Thursday, 13 June 2019

Reminder: is an awesome place to spend your Bitcoin Cash!

Reminder: is an awesome place to spend your Bitcoin Cash! submitted by /u/MemoryDealers
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Why are people not making a bigger deal out of the first stable coin on BCH? This is historic.

submitted by /u/jonald_fyookball
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Bitcoin Cash Hall Of Fame

The first group of people have been inducted into the hall of fame.

Given that I am extremely isolated in the BCH ecosystem, I am 100% certain that I must have missed out many people or even under-reported the contributions of these folks since I don't know anyone well. Feel free to nominate as many people as you want, not already in the hall of fame and I will put it up over the weekend. I will need the following information.



Please ignore the statistics for Adoption/Development/Mining/Passion as they are not representative of the Hall Of Fame Members contributions. I had to deliberately reduce some values so that not everyone has max values, lol. They will be used for an online multiplayer game later.

submitted by /u/MobTwo
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Willie Wang and Matt Helmer of the Abra product team here to answer any questions about Abra and our new feature allowing users outside the US to invest in stocks and equities using bitcoin (and other cryptos). Ask us anything!

Hello, Willie Wang, VP of Product at Abra here to answer questions you might have about Abra. I’m joined by Matt Helmer, PM at Abra, who will be helping answer questions. We’ll be here taking questions for the next 24 hours to make sure our international friends have time to catch this AUA.

We’ve made some significant product updates to our app — most notably the general release of our latest feature, the ability to invest in stocks and equities using Bitcoin. (Note this feature is only available outside of the US currently.) We’re excited to get feedback from the Bitcoin community about this next use case for Bitcoin...and anything else you’d like to ask us about Abra and how the product works.


submitted by /u/AbraGlobal
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Which Bitcoin Scalability project deserves 5.75 BTC (~$46k)?

Back in 2012 I managed a bounty wallet dedicated to "Bitcoin Pruning", a scalability side-chain concept. The bounty collected 5.725 BTC and was meant to be donated to that specific project, but it never took off.

I'd like to make good use of these coins, and am looking for a suitable project or charity that deals specifically with improvements to Bitcoin's scalability. I am in touch with Anton from Scaling Bitcoin, and perhaps sponsoring that and giving the decision over to the conference's committee might be a good way to make proper use of the funds.

If you have any thoughts on established Bitcoin scalability projects that deserve & need funding please post them on this thread.

Edit: there has been a typo, the amount of money availble is 5.725 BTC and not 5.75 as the title states.

submitted by /u/ripper2345
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Daily Discussion, June 12, 2019

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

We have a couple chat rooms now!

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

submitted by /u/rBitcoinMod
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If my portofolio was a musical piece this would be it

If my portofolio was a musical piece this would be it submitted by /u/mushhhhh
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