Thursday, 11 July 2019

Lots of FUD lately, but here are the facts.

Lots of FUD lately, but here are the facts. submitted by /u/ArrayBoy
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Bought my first bitcoin!

Bought very small amount but oh well. Thanks to the people who told me how to do it

submitted by /u/circle42
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BTC Maxis Are Suffering From Stockholm Syndrome With The Blockstream Core Hijackers

BTC Maxis Are Suffering From Stockholm Syndrome With The Blockstream Core Hijackers submitted by /u/freetrade
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Bitcoin finally gets an ‘A’ from Weiss Ratings

Bitcoin finally gets an ‘A’ from Weiss Ratings submitted by /u/Chrysalisair
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Foldapp Has Now Added Lightning Network Payments

Foldapp Has Now Added Lightning Network Payments submitted by /u/NimbleBodhi
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Introducing Lightning Payments for Starbucks, Uber, Target, and many more - FoldApp

Introducing Lightning Payments for Starbucks, Uber, Target, and many more - FoldApp submitted by /u/thekennethmoon
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Iran just authorized crypto mining in the country

Iran just authorized crypto mining in the country submitted by /u/castorfromtheva
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