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submitted by /u/EROSBabe [link] [comments] |
source https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/j4dusu/us_gov_charges_leads_bitmex_to_bled_45k_bitcoin/
This blog brings you the best Cryptocurrency & Blockchain, ICO & P2P and Exchange & Laws news. Also contains technology and research based post from all around the world every single day. Get informed! Think Future!
After I had obtained 5+ BCH in BCH.games, I had gone and stored it in a paper wallet. Should I have done and placed it instead in CoinEx and split it there or wait for November to move the stored BCH?
Tried bitlaunch but they are very expensive. And their offering across their provider options are not uniform eg cpanel on vultr, no reverse DNS on their own.
Bithost has nothing known about them? They haven't responded to email. Anyone ever used them?
Bitvps never used though looks interesting and like sporestack.
Who are the best cryptocurrency anonymous or near anonymous VPS providers? Maximum performance, responsive support and reasonable price.
No one is probably interested but...
I started using a certain app for buying gift cards/codes with BTC, and it's so easy my savings are getting spanked!
The transaction time is so fast, I just hope it's this easy for others in different countries.
Im in the UK btw.
Hello reddit! I've done a bit of digging into a scam ring. This all started from a random stranger messaging me today to help them get their crypto off of cryptopearl.net. They say they want to get their crypto off an exchange because they need to help their sick father who's in Egypt and has Covid, but because they moved countries recently, they can't pull it off for 9 days due to "fraud protection rules" and because all their friends are in China, they can't talk with any of their friends. Their account is geo-locked and then they ask you to mule it for them... the only catch is that you have to pay 0.03 BTC to "verify" your account on the exchange and withdraw said sum for your new pal. Said scammer says they'll totally pay you back and not to worry.
Just to make sure it's obvious, anything you send to this exchange or it's ilk will be sent straight to the pocket of scammers.
I've seen this site and sites like it many times over the last couple of years. I've done some digging through their site and found some very interesting stuff.
A search for a very specific text from the site "Your payment will be completed after confirmation by the network" came up with a long list of very interesting exchanges that all seem to be identical:
https://binomion.com/bitcoin-trading <--- registered August 15th 2019
https://bitfully.net/terms <--- registered on September 18th 2020
I checked about half of these... and each one was using cloudflare to hide the real server's location. I wonder how u/cloudflare feels about their services supporting scam rings?
Certainly also of interest, I found https://qna.habr.com/q/646554 where a chap going by dimavfox appears to be working on the source code for the above sites! The savvy reader can realize that the website is in Russian.
My Google search that gave the above sites said in total there were about 175 sites. (Many of which are now offline)
This appears to be a fairly large scam. They must be making decent money off of it because the sites are still up and new sites keep getting setup.
There appears to be some kind of central control, as all the sites get the same chat messages at the same time... but logging in and posting a chat message on one site does not propagate to the other sites.
Please be careful everyone! Do not implicitly trust any random site or sob story a stranger shares with you. Make sure you do the smell test. Does it seem like I might get something for doing very little? Do I have to put money or personal details on-the-line before I receive the alleged many-times-greater reward? Is the stranger saying they'll be "doing me a favor?" It's most likely not real.
Hey there, I’m fairly new to the crypto space and I’m trying to educate myself on it as much as possible. Any advice on where to start? Articles? Videos? Anything to help myself get more versed in the space. I’ve already started investing, and I would just like to be mire educated.
It's no big surprise that BTC casinos have had a sketchy history of money laundering and stealing players BTC. But trying to maintain a site that continues to do so has been extremely difficult especially in the US where online gaming has been outlawed. One company has been successfully able to keep these sites alive and thriving through their clever marketing techniques. Catena Media is a legally liscnesed 'igaming' sales and marketing company in the US. They are best known for owing the site Ask Gamblers. Com which handles disputes between players and BTC casinos. What most people don't know is that, though their offshore business in Malta, they are also able to simultaneously represent and work for many of the same BTC gaming businesses that are illegal here in the US. What this means is that here in the US they can promote these sites since they technically have no ties to them within US borders. This would be a worthless endeavor if something wasn't done about the countless complaints that have surfaced about their clients companies. Ask Gamblers.com is the key to making their business model work. By making a site that handles complaints that would otherwise be made public, they are actually able to surpress this information preventing it from public eyes. Who are the most highly ranked websites on AG? you guessed it, Catena Media's clients. This affiliation to known money laundering operations would make them an easy target for law enforcement if it wasn't for their segmented business operations. I got to hand it to Catena Media, they are some smart business folk.
How come a lightning transaction gives as privacy as a coinjoin
I have 2 hard drives I am currently searching for a bitcoin wallet from when a friend introduced me to btc and we mined for fun a long time ago. Estimated timeframe would have been 2010-2013 but most likely toward the earlier side. I do not recall any encryption.
