Thursday 2 December 2021

IMO this is the best way to safely store your seed phrase keys

  1. Choose a book that’s written in native English and fairly modern (so wording doesn’t change between publications or translations). Ideally something less know, yet accessible. Distinctive cover would help to distinguish specific publication, for better accuracy.

  2. Simply find all your seed phrase words chronologicaly in that book and make a note of them such as: 1024, 86, 11234, 501, 99, 23005, 788, 102567, 7654, 766, 12266, 9011

  3. Now you can keep those numbers quite in the open and in different places because all you ever have to memorise now it what book is the key to unlock the phrase.

I strongly believe this very simple method is most ideal as you only have to memorise one thing. Even if someone gets a hold of your numbers, they first would have to realise what it is and then know what book unlocks it.

For you, you can have unlocking numbers in few places (never losing them) and only would have to get hold of unlocking book when you need it.

Finding the words might take hours yes, but it’s still better than losing them forever and this method is for hodlers, who want to keep it long time and will not access it too often.

For extra security you could say that the 1st word to start counting is actually a 10th word or something. That would make it even more impossible to decode and you’d still have just two things to memorise.

submitted by /u/Big_Party_4731
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Billionaire Investor Mike Novogratz: Gold Is Being ‘Crushed’ By Bitcoin

Billionaire Investor Mike Novogratz: Gold Is Being ‘Crushed’ By Bitcoin submitted by /u/mnaa1
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BTC is Crushing Gold, Says Billionaire Investor Mike Novogratz

submitted by /u/titi1992ks
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Inflation is driving the conversion of weak currency into strong currency & currency derivatives into property.

Inflation is driving the conversion of weak currency into strong currency & currency derivatives into property. submitted by /u/Special_Yam_1174
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"The next billion users to crypto are going to be fee sensitive. Bitcoin Cash is in a great position." - Mark Lamb, CEO of CoinFlex

"The next billion users to crypto are going to be fee sensitive. Bitcoin Cash is in a great position." - Mark Lamb, CEO of CoinFlex submitted by /u/MemoryDealers
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My bank has just heard about the high yield on SmartBCH (some days over 700 CAD a day) and they have decided to step up their game, trying to win me back with a very generous interest payment .

My bank has just heard about the high yield on SmartBCH (some days over 700 CAD a day) and they have decided to step up their game, trying to win me back with a very generous interest payment . submitted by /u/i_have_chosen_a_name
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Coinbase BCH vs Grayscale BCHG

Can someone explain how BCH is up 100% in 1yr on Coinbase but the Grayscale Bitcoin Cash Trust on Schwab is down 87% for the same time period?

submitted by /u/420-doobie
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BCH House Venezuela Shows Real Cryptocurrency Adoption in First Documentary – Bitcoin News

BCH House Venezuela Shows Real Cryptocurrency Adoption in First Documentary – Bitcoin News submitted by /u/minitoxin
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Using xPub to view all transactions. Go for it or don't do it?

I am trying to put together something to keep track of my BTC transactions and balance and I getting confused by the xPub address a bit. I keep hearing "never expose your xPub to a third party" and I am wondering if the act of using an API call or something like a search using the xPub is technically sending out that xPub to a third party. Are there any issues using this for this purpose? I feel like apps and other services have to be using this, but I can't seem to figure that out.

submitted by /u/das-jude
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Wednesday 1 December 2021

Who's paying to spread lies?

Who's paying to spread lies? submitted by /u/user4morethan2mins
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Between MistSwap and BenSwap, which do you prefer?

I'd like to know your opinion

submitted by /u/AzizAnsari33
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Simple question

How is this community so cool? Seriously.

submitted by /u/Lucky_Meaning2897
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Starting Dec 1, My Company Can Start to Pay People In Bitcoin

I run a small business. In my industry, the pay isn't always great. Some projects you get a hit and other times it's a hard miss. You'd think with all the work we do, the amount of hours, days and weeks committed to servicing a project, the pay would be better. Our industry is a race to the bottom, so it doesn't improve with time, it only gets worse, especially now with inflation starting to pick up. We're not some multimillion dollar business, but we work incredibly hard to bring quality work to our clients and we just wanted to earn something that would equally represent a fair value trade for our services. The product we produce is going to last a very long time and earning in a dying currency which doesn't even keep its value for a year doesn't seem like an even trade off on the time and effort we put towards the work. So something had to change.

Earlier in the year I experimented on two fronts (1) putting Bitcoin on the balance sheet and (2) accepting Bitcoin as payment for projects. It's been a game changer for us.

Everyone, from my accountants, employees and clients were skeptical at first. I had to coax our clientele by offering serious discounts if they paid in Bitcoin, but it paid off. It paid off because we've seen a bit more capital growth/appreciation which has allowed us to expand the team and acquire new equipment during rallies.

In the middle of the year, I took on the experiment of learning how to live on Bitcoin. Part of the reason was to see if it was feasible as a means of payment, how to use it in the day-to-day with all its plusses and minuses, and to be able to help onboarding anyone who decided to accept Bitcoin as their means of payment. It's been a real education, but what I've learned has been incredibly valuable that my admin and accountant team have a much better appreciation for what Bitcoin is doing to our economy as a whole. We're still early, but I was in one of the MicroStrategy workshops and as they put it, "we're still early. How we use Bitcoin today will create the policies of tomorrow."

We haven't worked out all the kinks yet, but we're in a good position to start issuing payments in Bitcoin, whether they want a portion of their pay or all of it, come Dec 1.

Been working with the local small business chamber and government bodies too to help other small businesses learn to accept Bitcoin (both on-chain and on Lightning).

Not really sure where else to share the excitement considering that in my field, what we're doing is kind of a first and I still get the occasional eye-roll from my peers.

Heard you Sat Stackers were a good place to share this kind of news with.


submitted by /u/FalconPunched007
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