Monday 15 November 2021

"We cannot have a society, in which, if two people wish to communicate the only way that can happen is if it's financed by a third person who wishes to manipulate them" ~Jaron Lanier

"We cannot have a society, in which, if two people wish to communicate the only way that can happen is if it's financed by a third person who wishes to manipulate them" ~Jaron Lanier submitted by /u/Setvin
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Tutorial on Staking LawPunks to generate Passive Income!

Tutorial on Staking LawPunks to generate Passive Income! submitted by /u/dinopawnz
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Connect your hardware wallet and manage your Cryptos with Guarda Wallets interface if you're having problems connecting with other wallets.

submitted by /u/cryptoboygh
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How do I get the 1Taproot prefix address format on Bitcoin Core 22.0? Pls help

submitted by /u/Jealous-Strain3720
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Sunday 14 November 2021

Questions on crypto terminology. Buy vs trade vs exchange vs swap vs transfer and fees that may come with them?

trying to clarify terminology in the crypto market. Is buy, trade or buy, swap or trade, swap or transfer withdraw or deposit or transfer, swap?

I see the words trade, exchange, swap, buy, withdraw and transfer but I am trying to clarify them. They are different words but feel like they are used interchangable or used to make a faq page ambiguous.

Is trade the same as buy? I want to buy crypto with my fiat money deposited in an exchange platform. This is considered 'buying' or 'trading'? Also if the CEX says trading is not available at your region you can still buy, store and withdraw crypto?

Is transfer the same as withdraw? I want to withdraw the assets to a wallet or another exchange.

Transfer is term used for moving you coins from on place to another like etransfer but in crypto you transfer is two sides where onside is withdraw from exchange A/wallet A to deposit to exchange B/wallet B?

swapping is not the same as buying but sounds same as trading but isn't if swapping is used instead of trading? I want to use dex that offer swapping and stake pools like pancakeswap. And in CEX, you want to transfer from CEX A 10xlm to CEX B to then buy(?) trade(?) swap(?) for other coins.

submitted by /u/blockstake
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Michael Saylor recommends Elon Musk to sell part of his Tesla shares and invest in Bitcoin

Michael Saylor recommends Elon Musk to sell part of his Tesla shares and invest in Bitcoin submitted by /u/thefoodboylover
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Plummeting Bitcoin Exchange Reserves Show Investors Are Not Ready To Sell

Plummeting Bitcoin Exchange Reserves Show Investors Are Not Ready To Sell submitted by /u/infoday_us
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Taproot: Privacy, Security, Scalability and truly decentralized application protocols

Taproot: Privacy, Security, Scalability and truly decentralized application protocols

With Taproot only a few hours from activation, it seems like a good time to expand on the Taproot part from a previous ELI5 shared a few months ago.

Taproot is arguably the biggest upgrade to Bitcoin's base-layer protocol, introducing a new signature algorithm and scripting language. It brings a set of protocols that enhance Bitcoin's privacy, security, scalability, fungibility and unlocks the infrastructure that will allow for seamless integration of L2/sidechain application protocols on Bitcoin.

Taproot was activated through the "speedy trial" approach. Under the speedy trial, miners were given three months to signal support for Taproot after the code was shipped. This required 90% of the blocks in a difficulty epoch(2016 blocks) to signal for Taproot. Activation was achieved at block height 687284 back in June.

Although some of the ideas included in the upgrade have been discussed for many years, the final iteration of Taproot was proposed by Bitcoin developer Gregory Maxwell in 2018. The upgrade is named after one of the three Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs) included in the upgrade - Schnorr Signatures(BIP 340), Taproot(BIP 341) and Tapscript(BIP 342).

By combining the Schnorr signatures with MAST (Merklized Alternative Script Tree) and introducing a new, slightly modified scripting language called Tapscript, Taproot expands Bitcoin's smart contract capabilities, while offering more privacy and security by making multi-signature transactions and complex smart contracts indistinguishable from regular bitcoin transactions.

Schnorr signatures (BIP 340)

This part of the upgrade is a change to Bitcoin's cryptographic digital signature algorithm. In asymmetric cryptography (public-private key pairs), digital signature algorithms define the generation of digital signatures using a private key that proves the ownership of a corresponding public key.

The existing Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) of Bitcoin will not be replaced, but Schnorr signatures will be implemented in addition to it.

The Schnorr digital signature algorithm allows for something called key and signature aggregation using a protocol known as MuSig - multiple signatures created using multiple private keys corresponding to multiple public keys are combined to produce a single cryptographic digital signature corresponding to a single public key recorded on the blockchain.

Key and signature aggregation

In addition to Schnorr signatures and public keys being smaller than ECDSA signatures and public keys, aggregation further helps reduce the footprint of multi-signature transactions and complex smart contracts, which will take up the same space as regular single-signature transactions and as all transactions will look indistinguishable on the blockchain, the privacy benefits are fairly obvious. The privacy also extends to Lightning Network as on-chain transactions to open and close Lightning channels can no longer be identified from the keys and signatures in the channel or the script used.

Unlike ECDSA signatures, Schnorr signatures are provably secure and inherently non-malleable, meaning a third party cannot alter an existing valid signature under any circumstance. Segregated Witness (SegWit) addressed transaction malleability, Schnorr signatures address signature malleability.