Using regular recovery software I managed to find a handful of wallets however they turned out to be dogecoin wallets that I was able to recover some loose change out of, but not after having opened it in bitcoin core and giving myself a good boost of false hope -_- . The wallet.dat files I have recovered so far were created in 2013 and 2015, which I think must be all dogecoin as I had btc before I had any doge.
I have been hesitant to post requesting help as I am sure it gets posted often enough, however, I feel out of options. Here is what I have done so far:
Created forensic images of both drives so don't worry about that
Downloaded the whole bitcoin core and doge blockchains and tested the wallets I had recovered.
Recovered some doge
Tried to salvage the recovered wallets that didn't open in both btc and doge wallets
Searching the wallets I have found for hex data for BTC hex data. So far seem to have only found doge
I was going to try pywallet anyway but all the forums I have been reading have dead links and am unsure if there is an official github anymore.
Thanks for any replies :)
It is a simple yet not easy question to answer: why does bitcoin have value?
Bitcoin has value because it has both scarcity and utility. It is a limited and useful resource. It is important to note that something must be BOTH in order to command a market value, NOT either.
Bitcoin is limited to the software-imposed hard limit of 21,000,000 bitcoin units ever in circulation. It is useful because it allows payment information to be secured by a decentralized computing network backed by magnitudes of raw hashing power. That raw hashing power is energy (electricity) converted into digital utility. Each transaction must compete (fee market) to be included in the next block of transactions which has a limited [block space] due to the block size limit (2MB) imposed on each ~10 minute block.
We can expect both the value to increase and the number of users to increase exponentially so long as the current technology maintains itself and remains both useful and in a limited abundance.
Bitcoin will always retain market value so long as miner nodes are actively contributing their hashing power to secure the network (proof of work).
In my opinion, Bitcoin will always have value until and unless people use it as a source of payment and use in merchants such as in EarnBet-an online decentralised casino operating on the WAX chain that accepts Bitcoin and distributes casino profits in such forms.
BTC selling off due to BitMex and Donald catching the Rona.
Both events have no effect on BTCs underlying fundamentals. These are perfect buy the dip opportunities. jus sayin
I just received an email from bitcoin.de: they're stating that due to new regulations they have to become a bank by doing a fusion with one. They chose futurm Bank AG.
The background of this is new European regulation that allows only banks to offer cryptocurrency-related services. Yes, you've heard right: "only". The mainstream crypto news outlets have mainly reported this as a good thing when it came out: "European Banks allowed to offer cryptocurrency services, yay!". They somehow fail to see this is a power-grab (classic "regulatory capture"): Now you need a banking license to offer crypto services and if you're just a normal dude or company: you can't offer those services.
Am I the only one that finds this development at least greatly concerning?
What is the impact going to be?
... 15.501 billion up to now !
remember, we started the year 2020 with "only" 4.128 billion
and in 2017 before it started, BTC only had a market cap of 15 billion
... the true source of SoV
Invest in cryptocurrency( BITCOIN) and earn massively, join and invest on the best bitcoin mining website @ WWW.ZENITHTRADECAPITALS.ORG WHEN YOU INVEST $200 to $499 you will be earning 6% of your investment hourly $500 to $999 earns 10% hourly $1000 to $2999 earns 20% of your investment hourly $3000 to $100,000 earn 40% of their investment hourly Let say you invested $1,000 the you’ll be earning $100 per hour, which is $100*24 hours = $2,400 So in a day you earn $2,400 when you invest $1,000 VISIT: WWW.ZENITHTRADECAPITALS.ORG and start earning massively hourly
Every time I sync my node(s), my wife goes nuts. I swear, she starts to squeeze her toes, fidget in place, bites her lip, and gives me a naughty look.
She legitimately thinks I'm talking dirty to her when I tell her that I'm just trying to secure the Bitcoin Blockchain and asks me to verify things that have nothing to do with cryptocurrencies or computing.
Sometimes I disconnect my nodes on purpose just so I can fire 'em back up again.
Can anyone else relate?
Bitcoin Unlimited member Andrew Stone is arguing for his proposal group for miner validated tokens again in his latest read.cash article "BCH: Looking back and Moving forward" . Now under the initiative of George Donnelly, and supported by Jonathan Toomim, there's discussion again around shortening the blocktime on Bitcoin Cash.
Not that these aspects of the protocol are sacred but these things sound an awful lot like discussion already thoroughly had in 2018. As for as I'm concerned the takeaway was pretty decisively that miner validated tokens were not worth the tradeoff and hence SLP became the main BCH tokenspecification. If we were to change course on that now that would literally set BCH back two years. The takeaway on decreasing the blocktime (for me) was that it could not meaningfully improve the user experience and that pre-consensus was the correct way address the underlying problem. Make fun of roadmaps and stable protocol for businesses all you want but I think it's pretty sad, just like with the DAA, that BCH can't move forward and instead is resolving 2017 problems for the third time.
