Wednesday 24 November 2021

$85k worth of crypto stolen in Peru - A cautionary tale

I'm not trying to make this a sad story, but I felt it was worth sharing for the larger crypto community to be aware of, and perhaps some words of advice as to what to do from here. I'll keep the story as short as I can.

I was recently in Peru for a few weeks traveling around on vacation. It was an amazing 2.5 weeks until the last 2 days. On Thursday, Nov 11th I decided to spend the last couple days of my trip exploring Miraflores district in Lima, Peru. Upon landing at the airport I got a taxi cab from the airport kiosk and started making my way to Miraflores. No more than 2 miles from the airport, in bumper-to-bumper traffic, I was on my iPhone (looking up restaurants in the area - Lima is a foodie paradise) with the window rolled down when all of the sudden ... snatch. Someone walked up behind me in traffic and stole my iPhone right out of my hands through the window.

This is when the nightmare scenario begins. I was initially annoyed just due to the fact my iPhone was stolen, and I assumed the perp was likely just going to try and sell it. Now I have to go through that whole mess from Peru, and get home without a phone etc. All of the sudden it hit me ... he grabbed my phone while I was on it, meaning if he was able to keep it unlocked he has access to my email, 2FA etc. By the time I had the taxi driver turn around and get back to the airport, approximately 30-45 mins had passed before I could get back into a wifi zone. Luckily I had my iPad (no data just wifi iPad), so I immediately reported my phone as stolen and FaceTimed a buddy to help me start closing accounts, that's when I saw it ... an email confirmation from Coinbase saying "transaction successful."

HE WAS IN MY CRYPTO ACCOUNTS, converting some of my holdings and transferring them to his address. Not just that, but as he was doing this he was deleting my email confirmations so I could not see what he was doing (even going into my trash folder and perm deleting them). Panic set it, but it was too late. Coinbase, Binance, and Trust wallet (primarily Trust wallet so I don't hold much on exchanges) all drained and sent to his address. $85,000 in holdings gone in 30 mins. He obviously knew what he was doing. This was no joe-schmo and he was likely working with someone else. I couldn't believe it - an absolute gut punch. I'm a relatively tech-savvy person (moreso than the avg person) and always implement security measures. I have a metamask as well that he luckily did not go for or get into, but he probably could have if he wanted. This guy (or multiple people) was a pro, he knew he only had so much time. Didn't go for my stocks or bank accounts, only crypto, and afterwards shut the phone down and likely threw it in a river. I've played the scenario out in my head a thousand times and it's obvious they stake out that specific area / targeting tourists in taxi's etc. A million things had to go right for them to pull this off as fast and efficiently as they did.

Additionally, just so everyone knows, he had my email and Google Authenticator 2FA (which were both obviously on my phone) so he was able to act as me.

I'm devastated. Years and years of saving and investing.

I'm not letting this take away from my crypto investing, I'm going to get back into it but this situation really took the wind out of my sails and drained me of most of my money. With that said, any method I can follow to try and recoup? Coinbase has been absolutely no help up to this point. Trust Wallet has been very slow to look at my case, and same with Binance US. Is there any other way of reporting this in hopes I can get at least some of my investment back? Any former Navy Seal mercenaries or drone ops for hire?

Any help would be much appreciated and I will answer any questions to provide further clarity if need be. Thanks, sers - can't do much but pick myself up and get back in the saddle.

TLDR - phone got stolen in Peru and worst case scenario happened. My wallets and accounts got drained. Use lots of passwords and don't stay logged in to accounts.

submitted by /u/PhillipWhittmore
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El Salvador’s Bitcoin Bond with Lyn Alden — What Bitcoin Did

El Salvador’s Bitcoin Bond with Lyn Alden — What Bitcoin Did submitted by /u/mccormack555
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Here’s how El Salvador’s president plans to use bitcoin bonds

Here’s how El Salvador’s president plans to use bitcoin bonds submitted by /u/Michellerose6834
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There is a report that India has tabled a bill to ban most Cryptocurrencies and I see it like China,a catalyst for BTC going to 200k.We all know how angry BTC reacts each time there is FUD against it. To the moon BTC.

submitted by /u/Smush-D
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My entire wealth is on bitcoin, am I doing it wrong ?