There are also significant computational benefits for nodes, as key aggregation will allow nodes to verify signatures in batches, but these benefits can only be realized with time once Schnorr signatures become widely adopted.

Modifying the digital signature algorithm, per se, doesn't affect anything on the blockchain. Schnorr is a different, more efficient way of generating digital signatures.

When Satoshi originally developed Bitcoin, Claus Peter Schnorr, the inventor of Schnorr signatures, had a patent on it. It is speculated that Satoshi may have otherwise opted for Schnorr signatures over ECDSA, which was a rigorously tested open-source alternative developed later, even if in a somewhat obligately inefficient manner as to not constitute an infringement of the patent, which expired in 2008.

There was a suggestion to use a different name, Discrete Logarithm Signatures was briefly mooted, while adapting Schnorr signatures for Bitcoin as some people felt that Claus Peter Schnorr's name shouldn't be used in association with Bitcoin after he prevented the widespread use of such a powerful signature scheme for over 20 years.

Taproot (BIP 341)

This part of the upgrade leverages the Schnorr signature scheme to enable Merklized Alternative Script Trees (MAST) and defines the rules for a new output type based on SegWit known as Pay-to-Taproot(P2TR), which leverages the capabilities of Schnorr signatures.

MAST is a privacy solution that uses Merkle trees as part of the script's structure to address some long-standing issues with transactions using Pay-to-Script Hash (P2SH) and Pay-to-Pubkey Hash (P2PKH) locking scripts where all possible spending conditions of a transaction are revealed.

P2TR significantly optimizes for block space economy

P2TR combines two separate locking scripts - P2SH and Pay to Pubkey (P2PK), which is a simpler version of P2PKH that locks an output to the public key rather than a hash of the public key.

This allows P2TR outputs to be spent by either a script (smart contract) or a public key, but by allowing different spending conditions of the output to be individually hashed only the specific spending condition met is revealed and thanks to Schnorr signatures, they're all indistinguishable on the blockchain.

Tapscript (BIP 342)

This part of the upgrade modifies Bitcoin's scripting language to enable the new transaction types introduced by the two proposals above using new opcodes (operation codes), which are commands in Bitcoin scripts with predefined functions.

The goal of Tapscript is to make Schnorr signatures, batch verification and signature hash improvements available to spends that use the script path as well as the public key path. It enables nodes to create and validate P2TR outputs.

Existing signature opcodes for ECDSA are modified to verify Schnorr signatures. Two existing opcodes that define verification of multi-signature transactions are disabled and replaced with a new opcode (OP_CHECKSIGADD) to enable batch verification of signatures.

Tapscript also allows adding new signature validation rules through softforks and introduces another new opcode (OP_SUCCESS) to enable the seamless introduction of future opcodes to Tapscript.

Impact of Taproot

Bitcoin's script is deliberately limited and intentionally non-Turing complete in order to retain simplicity, security and efficiency. Linear optimization is one of the main considerations for upgrades to the script to ensure decentralization - that any individual can economically self-host a node and trustlessly validate the blockchain.

Taproot is a forward-compatible soft fork, meaning old non-upgraded nodes will recognize the new blocks as valid. At the time of writing, more than 53% of ~ 60,000 Bitcoin nodes support Taproot. Non-enforcing nodes will reject transactions spending from P2TR outputs until they upgrade node software but will accept blocks containing transactions spending from P2TR outputs.

The significance of Taproot cannot be measured merely by what the above proposals enable for Bitcoin but what they represent for the future of Bitcoin, by introducing new tools to make future upgrades easier to implement, simpler, safer and more private.

Such upgrades waiting in the wings include cross-input signature aggregation, channel factories, state chains and covenants, which enable advanced application protocols to be built on top of Bitcoin without placing any undue burden on full-node users, thereby preserving Bitcoin's inviolable security and decentralization.

submitted by /u/xcryptogurux
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Michael Saylor's Personal Bitcoin Philosophy: Ask Yourself, "What Asset Do You Want to Hold for 30 Years?" -- There's No Better Answer Than Bitcoin (short audio clip)

Michael Saylor's Personal Bitcoin Philosophy: Ask Yourself, "What Asset Do You Want to Hold for 30 Years?" -- There's No Better Answer Than Bitcoin (short audio clip) submitted by /u/PodClips
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SmartBCH Won’t allow users to connect via metamask

.. so what’s the deal? Of course people want to be anonymous, we need to get this issue fixed. Looking forward to yielding farming baby.

submitted by /u/LTBby
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Bitcoin Technical Analysis for November 14, 2021 - BTC

Bitcoin Technical Analysis for November 14, 2021 - BTC submitted by /u/TRAcademy
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Bitcoin as world reserve currency

Bitcoin as world reserve currency submitted by /u/SydMom
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Bitcoin has a higher market cap than 99,99% of all companies worldwide

Bitcoin currently has a market cap of over 1 trillion USD, that's more than 99,99% of all companies worldwide.

The only companies that have a higher market cap than bitcoin are:

- Microsoft at 2.528 trillion USD
- Apple at 2.460 trillion USD
- Saudi Aramco at 2.000 trillion USD
- Alphabet(Google) at 1.979 trillion USD
- Amazon at 1.787 trillion USD

That's pretty impressive if you ask me

submitted by /u/SeaVoice5214
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