Monday 17 January 2022

“Greedy billionaires” don’t cause inequality - the central bank does. Thoughts?

“Greedy billionaires” don’t cause inequality - the central bank does. Thoughts? submitted by /u/tstark02
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BTC Project Dominance Dropped to 37% ... again 📉

BTC Project Dominance Dropped to 37% ... again 📉 submitted by /u/Egon_1
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How does BCH counter transaction malleability?

In case of Bitcoin (BTC), they adopted Segregated Witness (SegWit). What I think is that BCH devs have solved the problem of transaction malleability on BCH chain too. But what approach dod they follow? Also wanted to ask: Is BCH really centralised due to low number of full nodes running? (what I think is that if BCH has adjustable blocks, so each block would only occupy the amount of size of transactions in it, not 32 MB everytime. So running a BCH node should be easy. But there exists only about 1500 BCH nodes running today in total, idk why)

submitted by /u/Nervous-Inspector-14
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Made me lol

Made me lol submitted by /u/YllFigureItOut
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Made me lol

Made me lol submitted by /u/YllFigureItOut
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Ukraine Demonstrates How Bitcoin Can Transform Developing Countries

Ukraine Demonstrates How Bitcoin Can Transform Developing Countries submitted by /u/RonTate
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Bitcoin Sin City Weekend! March 3-6th

Bitcoin Sin City Weekend! March 3-6th submitted by /u/Themuzzman
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Sunday 16 January 2022

Whats the difference between mining and running a node

Explain it to me like im 5. Additionally can you earn coins from running a node?

submitted by /u/BBC_POV
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HOW CAN ANYONE NOT TAKE 7% INFLATION SERIOUSLY??? If you think the US dollar can't collapse overnight, THINK AGAIN!! Anyone who has read the book "The Mars Hypothesis" knows exactly what is coming and it is not good. Lookup "The Mars Hypothesis" on Amazon

submitted by /u/thedowcast
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Bitcoin and taxes

I dont use BTC to invest, i make transactions. Alot of them. Doing this keeps me from paying taxes(sales tax) on the items. But thats not the reason i do it. The question is, If i buy 10,000 USD in Btc in a years time(not investing) Do i receive a penalty on my tax return, or will the irs be up my ass?

submitted by /u/Reasonable-Yoghurt14
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Never trust, always verify

Never trust, always verify submitted by /u/chaintipfan
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