Saturday, 15 September 2018

Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund India Ultra Short Term Fund Suspends All Subscriptions Temporarily

Motial Oswal Trustee Company Limited Decided To Temporarily Suspend All Subscriptions Of Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund India Ultra Short Term Fund

Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund India Ultra Short Term Fund temporarily suspends all subscriptions, with effect from September 17, 2018.

The investment objective of the Motilal Oswal Ultra Short Term Fund scheme is to produce optimal returns reliable with moderate levels of risk and liquidity by investing in debt instruments and money market instruments.

The Open-ended Ultra Short Duration Debt scheme was launched in September 2013 and is benchmarked against the CRISIL Ultra Short Term Debt Index. The scheme will invest 100 percent of its assets in debt instruments and may also invest 100 percent in other securities except for equity instruments.

The minimum initial investment amount of the Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund India Ultra Short Term Fund scheme is 500 Rupees. The face value of the scheme is 10.00 Rupees per unit, and the fund size is 991.81 Crore Rupees.

The AMC offers the scheme with both Regular Plan and Direct Plan with Growth and Dividend Options.

The fund house has appointed Mr. Abhiroop Mukherjee as the fund manager of the scheme since its launch in September 2013.

Mr. Mukherjee has worked with PNB Gilts Ltd. Mumbai, before joining the Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company. He has completed B.Com from Calcutta University and PGPBF (Finance) from National Institute of Bank Management.

The NAV (Net Asset Value) of the Open-ended Ultra Short Duration Debt scheme of the Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund as on September 14, 2018, is 13.5318 Rupees. The Expense Ratio for the Ultra Short Term Fund scheme is 0.89 percent.

The AUM (Asset Under Management) of the Motilal Oswal scheme is 995.10 Crore Rupees, according to The Economic Times.

Motilal Oswal Trustee Company Limited, the Trustees to Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company, has decided to temporarily suspend all subscriptions/ switch in application of the Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund India Ultra Short Term Fund scheme, with effect from the above-specified date, according to KJMC.

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Blockchain To Form Basis For Next-Generation Insurance Offerings

Insurance Blockchain To Make Business More Trustworthy

Blockchain technology is almost everywhere and now insurance blockchain is also making a lot of waves. Savvy investors are already investing billions in the research and development of this technology. Latest studies reveal that around $1.3 billion capital is being invested in blockchain ventures and startups in 2018.

Coming to the insurance sector, the complexity of the industry has really discouraged the consumers from investing in its products. Only a very small plurality of consumers now trusts the insurance companies which can be a big threat for the industry in the years to come. That is where blockchain-based solutions can make a huge difference.

A French multinational insurance group, Axa SA is now coming up with Fizzy blockchain technology– a based insurance product that will offer consumers parametric and automated insurance policies. The policies will provide insurance coverage to airline flight delays by adding the policy to the blockchain ledger platform in the form of a smart contract. The blockchain supported system monitors, the global flight data in real-time. In the case, a flight is delayed by two hours or more and it will eventually trigger an automatic payout.

This evolving insurance blockchain technology eliminates the human element, and thus, the trust equation is automatically nullified. Incidentally, once the variations for the exact deployment of this system are formed, then it would lead to the next-generation insurance offerings. According to Benzinga, blockchain is already making a big progress at all the fronts in the insurance markets. That is why legacy insurers are now coming up with more automated and exacting products using blockchain as the base.

According to Lexology, blockchain is a new technology in the insurance sector that serves as an incorruptible digital ledger keeping a virtual record of all the transactions and data. Since blockchain can store and maintain a large number of records and data on its decentralized platform including electronic cash and physical assets as it is becoming extremely popular among the insurance companies.

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Top 3 Most Powerful Tools for Ethereum Smart Contract Developers This article was originally posted on The Merkel - with a dedicated cryptocurrency news section and also a variety of educational articles relating to Bitcoin, [...]

Top 3 Most Powerful Tools for Ethereum Smart Contract Developers
This article was originally posted on The Merkel - with a dedicated cryptocurrency news section and also a variety of educational articles relating to Bitcoin, [...]

from Crypto News Monitor | The #1 Cryptocurrency News Source

Cyprus Securities Watchdog Launches Blockchain Innovation Hub This article was originally posted on Bitcoinist - one of the leading sources for information about Bitcoin, digital currency and blockchain technology. With one of [...]

Cyprus Securities Watchdog Launches Blockchain Innovation Hub
This article was originally posted on Bitcoinist - one of the leading sources for information about Bitcoin, digital currency and blockchain technology. With one of [...]

from Crypto News Monitor | The #1 Cryptocurrency News Source

GoSeedit Reaches New Milestone with over 18 Million in Tron (TRX) Tipped to Date This article was originally posted on Ethereum World News - an independent news provider covereing Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin dApps, start-off ICO’s and the whole Blockchain [...]

