ofc I didn't even start talking about the time it will take you. Let's say we get to $10m/coin in ~40yrs. Right, so now you have generational wealth and... you slaved your life away. Enjoy spending that money to treat all the health problems you accumulated until retirement.
I stack SATS like many, and encourage everyone do the same, including running your own node and having full control of your keys, but I'm under no illusion that those SATS will become "generational wealth".
I don't want to discourage people, the changes Bitcoin will bring go far beyond anything we've ever seen, and far beyond any one individual's wealth accumulation. Yes, it's early in terms of economic activity based on Bitcoin, but it's absolutely not early anymore price-wise.
I've been here for quite a while. I'm not particularly high profile, I don't work in the crypto space or anything, but I'm a long term member of this sub since way before the fork. Some veterans may vaguely remember me from other threads and discussions.
Now I've got my credentials out of the way (such as they are), let's move on to the meat of the matter. This is totally unacceptable. Nobody capable of writing a comment like that is mentally stable enough to be a moderator in this or any sub.
This used to be the reasonable Bitcoin sub, but now apparently it has its own BashCo. Free speech is a great idea, but it needs calm and level headed people in charge or it will inevitably descend into a cesspit. I should point out here that I'm no stranger to salty language - since I'll inevitably be accused of being an attacker or a BTC shill for making this post, I should point out all the times I called Greg Maxwell a greasy microdicked neckbeard incel, and that I'm the guy some of you gilded for telling Adam Back to fuck his own face. The two key differences between that and this are that I was just a user not a mod, and I didn't try to make out that they're less than human, they're just cunts. You know who does do something like that? Every fucking group in history that's tried to justify murder or genocide against another group.
If this individual is a moderator in this sub, r/bitcoin has won and r/btc is eating itself. I'm going to give the mod team a chance to make this right, but if nothing is done I'll take this as a sign that it's time to leave the sinking ship. Soon all that's left will be zealots and trolls squabbling in the wreckage of what was once a good sub.
Whenever I send BCH, I paste the receiving address like always but then then when reviewing the transaction, the address is different?
My transactions still go to the correct wallet but I’m not sure why the recipient address appears to change before funds are send.
Why does this happen?
can we like... auto-flair or auto-reply to the very obvious shills and trolls here?
I'm not in favor of bans or mutes unless there's clear breaking of the rules, but there are some recurring trolls here who are extremely obvious. They have no interest in honest conversation or debate and often do not even acknowledge any of the words of the posts they reply to.
A flair like "known troll" would help. It's not censorship because the trolls are still free to comment, but it would a warning to other readers that a user has repeatedly demonstrated that they are dishonest. I like the way r/cryptocurrency does it. We have /u/cryptochecker but that must be manually invoked and doesn't exactly solve the immediate issue.
It's not just a matter of dissenting opinion. These posters speak only with weasel words and conjecture and do not acknowledge any rebuttals nor back up their statements with verifiable facts. They're only here to derail any legitimate discussion and be intentionally disruptive. There are plenty of users here with differing opinions who are able to debate civilly and honestly. They are more than welcome here.
I strongly believe that facts ultimately win in the long term and that BCH is more than capable of speaking for itself as a technology. But the active disinformation/troll campaign is obvious and it'd be nice to get somewhat of a handle on it.
(Thought about posting a name and shame but... I think that'd do more harm than good.)
I bought 1 BTC 5 years ago, sold today and cleared my remaining mortgage. I retire in January, and didn’t know what to do a year ago.
careful, Bitcoin - we really wouldn't want that! :D
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Dear community, a big greeting from Bitcoin cash animal rescue. As some know, almost a month ago we started a fundraising campaign on the Sponsor.cash platform for the creation, installation and constant maintenance of 100 BCH animal feeders, feeders which have been part of our project on several occasions. At first the campaign received a quick support which we greatly appreciate. Unfortunately, the goal we set for ourselves has not been achieved even after almost a month. Our idea was to start with this project once the goal was fully achieved, but sadly we see it very difficult to achieve the total goal, at least in a short period of time. So we have made the decision to wait a last week and start with what we have collected so far, which gives us at this time to create about 14 feeders approximately. Of course we do not lose the expectation, nor the desire to be able to achieve the total goal, but it does not depend on us for the moment. If you want to support our project, you can do it in the following link Or through our official wallet Bitcoin Cash animal rescue wallet We count on all of you to achieve this and if we do not reach the goal, we will give our best effort to achieve as much as possible Every help, big or small, is of great use. Let's achieve incredible things with Bitcoin cash. [link] [comments] |
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I'm working on a small project recently to help visualize bitcoin transactions. I'd like some feedbacks, it's obviously WIP and a lot of stuff need to be improved / added. [link] [comments] |
Edit: looking for suggestions on simple easy to use wallets, gift card companies etc.
Seeing Bitcoin described this way has been a pet peeve of mine for some time because using language like “Bitcoin should be used for payments.” or “Bitcoin is a payment network.” helps to frame Bitcoin incorrectly as a financial tool rather than as money. It plays into the “digital gold” narrative by reinforcing and normalizing the idea that Bitcoin is just a supplementary tool for the existing system meant for specific niches rather than a new global currency meant to entirely replace fiat.
No one describes the dollar as a “payment network” or ponders whether it should be used for payments because that’s an inherent property of money. The same should be true when we speak of Bitcoin.
By using the language mentioned above, it feels as if we’ve already conceded some ground in how the debate is framed. The debate should not be “Digital Gold vs Payments,” it should be “Bitcoin is money vs Bitcoin is not money” because if their argument is that Bitcoin shouldn’t be used for payments, then what they’re really arguing is that Bitcoin shouldn’t be money.
It’s a subtle distinction but it’s one that I think needs to be made whenever we speak about Bitcoin because, if not, it can aid in spreading a fundamental misunderstanding of what Bitcoin is. Bitcoin is meant to be money, period. Not a store of value. Not a payment network. Money.
TL:DR - (in my opinion) We shouldn’t say “Bitcoin is a payment network used for payments.” Instead, we should say “Bitcoin is money and should be used thusly.”
I tried to replicate the bug today but it seems administrators already remove the option to withdraw Bitcoin via LN. I apologize for the audio quality in the video and the fact that what I am saying I did it in Spanish.
My intention was to make it public so that technicians notice the issue much early and fix it, and if the issue is fixed by the time I publish this article the better. And the bug doesn't even involve back-engineering the application, it is just an interface bug.
Just watch the video the tweets don't contain any other information.
Hi there,
Would you please help with my account being hacked?
Last night I noticed that my wallet has been compromised and 0.9 Bitcoin was taken from my account which holds slightly more than 1 Bitcoin. The Bitcoin was taken on 28 September 2021 and the transaction is shown in my dashboard. I had email authentication for login. I received no email from blockchain for any new login. I only accessed my account through my mobile app. My phone is an iPhone 11. I never used my email on my phone to add a security level to my wallet. Just last night I noticed that the Blockchain app was uninstalled from my phone, which I am sure I didn't do so. After installing the app, Blockchain said that my saved credentials (apple saved) is wrong. I input the password that I was using and the password was correct. So it means that my password was not changed. The last time I connected to my account on a browser was more than 1 year ago. I had 3 more wallets connected to this wallet but only this one was compromised.
At the time of the transaction, I am 100% sure that my mobile phone was with me, and I was working from home alone. So the chance of someone taking control of my phone is zero!