BTC block 718689 has only 1 transaction in it... can anyone work out what this is?
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BTC block 718689 has only 1 transaction in it... can anyone work out what this is?
I have been traveling the world for 5 years on a small income from my medical retirement from the military and met an amazing woman in South America.
We just opened a private charter jet company (she has been working in this space for 6 years). And we proudly accept BTC.
I once saw the power in using crypto when I paid for part of my stay at a hotel in Colombia where my payment hit their account in minutes.
The banking system is too slow. And they have too much power over our money.
I will be having meetings with other brokers and charter jet providers about accepting Bitcoin too.
Crypto is the revolution this world needs and I love to be a part of this movement in a small way.
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Would really appreciate if anyone can tell if I've done this "farming" thing right. I put 1 BCH on SmartBCH, then spit that 50/50 in WBCH and flexUSD. Then "added liquidity" and "Staked". 1) Here is my smart bch address: 2) Here is what my view of app.mist looks like after I think I've staked WBCH/flexUSD correctly. Thank you! [link] [comments] |
While all of us are getting richer from HODL-ing Bitcoin, I'm seeing more and more price controls introduced in my country (Hungary) that didn't have it in my life time. The scariest thing to me is that many people just want more pruce controls.
How bad and violent do you guys think the transition to Bitcoin will get? For me the question is not whether it will happen (it will), or when (probably in about 10 years) but how? And how can we survive it?
In early 2022, Eminem, the 49-year old rapper, spent close to $462,000 to purchase a non-fungible token (NFT) of Bored Ape Yacht Club. He also bought the NFT that resembles him for 123.45 Ethereum, changing his Twitter avatar to a photograph of his "NFT self." Put simply, an NFT is a form of digital art stored in a Blockchain, a digital ledger. In case the craze hasn't been evident, other celebrities like Snoop Dogg, Jimmy Fallon, Grimes, and Tom Brady have also jumped on board. It’s been known that NFT as a stored unit is closely linked to ...
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CypherpunkPay is a self-hosted software for accepting Bitcoin donations and payments by individuals, merchants and organizations in a self-sovereign way.
In contrast to Docker-based heavyweight merchant solutions, in its basic setup CypherpunkPay is just a single Linux daemon, installable and upgradeable with apt-get, the sysadmin friendly way.
Today we announce basic Lightning Network support: CypherpunkPay can now be configured to use your existing LND, with full LN invoicing and payment tracking support.
Your tips (however small) are very much welcome.
Basic setup:
Optional Lightning Network setup:
I’ve been watching a lot of BTC maxi videos including Michael Saylor and I even read the book, The Bitcoin Standard.
I mean, I understand why it can be a store of value for all of humanity (haha), but I just don’t think BTC can scale enough to be the store of value for all billions of people in the world or that its value should be equal to everything on earth which is about 100 trillion dollars including every real estate, stocks, gold, silver, rare materials, etc. that’s just none sense and crazy.
First of all, why should it equal to 100 trillion dollars? Why should anyone give a damn about BTC?
Second of all, even if we all believe BTC is the mother of all investments and assets, how will it scale without costing arms and legs for a fee to move it for any average person? If their argument is to use proprietary lightening network, what happens if lightning fails or if a person wants to get his BTC out of lightning? He would still have to pay the BTC fee and that lightning network will have to be used by the other person whom he’s trading with. It’s not like Visa or Mastercard unless there will be only two or three proprietary lightning networks owned by mega corporations and banks.
Third, if we have to use the lightning networks owned and controlled by mega corps or governments like the one in El Salvador, what even was the point of starting Bitcoin in the first place? Wasn’t the whole point a peer to peer cash? This does not look like a peer to peer but just traditional banking system with a middle man.
Don’t get me wrong. I do believe that BTC and other cryptocurrencies can have some value in them, otherwise they wouldn’t worth anything. But to say that BTC should be or will be 100 trillion dollar asset, almost 100 times the size of Apple, Microsoft, and Google, and even bigger than the US government and private assets is just far fetching and ridiculous to me.
I guess my question is what compels the world to accept that BTC should worth that much if it’s too slow, costly, and does not work as it was originally intended without a middle man like traditional banking system?
Hi there, my name is Alessandro Asquith and I'm a qualified Civil Engineer and a professional Forex trader from California. I am really passionate about the world of Forex, and have been trading the Forex markets for over 9 years now. I love to discuss and teach Forex trading to all my friends and family, and I probably drive them nuts by now with all the Forex talk to be honest. So that is why I decided to branch out to a much larger audience on Reddit, to connect with anyone who might be interested in learning more about Forex trading. I look forward to sharing my passion, knowledge and experience in the Forex markets with you!
Basically want to understand how shorting bch keeps the price low? Also if bch wasnt being shorted how much do you think it would be worth? Also how can you beat the shorting? the people who are constantly shorting bch and using various other means to suppress the price of bch must have a bottom less pit of money. Can we really win against that much money is bch screwed?