GoSeedit Reaches New Milestone with over 18 Million in Tron (TRX) Tipped to Date
This article was originally posted on Ethereum World News - an independent news provider covereing Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin dApps, start-off ICO’s and the whole Blockchain [...]

from Crypto News Monitor | The #1 Cryptocurrency News Source

Stock Market Crash: Due To Lehman Loss, Banking Becomes Boring

Stock market crash as fear Has Made Banking Too Boring

The latest Stock market crash as terrible as the 2008 crisis and the cure could be more awful. After Lehman Brothers fell and the U.S. government ventured to protect the fund from its worst senses, many requested that banking to become “exhausting” once more.

The Basel-III regulations which are following the crisis turned into the reason for much full-scale prudential regulation of banks around the world. Unintended results of new capital adequacy necessities at the residencies related with a venture fund restrictively.

Advanced private- equity and hedge-fund investments speculators might have the capacity to discover their way around a few directions; approach the sorts of advantages that acknowledge serenely and they’re seeing the advantages of worldwide development.

Then, developing countries fronting the requests of environmental change and anxious youthful populations confront strain to put resources into a new green foundation. Since funds are not anymore accessible, however, they’re compelled to depend upon assets or on perilous new sponsors, for example, the People’s Republic of China.

Both the West and the developing world have endured in the outcome. Boring banking due to stock market crash implies that savers in the West are compelled to persevere through much lower returns on their capital than something else.

It’s a great opportunity to recognize this was a mistake. Finance is to be more sure that it was before as per Bloomberg. However, that harmed the world over the long haul more than it’s made a difference. Worldwide finance would have gone out and done its genuine activity — finding and financing gainful tasks in the developing world.

It’s discouraged from tearing opened the black box of hazard incorporating into far-off geologies, and transformed into a zombie segment that depends on a national bank activity or the incidental unicorn for its profits.

According to Business Standard, 2008 was bad because of the stock market crash. In any case, the world without a competent finance, and in this development, is more terrible.

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जैपनीज़ एसबीआई बैंक लांच करेगा नया पेमेंट प्लेटफार्म

जैपनीज़ एसबीआई बैंक जल्दी ही नया ऐप

उपभोक्ताओं को सुविधा देने और भुगतान प्रणाली को सशक्त बनाने के लिए जैपनीज़ एसबीआई बैंक जल्दी ही नया ऐप आधारित प्लेटफार्म लांच करने जा रहा है। इसे रिप्पल के द्वारा संचालित किया जायेगा। जापानी फिनटेक हेवीवेट एसबीआई होल्डिंग्स ने इसे मनीटैप नाम दिया है। नई प्रक्रिया के माध्यम से आसान बैंक हस्तांतरण आवेदन की सुविधा को और अधिक आसान बनाया गया है। उम्मीद जताई जा रही है की दिसंबर 2018 तक इसे लांच कर दिया जायेगा। प्रारम्भिक चरण में आईओएस और एंड्रॉएड दोनों यूज़र्स इसका लाभ ले सकेंगे।

61 जापानी बैंक सदस्यों का संग्रह

मनीटैप ऐप से जापानी ग्राहकों को कंसोर्टियम के माध्यम से “ऑन-डिमांड भुगतान” प्रदान किया जाएगा। इस परियोजना को वर्तमान में जापान बैंक कंसोर्टियम (जेबीसी) द्वारा समर्थित किया गया है। जो एसबीआई होल्डिंग्स और एसबीआई रिपल एशिया द्वारा एकत्रित 61 जापानी बैंक सदस्यों का संग्रह है। इन बैंकों में से कुछ, अर्थात्, भारतीय स्टेट बैंक नेट बैंक, सुरुगा बैंक और रेसोना बैंक प्रमुख हैं। भुगतान मोबाइल ऐप को पूर्ण रूप से व्यवस्थित और संचालित करने के लिए रिप्पल मंच को निर्धारित किया गया है। ऐप के माध्यम से जैपनीज़ एसबीआई बैंक जापान में घरेलू भुगतान की लचीलापन बढ़ाने और परंपरागत बैंकिंग सिस्टम द्वारा ग्राहकों के लिए पैदा हो रही कुछ परेशानियों को समाप्त करने वाले कदम के रूप में देखा जा रहा है।

बिटकॉइन मैगजीन के मुताबिक एसबीआई बैंक जापान और रिप्पल के संयुक्त प्रयास को देखते हुए भुगतान प्रणाली में सुधार की उम्मीद लगाई जा रही है। मोबाइल ऐप मौजूदा बैंकिंग और एटीएम शुल्क को खत्म कर देगा जो वर्तमान में जापान में घरेलू हस्तांतरण पर लागू होते हैं। जिससे उपभोक्ताओं के लिए स्थानांतरण तेजी से और सस्ता हो जाता है। बतौर एथेरियम वर्ल्ड न्यूज़ रिप्पल के ब्लॉकचेन जापान में भुगतान बुनियादी ढांचे में सुधार करेंगे। बैंक कंसोर्टियम के विश्वास, विश्वसनीयता मज़बूती मिलेगी इससे घरेलु और अंतराष्ट्रीय स्तर दोनों पर भुगतान प्रणाली को एक नयी दिशा मिलेगी और सुधार के कार्य भी होंगे।

The post जैपनीज़ एसबीआई बैंक लांच करेगा नया पेमेंट प्लेटफार्म appeared first on OWLT Market.

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