Saturday 26 February 2022

Canada’s “frozen” Bitcoin on the transfer regardless of draconian measures

Canada’s “frozen” Bitcoin on the transfer regardless of draconian measures submitted by /u/Robert-Kenneth508
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Senator Ted Cruz Reads Letter To The Ontario Superior Court on Bitcoin | Nunchuk Wallet

Senator Ted Cruz Reads Letter To The Ontario Superior Court on Bitcoin | Nunchuk Wallet submitted by /u/Bitcoin__Hodler
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Gov. Abbott to Blame for Billions in High Electric Prices, Former Grid CEO Says

Gov. Abbott to Blame for Billions in High Electric Prices, Former Grid CEO Says submitted by /u/Devils_doohickey
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Hope and expectations

I am the proud owner of a few hundred Bitcoins mined back between 2010-2012 when we dreamed of Bitcoin ruling as currency. I never looked up their price and will probably not sell them unless I get desperate.

However, since I am a curious person. I put 500USD evenly on BTC and ETH two days ago by opening an account at Coinbase. Since putting in that money, I am unable to stop checking their price, for fear that I may lose that pocket change.

In the end, it is all about expectations. If I cannot stop checking, will sell my tiny stash in a week or two.

Life is all about expectations.

submitted by /u/MowglisDad
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Ukrainian central bank suspends electronic cash transfers, bolstering the use case for crypto

Ukrainian central bank suspends electronic cash transfers, bolstering the use case for crypto submitted by /u/OliveChatty
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More Than 50,000 $TANGO Burned 🪗🔥

More Than 50,000 $TANGO Burned 🪗🔥 submitted by /u/IanBlas
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Friday 25 February 2022

Ukraine Military Group Receives $400,000 in Bitcoin Donations in One Day: Report

Ukraine Military Group Receives $400,000 in Bitcoin Donations in One Day: Report submitted by /u/TobiHovey
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It's Never About Democracy. It's About Domination.

It's Never About Democracy. It's About Domination. submitted by /u/manauiatlalli
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Why I hodl even harder as I watch yet another despot lash out for power

If things really go to shit? If bombs start dropping? If you need to flee your home? Cross a border as a refugee?

Where do want your wealth? Real estate? Land? Stocks?

For me, hodling has had side benefits, but it’s not about making money. It’s about the profound power of the network. It’s about having untouchable liquidity anywhere in the world, no matter what happens.

It’s so strange to me that the price goes down at the precise time all my instincts say to convert more assets to Bitcoin.

submitted by /u/SouthfieldRoyalOak
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why stonks truncated

why stonks truncated submitted by /u/binary_memes
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Lightning Labs (developers of LND) trying to kill open source and hijack the protocol

There has been recent upheaval within the lightning community about the behavior of Lightning Labs

First, @L0laL33tz raised the issue that Lightning Labs was associating with the World Economic Forum and others who are behind the Great Reset plans. Here are the main threads.

Opening salvo, Clarification, Doubling down

This all seemed fishy, but then things got worse: many open-source developers came out in the open, airing out frustrations they have had with Lightning Labs over the way they have been engaging in the open-source space. The short version is that LL has been using the tried and tested “embrace, extend, extinguish” policy towards killing open-source.

EEE’s playbook is to enter product categories involving widely used standards, extending those standards with proprietary capabilities, and then using those differences in order to strongly disadvantage its competitors.

Here are the main tweets: From ACINQ, RustyTwit and BlueMatt (bonus)

We need to root out Lightning Labs, stop using LND, and move towards alternative implementations like C-Lightning.


EDIT: Been asked to highlight the responses from Lightning Lab. First, most of my twitter links are to threads, where responses are included. But if those are insufficient, you can also access a compilation of responses in this comment thread. Thanks to shleebs for compiling.

I do encourage everyone to do their own research, and it is 100% reasonable to wait for the dust to settle before making up your minds. With that said, I have made up my mind about LND, and will continue to push against using this implementation.

submitted by /u/100_Jose_Maria_001
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Merchant adopting but not sure how to proceed. Help is appreciated

I am opening a store. I want to be able to accept BCH. Only crypto if that were feasible!. I also want to be able to pay my bills to institutions that don't take BCH. What is the best procedure? Accept it, switch to usdc and then use it to pay bills?

submitted by /u/bushy_eyebrows_100
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The Kyiv independent is asking for Bitcoin donations. They are good journalists. They need and deserve help.

The Kyiv independent is asking for Bitcoin donations. They are good journalists. They need and deserve help. submitted by /u/cryptening
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