Monday 13 December 2021

Bitcoin will outperform the entire crypto space soon. Who else thinks this is a plausible theory.

There are two types of people in this space, those here to change the world by supporting the advancement of sound money and sound finance for the modern age, and those that are trying to get rich quick.

I see so many people complain bitcoin was the worst performing crypto asset of 2021 and that has made them abandon bitcoin to spray 100 small bets at 100 different projects hoping to hit a 1000x return in a few months. They have left the mission of sound money to try and get rich quick.

What if this is a natural mechanism to separate the people that believe in sound money from the get rich quick crowd. Inflation is rising, Interest rates are rising, we are closer than ever to the start of the great global debt crisis of the 2020s. This will cause many asset classes that are reliant on debt and speculation to crash while sound money and scarce commodities rise. This would imply the speculative side of crypto would get hit hard along with bitcoin initially, but bitcoin being the hedge against a financial crisis that it is would eventually go on to become the single best performing asset on earth in the face of a financial crisis worse than 2008.

Everyone currently abandoning bitcoin for alts in order to try and get rich quick will get poor fast, and everyone who stayed true to the mission of sound money for the world will be on the right side of this trade. This is a natural mechanism that rewards those who believe in the mission of sound money and punishes those trying to use this space to just get rich quick. Like Michael Saylor says, "right now everyone is overestimating alts and underestimating bitcoin", I think he may be proven very correct.

submitted by /u/slvbtc
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As of December 12th 2021, 90% of all Bitcoins have been issued. Only 10% have yet to be mined.

Stats according to

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