Saturday, 15 September 2018

Dogecoin Price: Another Uptrend Seems Imminent as Community Remains Optimistic This article was originally posted on The Merkel - with a dedicated cryptocurrency news section and also a variety of educational articles relating to Bitcoin, [...]

Dogecoin Price: Another Uptrend Seems Imminent as Community Remains Optimistic
This article was originally posted on The Merkel - with a dedicated cryptocurrency news section and also a variety of educational articles relating to Bitcoin, [...]

from Crypto News Monitor | The #1 Cryptocurrency News Source

3 Ripple Updates You Might Have Missed This Week This article was originally posted on Ethereum World News - an independent news provider covereing Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin dApps, start-off ICO’s and the whole Blockchain [...]

3 Ripple Updates You Might Have Missed This Week
This article was originally posted on Ethereum World News - an independent news provider covereing Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin dApps, start-off ICO’s and the whole Blockchain [...]

from Crypto News Monitor | The #1 Cryptocurrency News Source

CityCash ICO Is Live, Cryptocurrency Converts Coins Into Other Currencies

Users to convert their ICO tokens into other kinds of digital currencies within their wallet.

The public sale for CitiCash is already live and the hard cap of the coins has been set at a value of 130,000,000 CCH. Meanwhile, the ICO token will be able to seamlessly convert into coins of other types going forward.

The company claims that the entire emission of the offerings can reach up to a whopping one billion in the initial two decades. Thereafter, around one billion coins will be available for crypto mining.

The CitiCash digital currency has been specifically developed to bring an end to the complexities associated with cryptocurrencies. It will enable all to enter into the digital money in a hassle-free manner.

CitiCash can be used for making everyday payments within as well as outside the cryptocurrency space. The token can utilize a debit card that enables its users to make online payments using the CitiCash cryptocurrency in their wallet. The token can be used to purchase items from retail stores as well as make payments for food products from outlets or restaurants.

The company also plans to include advanced features enabling users to convert their ICO tokens into other kinds of digital currencies within their wallet. Apart from storing coins to use them later, it is also possible to use the wallets for receiving or sending CitiCash coins.

The coin uses a technology called the RingCT to ensure maximum security and anonymity, Bitcoin Exchange Guide reported. The technology makes sure that a user’s identity and personal details are virtually obscured from fraudsters.

Cryptocurrency For Everyone

CitiCash will ensure that all its users get a chance to use the currency in both the real as well as the crypto world. It has been developed by a Czech team and can be used for both online and conventional shopping.

There is no doubt that its future ability to convert into other types of cryptocurrencies that will have a major impact on the ICO token. The development team aims to ‘unblock the Blochain’ to provide the users a simpler and smarter solution, Coinspeaker reported. 

The post CityCash ICO Is Live, Cryptocurrency Converts Coins Into Other Currencies appeared first on OWLT Market.

from OWLT Market

The Daily: Bitfinex Building Decentralized Exchange, Bitpanda Adds Zcash This article was originally posted on Bitcoin News - delivering news related to the Bitcoin network from multiple locations around the world. For more follow [...]

The Daily: Bitfinex Building Decentralized Exchange, Bitpanda Adds Zcash
This article was originally posted on Bitcoin News - delivering news related to the Bitcoin network from multiple locations around the world. For more follow [...]

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A Decade on Since the Banking Collapse, Has Anything Been Learned? This article was originally posted on Trustnodes - a trusted site covering numerous topics related to cryptocurrency and a great selection of news and editorial [...]

A Decade on Since the Banking Collapse, Has Anything Been Learned?
This article was originally posted on Trustnodes - a trusted site covering numerous topics related to cryptocurrency and a great selection of news and editorial [...]

from Crypto News Monitor | The #1 Cryptocurrency News Source

ऑनलाइन गैंबलिंग ऐप को निशाना बना रहे हैकर

आनलाइन गैंबलिंग ऐप पर टिकी हैं

क्रिप्टो ट्रेडिंग प्लेटफार्म को नुकसान पहुंचाने के बाद हैकर्स की नज़र अब आनलाइन गैंबलिंग ऐप पर टिकी हैं। हाल हमें एक कैसिनो ऐप से करीब 25000 ईओएस कॉइन्स चोरी होने का मामला प्रकाश में आया है। साइबर विशेषज्ञों का कहना है, की हैकर्स ने खास सोर्स कोड के माध्यम से इस घटना को अंजाम दिया और कॉइन्स की चोरी की। हैकर ने ईओएसबीट के ज़रिये मुख्य गेम खाते में एक लिंक भेजकर संचालित किया, जिसने बाद सेफ्टी गेट को भेदा गया और गेम की कमाई को हैकर के अकाउंट में एंट्री की इजाजत मिली।

25000 ईओएस कॉइन्स चोरी

इओएस बेट डाइस नामक ऐप जो की ऑनलाइन कैसिनो में खेलने का मौका देती है, इसे निशाना बनाया गया और 25000 ईओएस कॉइन्स चोरी कर लिए गए। हैक शक्रवार रात हुआ था, और लक्षित ऐप को ईओएसबीट डाइस कहा जाता है, जिसे ईओएसबीट कैसीनो नाम की एक कंपनी द्वारा चलाया जाता है। ऐप उपयोगकर्ताओं को क्लासिक डाइस गेम [वीडियो] के हिस्से के रूप में ईओएस क्रिप्टोकरेंसी भुगतान की शर्त देता है। एक रेडडिट उपयोगकर्ता ने देखा कि एक ईओएस उपयोगकर्ता नामक एब्बडडिफ ने ईओएसबीट डाइस के साझा मनी पूल से बड़ी रकम को हस्तांतरित कर लिया है।

ज़ेडनेट के अनुसार ऑनलाइन गैंबलिंग व्यापार में ईओएसबीट कैसीनो नामक कम्पनी काफी महीनो से सक्रीय है और रोज़ाना बड़ी संख्या में आनलाइन गैम्बलर को खेल का मौका देती है। लेकिन हैकिंग के बाद अस्थायी रूप से कम्पनी की तरफ से गेमिंग को रूक दिया गया है। हालांकि तर्क दिया जा रहा है, की साइट पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित ही और तकनीकी कारणों से ऐसा किया गया है। जबकि क्रिप्टो ट्रेंड के मुताबिक कुछ दिनों पहले ही वेबसाइट को अन्य अपग्रेडेड डाइस के साथ खिलाड़ियों के लिए पेश किया गया था। लेकिन सुरक्षा के कमज़ोर स्तरों के चलते हैकर्स ने इसका फायदा उठाया और घटना को अंजाम दिया।

The post ऑनलाइन गैंबलिंग ऐप को निशाना बना रहे हैकर appeared first on OWLT Market.

from OWLT Market

Almost $240,000 Worth of EOS Tokens Stolen In dApp Smart Contract Hack This article was originally posted on Ethereum World News - an independent news provider covereing Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin dApps, start-off ICO’s and the whole Blockchain [...]

Almost $240,000 Worth of EOS Tokens Stolen In dApp Smart Contract Hack
This article was originally posted on Ethereum World News - an independent news provider covereing Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin dApps, start-off ICO’s and the whole Blockchain [...]

from Crypto News Monitor | The #1 Cryptocurrency News Source