I saw a mention of in r/privacy last month, and thought I'd check it out. Once it's set up, you get a US or Canadian phone number based on the XMPP/Jabber open source protocol, for the equivalent of $2.99 per month. And they accept BCH! You can kinda tell they're FOSS nerds, because their nomenclature is all over the place. You sign up for the number on the website. The website that explains the project is , and the app, which I believe is a fork of the jabber client Conversations, is called cheogram. I'm no super nerd, but I was able to get up and running with a phone number in my local area code which works on linux, android, ios, windows, and macos. Pretty damn cool, and all for less than 40 bucks a year, in BCH(!). Bad ass, and works great so far. So far ,BCH payments are manual, meaning you tell them how many months you want to pay for via the cheogram support line using any jabber client (confusing, yes). They invoice you an amount, you send it, and then give them the transaction id. No name, email or 'real' cell phone number needed for sign up.
What businesses offer referral systems in BCH specifically?
We should try to get a mass of people to bring people to BCH in this way.
Lot's of companies used to do this with BTC, or still offer small amounts of BTC that aren't even usable due to network fees. Two examples that come to mind are and Coinbase.
Are there any that payout in BCH that we can promote today?
I’m halfway through the Bitcoin Standard and It’s amazing.
Any recommendations for books like this?
You can fight as much as you can, BCH don't has it's place in the top 10 anymore and to be honest it don't deserve it anymore. There are faster and more useful blockchains that can also handle micro payments. I am not trying to be negative or anything and I will still hold a few BCH for the next few years as a memory of the good ol times.
In December this post predicted BCH would fall below 0.006 in 2022.
A steady glide path to 0.006 by year end would have BCH below 0.0087 at some point in January. Today, January 10th, BCH stands at 0.00865 - on course for 0.006 by year end.
The glide path to 0.006 has BCH falling below 0.00841 in February.
So US Government decides to increase yield on bonds , reduce reckless money printing and a bunch of other decisions that will eventually make stock investors move a lot of their money from stocks to bonds. Basically stocks become kind of a risky and uncertain assets while bonds become the opposite, safe haven, almost zero risk and guaranteed yield. That will eventually crash stocks/sp500 and so on. Understandably this means all huge institutional investors will take their money out of BTC. At best we are expecting another 2-3 to 4 year bear market before markets start to recover. BTC may as well go 10k under easily and stay other for a long time.
On the other hand Jeff Booth and Greg Floss may say that government can reduce money printing and improve bonds yields but that's just a temporary and eventually they will have to start printing lots of money again to avoid stock markets to crash because nobody wants that. Also they may say inflation is going to get worse and worse due to the money printing and the best bet against inflation is Bitcoin.
But my opinion is that Bitcoin is not dependant on reddit uses/bitcoin forums/youtube gurus etc. It's dependant on the big money! And big money is controlled mostly by people who consider BTC a very risky asset!
So I'm thinking who exactly is going to put a lot of money in Bitcoin in a market crisis where stock are going down by 50% and more in a couple of weeks/months. Who is going to risk it? Also is US Government really able to prevent another mega stock market crash? Nasdaq Composite Index is currently at all time highs up currently up around 600% from 2010!
Let's discuss this topic until we figure out every possible scenario!
I see folks say this here and on the sub CC…. Is it just because they’re younger companies? Because of shady shit they’ve done? Because of weaker security? Help me understand.. because if crypto is going to go mainstream it’s going to need to get to the point where leaving my crypto on the exchange is not any more dumb than me leaving my fiat with my bank, or stocks with Charles Schwab (or the like). What am I missing? Thanks!
EDIT: thanks all for the insight, but do you think I’m wrong that at some point if crypto is to really be mainstream these exchanges will need to be similarly safe as stocks left in the custody of your brokerage house? Thanks again!
I have no idea about crypto, was offered a bitcoin or 40k of the 49k I'm asking. I have been researching bitcoin a bit and must say this is above my pay grade. It looks like a roller coaster ride, though profitable in the long term. Would any of you wonderful geniuses out there offer a suggestion? And how does accessing the funds internationally work?
How i can convert my btc from my electrum wallet into eth to buy nfts ?
Wouldn’t it be great if they would all dump everything so we could see where the BTC floor really is, and start building up from there with actual investors and hodlers? It would be worth the hit in my opinion to build on a known price that couldn’t be manipulated lower or get rattled.
Serious question! One of the enjoyable features of physical cash, is that you can gently place it in the stripper's thong, to tip her. The stripper enjoys it (or at least acts like she does), and you get to feel benevolent and loving. It's just, a great feature. But, it's a whole lot less sexy, to ask her for a wallet address while she's pole dancing, you know?
How will that industry be affected by the adoption of Bitcoin? How will we tip strippers???
Hey folks, nothing exactly to Do with bitcoin but can somebody explain why has such a Bad feeling from many people? Many of my friends joined there, also for their own token and Credit card and i thought of reading into it and saw a lot of negative comments obout it but not with a special reason. Just like but dont go to crypto com, is trash/ scam, be carefull etc . Anyone here Haß any information about it ? Thx and have a nice day :)