I dont get why more people dont do this.

I dont have savings account, no emergency fund.

All my savings is in bitcoin, bitcoin is my savings account yet i see most people allocate 10-20% of their money to bitcoin.

I dont do stocks, no real estate too.

I am 100% in bitcoin, am I being dumb ?

submitted by /u/Radiant-Wishbone8610
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Tether: “Volcano Bonds are a Bitfinex/Blockstream scam to sell Bitcoin to poor countries, and a bunch of mining equipment to poor countries. They're not building a city.”

Tether: “Volcano Bonds are a Bitfinex/Blockstream scam to sell Bitcoin to poor countries, and a bunch of mining equipment to poor countries. They're not building a city.” submitted by /u/Egon_1
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'Crypto is manipulating our youth'

'Crypto is manipulating our youth' submitted by /u/Setvin
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Noticing my posts on r/btc get strange back to back comments...

Noticing my posts on r/btc get strange back to back comments... submitted by /u/Mafalzon
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The long-awaited policy statement on Crypto policy was just released

The long-awaited policy statement on Crypto policy was just released by the three agencies that would be collectively engaged in supervision. The stated purpose of their working on the collaborative effort is to bring clarity to promote safety, soundness, consumer protection, and compliance with current finance statutes and rules.

Staff from the Federal Reserve, FDIC, and OCC, first worked to understand crypto-assets and then determine their organization’s potential involvement. Involvement included:

  • Custody of crypto-assets
  • Sales and purchase facilitation
  • Collateralized loans by crypto
  • Payment activities including stablecoins
  • Bank balance sheet crypto-assets

Based on their review, they created a list to provide greater clarity on whether banking organizations are legally permitted to engage in specific activities related to crypto-assets. During 2022 the agencies plan to provide guidance on:

  • Crypto-asset safekeeping and traditional custody services
  • Ancillary custody services
  • Facilitation of customer purchases and sales of crypto-assets
  • Issuance and distribution of stablecoins
  • Activities involving the holding of crypto-assets on balance sheets


submitted by /u/channelchek
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CRO Explodes In Value As Marketing Campaigns Pay Off |

CRO Explodes In Value As Marketing Campaigns Pay Off | submitted by /u/CryptoFriendd
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Pokemon GO Creator Niantic Labs, Fold Launch Bitcoin-Hunting AR Game

Pokemon GO Creator Niantic Labs, Fold Launch Bitcoin-Hunting AR Game submitted by /u/TobiHovey
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Excitement, Boredom, Fear – No Short-Term Bitcoin Price Movement Lasts Forever. Learn To Zoom Out

Excitement, Boredom, Fear – No Short-Term Bitcoin Price Movement Lasts Forever. Learn To Zoom Out submitted by /u/sylsau
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Tuesday 23 November 2021

MercadoLibre to Allow Crypto Investments Through Digital Wallet

MercadoLibre Inc. is stepping up its foray into the crypto world through its digital payments app.

MercadoPago customers in Brazil will soon be able to buy, sell and hold cryptocurrencies using their digital wallets, as the largest Latin American company by market capitalization looks to expand its lineup of financial products. The possibility became available to a small group of clients earlier in November and will be rolled out more broadly in the coming weeks, according to Tulio Oliveira, a MercadoPago vice president.

“We took the time to study and learn before deciding to step into crypto,” Oliveira said in ...

A partir de esta semana en #Brasil los usuarios de @MercadoLivre y @mercadopago pueden comprar, guardar y vender crypto.

submitted by /u/dogeminerd
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