Sunday 7 November 2021

First Bitcoin ATM in Lebanon where the local currency has plunged more than 92% and inflation rate surpassed Zimbabwe and Venezuela.

First Bitcoin ATM in Lebanon where the local currency has plunged more than 92% and inflation rate surpassed Zimbabwe and Venezuela. submitted by /u/bay-ash-kar
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No Glassnode metrics for BCH but they have it for Litecoin. Anywhere else to see on-chain metrics for Bitcoin Cash?

submitted by /u/pacman78
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Please help a student by answering a 1-minute survey!


I am Pedro Fontes, an IB high-school student writing an economics essay on the factors affecting the price of bitcoin. Please click the like above to help me by answering a quick survey. It won't take more than 1 minute!

Thank you, I appreciate your time!

submitted by /u/PedroSaFontes
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New York City Mayor-Elect Eric Adams Will Take First 3 Paychecks in Bitcoin, Promises to Make NYC Center of Crypto

New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams says that he will take his first three paychecks in bitcoin. He has also promised to make NYC the center of crypto. “NYC it’s going to be the center of the cryptocurrency industry and other fast-growing innovative industries,” he said.
New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams said he wants to turn NYC into a crypto-friendly city and will also take his first three paychecks in bitcoin.
Replying to a tweet made by Miami Mayor Francis Saurez that he will take 100% of his next paycheck in bitcoin, Adams wrote: “In New York, we always go big, so I’m going to take my first three paychecks in bitcoin when I become mayor.” He added: “NYC it’s going to be the center of the cryptocurrency industry and other fast-growing innovative industries.”

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submitted by /u/Spring_9527
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We have build a platform for creators to montize their work and its Bitcoin/Lightning only!

We have build a platform for creators to montize their work and its Bitcoin/Lightning only! submitted by /u/Egge_
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You'll all be rich, but here's why it'll be too late to matter like it does today:

  • Crypto absorbs fiat and USD loses peg

  • The DAO era

  • Automation reduces prices of goods dramatically

  • Gold collapses as Bitcoin boomers age and onboarding of digital assets continues

    • Diamonds lose their value due to synthetic equilibrium and more digital lifestyles.
    • Hydrogen Fusion energy breakthrough, while solar panels 10x power
  • CRISPR and genetic editing defeat most commonplace diseases. Universal vaccines bring mRNA mainstream

  • Desalinization techniques and water harvesting restore water balances

  • 3D printing reduces cost of goods further and home values plummet

  • Solid state lithium batteries remove all competitive advantages from fossil fuel vehicles

  • Relentless proliferation of the english language and remote work checks globalization's final box

  • A move to Mars? No, in fact a mass migration into the digital world

Will it matter how much crypto or money you have anymore? The world should become a giant middle-class where work is optional and only ideas of value make it out. Sure there will be billionaires, but will it matter? Will they matter? They'll be rich, but have no power anymore like they do today. Much of their power comes from controlling share positions, political corruption, low-wage workers, and exploitation of people's civil liberties. Crypto will annihilate that. Surprisingly, the above list I expect to be mostly complete by 2035, and I haven't even mentioned A.I. or quantum computing. We are truly about to go parabolic imo and crypto was the missing link. In terms of lifestyle, it's unlikely to matter in 2035 wether you own 1 BTC or 100. So, stay alive, and try to get to 1 by then.

Type II civilization on the Kardashev Scale after?🍀

submitted by /u/Mallardshead
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Why so much hubbub about wallets?

I think I am missing something.

Isn’t “my crypto” simply a matter of keeping my seed phrase safe? Or alternatively, the actual private key “string”, to use a programming term?

For purposes of transacting, I get that I’d need a decent way to interact with exchanges. But for “storage”?

What am I misunderstanding here? In my mind we don’t physically store actual “coin data”, we only store our private key in order to transact on an exchange.


If anything, it should be called a keychain because it stores keys. It shouldn’t be called a wallet because it doesn’t actually store coins.

Right? Or wrong?

submitted by /u/Timstertimster
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more crypto exposure_How Can Cryptocurrency Build Black Wealth?💎🙌

more crypto exposure_How Can Cryptocurrency Build Black Wealth?💎🙌 submitted by /u/SnakeDoc25
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Reminder: this is not normal. Take action.