In the spirit of the IFP I only want to add this: You know who decreased blocktimes? Zcash, and now they're number 30 on coinmarketcap.
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Hi guys :) - Get paid for all the people you invite. You can download our banners here Let us know what you think! We are very early in our vision. (If you have a big audience, reach out and we will offer higher comission.) [link] [comments] |
What is the easiest and quickest way to buy btc in uk . Non kyc preferred but will do it if really necessary
Bitcoin is gaining more and more popularity and the adoption of digital assets is also going great despite the global crisis in the middle of which we are.
The mainstream adoption of cryptos has been a massive goal that the crypto industry has set and there have been a lot of moves made in this direction so far.
Now, it’s been revealed that the future of social media platform Twitter will be shaped by Bitcoin and its underlying technology, the blockchain, according to chief executive Jack Dorsey.
Business Insider reported that Dorsey was once again endorsing a decentralized social media standard at a virtual conference that took place on September 25.
Bitcoin and the blockchain to shape the future of Twitter
“A lot of our value in the past was around content hosting. So we would host the tweets, the images, and videos,” Dorsey stated during the conference.
He continued and said: “Blockchain and bitcoin point to a future, and point to a world, where content exists forever, where it’s permanent, where it doesn’t go away, where it exists forever on every single node that’s connected to it,” the billionaire told Human Rights Foundation president, Thor Halvorssen.
According to the same online publication mentioned above, Dorsey’s revolutionary conceptualization of open, decentralized social media has the following important goal: to transform the company’s relevance as a “content hosting” platform.
“Right now we’re in the phase of finding a leader for it, but this is a completely separate non-profit from the company,” he said.
He continued and explained, as cited by the online publication mentioned above that “This group will be tasked with building a protocol that we can use and everyone else can use.”
We recommend that you check out the complete article in order to learn more details.
Regarding the price of Bitcoin today, at the moment of writing this article, the king coin is trading in the green and it’s priced at $10,722.08.
Just had an interesting conversation with someone and just wanted to bring it to a bigger audience for input.
Some hodlers believe by spending bitcoin you are actually admitting that bitcoin is less valuable than what you are trading for.
This actually made me pause and think - and I really enjoyed it. It felt really wrong to everything I believe, but the gentleman really had an interesting take on it.
I believe spending (and replacing) helps grow adoption.
My response was:
Yes, Bitcoin is valuable - but it is not more valuable than the services you purchase to live your life. You will always at some point trade your Bitcoin for medicine or a house or a nice meal. At some point in your life, other things will be more valuable than Bitcoin - this is almost by definition true, whats the point of hoarding bitcoin after all? Since you can't take bitcoins with you when you die.
The person who will sell you medicine when you need it will not take crypto, if no one is spending their crypto. If you think you will just trade your bitcoin for fiat and buy medicine for fiat.... well, you have just proven that fiat is more useful than bitcoin.
Isn't it infinitely more desirable to use Bitcoin directly? Mainly because its value will be orders of magnitude higher than when Bitcoin depends on fiat to be useful when you actually need funds.
At which adoption figure in this growth cycle will crypto be irreversible, and the standard in every form of economic interaction, or are we there already.
How does this work? Do we both have the keys???? We would have to, right?
I am considering paying commission only remote sales people this way. They would have 30 days to claim payment then it would come back to me. If they honestly forgot, I resend. If they go MIA, cant find them anywhere, etc, it comes back.
I would like to set them up with a bitpay or crypto.com or ??? Debit card. I would like to have one address per salesperson I pay to. It would be nice if this address is in that wallet. That way they need to move it to fiat on the debit card or to another wallet within 30 days or it comes back.
It would be nice, if we had a debit card with bitcoin wallet tied in.
How would I do this? Would everyone need both a bitcoin.com wallet AND their debit card crypto wallet? They redeem payment to their bitcoin wallet, (sweep keys??) Then they would need to send to their debit card wallet if they wanted fiat.????
It would be nice to see a bitcoin.com debit card 😎
So I couldn't mine any coins back in 2011 because I was 9 and still relying on a 500MHz Windows XP laptop. But oh well.
What I do know about Bitcoin:
It's witchcraft and hard to understand (if I could get an ELI5 explanation that would be great!)
It's like stocks but highly more volatile.
It can be used to make purchases.
Multiple currencies exist.
You used to be able to mine the coins but now you have to use brokerage services to trade them.
