Monday 8 November 2021

Selling …

So I’m fucked right ? Bc I will soon have to sell my btc and eth to pay my tax bill … wtf… suggestions? Serious ones please

submitted by /u/Street_Still_7459
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Warrior Trading Pro Course (updated 2020/21 version)

I've got the warrior trading pro course 2020/21 version if anyone is interested. It's original cost is $5997.00 and I rather you save you 5 grand for actual day trading. I can send you proof of the course and I can sell you the course for way cheaper for a reasonable price of your choice. Please DM me if you're interested.

submitted by /u/forbidensoul
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I was told freedom from wage slavery would be achieved through a UBI. Now I think it may be sound money.

Automation is making our lives cheaper. And therefore less and less work is needed to maintain our standard of living. One day, that amount of work will be negligible as everything will be done by machines and only those will work who want to work, e.g. people with interesting, creative jobs like artists, scientists etc.

It used to be the general consensus that this would be achieved by means of a UBI.

But that's problematic, because the UBI is based on centralized wealth distribution. It relies on the existence of a state, which frankly I don't think is something we can take for granted.

So can we have a better future, free from wage slavery, but one that doesn't rely on centralized wealth distribution at the same time?

If the automation and the increase in productivity over the past decades had benefited us all equally, the average work week today would be maybe 8 hours and not 40; it is inflation that stole that from us.

Last year I discovered sound money and having studied it, I'm wondering if that can get us there instead. In a world that has sound money, the growth of the economy, the increase of productivity through automation translate to one unit of currency being worth more and more, and therefore every holder of money gets wealthier and benefits from this increase. A socialist dream, but achieved through non-socialist, coercion-free, decentralized means.

A satoshi is all you need. If you can't buy, let's say, a house for it, just wait for the increase in productivity to get high enough that you can. Or bite your teeth (maybe in some temporary wage slavery) and wait a bit longer, so you can buy your dream home for 0.5 sat, and keep the other 0.5 sat to retire on.

Someone said the ultimate value of 1 BTC is infinity (= all energy of the Universe that the human civilization can harness) divided by 21,000,000. Makes perfect sense.

submitted by /u/BuscadorDaVerdade
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Proof of Stake vs Proof of Work explained

Proof of Stake vs Proof of Work explained submitted by /u/KindlyBlacksmith4003
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Bitcoin whales mobilize 29,445 BTC in the last hours

Bitcoin whales mobilize 29,445 BTC in the last hours submitted by /u/WillianBo
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NYC Mayor-Elect Adams Says Crypto Should Be Taught in Schools

NYC Mayor-Elect Adams Says Crypto Should Be Taught in Schools submitted by /u/lankyrelaxation4
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What is the best BCH supporting ATM hardware?

I need to order a few Bitcoin Cash ATM machines, so I'm wondering what the best brand is to buy currently. Do you guys have any thoughts?

submitted by /u/MemoryDealers
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Don’t Like the USD System in Which You Are Trapped? Participate in Building a Better System With Bitcoin. The future belongs to those who decide to change their present by acting.

Don’t Like the USD System in Which You Are Trapped? Participate in Building a Better System With Bitcoin. The future belongs to those who decide to change their present by acting. submitted by /u/sylsau
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Could Bitcoin Survive the Apocalypse Like The Movie 2012?

submitted by /u/Jealous-Strain3720
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Can I transfer funds BTC from my into my regular bank?

I have not been able to figure out how I can transfer my BTC into my Bank of Am rica account. Is this possible, or will I have to go to another exchange?

submitted by /u/Ok-Use-8767
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I'm from El Salvador...UPDATE 4

Hi, it's time for an update about btc in my country.

First of all, since my last post there haven't been any protest about btc.

There haven't been any major issue or breaking new about btc in I said many times before, nothing has really changed, just another payment method.

However there have been many issues in the chivo app, the official wallet.

Transactions between chivo apps works fine, if you're sending btc, by default you use a L1 qr code, however tx are instant with no issues so you can assume tx are not really done through the btc network.

Transactions (either L1 or LN) from an external wallet like muun or coinomi to chivo app works fine.

Transactions (either L1 or LN) from chivo app to an external wallet have many problems, sometimes work, sometimes not...simply like that, although I personally found that $2 transactions trough LN have no issues, problems appear from $5 onwards.

Also, failed transactions are still deducted from your balance, so you have to call chivo app customer support and make a report of the tx, you have to wait about a week four your money to be reimbursed.

Remember my $2 tx? which was originally $20 but due to a bug only $2 were send) I tough it was on the way to my other wallet however customer service told that failed chivo tx don't even enter the btc network...still I got my money back.

I've done other tx to external wallets and lost (temporaly) my money, have to call many times to customer support and wait (about a week) for a reimbursement.

Similar problems have occurred sending money from chivo to a bank account.

The next big issue is quite funny and frightening at the same time, many people start getting extra money, hundreds, thousands and millions of is an article with a picmillion

This happened a couple weeks ago and is now fixed, but social media was stamped with people's chivo wallet screenshots.

There were some people that send that money to their bank accounts and others retrieve it in chivo atms, later on they were called and ordered to give the money back, if not, prison and other legal things will be the outcome.

Lastly, in chivo app you can convert btc to USD and viceversa while having a one minute period to make tx at a certain price, many people start scalping and making a nice profit. This was quickly fixed and now you have to wait 3 minutes between tx.

So this were the most important things to notice, the gas discount still continues and its now $0.30 less for gallon, a vet will be built using the btc profit (although they won't sell the btc and get the earnings through other means).

Aside chivo app problems everything is fine, some people start getting interest in crypto and some other doesn't care.

As always I'll try to answer any questions you have.

submitted by /u/Tux_fan
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When Bitcoin crashes again I'm planning to sale house and go all in. What does Bitcoin community think of this move?

submitted by /u/cryptojay116
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Never trust, always verify

Never trust, always verify submitted by /u/chaintipfan
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