”… but I am under no apprehension of a capital injury from ay other source than that of the continual depreciation of our Money. This indeed is truly alarming, and of so serious a nature that every other effort is in vain unless something can be done to restore its credit. … [they] work more effectually against us that the enemys Arms; and are a hundd. times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in.” - George Washington (1779)

“By a continuing process of inflation, government can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens.” - John Maynard Keynes (The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1919)

“The most important thing to remember is that inflation is not an act of God, that inflation is not a catastrophe of the elements or a disease that comes like the plague. Inflation is a policy - a deliberate policy of people who resort to inflation because they consider it to be a lesser evil than unemployment. But the fact is that, in the not very long run, inflation does not cure unemployment.” - Ludwig von Mises (1958)

submitted by /u/nwbb1
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I buy small chunks often, sound strategy?

I started buying crypto about a year ago, have four coins in my portfolio, may add another one soon. I am using crypto as a way of saving, it’s easy to buy and transfer to my wallet, it should be pretty secure. But, I never put all my eggs in one basket (I keep the bulk of my savings elsewhere) and I don’t get twitchy when it fluctuates wildly. I am in it for the long haul 😜 What say you?

submitted by /u/Ambitious-Boat-5056
[link] [comments] I'm live streaming right now! Big improvements to streaming and more. is a video and streaming monetization platform that uses bitcoin cash.

I did a lot of work on the live streaming functionality and it's a lot more usable than before. I will be live streaming myself right now as a demo, playing World of Warcraft classic beta. I'll be using a bad camera/mic in bad lighting, but I did get myself a capture card so I can do a 60 FPS stream using 2 computers. Here is a link to the stream. (for now viewing live streams will only work in chrome or chromium based browsers) Check it out and feel free to ask me question. As of the time this post is made I will try and keep the stream going for at least 2 hours.

If you want to try and make your own stream you can go here you can also get there from the main page. For streaming options I've added functionality for multiple video/audio layers, screen capture and other video/audio options. If you want to stream game footage you can use the screen capture functionality if you want to play and stream on the same pc or you can use a capture card which gaze will detect as an input device if you have a 2 pc setup.

One other noticeable change I made is implementing a "moderation queue" and a "trust" system. This became necessary since a lot of unfavorable content started making its way into gaze. I would manually remove videos but I only check twice a day on most days leaving bad content on the front page for hours). I have started writing down rules for on the about page, . I've been adding rules mostly in reaction to what I see uploaded, so this section will likely grow and/or become more detailed in time. Now all anonymous videos needs to be manually approved before showing up. When a logged in user uploads a video it will be auto approved if their "trust level" is high enough, otherwise it will go into the "moderation queue". Trust level increases by uploading videos and getting them approved and decreases when rules get broken. I will tweak and change this system as I go along.

submitted by /u/Hellgin
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Help my non-profit, Learn Fresh Education Co., fund the completion of our math education game through our cryptocurrency donation campaign. Our app, NBA Math Hoops, is a free-to-download digital board game that uses actual NBA statistics to help teach students math fluency. More details in the post.

Hey everyone!

My nonprofit organization, Learn Fresh (EIN-45-1059457), is running a crypto donation campaign to fund the development of our Math Hoops mobile app! The product is free to download for all kids worldwide and focuses on math learning through the game of basketball. We launched the Math Hoops program in 2013 and have reached over 375,000 students to date.

Our newly developed app will help us reach millions of independent students and families around the world while enhancing the overall program experience. Students work with real-time NBA and WNBA stats to compete in simulated basketball games, and our team is building out multiplayer and league functionality to connect young learners around the world.

Funding a tech product is always hard as a nonprofit, so we’d love your support to help make this project sustainable. Keep in mind, We are NOT funded by the NBA, we just have liceansed the right to use player stats and team names. Our goal is to raise 10 BTC to fund the completion of the app. Thank you all for your consideration of our work! We accept a range of cryptocurrencies through Giving Block. To donate, please visit this link:

📷The Giving Block

Feel free to DM me or comment on this post with any questions!

submitted by /u/Snow_Pagan98
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Someone figured it out. In-game currency in Chinese MMORPG is being used to exchange for #Tether in #China. To move money out, sell #Tether for #Bitcoin which is sold to Western bagholders. Finally, the money flows to real estate property in the West.

Someone figured it out. In-game currency in Chinese MMORPG is being used to exchange for #Tether in #China. To move money out, sell #Tether for #Bitcoin which is sold to Western bagholders. Finally, the money flows to real estate property in the West. submitted by /u/StablecoinsFraud
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