There are public keys and private keys; public keys would be what you use to transmit Bitcoin, private keys would be what you use to store them.
The price fluctuates all the time.
High risk, high gain.
What I don't know about it
How everything works.
How to read and predict the market.
What physical wallet is best for me, and if it's worth the investment.
What the hell blockchain are and all that.
The advantages and disadvantages of each currency.
How I can use the coins beyond just having stashes of money.
Where the resources are and all that.
I received $100 for graduation, split it 50/50 into BTC and BCH. I'm willing to lose that $100. Know that BTC is on a slow and steady rise, BCH is relatively stagnant. I use Coinbase but know that I need to put it in a physical wallet because in Coinbase I don't own the keys. Don't know which wallet is best for me, or if it's worth the investment. Don't know the outlook of either coin, and how I can use my money.
I look forward to being enlightened, and thank anyone for any wisdom and advice.
been a ledger user since forever. like many i had my shitcoin phase but now i'm pretty much a btc only guy. bitcoin has gotten me more interested in open source and just decided i didn't want to use ledger anymore.
finally got a coldcard today and i am surprisingly impressed with this thing. the build quality is absolutely fantastic. it was super easy to set up with electrum and now i'm good to go.
i'm surprised how surprised i am. shoutout to the coldcard.
Hello bitcoiners,
yesterday was my birthday and I had many guests.
Not all conversations made it to a highlight, mostly due to my computer lagging, but that's why I'm currently running a flipstarter campaign. All participants in that campaign will be rewarded Liberland Merits (LLM) for their contribution, more info: https://flipstarter.yoshilivo.com
In case you missed my birthdaystream, this is a list of the highlights of that day, I hope you enjoy them:
James Cramer, https://flipstarter.simpleledger.io proposal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mmJlixPjes
Martijn Houttuin, crypto influencer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mkx05-ZT_Q
Toine Manders, Libertarian hero, on the USA elections: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3iz3_0TQls
Didi Taihuttu, dad of the https://yolofamilytravel.com: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpWJHINr2kY
Robert-Reinder Nederhoed, CEO of https://bitmymoney.com on cryptoregulations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGNKgpaizlc
There's lots of low paid employees in the service industry that's don't get tips for various reasons. For example I wanted to tip a pizza delivery guy today, but I couldn't, Fiat money is a load is shit, all companies should accept crypto, period.
Hello everyone, I'm a high level daytrader who works all over the world with fortune 500 companies, exchanges, high level trading teams, ceo's awith their boards, large private investors, some family offices, and various tier 1 holding co's. For the past few years I've been developing educational series, and courses that cost between $8,000.00 and $50,000.00 as I'm considered one of the best in my field and a top level trader by reputation for many years now.
I've recently decided to release one of my major paid courses, which is the corner stone to beginning trading at an advanced level for free. The price of this course was $8700.00 and is regarded as one of the best courses available anywhere in the world.
You can find it here on my youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c0tt0nc4ndyTA , which is now being released as of this week, or on my training website gatex.io which also has fully interactive quizzes that I develop for every single lesson, again this is free and not a paid feature. The course on gatex.io is not released as free yet will be released along side of the youtube course to allow people to take the insanely challenging quizzes. Again, free no add-ons or sign up fees. Purely free unless you're looking at my other courses by choice.
My loyal community who purchased this course, enjoyed it, and used it to make careers for themselves over the past two years was given twice the cost of the course towards the next course as a thank you from me personally. (I went above and beyond for my community on this as it felt like the right thing to do for my legacy supporters)
I do have a patreon as well if anyone wants to join my discord channel, just google patreon c0tt0nc4ndyta.
🎓 Course Via YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/c0tt0nc4ndyta
I run a civil engineering business in the US, and have been including a note on my invoices that I accept crypto and there's a 10% discount if they pay in crypto. Unsurprisingly, I've had no takers (since 2013!) I'm thinking maybe it'd be a good idea to include a QR code on each invoice, a payment QR code to a wallet, in the amount of 10% less than the invoice. The QR code would provide visibility (no one reads fine print) and if someone scans it it would take them to the edge of the crypto rabbit hole.
Is there a good tool for doing this? I imagine the wallet for the code would have to be a BTC wallet, but if they called me and wanted to pay in some other currency, I could set it up. The tool would need to run on PC, since I create my invoices in Excel.
If you stacked $100 worth of bitcoin every week since the last US presidential debate you would have over 6.15 right now...
Total spent: $20800 Current value: $69000
Besides the white paper from Bitcoin, I haven't read anything like this for a long time
When I copy the address that uses the lightning network into bitpay, it can't use it.
Bitcoin Unlimited node Accept Depth settings of AD12 are common. Since there is a 10-block rolling checkpoint in the code, is the AD12 configuration of any use?